Posted by | V.1 How Much Is This Worth? |
Kat Was Here (#17862) Heavenly View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-25 11:39:32 |
Hi there! This thread is for people who want to know how much a lion or item is worth whether it be ranging from a feather to a Hesperantha or a Sun dust base lion to a Mahogany base lion. You may find yourself in a trade where you are for wanting a lot of items that you just HAVE to have. But the owner wants 20GB and nothing less. You need to ask yourself, "Is this worth it?" Here, people can attempt to give each other precise opinions and advice based on personal experiences and given facts. Please note that it will not be exact rarities because items aren't classified as "common" or "rare". So, there are no guarantees that the person you are trading with will see it the same way as the person giving adviceor yourself. So, even if you are just looking to know how much an item or lion is worth, or are trading with someone, this is the place to ask. Good luck :3 Also, if your question gets overlooked, please do not hesitate to repost it*. We'll have it looked at as soon as we can. :3 *Only when your post is on the previous page or farther. - Rules - ~ Please do not spam. If you already know what an item or lion is worth and don't require a second opinion, don't post. We may not see another person's post and might require help or assistance that you don't. ~ ANYONE is welcome here! Yes, that includes you newbies out there. Whether you're a newbie on Lioden or have been here for a long time, you are all welcome to post here for help, don't be afraid or shy! ~ If you want to know how much a lion is worth by either only its markings or only its stats, please specify on your post! We want to answer you as efficiently as we possibly could! ~ You can either ask for how much something is worth or answer someones question, either one is fine! ~ When you do answer, if you could, please reply to the person as: @Example_Person: This item/lion is worth __SB or __GB Using this template is not required, but it is highly recommended to prevent confusion and keep our answers neat. ~ If requesting a price for a lion or beetle, please give us a link to use rather than a name, that way we don't have to search and we can give you an estimate sooner! Well that's it for now! Go ahead and ask, don't be scared! 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 16/07/17 @ 16:24:18 by Kat Was Here (#17862) |
Bilby [project go brrrr] (#22185) View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-25 12:54:45 |
Okay, two questions xD Am I pricing these cubs too highly? Half-Wild Thread I don't feel like I am, but selling is slow so... x.x Also, what would you price this girly I had her auto at 1GB, but I'll likely keep her at this rate x.x 0 players like this post! Like? |
aquariummagic π’ππ (#6029) Maneater View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-25 12:58:09 |
what about this lady and her cubbin? http://www.lioden.com/territory_lion.php?id=1182100 0 players like this post! Like? |
FoxTrix (#31766)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-25 13:00:07 |
Thanks Vulpes! I am now switching them to auctions. I just gotta remember to check the thread :3 0 players like this post! Like? |
.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)
Impeccable View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-25 13:07:33 |
Bilby: Nope, those SB prices are pretty nicely ranged for your thread. Your lady is fairly priced, having her auto at 1GB. Her stats are decent, not too high though, and though she has plenty of nice markings that accentuate her very well, none of them are "popular" if that makes sense? I think these are the only ones that may be considered popular in the game between players at the moment: Slot 3: Dim Black (55%) Slot 5: Dim Onyx (80%) Slot 7: Dark Brown Panther (81%) And even then the Dim's and DBP (mostly DBP) were not quite too popular. But if you do decide to sell her, I think any where between 200SB-500SB would be what you're looking at. Give or take depending on the buyer. _________________________ Aqua: As for your lady, her stats are decent and she has these in high opacity: Slot 1: Lilac Rogue (87%) Slot 2: White Underfelt (100%) Slot 8: Gold Panther (69%) Which is very nice. She really is a beaut. I've seen ladies like her go from 1-5GB so really if you wanted to sell her putting her up for bid I think you'd have a good chance on getting GB if you've got the right buyers. Edit: I forgot to do her baby >.> For her cub Aqua, you've got some nice marking and base color going for you. The babe's got all these: Slot 2: Onyx Cover (100%) Slot 3: Dim Black (25%) Slot 8: Gold Panther (75%) All at pretty good ranges that help accentuate her. And she has Razor mane and she has a decent set of stats, not too high, but her looks may be able to pull her through to a nice 300-600SB, maybe even the 1GB+ range if you bid or find the right buyer. Very beautiful mom and cub <3 _______________________________ Annyyywhoo. I think thats it for me. e^e sleepiness has finally caught up. Hope I helped! 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 25/05/14 by .::VulpesFelis:BBro:OC::.. (#17507) |
FoxTrix (#31766)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-25 13:17:22 |
Aaaand I have no created an auction thread. Do these prices seem fair? For starting bid and autobuys? (Just finally started breeding nice lions, so I'm trying to get a feel of the market.) http://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=88630680000 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 25/05/14 by FoxTrix {CHALLENGE ME!} (#31766) |
Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)
Heavenly View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-25 14:08:05 |
.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)
Impeccable View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-25 20:01:03 |
Fox: those look pretty good c: Kimiko: I wouldn't say their prices are high, but they aren't low either. They're really pretty for having close to, if not, NCL stats. So I think the pricing is fair. 0 players like this post! Like? |
WindHound (#21212)
Scourge of Lions View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-26 01:05:50 |
This Thread is great! Thanks for opening it :) I wanted to ask how much could i get for this Light Cream and this Onyx girls, if I sell them. Thank you :) 0 players like this post! Like? |
.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)
Impeccable View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-26 01:11:13 |
Wind: for the cream girl I'd have to say anything between 200-500SB, give or take. While she has these nice markings: Slot 8: Gold Panther (86%) Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (25%) Only one of them is a high opacity, and she's also cream with a thick mane. I think if you find the right buyer (possibly a naturalist or someone of the sort) you could get a good deal for her. As for your onyx lady, you are pretty set with her. She's onyx which is ridiculously hard to get sometimes (I would know >_>) and she has these very popular markings: Slot 8: Gold Panther (86%) Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (25%) Slot 8: Gold Panther (96%) She doesn't have a great mane style, but I think people may look over it due to her base and markings. So you could probably get anywhere between 300SB-800SB Both girls have decent stats, not too high, but not too low. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Rou (#19434)
Hateful View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-26 03:52:35 |
I'm pretty awful at pricing things, which is why I don't often post things in the market , lol Cubs: http://www.lioden.com/territory_lion.php?id=85797420010 http://www.lioden.com/territory_lion.php?id=85809070000 http://www.lioden.com/territory_lion.php?id=85797420000 http://www.lioden.com/territory_lion.php?id=85823520010 Females: http://www.lioden.com/territory_lion.php?id=66966860000 S. Males: http://www.lioden.com/territory_lion.php?id=72946030000 http://www.lioden.com/territory_lion.php?id=66966840010 0 players like this post! Like? |
Doed (#32367)
View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-26 03:53:33 |
I always let people choose a price. I don't know what I can ask for lions or lionesses and stuff :p 0 players like this post! Like? |
.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)
Impeccable View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-26 04:03:02 |
Bigby: Your cubs have a pretty nice set of high stats, not only that but they have good opacitys in markings that are popular: Slot 2: White Underfelt (44%) Slot 10: Leg Banding Onyx (47%) Slot 6: Lilac Pelage (90%) Slot 4: Black Pelage (62%) Slot 9: Maroon Shell (15%) Slot 8: Gold Panther (98%) Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (86%) (I pulled them from all your cubs listed). That being said, they also have a nice variety of popular eye colors and the new wavy mane and the new banding markings. If you put them up for auction you could get anywhere from 1-5GB for them For flat sale purposes you could get anywhere from 300SB-800SB give or take. ___________________________ As for your female, again, fantastic high stats, and these popular markings: Slot 2: White Underfelt (43%) Slot 3: Cream Undercover (56%) Slot 4: White Rims (100%) Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (46%) Which are at decent, not too, some very high, opacities. If you put her up for autction you could be looking at 3-10GB give or take. I've seen lionesses like her sell fro quite a bit. She does not have a popular mane style (she has thick) but this can be easily over looked due to her stats and markings. ____________________________ Your submales are alright. The fiery is a little low on stats, not too much they are still good, and he has these popular markings: Slot 3: Dim Black (41%) Slot 5: Black Panther (70%) Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (44%) Slot 10: Maroon Coat (42%) All at pretty good opacities. So. He has a nice popular razor mane and a nice eye color. I see him selling anywhere from 200SB-1GB. Your heavy maned male has an excellent set of stats and has this popular marking at a high opacity: Slot 4: White Rims (100%) But..he has a heavy mane which I rarely see in lioden :/ and he is a bit plane :P But because of his stats he could sell from anywhere between 700SB-3GB give or take. Depends on if you flat sale him or put him up for auction~ 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 26/05/14 by .::VulpesFelis:BBro:OC::.. (#17507) |
Snowlight (#2545)
Evil View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-26 06:50:40 |
Hi I'm looking for some ab prices I could put for these two girls. I also have someone interested in the albino and I don't quite know what to price them at. http://www.lioden.com/territory_lion.php?id=85599780000 http://www.lioden.com/territory_lion.php?id=85599780010 0 players like this post! Like? |
.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)
Impeccable View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-26 07:25:36 |
Snow: Both cubs contain popular markings at high or decent opacities: Slot 1: Cream Underfelt (100%) Slot 2: White Underfelt (58%) Slot 3: Cream Soft Unders (100%) Slot 5: Vitiligo 2 (40%) Slot 6: Maroon Sable (100%) Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (51%) Slot 10: Vitiligo 3 (100%) Not only that, but their stats are pretty high. not very, but high enough to make a difference~ The Albion I can see going for 400SB-1-2GB, give or take. She has prime markings and a popular mane style. The maroon has a bit more going for her in the sense that she is maroon based (which is popular) and has vit 1, vit3, and underfelt and undercream which are also highly popular markings. I can see her going for about the same price range maybe a little bit more as in 400Sb-3GB, give or take as well. Of course all of these are just recommendations from what I've seen lions with similar styles sell for c: Hope this helps~ 0 players like this post! Like? |
Snowlight (#2545)
Evil View Forum Posts Posted on 2014-05-26 07:35:46 |