Posted by V.1 How Much Is This Worth?

Kat Was Here (#17862)

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Posted on
2014-05-25 11:39:32
Hi there! This thread is for people who want to know how much a lion or item is worth whether it be ranging from a feather to a Hesperantha or a Sun dust base lion to a Mahogany base lion.

You may find yourself in a trade where you are for wanting a lot of items that you just HAVE to have. But the owner wants 20GB and nothing less. You need to ask yourself, "Is this worth it?" Here, people can attempt to give each other precise opinions and advice based on personal experiences and given facts.

Please note that it will not be exact rarities because items aren't classified as "common" or "rare". So, there are no guarantees that the person you are trading with will see it the same way as the person giving adviceor yourself.

So, even if you are just looking to know how much an item or lion is worth, or are trading with someone, this is the place to ask. Good luck :3

Also, if your question gets overlooked, please do not hesitate to repost it*. We'll have it looked at as soon as we can. :3
*Only when your post is on the previous page or farther.

- Rules -

~ Please do not spam. If you already know what an item or lion is worth and don't require a second opinion, don't post. We may not see another person's post and might require help or assistance that you don't.

~ ANYONE is welcome here! Yes, that includes you newbies out there. Whether you're a newbie on Lioden or have been here for a long time, you are all welcome to post here for help, don't be afraid or shy!

~ If you want to know how much a lion is worth by either only its markings or only its stats, please specify on your post! We want to answer you as efficiently as we possibly could!

~ You can either ask for how much something is worth or answer someones question, either one is fine!

~ When you do answer, if you could, please reply to the person as:
This item/lion is worth __SB or __GB

Using this template is not required, but it is highly recommended to prevent confusion and keep our answers neat.

~ If requesting a price for a lion or beetle, please give us a link to use rather than a name, that way we don't have to search and we can give you an estimate sooner!

Well that's it for now! Go ahead and ask, don't be scared!

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Edited on 16/07/17 @ 16:24:18 by Kat Was Here (#17862)

Mysterious (#5363)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 01:30:10

How much is this boy worth? :)

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shaska (#10801)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 01:37:20
Holy cow. O.o Thank you, I should start up an auction, huh? xD

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TangoAlphaEcho (#4661)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 03:14:24
Hi again XD

How much would this girl be able to sell for?

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 05:11:49
Mysterious: He's cute, but unfortunately has low stats :/

He is a common base (albino) and has common markings, or markings that are not usually highly sought after:

Slot 2: Golden Half (34%)
Slot 3: Cream Belly (62%)
Slot 4: Onyx Smudge (56%)
Slot 5: Black Panther (23%)

The black panther is nice, but would have made a bigger impact if it was a higher opacity.

He has a normal mane style but an exotic eye color.

Based on what I've seen lions like him sell, you aren't looking at much. Mostly anywhere from 50SB to max 100SB, give or take.

I really can't see him going higher for that. You may have someone who pay that much, but I would say it would be overcharging.

Simply because he has low stats, a common base, and common markings.

Shaska: You could always sell them individually if you wanted. But people like buying things of that caliber together, because they of more use to them together :P It would also be more worth their money and while.

No point in spending lots of GB just to win 1 battle for a possible 100+ exp. You know?

It's better to buy all 4 and win 4 more battles. c:
Chlobones: Your lady has a nice set of stats. Not too low, not too high, but very nice. She has a common base ,but some of her markings make up for that.

She has a popular mane style and a good eye color, as well as these popular markings:

Slot 6: Lilac Pelage (95%)
Slot 8: Onyx Panther (48%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (55%)

They are all alright opacities.

With all that together you are looking at anywhere from 200SB-450SB, give or take.

You do have plenty of wiggling room because she is near to 500 sts.

Hope this helped~

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TangoAlphaEcho (#4661)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 21:22:59
Thanks, this is very helpful :D

So... Could you please tell me how much this girl would be able to sell for XD

Thanks again <3

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Ras (#32083)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 21:33:43
how much would be this girl be with her cub?

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-05-31 22:14:39
Chlobones: Of course c:

You can ask as many times as you want to <3

She has a good set of stats, close to 400. She has these popular markings:

Slot 8: Onyx Panther (100%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (96%)

At nicely high opacities. And she's a special base with blue eyes.

Her mane style is normal but she has a pretty enough look and good enough stats to make up for that.

You could probably get anywhere from 200SB-500SB give or take.

I wouldn't venture to say that she's worth being in GB range, but I wouldn't completely cancel it out either. It depends on the buyer, or if you auction her, and how the cub market is doing from day to day.

I'd suggest marketing her to prune lovers to ensure a nice sell.


Ras: she has a good 300+ set of stats and a popular mane style.

She has common markings, a common base, but has a nice eye color.

You are looking at anywhere from 100SB-250SB.

I know the range isn't too high, but that's because although she has nice stats (hence the 100SB+ range) she doesn't have any special markings or a special base color which is really an attraction to buyers.

Hope this helped!

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oceanmist (#30282)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 02:50:18
How much would this guy and this girl be worth?

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 03:06:23
How much would these two be worth? Bit confused with the new stat update, they're out of a 1k mom, and a 1.5k dad.

Prune and White

Also, these 3 fiery males need to get going soon, but no clue if they're worth trying to sell in the market right now :/

Undercover+black panther+vit 1+dorsal line (1.5 k dad, 900 mom)

White underfelt+ gold panther Bit plain, but comes from a 1.8k dad.

underfelt+dorsal line+vit1 May keep this boy still, not sure

Links fixed, sorry about that <:

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Edited on 01/06/14 by Lisim | Cuddle Floof (#32469)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 03:08:18
Geez e-e Sorry. Lioderps.

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Edited on 01/06/14 by Lisim | Cuddle Floof (#32469)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 03:11:46
I hate my internet e-e

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Edited on 01/06/14 by Lisim | Cuddle Floof (#32469)

.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 03:12:14
Bay: Your male has low stats :<

But, he has the very recently popular Siamese Marking:

Slot 1: Brown Siamese (33%)

It's not at a high opacity, but it is still there.
He's a special base but has a normal mane style and a less popular eye color.

That being said he could go for 50SB-100SB, give or take.

It's not too much because of his lacking the more wanted mane, eye color, and higher stats. BUT, there is still a possibility of getting something for him, because he does carry a Siamese marking.

Your lady has near NCL stats and just about everything about her is common buuuuttt..

She has this:

Slot 1: Dark Brown Marble (100%)

And at 100% opacity at that. This definitely helps her worth because it is not something that players can go out and find any longer.

She's worth anything from 80SB-150SB, maybe even a smidge more because of DBM.

She probably won't go for GB range because of her stats being so low, but you will still be able to get something. Especially since that marking is no longer obtainable unless you buy it or have it already and breed it.

Hope this helped!

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venna (#15577)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-06-01 03:26:19

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 03:26:22
Lisim: It's ok lol. It happens to all of us~

As for the cubbins stats (Prune and white) their stats, using the old cub stat calc, are right about where they should be.

Prune cub has a lot goin for her. Nice stats, nice special base, popular mane style, and New mane color. Her eye color is also nice.

Her markings are pretty common aside from BP.

I've seen ladies like her sell from anywhere between 200SB-400SB, give or take.
She's a looker and has decent stats.

White cub has higher stats, which are lovely.
She too is also a looker with the mane and eyes.

She has a common base color, but her look is nice. You can probably get from 200SB-500SB, give or take. Higher range due to her higher stats.

As for your fierys. They all have a decent amount of stats (2 of them having higher stats than one of them)

They all have special markings:

Slot 1: Black Rogue (44%)
Slot 2: White Underfelt (73%))
Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (94%)
Slot 10: Dorsal Line (74%)
Slot 8: Gold Panther (85%)
Slot 6: Lilac Pelage (11%)

(Taken from all 3). Not all are at high opacities, but they do carry them.

Bring all that together and you are looking at 200SB- 450SB for these lions.

Now.. Fiery is a bit more common now than it used to be, and although they are lookers, they don't have 600+ stats, but they aren't NCL stats either.

So you're going to have to look for buyers that need new, or want the fiery lions in their pride, but who can afford their worth in stats. If that makes sense.

Some players may not buy them due to not high enough stats, but there are players who pay good SB/GB for lions who are shiny. c:

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Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2014-06-01 03:27:29
how muc are meat pies worth?

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