Posted by Cubs Chased/Killed - Lioness Heat (Edited)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-05-29 17:31:12
Hi guys.

This suggestion does NOT ask for the lionesses to go into heat immediately after you get rid of all her cubs.
So it is NOT on the rejected ideas list.

1. When cubs are born that you are not satisfied with and you chase/kill them, you still need to wait for 20 days before you can breed your lioness. Whereas in life lionesses who lost their cubs will come into heat faster.

2. The cub market is horrible because even if people breed and get the 'wrong' cubs, they still put these on the market because they feel forced they need to do it, due to them having to wait those 20 days anyway.

3. People want some kind of 'reward' for chasing cubs, making it worth it.

4. Currently breeding projects are near impossible due to the long waiting period, even if the fail cubs are all chased/killed.


My suggestion: if you chase off/kill the whole litter, then the 11 days of nursing should be removed from the lioness' waiting time, and only the rest should be counted. It does not put them back into heat, but will give them the usual 9 days cooldown.

This is not only a good incentive but it doesnt really give any financial or economical advantage to anyone, neither does this encourage mass-breeding to 'get the reward'. Neither will this inflate in price because it has none.

It would also help people with breeding projects. They wish to chase the fail cubs when they get a fail litter and in return they would be able to breed sooner and try again.


It should only work if you chase the cubs on the very first Lioden day they are born. Otherwise you got to wait the 20 days.

This way preventing people from exploiting this feature and putting the cubs on the market first and then chasing them when nobody buys to get the shorter waiting period.


There is however a question:
Wont this give people the chance to mass-produce desired cubs faster and so inflate their prices?

The answer is: No.

With the new genetics and the color groups that the cubs can inherit, the chance that you will get the 'right cub' is still as small as it ever was, if not smaller. The difference will be simply that there will be less cubs on the market because people get the incentive for chasing them off as soon as they can. The people will be encouraged to chase even those cubs that are an 'almost' case to get the perfect cubs instead.

And 'perfect' cubs are few and far between. Plus everyone has different projects.


What do you guys think?

This suggestion has 1214 supports and 8 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/07/17 @ 21:32:13 by Axel (#6627)

DragonSage (#4453)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2013-05-29 17:34:07
I support; such a feature might increase the breeding of lionesses but since all the cubs would have to be chased off for a lioness to come into heat it might mean that "useless cubs" are chased off thus reducing the number of unwanted cubs

Edit to add: I especially support this idea is cub mortality and more realistic breeding costs come into effect

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Edited on 05/06/13 by DragonSage [Raion] (#4453)

WitchWolf (#5939)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-05-29 23:01:34
Full support!

After all, one of the main reasons lions kill off other lions' cubs is exactly that - to force the females into heat again so they can breed with them themselves.

And as far as leaderboards go, I'd say that's the least of our worries - If someone makes it up there by spam-breeding, let them have it. But the idea that only the cubs that make it into their teens should count towards the total solves that problem very nicely so full support for the whole thing.

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Siliandra (#1137)

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Posted on
2013-05-30 02:49:33

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Kiku28 (#13711)

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Posted on
2013-05-30 02:52:53

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mjdstar100 (#11031)

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Posted on
2013-05-30 02:54:08
full support

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Snowlight (#2545)

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Posted on
2013-05-30 07:53:19

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Spotte (#29)

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Posted on
2013-05-30 07:56:18

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jakory (#9961)

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Posted on
2013-05-30 12:53:53
Support ! I've always wondered why we needed to wait longer even though as you said in real life it's different !

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Grimoire (#9446)

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Posted on
2013-05-30 14:55:47
No Support.
While it IS a realistic idea, no doubt, and I approve of your reasons, I am concerned about the fact that clearly, people chase off their cubs because, oh I dont know, say its not a custom color for example, or oh the markings werent good enough for sales. Believe me, I do it ALL the time.
Hence if people are just mass-breeding cubs at an increased rate, this would also increase the rate of nice cubs being born, and drag down the overall market value for nice cubs.
While I openly admit, I would LOVE the chance to re-breed some of my females faster, I feel that this would add on to the ecconomy hurt that studding already has.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-05-30 18:22:24
I myself dont see the problem. Sadly, this is a thing that came with studding, but think about it.
1. If you truly play realistic and dont breed with other males, then the breeding within your own pride (which the game should support) is extremely slow.
2. I myself dont support studding to be a main feature. Too bad that the market went broken. People were begging left and right for such a system, and now they see how bad idea it was. I support the way the game should be originally. Taking care of your own pride, breed your own best cubs. Not studding.
3. It cant do more harm than the studding system, I tell you. Plus trading isnt the main feature either. Just a choice to spend and gain as I was told. Your choice if you want to sell cubs or not.

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Bad Wolf (#1651)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2013-05-30 23:33:37

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Azurea (#12260)

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Posted on
2013-05-30 23:40:59

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Thalassa (#7869)

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Posted on
2013-05-30 23:41:08

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{Asmita} (#6432)

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Posted on
2013-05-31 07:05:28

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Grimoire (#9446)

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Posted on
2013-05-31 08:31:03
Quote: I myself dont see the problem. Sadly, this is a thing that came with studding, but think about it.

Mmm I feel that the problem would be that, the market would become too top heavy with nice stat / nice marking cubs, and thus drag down the over-all value of cubs as a whole.

Example: You have name brand clothes and of course, its counter-balance generic clothes.
The name brand factories have an upgrade and can produce better quality clothes (cubs) at an increased rate, thus increasing the supply (of cubs) going into the market, and as the supply goes up, demand as a whole reduces, because everyone is getting what they want.
Because supply is increasing and demand is dropping, people are being forced to lower their prices on clothes (cubs), which leads the consumer to know they can receive an increased mass of clothing for bottom dollar, which forces sellers to lower their prices even further.

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