Posted by "Blood Of the Wolf" (a feral dog rp)

Lotus -CSS- (#20353)

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Posted on
2014-06-29 03:19:34
-:|β€’|[W E A T H E R]|β€’|:-
giphy.gifstray-dogs.jpg"what happend to us being mans best friend?"
"Why do they treat our brothers and sisters like this,"
"We are all the same!"
"Why do you do this!"

For countless generations dogs have been bred for many different things, like how people use German Sheapherd as police dogs or jail guards, labs to help the blind, hounds for hunting, dobermans, rotwielers to guard families, yet somehow pit bulls where taken from what they where origional bred for and used as pit dogs, fighting dogs, dogs you throw I. Pits to fight and kill each other, some humans abuse these loving dogs, be they big or small, then form the abuse of the humans dogs are out down for there bad temperament but not anymore this age the dogs will abandon humans and take care of each other, and they will show the humans that they are strong with out them, they will continue to grow, be happy and live for them selves! And there kin it's time for the blood of the wolf inside them to finally surface and take back what's there, the lands the forest everything.

Some little dogs though the vary small breeds still stay with the humans as some of the bigger dog packs don't alow them in, and they find it safe to stay with these humans.

( Will link the form to join shortly )

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Edited on 10/07/14 by Hattie (#20353)

Rooob Boob (Clean) (#28243)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 02:31:30
Mila snorted "So no thanks? Wow, ungrateful much?" she called running after the dog. She looked her in the eyes "So what's your name, pup?" she asked, seeing the dog wasn't much younger than her.

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 02:58:43
Buzzard snorted, her tail wavering in annoyance. With brows furrowed, Buzzard bared her ivories. Her fear was soon switching to anger.

"I'm not a 'pup' for your information, and why should you know?"

Buzzard was already in a mood to snap at someone when she was in the pit, and this dog wasn't helping. Buzzard mentally sized the Doberman, noting that she was smaller by one or two inches, yet she was a bit bulkier. Buzzard turned away, tail erect, and high in the air.

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Rooob Boob (Clean) (#28243)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 04:30:21
Mila laughed "Please, a pup isn't in age, it's in wisdom, and you my friend are a pup!" she looked at the dog, lacking bulk. "I wan't to know because I saved you from the life I lived." she snorted "But still following your mummy's rules I see, because you're still a small minded pup." she turned to her hiding and began walking back. She could handle another fight or two, but she didn't want to hurt this dog, there was something familiar about that dog, maybe she was much like how Mila was before she learnt life's harsh truth 'Every Life Has To End, One Way Or Another', no wiser words were spoken from her mother since.

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Whale Biologist πŸ‹ (#35355)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 04:35:02

(Don't 1x1 it guys c: )

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Mask {|Returned from
Hiatus|} (#18537)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-04 04:36:44
((They can't really help it since no one else is posting D:))

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 04:49:25
Buzzard snorted. She couldn't help but form a low growl in her throat. Buzzard hesitated, but soon followed the Doberman stopping her with a small bark. Her eyes locked onto the Doberman's, her expression unreadable.

"So your calling me stupid? And, I'm not following my 'mummys' rules."

Buzzard wanted to turn around, and leave this dog alone, but she didn't want to seem like a weakling. Her growl soon turned louder, and more forward, her hackles raising.

"I suggest you shut your mouth, or keep talking. Keep talking, I'll make sure you don't insult anyone else anymore."

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Rooob Boob (Clean) (#28243)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 05:16:27
Mila barked, an amused expression on her face as she turned to face this 'threat' "Please, I've killed over twenty dogs in my life, not because I wanted to, because I had to, of course. How many lives have you put to rest, child?" her voice became tinted with a hint of a challenge when she spoke the word 'child' "And no, I wasn't calling you stupid, take it from me, being called innocent is good." she smirked turning away, if that dog tried anything, Mila would know. (Can I change Mila's name to Silver?)

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 05:43:08
Buzzard glared at the dog, her muscles tensing at the very second. She wouldn't give up, no matter what.

"First, a child is a human baby, not a dog baby, so I suggest you learn more. Second, I haven't taken any lives, but, I'm not cowardly enough to take on, and kill dogs that are clearly smaller then you. Third, how about you stop trying my patience."

Buzzard ended her explanation with a snarl. She meant business, and would do anything to put this disgraceful creature down. Being a stray for a very long time, since she was born, Buzzard knew all the tricks in the book. Fighting dog or not, this dog would surely go down if this resulted in a fight.

(I guess so. There's no limit in changing anything. Just make sure everyone else knows so there's not confusion.)

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Rooob Boob (Clean) (#28243)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 06:08:02
(K, I'm Changing Mila's Name to Silver!)

Silver laughed "Well, your as annoying as one." she walked of tail held high "And for your information, I took down an adult german shepard at the age of five months, so if you think that you can take me on, go ahead. And you should thank your savior that you were released, or you'd of been killed, cause the other dogs know as well as I do, Every life has to end, one way or another. If we didn't win, our owners would kill us, themselves. So if you think you could survive more then a week as a pit dog, sweet heart, then it's fine by me if you ran on back there, it doesn't matter if your a mutt, stray or a healthy dog wit ha good owner, everyone's going to die at some point, no coward would walk into a pit and live to fight another day, and I'm no coward, because I have no physical scars doesn't mean I haven't nearly died. If you truly knew my life instead of judging me, then you would know!" nearing the end she began to snarl, her teeth bared, even if this 'stray mutt' wanted to hurt Silver, it wouldn't pain her anymore then to take another dogs life. She tore a car tire apart before she was finally calm again "If you truly knew me instead of being a judgement b*tch then you would understand why I took lives, then ask me!" she sat down before resting her head.

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Rat {MM} {NHF} (#36465)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 06:18:14
Wicker jumped out of the front of the truck and exited the dump.

It was slightly chilly, but he didn't mind one bit. He actually enjoyed cold weather, the way his fur would fluff up, and the shivers he would make to keep warm. It was weird, really.

Wicker trotted down the street to return to the dumpster for a quick meal, and finished off his choice of food before going out to look around.

He decided to walk back where Buzzard and him were playing. Wicker enjoyed the place, even though the humans there did have a firestick.

He sprawled out along the grass and rubbed his head along the blades of green. He rolled along his back, relieving a few itchy spots before twisting back to lay on his belly. Wicker curled up slightly and rested his head beside his back feet. In a way he kind of missed Buzzard, she filled his life with action, and made it really interesting.

But she was taken away by humans, and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. Wicker shook his head to rid the thoughts.

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Mask {|Returned from
Hiatus|} (#18537)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-04 06:29:03
^^^^ Five month-old Doberman. I would say that the head/ears come level with the owner's knees, if not slightly lower.

^^^^ Mature German Shepherd.

((Just a tiny difference, Silver. Just a tinyyy bit XD
If you take offense to this, I apologize. The char's interacting with my own have not been responding, and Hattie hasn't logged on to check my newest charries, so I got bored :c))

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Edited on 04/07/14 by Mask *VV*DiDi's*LAWS*NBC*MMF* (#18537)

navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 07:40:00
Buzzard had had enough of this thing. With a snort, Buzzard trotted away, plopping herself down. She wasn't out of view of the Doberman, but was still far away. Groaning, Buzzard layed her head on her paws, trying to figure out what to do. Fight, or walk on? If a fight happened, both dogs where equally eligible to kill one another. Leave, Buzzard could risk being known as a coward. With a small grunt of annoyance, Buzzard glared at the Doberman. Even with the Doberman's skill in fighting, Buzzard had her own tricks underneath her sleeve. Being a stray taught her many things.

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Iamalion {MM} (#36487)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2014-07-04 11:45:09
Melby laughed at Chase. It was funny when he was rambling.
Then, with a small smile, Melby sniffed the human's meat nervously and glanced at Chase. It smelled good, and if Chase says it's good, she'll try it.
She took a little bite and chewed slowly. It wasn't bad, so she went in for another bite. Melby pushed it towards Chase, giving him a turn to eat.

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Rawr 🦁 [5.5k
Clean Ferus] (#14454)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 14:40:06

The bi-colored lab sat down and bit a chunk off if the meat, eating it quickly. It's been a a few days since he ate last, and having the food in his belly felt good.
Digging into the box he pulled out another bag if meat and gave it to Melby. He quickly ate the first meat they opened and liked his lips with finished. "You can take some back to your pack with you." He said. "And I can help you carry some too!" He smiled.

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Panda (#18841)

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Posted on
2014-07-04 16:00:40
ooc: sorry, sorry, me shall post now.



Cracking a small smile, Diablo chuckled a bit and shook his head at the brute's none to subtle hinting. Not saying a word, he turned his back on Kaolan and padded over to the box of food. Sticking his head inside, he pulled out an unopened packet of hotdogs, and tossed it at the pale brutes paws. "Help yourself" he said before reaching into the box once more and retrieving a packet for Silversnip and himself as well.



Eventually, Angel's walker grew tired up the park, and she stood, calling Angel's name once.
"Ah, it seems our time together must come to an end, though I do hope to see you again, as you had made me feel most welcome" she murmured, albeit a bit sadly, looking up into his eyes. "Angel!" the impatient call came again. "Well, until next time monsieur Rookie, au revoir" she sighed, nodding to him before padding off.

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