Posted by [++] Persian Mane

Skulleh[LDC][LL] (#23147)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-28 19:45:26
So... anyone heard of Asiatic lions?

They're a lion subspecies found in Asia, not Africa, and typically have much shorter and thinner manes than an African lion.

Now, I know we have the 'scarce' mane,but that's not really what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a mane that looks a bit more like the adolescent's.. or like in these images:

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As you can see, the mane is much thinner than a normal lion's mane and generally smaller. However, unlike the scarce mane, it still trails down to the chest and back, hanging down a bit.

EDIT: Forgot to mention: The tail tuft. Asiatics have much larger and fluffier tail tufts than African lions ;3

Also, it'd be nice if this mane could also have a bit of fur trailing down the stomach and on the elbows, as that's also an Asiatic characteristic and would look nice. :3

This suggestion has 729 supports and 7 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/01/16 @ 20:09:55 by Xylax (#4)

Metal (#12674)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-29 20:55:24
Just Google the African clawless otter. They very much do live in africa.
But anywho. I kind of like this idea minus for the fact that it be called an asiatic mane. It could very easily be just a generic thin mane that african lions could have. But that's just my opinion

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Jar (J.A.R.V.I.S) (#32460)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 20:57:23
Every gets there opinion... I don't see how they are bullying, but rather disagreeing.

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Brut (#38826)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:02:57
i dont remamber this thread being made into a debate on whether lionden is based on african or asiatic lions?
when does disagreeing then turn into arguing and bullying another player into thinking they are wrong?
and i didnt see anything saying he wanted to know what other players thoughts were in the original post? x

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Edited on 30/07/14 by Brut (#38826)

Santiago (#23473)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:03:52
I actually support this idea!

It would be interesting to see lions with Asiatic manes. African lions or not it makes no difference to me. If we are able to add in wavy, barbary or razor manes then what's the harm of adding in an Asiatic style mane? It would bring something new to Lioden.

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Jar (J.A.R.V.I.S) (#32460)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:06:23
I would've thought everything was open to anyone's opinion unless they stated they didn't want it... I don't understand what you're saying? You're saying they were bullying? I said they are disagreeing?

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Skulleh[LDC][LL] (#23147)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:06:59
Um, Brunt.. I'm a guy. XD

Anyway; Metal, didn't really know about them, sorry. o3o When I think of otters I think of coastal. XD

And my suggestion was just a mane that looks like the mane of an asiatic lion. XD It doesn't actually have to be called an "Asiatic Mane".

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Jar (J.A.R.V.I.S) (#32460)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:08:48
Short mane? xD

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Skulleh[LDC][LL] (#23147)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:12:58
Scruffy mane? XD

It does look kinda scruffy-looking. Or..

Scarce 2 mane? We have vit 1 and vit 2, why not Scarce 1 and Scarce 2? XD

Orrr... Thin Mane... uhh..

That's all I can think of XD

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Brut (#38826)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:13:43
im brut xD lol and sorry i didnt realize id refered to you as female, whoops!
my point is just that some poeople squash other players ideas with their own. and its not necessary. giving out an opinion is one thing, repeatedly going on about how another players idea is wrong is another.

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Skulleh[LDC][LL] (#23147)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:16:21
I mean, I wouldn't mind if I was suggestion something completely wtf like winged lions or a shit ton of new features that would be impossible or extremely hard to implement, would affect the game in a negative way, etc... but a mane style?? XD

Such as some of my other threads, the removing limited studding, new lion body types, etc. I let those go because the people opposing it had actual VALID reasons as to why it'd be a bad idea, so I gave those ideas up. Sort of. I gave the limited studding one up, but I still would like new body linearts eventually... o3o

But still. Point is, I pretty much stopped pushing for that stuff cuz people had actual, valid reasons. But no one's giving real, VALID reasons as to why this mane idea is a bad idea, which is why I'm still pushing it because their reasons don't make sense. :3

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Edited on 30/07/14 by KikazaiTheLion (#23147)

Bilby [pm on #22185] (#22017)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:17:00
Lisim, you got to the african otter pics before I did! xD

Guys. Calm yo' shit.

I would say that the game is African-based, as suggested by all the artwork, NPCs items and the lore of the game, but there's not been anything completely one way or the other by the devs, and I'm not going to presume to say it xD

On the other hand, yes, you do come off as kinda aggressively defensive ^^"
I get that typing often doesn't show the tone of voice well, and you've said that, but I'm just mentioning it ^^"

I don't overly care for the mane style, but hey, whatever floats your boat. I'll just avoid studs with it, same as sideburn lol xD

Edit: Boy am I late to this discussion lol xD

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Edited on 30/07/14 by Whimsy [3/20GB] (#22017)

Brut (#38826)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:17:19
silly double post

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Edited on 30/07/14 by Brut (#38826)

Brut (#38826)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:18:55
anyhow, i have to go dry MY big black mane lol. might have to go rant somewhere else, totally hijacked your post with my hormonal woman ranting, sorry kik lol but hope you get what your after x

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Skulleh[LDC][LL] (#23147)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:22:59
Yes, Whimsy, I will admit, I do get aggressively defensive at times. I'll admit that. I do have a problem with it. I don't mean to be that way, nor do I want to be, things I say just come out that way when I don't mean them to. |D

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 21:36:38
Actually, Asiatic lion mutations might be interesting, as well o3o Asiatic lions have a spine hidden in their tail tufs that the use of is unknown.

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