Posted by [++] Persian Mane

Skulleh[LDC][LL] (#23147)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-28 19:45:26
So... anyone heard of Asiatic lions?

They're a lion subspecies found in Asia, not Africa, and typically have much shorter and thinner manes than an African lion.

Now, I know we have the 'scarce' mane,but that's not really what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a mane that looks a bit more like the adolescent's.. or like in these images:

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As you can see, the mane is much thinner than a normal lion's mane and generally smaller. However, unlike the scarce mane, it still trails down to the chest and back, hanging down a bit.

EDIT: Forgot to mention: The tail tuft. Asiatics have much larger and fluffier tail tufts than African lions ;3

Also, it'd be nice if this mane could also have a bit of fur trailing down the stomach and on the elbows, as that's also an Asiatic characteristic and would look nice. :3

This suggestion has 729 supports and 7 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/01/16 @ 20:09:55 by Xylax (#4)

Jordan (#1891)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-29 10:11:37
The game is set in Africa. That does not mean that it has to be called "LioAfrica." Some markings are not realistic, but that is completely different from taking them from somewhere halfway across the world.

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AshesEcho (#14392)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 10:11:44
I thought the Scarce mane was based off Asiatic Lions.

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Sootsprite (#28010)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 11:51:36
Kikazai... All the animals and decor and everything here is based from African Animals . Put aside all the custom decors and unnatural bases/markings it's based off of African animals and African lions .

It doesn't matter what it's called, it's still set in Africa where Asiatic lions wouldn't be .

Before you bring in the realism bit think about it , would you honestly play the game if everything was bland and natural and we had one mane choice, 3 tops markings, and maybe 3 eye colors ?

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PlaguedRuby (#26260)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 11:56:53
@Kikazai Lioden also has a sort of lore to it where the special bases come into play. Take this month's event for example. The celestial base has to do with Apedemak and that sort of stuff. Just because it's "unrealistic" doesn't mean it doesn't fit into the lore of lioden. I just don't see how you'll make that work with Asiatic lions vs African lions though.

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Skulleh[LDC][LL] (#23147)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:06:02
I'm not saying to make an actual asiatic lion species in-game. I'm saying, just a mane type BASED on asiatic lions. A /mane/ that /looks/ like an asiatic lion's /mane/. NOT an actual asiatic lion.

There are some African lions with manes like that, too. It's not that unrealistic to give Lioden's lions an Asiatic-type mane. JUST a mane.

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Drongo (#35082)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:06:19
To be fair, no one is asking in this post that the line art be modified from the standard.

I personally don't see the harm in adding a mane-type based on the Asiatic lion's typical mane.

I don't see having the variation is going to cause any issues to the game. As said, I've never yet seen a lion with a wavy mane, for example. Not that I don't like the option, but I don't see how adding a variation of the mane is suddenly going to change the game or the lore.

Besides, we have people writing out that their lions have wings, are gods, from another planet, and already Asiatic lions...

Giving the option for another mane won't destroy immersion, I don't think?

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2nd🌺*Frozen* (#10309)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:08:54
I like this idea and would love for this mane to be implemented. They aren't asking for too much, just another mane option~<3

It's not as if they are asking for horns, wings, or something crazy. Will a new mane style really throw Lioden too off?

What about Siamese? That is definitely something not found on lions and yet it's one of my best sellers XD

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Edited on 29/07/14 by Bastet (L.A.W.S.) (#10309)

Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:09:00
Seems neat~
Don't understand everyone fighting over where LioDen is based, it has its own lore and gravity to situations.(For example, we a suddenly confronted with a lio god who makes Zimbabwe and gives out lions from his harem) in my mind, LioDen may be BASED in Africa, but it is its own little realm with similarities to it ;3

We have scarce though, so on the fence on the topic itself.

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PlaguedRuby (#26260)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:09:15
@Kikazai You don't have to be so aggressive with your wording, I understand what you want, but as I keep saying I just don't really think it would fit. That's my own personal opinion on it though.

@Drongo I never said it'd cause issues, it just doesn't make any sense to me really. And the lore doesn't really have anything to do with what players want their lions to do/be...

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Skulleh[LDC][LL] (#23147)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:16:36
I'm not being aggressive, I'm emphasizing certain words to make people understand what I mean.

@Cat, I actually dislike the scarce mane. A lot. x.x In my opinion, it looks ugly and nothing like an asiatic mane.

What I'm talking about is something like.. Not a fully developed African Lion mane, but something thinner and more 'scruffy', that goes down to the chest and back, not just the neck, and kinda hangs a bit. Also, elbow fur and some of the mane trailing down the stomach. Also, a much larger tail tuft, as Asiatics have larger tail tufts than those of normal lions.

In other words, now that I think about it, Scar. From TLK. His mane is similar to an Asiatic lion's. Not quite, but similar.

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:19:49
Hmm. Your kind wording is slowly changing my mind c:

Plus you used a Scar reference, and everyone loves a Scar reference ;D

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Sootsprite (#28010)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:23:00
I like the idea but my response was to him saying "This is Lioden not "LioAfrica" .

I like the idea but the wording in his responses and such... It just puts me off a bit and seems aggressive most of the time .

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Seria(main) -
|Cel.20m Smilus| (#3299)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:24:02

I don't see why so many people are making a big fuss over petty little things on here in the first place. Just stop, either way this is a fairly nice suggestion, and I believe that those lions look absolutely adorable! I think it would be an adorable addition to the game, but it's not completely necessary, but nor were all the other mane types. ^^

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|LAWS|COF|NBC| (#26412)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:25:06
I'd support this if it was supportable.

I use wavy as I feel its the closest in the way it frames the face and just tell myself "some asiatic lions do have wave to their manes". Its at least closer than scarce in my opinion, just ... longer.

Love asiatic lions. They are a bit smaller and sadly the pure version (The fuller maned ones on the internet are crossed with African lions) is more rare than the siberian tiger in terms of numbers. They live almost exclusively in India's gir forest now and have a much more limited gene pool due to just how small the population is.

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PlaguedRuby (#26260)

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Posted on
2014-07-29 12:26:30
@LittleMissKitty People are allowed to have their own opinion on things. If you don't want your idea criticized/given feedback on, then don't post it. It's rather rude saying "just stop" when we are just providing our own opinions which will in turn possibly help the original poster maybe fix their idea a little or reword it differently.

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Edited on 29/07/14 by PlaguedRuby (#26260)

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