Posted by Shifting Spirits|Role Play

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 14:45:05

Shifting Spirits

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A warm mist surrounds your body, masking the scents of the forest. You feel cold, despite the beaming morning sun. Suddenly, a crackle of leaves sounds behind you and you whirl around to see a...... a tribe of humans staring expectantly at you. "Welcome to the Forest of Shifting Spirits." The voice seems to be all around you as if the whole forest is speaking but yet it just comes from one of the humans before you. "You are one of us. Your spirit longs to be one of the Others. An animal lives deep inside of you and it urges to be set free." All you can do is stare in bewilderment as the humans in front of you start to change. A voice speaks in your mind, "We are one." This time however, the voice seems oddly familiar yet you've never heard it before. With a shudder you realise that this is what they were talking about. Your spirit is more that you ever imagined.

(Original Rp idea by RainWatcher (#40211)
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This is the Star Stones. Where the Shifters gather to share their newfound spells, talk or just hang out. The way to get here is by following the Lake Path to its end and you will come across the Star Stones. This is where all "Tribe" meetings are held.

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The Lake Path where most Shifters often like to swim. This is the main route to the Star Stones and the Forest Village where the Shifters live. There are many different types of fish living in this lake and some Shifters even like to hunt in their animals forms in the lake.

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These are the houses in which the Shifters live, commonly referred to as the "Forest Village." Each Shifter lives in their own house but more often Trainee Shifters will live with their Teachers. All the houses are connected by rope bridges and there are stairs and ladders leading up to each of them.


~No perfect characters, godmodding or power playing.
~Lioden Rules apply.
~Please keep swearing to a minimum.
~3+ sentences. Please be literate. If you don't speak fluent english please don't join.
~Do not kill, seriously injure or hurt another character without their owners permission.
~Feel free to cause drama but don't do it all the time.
~Every Shifter studies an element of magic but the White Magic Shifters specialise in lots of different types of magic and shifting. (Your shifter must know some sort of magic but doesn't have to ever have any involvement in it if that is what you wish.)
~Only past tense writing please. 1st Person or 3rd person are ok.
~Check to see what animals are already taken. Only one type of a certain animal. No double ups!
~Fade to black only if mating, birthing is ok.
~Be nice to everyone!
~Shifters have only ONE animal form so choose wisely. You can't change it!
~Put your favourite number in Other if you've read the rules.
~Trainee Shifters are Shifters that have not yet discovered their animal form. Once they can shift as they please they will move to their own house and begin to study magic.
~When Posting please put at least "Name|Gender|Species|Rank." It just makes it easier to follow. You may add more detail if you wish.
(Any more suggestions? Feel free to say them!)


~Rowan St. Claire|Male|Black Bear
Leader's Mate:
White Magic Shifters - (FULL):
~Avon Cornwell|Male|Golden Eagle - Trainee: Arya
~Electra Tatum|Female|Dhole
White Magic Trainees - (FULL):
~Arya Hardwicke|Female|Snow Bengal - Teacher: Avon
~Hikaru Ichor|Male|Elk - Teacher: Electra
Full Shifters:
~Maina Laasya Kepaldia|Female|Red Panda
~Evianna Vera Kaat|Female|Caracal - Trainee:
~Kate Patricks|Female|Snow Leopard - Trainee: Crevan
~Leigha Valkens|Female|Swan - Trainee:
~Abigail Millen|Female|Tigon - Trainee:
~Glacia Mari|Female|White Tiger - Trainee:
~Luxian Shulte-Fawn|Female|Melanistic Barn Owl - Trainee:
~Mason Jones|Male|Red Fox - Trainee:
~Vic Fuentes|Male|Otter - Trainee:
~Ryan Ross|Male|Amur Leopard - Trainee:
~Xanie Atwood|Male|Icelandic Horse - Trainee:
~Riker Dangoush|Male|Platypus - Trainee:
Trainee Shifters - (No More Trainees Than There Are Full Shifters):
~Tavani Joyce|Female|Serval - Teacher: Maina
~Vixine Malliou|Female|Giant Fox Bat - Teacher:
~ Hally Faulkner|Female|Cooper's Hawk - Teacher:
~Feliks Volkov|Male|European Pine Marten - Teacher: Xanie
~Crevan L'Amour|Male|Racoon - Teacher: Kate
~Marcos Windike|Male|Long Tailed Widowbird - Teacher:

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Edited on 05/06/15 by Lia-Lin - {Flaming Lions} (#36246)

Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-05-31 06:57:17
Maina Kepaldia|18|Female|Red Panda|Full Shifter (Mason Jones)

Maina smiled. "Awesome." She shifted shortly after he did, giving herself a shake to get used to her form. As a red panda, her senses were much different; smell for example, was enhanced, but her sight wasn't as sharp, and it was a much different perspective. "You're on!" She squeaked, flicking Mason lightly with her tail as she took off.

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-31 07:40:28
{Just a reminder that all Shifters know one type of magic but White Magic Shifters know many. Trainee Shifters are yet to start learning magic. They do that when they discover their Animal Form.}

Avon Cornwell|18 Years|Male|White Magic Shifter|Golden Eagle

Avon glared at the tourist, his mouth fixed in a sly grin. "So, what are you doing with that Phoenix scroll?" His voice was challenging but yet calm and soft.
"What's it to you? I bought the scroll! It's mine!" Avon raised his eyebrows at the man who was starting to act childish.
He fixed him in a cold, hard stare. His blue eyes flashed the golden of his animal form and the man's mouth dropped. "What..... are you?"
"The scroll is mine. Understand?" Avon was running out of patience for this Human and luckily the man dug out the Phoenix Spell, threw it at Avon and ran. He leaned down and, ignoring the stares from the other tourists, placed it on the counter beside the Fire Burst Scroll. The Shopkeeper just shook his head at Avon and placed the Scrolls in a bag.

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Edited on 02/06/15 by Lia-Lin - {Flaming Lions} (#36246)

KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-05-31 07:51:18
School time starting now, rest of you have fun. I'll just make Kate interact with someone when I come back :P))

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-05-31 07:52:46
Wynter l l Female l l Leader's Mate l l Wolf

Bored from the lack of activity in the Stones,she ran onto the Lake path, Wondering why she heard shrieks from people that saw her, she growled. "Would you shut up!" Until she realized she was in her wolf form and was just snarling and making people even more scared of her. She whined, waling up to a little girl she had scared, licking her cheek. The child's reaction was unalarming, but the mother screamed and took her foot, which was attached to a heel, and kicked her in the ribs. Wynter whimpered and let herself fall to the ground, hoping it'd make the mother think she was severely hurt and go away. Instead of her intentions, she felt herself turning back into a human. 'Oh god.' Is all she thought, saying a quick spell to make everything go in slow motion except for herself. She quickly reversed the transformation and dove into the lake, her paw pads thrusting heavily to keep herself from touching the bottom as the mother and child began to go in full motion again.

(I know they all of one use of magic, but can they use different spells? Or is what Wynter did not suppose to be like what they do.)

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Edited on 31/05/15 by ~Dreamer~ (#58710)

Hanthony (#61722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-05-31 08:18:13
Crevan L'Amour = 23 = Male = Racoon = Trainee Shifter

"Do I look like I have a job," Crevan answered barely clasping onto the scroll thrown his way by Arya, he fished around in his front pocket before pulling out a couple of different colored coin purses. These were left over from the last time he had visited, he had found a small pink one on the ground, a blue bejeweled purse on a roof, but most of them were taken from the pockets of oblivious tourists or bothersome locals. He opened them and looked at the shiny coins inside,"This should be enough to fund an adventure."

((@Lia-Lin, are scrolls used just by the white magic shifters, or all full shifters?))

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-31 08:41:30
{@Dreamer - Yeah, basic spells are ok for them to have a few of like the slow time one. Elemental magic they only study one type but they can study different spells.
@Galaxy - All Full Shifters use Scrolls but White Magic Shifters use more of them more often.}

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Sunrise {Triple
rosette} (#57686)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-05-31 10:27:03
Arya .::.Snow Bengal .::.Female.::. White Magic Trainee

(Oh my goodness, that is so typical of a raccoon to take xD)

"Well, come on then," I smile and take him by the wrist, care-free now that one of my largest problems was solved by some extra coins, and begin to run. "If we run fast enough we might make it to go some fresh Danish donuts from Sugared Sweets!" My mouth begun to droll from the thought of the fruit in the middle.

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2015-05-31 10:41:37
Leigha Valkens|22|Female|Swan|Full Shifter (Vic Fuentes)

Leigha looked at the fish that Vic was holding. Even though she had recently eaten breakfast, her fly to the pond had drained some energy. Her stomach growled, telling the otter she would take it, which she did. Leigha took the fish in her bright yellow beak and leaned her head back, swallowing the lifeless creature. "Why are you being so nice to me?" The shifter wasn't quite used to kind attitude towards her and was kinda in shock.

Mason Jones|19|Male|Red Fox|Full Shifter (Maina Kepaldia)

Mason gave a quick smile before he took off after Maina. Being a fox, he was naturally very fast and past the red panda with ease. "Catch me if you can!" He may be 19, but Mason was definitely someone who didn't always act mature. Taking quick breaths, the fox soon reached the lake and turned to watch Maina catch up.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-05-31 11:24:44
Maina Kepaldia|18|Female|Red Panda|Full shifter (Mason Jones)

Mai wasn't too peeved when Mason passed her by on the run. She raced after him, and when he stopped at the lakeside, skidded forwards to him. Mai lay down, panting a little, and wrapped a paw around one of his forelegs. "Caught you." She huffed playfully, only half-feigning her temporary exhaustion; red pandad were build for climbing, not running.

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-05-31 11:50:42
Vic Fuentes l l Male Full Shifter l l Otter l l Leigha Valkens

He smiled as she ate it, his body swirling in slow circles, his head not moving, which sort of made a funny appearance. Shrugging, he dived under the water, returning seconds later with a small fish of his own. "I guess it would be nice to have a friend to talk to every now and then. Plus, you're the only one in the lake, and you seem interesting. I've actually never seen a swan before." He laughed lightly, tilting his head lightly as he observed the animal's figures. "A creature of pure beauty, I see. Better than those cursed geese, always stealing my fish." He pouted lightly, but a smile was visible on his face.

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-31 13:30:12
Feliks Volkov | 16 | Male | European Pine Marten | Trainee Shifter

Feliks figured he'd head up to his house to clean up and get ready for the day. Because Feliks always felt he needed to make things more difficult than they should be, he climbed back up the tree he came and once he was high enough- jumped onto the bridge between two houses, his and his teacher, Xanie's. Feliks wasn't the handy type, but he'd managed to make a few changes to his living area by adding in more windows to let in light and to feel more connected to the outside. He went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water cascading over his body relaxed his muscles and it took everything to not stay in there all afternoon. After he'd dried himself off, he changed into jeans and a T-shirt, which was simply and he saw no reason to show off. Besides, his functional clothing took more wear and tear than anything fancy.

He combed out his hair and slipped on his shoes. I'm really running late this morning. I hope no one minds... I still do worry about sad and my brother though. I just want them to stop looking for me if they still are. But... On the other hand, it wouldn't be bad to just visit. But I don't know how my tribe members would like that. He thought to himself. He looked into the mirror, wondering what animal his spirit was attached to it. And why was it so difficult to shift? Would he be something typicsl like a mouse, or would he be a large, fierce predator. As much as he didn't like to admit it, a mouse was closer to his personality than anything. As much as he wanted to know what his animal was, he hoped it wasn't anything lame.

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2015-05-31 13:30:32
Mason Jones|19|Male|Red Fox|Full Shifter (Maina Kepaldia)

"Nice race. A bit unfair, but just as fun," he panted. Mason laid down beside Mai, catching his breath. He turned to the red panda. "How's your morning been so far? I forgot to ask." The fox look at his leg to see Maina's paw and laughed quietly. He curled his tail around his hind limb.

Leigha Valkens|22|Female|Swan|Full Shifter (Vic Fuentes)

"Well, uh, thanks..." Leigha was slightly less comfortable around Vic, but still kept at a distance. A normal person would have taken that statement as a compliment, but this swan showed no emotion to his words until he mentioned the geese, which brought a small smile. Leigha hadn't smiled in a long while and soon, the expression vanish from her beak. Although, Vic's attitude was clearly friendly, the shifter couldn't help but feel cautious. What if he's tricking me? Leigha looked away from the otter, not wanting to make eye contact.

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Lion Tamer (#48364)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-31 14:39:21
Xanie Atwood || 25 || Male || Icelandic Horse || Full Shifter

Xanie was woken by a dull thud. Propping himself up with his elbow, he checked his clock. How is it already noon, he thought. He got up lethargically, taking a quick shower, and then going out his door to see what had woken him. He saw Feliks, his trainee, walking out of his house. "Hey, Feliks! I was wondering where you've been." He smiled warmly, then said, "Where are you off to?"

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-31 15:00:30
Feliks Volkov | 16 | Male | European Pine Marten | Trainee Shifter | -> Xanie Atwood

Feliks quickly averted his eyes away when Xanie opened the door and greeted him. Despite him learning under Xanie's lead, Feliks still felt a little awkward around him. He tried to mock his confidence by leaning up against the rope railing, which only ended in him grappling it to regain his balance after he almost fell backwards. "I slept in the trees last night. It's more peaceful there." He said softly, his Russian accent rolling out. He'd never really gotten rid of it, even when he tried hard to do so. "I wasn't planning on doing anything today... Unless there's something you need me to do." He said, for a split second, meeting his instructer's eyes.

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Lion Tamer (#48364)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-31 15:27:10
Xanie Atwood || 25 || Male || Icelandic Horse || Full Shifter

Xanie sensed Feliks' unease, and felt a little guilty. By know, Xanie should have realised that Feliks was more of the timid type, and shouldn't be so in-the-face. But at least it was just Feliks and Xanie; Xanie wasn't offended, whereas others wouldn't be so empathetic.

"I used to sleep in unusual places too; I slept in the paddocks whenever I was on the farm," he replied kindly, and with a small grin. Xanie, wanting to have the chance to connect with Feliks, said, "Come inside, I'll make you something to drink if you would like. Then, perhaps we could go to the Stones to meditate. It helps for you to communicate with your inner voice."

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