Posted by Shifting Spirits|Role Play

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 14:45:05

Shifting Spirits

Not a Shifter yet? Join here before posting on this thread!

A warm mist surrounds your body, masking the scents of the forest. You feel cold, despite the beaming morning sun. Suddenly, a crackle of leaves sounds behind you and you whirl around to see a...... a tribe of humans staring expectantly at you. "Welcome to the Forest of Shifting Spirits." The voice seems to be all around you as if the whole forest is speaking but yet it just comes from one of the humans before you. "You are one of us. Your spirit longs to be one of the Others. An animal lives deep inside of you and it urges to be set free." All you can do is stare in bewilderment as the humans in front of you start to change. A voice speaks in your mind, "We are one." This time however, the voice seems oddly familiar yet you've never heard it before. With a shudder you realise that this is what they were talking about. Your spirit is more that you ever imagined.

(Original Rp idea by RainWatcher (#40211)
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This is the Star Stones. Where the Shifters gather to share their newfound spells, talk or just hang out. The way to get here is by following the Lake Path to its end and you will come across the Star Stones. This is where all "Tribe" meetings are held.

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The Lake Path where most Shifters often like to swim. This is the main route to the Star Stones and the Forest Village where the Shifters live. There are many different types of fish living in this lake and some Shifters even like to hunt in their animals forms in the lake.

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These are the houses in which the Shifters live, commonly referred to as the "Forest Village." Each Shifter lives in their own house but more often Trainee Shifters will live with their Teachers. All the houses are connected by rope bridges and there are stairs and ladders leading up to each of them.


~No perfect characters, godmodding or power playing.
~Lioden Rules apply.
~Please keep swearing to a minimum.
~3+ sentences. Please be literate. If you don't speak fluent english please don't join.
~Do not kill, seriously injure or hurt another character without their owners permission.
~Feel free to cause drama but don't do it all the time.
~Every Shifter studies an element of magic but the White Magic Shifters specialise in lots of different types of magic and shifting. (Your shifter must know some sort of magic but doesn't have to ever have any involvement in it if that is what you wish.)
~Only past tense writing please. 1st Person or 3rd person are ok.
~Check to see what animals are already taken. Only one type of a certain animal. No double ups!
~Fade to black only if mating, birthing is ok.
~Be nice to everyone!
~Shifters have only ONE animal form so choose wisely. You can't change it!
~Put your favourite number in Other if you've read the rules.
~Trainee Shifters are Shifters that have not yet discovered their animal form. Once they can shift as they please they will move to their own house and begin to study magic.
~When Posting please put at least "Name|Gender|Species|Rank." It just makes it easier to follow. You may add more detail if you wish.
(Any more suggestions? Feel free to say them!)


~Rowan St. Claire|Male|Black Bear
Leader's Mate:
White Magic Shifters - (FULL):
~Avon Cornwell|Male|Golden Eagle - Trainee: Arya
~Electra Tatum|Female|Dhole
White Magic Trainees - (FULL):
~Arya Hardwicke|Female|Snow Bengal - Teacher: Avon
~Hikaru Ichor|Male|Elk - Teacher: Electra
Full Shifters:
~Maina Laasya Kepaldia|Female|Red Panda
~Evianna Vera Kaat|Female|Caracal - Trainee:
~Kate Patricks|Female|Snow Leopard - Trainee: Crevan
~Leigha Valkens|Female|Swan - Trainee:
~Abigail Millen|Female|Tigon - Trainee:
~Glacia Mari|Female|White Tiger - Trainee:
~Luxian Shulte-Fawn|Female|Melanistic Barn Owl - Trainee:
~Mason Jones|Male|Red Fox - Trainee:
~Vic Fuentes|Male|Otter - Trainee:
~Ryan Ross|Male|Amur Leopard - Trainee:
~Xanie Atwood|Male|Icelandic Horse - Trainee:
~Riker Dangoush|Male|Platypus - Trainee:
Trainee Shifters - (No More Trainees Than There Are Full Shifters):
~Tavani Joyce|Female|Serval - Teacher: Maina
~Vixine Malliou|Female|Giant Fox Bat - Teacher:
~ Hally Faulkner|Female|Cooper's Hawk - Teacher:
~Feliks Volkov|Male|European Pine Marten - Teacher: Xanie
~Crevan L'Amour|Male|Racoon - Teacher: Kate
~Marcos Windike|Male|Long Tailed Widowbird - Teacher:

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Edited on 05/06/15 by Lia-Lin - {Flaming Lions} (#36246)

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-06-05 13:38:49
Avon Cornwell|18 Years|Male|White Magic Shifter|Golden Eagle

Landing back at his house, Avon shifted back into his human form and grabbed his scrolls from the ground and pushed open his sliding front door. He made a beeline to his back door and pulled it open, the two fire scrolls clutched in his hand. The White Magic Shifter walked onto his back deck, real grass covering its otherwise stone surface. He placed the scroll on a holder that sat in the middle of the deck. In a small container attached to the wall was an almost completed fire potion. Avon took it out of the container and placed it in front of the opened scroll. He sat on the grass, crossing one leg over the other. Staring intently at the scroll, he read the words at the bottom of it. "Φωτιά καταπιεί αυτήν την άγονη γη και να ανάψει τα δέντρα κάτω από το χέρι μου ." Almost immediately the fire potion lit up and was engulfed in tiny flames. Avon took the still flaming potion, ignoring the searing pain on his hand, and poured it into a type of "stamp." The heat of the potion was lessening and that made Alran work quicker. He took the "stamp," pressed it onto his left hand and yelled, "Φωτιά αναφλέγονται !" For a moment his hand was engulfed in blazing flames as the potion had been before the mark the stamp had made vanished and took with it the fire.

(~Φωτιά καταπιεί αυτήν την άγονη γη και να ανάψει τα δέντρα κάτω από το χέρι μου - Means - Fire engulf this barren land and ignite the trees beneath my hand.
~Φωτιά αναφλέγονται - Means - Fire ignite!)

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-06-05 14:07:06
Electra Tatum| White Magic Shifter| Dhole| Nobody

Electra had managed to find a tree to sit in while she waited. She was laying down on a low-hanging branch, one of her arms dangling off the edge. Everytime a tourist passed by she'd throw a stick at them before using her illusion powers so that they couldn't see her, but after a while laughing at their stupid expressions became boring. "I'm so bored." She groaned. "I'd even be happy to see Vic's brother at this moment." Noticing she was talking to herself she put a hand over her mouth. 'I'm gonna die.' She thought with a dramatic sigh. Since she had nothing to do, she began to climb higher into the tree, she was surprisingly good at climbing trees while in human form.

(Sorry if this is a lame post, I wasn't sure what to type.)

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Edited on 05/06/15 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-06-05 17:44:17
(Don't mind me, just introducing my character.)

Hally Faulkner|15|Female|Cooper's Hawk|Trainee
She simply couldn't focus. It eluded her how a splash of water could trigger it, but not her own will. Hally sighed, giving up on trying to shift. It was important to practice, but this was not only ridiculous, it was useless too. Walking out of her room and exiting the bungalow, Hally looked down, wishing she could make her way by flying instead of having to take the stairs. Grumbling about her failed attempts, the girl descended, deciding to take a walk to clear her mind. She enjoyed strolling beside the Lake Path. It soothed her, physically and mentally. Her shoulders ached from batting her wings all the time, and for some reason a hike always took away the pain. Being but a fledgeling, she'd yet to learn the proper techniques of flight. Heck, she still had to master becoming one with her bird. It was all to much to think about right now, and the girl smacked her head to get rid of all her troubling thoughts.

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Edited on 06/06/15 by HawkfeatherTheHottie-5 days (#36223)

RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 15:00:26
Leigha Valkens|22|Female|Swan|Full Shifter (Vic Fuentes & Ryan Ross)

Leigha blinked at him. She thought about his words, how she'd done terrible things... very terrible things. "I wish it was that easy." The shifter didn't make eye-contact. "The things I've done can be left unsaid, I just don't think I could delete them from my memory so quickly and easily." Leigha looked up to see Vic's face, looking right into his dark eyes. This made her blush as she noted how handsome he looked and the shifter looked down again.

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Crumbinatr (Maki) (#43022)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-06 15:55:23
Opening his eyes slowly, he looked to the lady. "Uh.. I guess.." He seemed dumbfounded at first as if he had no clue to who or where was he. Standing from where he laid he stretched, his eyes a violet color glanced around before looking to Arya once again, awaiting her to lead the way, due to him sleeping a while, he forgotten the paths.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 22:58:36
Electra Tatum| White Magic Shifter| Dhole| Ryan Ross

Electra decided to go find Vic and Ryan, since she decided that her head would explode from boredom if she didn't. She shifted into a dhole and climbed down from the tree, hopping from branch to branch. She followed Vic's scent to a donut shop and peered into the window, still in dhole form. She saw Leigha blushing at Vic and snickered. 'Shouldn't you give those lovebirds some alone time. Plus, I'm quite sure you don't want to stay there to watch them make goo-goo eyes at eachother.' She communicated telepathically to Vic's brother, smirking at him playfully. She watched him carefully, awaiting a reaction.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 04:22:35
Maina Kepaldia|18|Female|Red Panda|Full Shifter (Mason Jones)

Mai smiled, inhaling the auromas of the restaruants through her nose. "Mmm... I understand why. It all smells so good!" Glancing around, she couldn't tell what came from where, but she had eaten from some of those places before. "So, any place in particular you want to eat at?" She asked, turnin her head to look at Mason.

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 04:23:32
Vic Fuentes l l Full Shifter l l Leigha Valkens

He shrugged, chewing on a nail from the nervousness he had. "Well, as long as /I/ don't know about it, I think you're fine." He shrugged lightly, taking the last bite of his treat and wiping a napkin over his mouth. He glanced at Ryan, seeing he still had an entire doughnut to finish. He turned his head back to Leigha, instantly meeting eyes with her. He glanced away, leaning back onto the bench with a light smirk, seeing her blush. "What?" He asked with a faint smile, headphones wrapped around his neck. "Is it something I said?" He added quickly.

Ryan Ross l l Full Shifter l l Electra Tatum

He shook his head lightly as his brother spoke. He was about to take a second bite of his doughnut when a voice reached his ears. He furrowed his brows, looking around. It was a female, so he leaned forward to the nearest girl in the room. "What? I missed that." He said, expecting a response. But what he got was a confused, baffled look.
"What the hell?" He widened his eyes at her surprise. "What are you talking about? Who are you." She asked.
"I.. You just... Uh.... Well.. You just... You just spoke to me... And I missed... What you, uh, said...." He stuttered, looking around. "Well, I must be confused. Uh, please, uh.. Continue." He said, face bright red as he turned back to the others, avoiding eye contact with Vic as he heard him burst out laughing. He made sense of the words, lightly frustrated as he realized someone had put them in his head. He looked around, eyes meeting with the female he'd saw earlier, Electra. "Hey, Vic, your 'pal' just tricked me!" He furrowed his brows lightly, muttering a few words he'd memorized in a scroll. The instant he said them, around Electra were little flames, slowly growing bigger and bigger until they surrounded her. What she didn't know was that these were like any other flames, and gave off heat, but they would not burn you unless you were to touch them for more than a minute.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 09:01:16
Electra Tatum| White Magic Shifter| Dhole|Ryan Ross

Electra watched as Vic's brother leaned towards a girl, who gave him a confused look. She shifted back into her human form as she watched him, bursting out laughing at how confused he was. When she saw that he had noticed her, she smiled innocently and waved at him. Seeing a fire forming around her, she jumped back in shock. She turned her head to see that when she had jumped back she had accidentally put her hand in some of the fire behind her. It was warm, but didn't burn. She raised an eyebrow at Ryan. 'Looks like I underestimated you. That was actually kinda cool.' She said to him telepathically.

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 11:42:51
Leigha Valkens|22|Female|Swan|Full Shifter (Vic Fuentes & Ryan Ross)

"No, no. Nothing. It's just... uh, nothing." Leigha excused herself from the table to throw her trash away, however it was mainly to hide the roaring red that had flushed her face. She took a deep breath and relaxed, returning to the table. Her eyes moved to Ryan before going back to Vic. "Um.... what now?"

Mason Jones|19|Male|Red Fox|Full Shifter (Maina Kepaldia)

"Why not a Deli? I may have lived in the village my whole life, but I haven't the slightest idea of which place is which." Mason laughed. His nose twitched for a second as smells of meat filled his nose. "I believe it would be over here." He paused. "Although I could be wrong."

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 12:06:36
Vic Fuentes l l Full Shifter l l Leigha Valkens

He shrugged. "Uh.. I dunno." He said quietly. "We could go back to the pond, go to a different restaurant, get some more treats, or... I don't know, whatever you... You want to do." He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head and clearing his throat. He glanced at Ryan. "Sure.. Ok, Ryan, I don't really have any 'pals'." He sighed, looking back to Leigha. He clenched his jaws nervously and twiddled with his fingers.

Ryan Ross l l Full Shifter l l Electra Tatum

He smiled, watching as her hand was still in the fire. 'Ohh, thats gonna hurt.' He said to her, trying to remember basic spells from the countless scrolls he'd read. He smiled. 'Underestimated or not, I would watch out. I don't let anyone off the hook /that/ easily.' He laughed, watching as the flame began to actually engulf her hand. He tilted his head lightly. 'What is it with you damn White Magic Shifters?' He asked, lightly shaking his head. He began to like speaking telepathically.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 12:18:40
Maina Kepaldia|18|Female|Red Panda|Full Shifter (Mason Jones)

Maina laughed. "Don't worry, neither do I." She inhale deeply again, nodding. "I believe your right. Although, if we're wrong, it'll probably be good anyway." She smiled, starting to walk towards the indicate building. As they got closer, she could read the sign confirming tht it was indeed the Deli, and was able to smell its food much clearer.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 14:18:39
Electra Tatum| White Magic Shifter| Dhole| Ryan Ross

Electra smirked. 'Well I'm not done with you either.' She said with a snicker. Using her illusion powers she made herself invisible only to Ryan, and the used a dark wall to protect herself from the fire, but her hand still got a little burnt. She walked inside the shop and sat down on the seat beside Ruah, making herself visible to him again. "Hey." She said casually, smiling innocently at him again.

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 16:48:20
Avon Cornwell|18 Years|Male|White Magic Shifter|Golden Eagle

Avon climbed the ladder that led to the top of his house. The place where the mark had vanished into his hand still slightly glowed, the indication of a newly completed ritual. He lifted himself onto the smooth roof and gazed out across the forest. A soft rain was beginning to fall but it wasn't enough to dampen his spirits.
He looked down at his feet and whispered, "Summon air."
Immediately, light blue lines began winding themselves across his left hand to form an "Air" symbol. He waved a hand in an arc above his head and the rain stopped falling onto him. The magic had formed a bubble of clear air around him. Avon smiled contently before muttering, "Air Shield, remain. Recall air. Summon fire." The air symbol vanished and was replaced by the new, flickering red fire symbol. He grinned and placed the tip of his index finger on his forehead and stretched his thumb to his chin so that his palm was facing to his right. Avon murmured the words to the only fire spell he knew. "Fire, Brand." He took his hand away. Running down the middle of his face was an ash coloured mark.
The White Magic Shifter grinned and put his two hands together. "Time to see what this Phoenix spell does."

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2015-06-08 01:54:42
Leigha Valkens|22|Female|Swan|Full Shifter (Vic Fuentes)

Leigha noticed Vic's awkwardness, but wasn't sure how to help. She stood, "The pond seems nice. Do you think anyone is there? I'd rather not be around alot of people." Leigha looked around as more people entered the store, probably for the afternoon rush. Her gaze soon returned to Vic, but she didn't make eye-contact.

Mason Jones|19|Male|Red Fox|Full Shifter (Maina Kepaldia)

Smiling, Mason opened the door the building, holding the door for Mai. "M'lady." He said, bowing. When she was inside, Mason stood straight and walked towards the front of the shop, staring at the menu. "It all looks so good. I think I'll go with a normall chicken sandwich. Chicken is my favorite."

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