Posted by Shifting Spirits|Role Play

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-05-30 14:45:05

Shifting Spirits

Not a Shifter yet? Join here before posting on this thread!

A warm mist surrounds your body, masking the scents of the forest. You feel cold, despite the beaming morning sun. Suddenly, a crackle of leaves sounds behind you and you whirl around to see a...... a tribe of humans staring expectantly at you. "Welcome to the Forest of Shifting Spirits." The voice seems to be all around you as if the whole forest is speaking but yet it just comes from one of the humans before you. "You are one of us. Your spirit longs to be one of the Others. An animal lives deep inside of you and it urges to be set free." All you can do is stare in bewilderment as the humans in front of you start to change. A voice speaks in your mind, "We are one." This time however, the voice seems oddly familiar yet you've never heard it before. With a shudder you realise that this is what they were talking about. Your spirit is more that you ever imagined.

(Original Rp idea by RainWatcher (#40211)
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This is the Star Stones. Where the Shifters gather to share their newfound spells, talk or just hang out. The way to get here is by following the Lake Path to its end and you will come across the Star Stones. This is where all "Tribe" meetings are held.

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The Lake Path where most Shifters often like to swim. This is the main route to the Star Stones and the Forest Village where the Shifters live. There are many different types of fish living in this lake and some Shifters even like to hunt in their animals forms in the lake.

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These are the houses in which the Shifters live, commonly referred to as the "Forest Village." Each Shifter lives in their own house but more often Trainee Shifters will live with their Teachers. All the houses are connected by rope bridges and there are stairs and ladders leading up to each of them.


~No perfect characters, godmodding or power playing.
~Lioden Rules apply.
~Please keep swearing to a minimum.
~3+ sentences. Please be literate. If you don't speak fluent english please don't join.
~Do not kill, seriously injure or hurt another character without their owners permission.
~Feel free to cause drama but don't do it all the time.
~Every Shifter studies an element of magic but the White Magic Shifters specialise in lots of different types of magic and shifting. (Your shifter must know some sort of magic but doesn't have to ever have any involvement in it if that is what you wish.)
~Only past tense writing please. 1st Person or 3rd person are ok.
~Check to see what animals are already taken. Only one type of a certain animal. No double ups!
~Fade to black only if mating, birthing is ok.
~Be nice to everyone!
~Shifters have only ONE animal form so choose wisely. You can't change it!
~Put your favourite number in Other if you've read the rules.
~Trainee Shifters are Shifters that have not yet discovered their animal form. Once they can shift as they please they will move to their own house and begin to study magic.
~When Posting please put at least "Name|Gender|Species|Rank." It just makes it easier to follow. You may add more detail if you wish.
(Any more suggestions? Feel free to say them!)


~Rowan St. Claire|Male|Black Bear
Leader's Mate:
White Magic Shifters - (FULL):
~Avon Cornwell|Male|Golden Eagle - Trainee: Arya
~Electra Tatum|Female|Dhole
White Magic Trainees - (FULL):
~Arya Hardwicke|Female|Snow Bengal - Teacher: Avon
~Hikaru Ichor|Male|Elk - Teacher: Electra
Full Shifters:
~Maina Laasya Kepaldia|Female|Red Panda
~Evianna Vera Kaat|Female|Caracal - Trainee:
~Kate Patricks|Female|Snow Leopard - Trainee: Crevan
~Leigha Valkens|Female|Swan - Trainee:
~Abigail Millen|Female|Tigon - Trainee:
~Glacia Mari|Female|White Tiger - Trainee:
~Luxian Shulte-Fawn|Female|Melanistic Barn Owl - Trainee:
~Mason Jones|Male|Red Fox - Trainee:
~Vic Fuentes|Male|Otter - Trainee:
~Ryan Ross|Male|Amur Leopard - Trainee:
~Xanie Atwood|Male|Icelandic Horse - Trainee:
~Riker Dangoush|Male|Platypus - Trainee:
Trainee Shifters - (No More Trainees Than There Are Full Shifters):
~Tavani Joyce|Female|Serval - Teacher: Maina
~Vixine Malliou|Female|Giant Fox Bat - Teacher:
~ Hally Faulkner|Female|Cooper's Hawk - Teacher:
~Feliks Volkov|Male|European Pine Marten - Teacher: Xanie
~Crevan L'Amour|Male|Racoon - Teacher: Kate
~Marcos Windike|Male|Long Tailed Widowbird - Teacher:

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Edited on 05/06/15 by Lia-Lin - {Flaming Lions} (#36246)

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-06-01 14:02:12
Avon Cornwell|18 Years|Male|White Magic Shifter|Golden Hawk

Avon, not hearing his Trainees first greeting, continued to reach for his coins. Only when she stormed up behind him did he notice. "Well, hello there Arya." He looked at her with slitted eyes as she rolled out the scroll for him to see. Avon glanced at the Shopkeeper with wide eyes. "A shadowed rune...." his voice was no more than a whisper. Avon snatched the Scroll from Arya and looked deep into its creamy surface. He then looked up at her and took a deep breath. "A shadowed rune is the scratched symbol you see in the middle. Some humans- humans that know of Shifters- try to turn themselves into one. Those humans have figured out how to read certain spells and they cast those spells onto a blank Scroll." Avon traced the scratch marks with a finger. The..... claw marks. "It appears that it worked." Looking deeper into the symbol he saw its faint red tint. "Or at least, worked once." He tossed the scroll back to Arya. "The human who made that Scroll will be dead now." Avon looked away with a half-hearted sigh.

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Sunrise {Triple
rosette} (#57686)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-06-01 14:16:36
Arya Hardwicke II White Magic Trainee II Snow bengal II Female- 16

I thump my head onto the counter, "So it's useless?" I mumble under my breath. "I worked hard for those." I grumble, looking at my teacher, even though he wasn't much older than me. It would explain why Crevan didn't sense anything from it. "At least I have three other elements to play." I say with a devilish smile, feeling good that I had a better haul than my usual trashy spells that didn't have much use other than convenience. I glace around, looking for any more that could potentially fall under my spell before returning my glaze back at Avon. "At least he is dead right? What would happen if a human successfully does this?" I spoke almost to myself as I look at the scroll once more, at the claw marks that signify his death within the scroll. "Well, if we aren't gonna train..." I try my best to move backwards without being noticed, trying to play skippy I say with the kindest smile I could master, "I just may or may not be trying to get some extra coins before I go back." As I bump into a table holding some simple scrolls.

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Edited on 01/06/15 by Sunrise (#57686)

Lion Tamer (#48364)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-01 17:56:52
Xanie Atwood || 25 || Male || Icelandic Horse || Full Shifter

Xanie beckoned Felicks inside, sitting him down on his large couch. Xanie went to his kitchen, and filled the kettle with enough water for two. "I hope you know that not having your form yet is completely normal," Xanie said, grabbing cups from the cupboard.

"I guess you could say I was a late bloomer; I only established my form at 20. I can tell you're agitated, Felicks, but you need to take your time." Xanie then brought two steaming mugs to the table, and sat down next to his young apprentice. A chilly Spring breeze drifted through his large, open plan apartment. "Imagine if Spring came later than usual. Would that make it less beautiful?"

Xanie ran his hand through his long hair, remembering the first time he transformed. "It's like magic. You feel as though you are whole," he said. "It's not like there was something missing; it's more like greeting an old friend for the first time in a long time."

Xanie took a sip from his black coffee, and then turned his body towards Felicks, locking his deep brown eyes with his, a slight lift to his brow. "So, I know we have work to do, but I don't want you to push yourself. It will only take more time." Leaning into the seat, he then asked, "So what questions do you have for me?"

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KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-06-01 17:57:43
I'm back ^^
Lia= what thought of things would be taught to trainees? Thought I'd give Crevan a 'lesson' soon))

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-06-01 18:04:04
Electra Tatum| White Magic Shifter| Dhole| Vic Fuentes & Ryan Ross

Electra glanced at the woman, her signature smirk stretching on to her featured. 'Things just got a lot more interesting.'. "Pfft, of course I know how to pickpocket." She said, looking at him with the same misxhevious glint that was in her eyes when she scared him. She followed after him with a small smile. She raised an eyebrow as an amur leopard jumped up onto Vic's shoulder. "Hi." She said to him. Seeing Vic hit him, she assumed the two were brothers, or at least good friends. "What's your name?" She asked the leopard before looking at the woman and then back to Vic. "Time to see just how good at pickpocketing you are." She whispered.

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-06-01 18:21:11
{@Cat - Well, I guess basic fighting moves. (In case they ever encountered a human that knew of shifters. Or someone like say..... the FBI.) One element of magic that the Trainee feels they're connected to. (Scrolls can be borrowed from the White Magic Shifter if the Teacher themselves doesn't possess the type of magic the Trainee needs.) And how to Shift. (Teach them things like how you learned to shift and stuff like connecting with your inner self.}

Avon Cornwell|18 Years|Male|White Magic Shifter|Golden Eagle

Avon looked at Arya with wide eyes. "Useless? Far from it! These Scrolls possess some of the most powerful Shadow Spells." He looked away when she asked her next question. "The Human will live normally for about a week. They'll be able to shift like any Shifter. After that week is up....... without making it complicated..... they'll go insane. They won't be able to control their shifts either." Avon chuckled as she started backing away. "Go play with your new spells, Arya. We can train tomorrow." He looked back at the Shopkeeper and plopped seven coins on the counter. "I can carry them. I don't need a bag."

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Edited on 02/06/15 by Lia-Lin - {Flaming Lions} (#36246)

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-06-01 19:19:56
{A new section has been added to the Info post.}

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KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-06-01 19:42:56
Lia- I love the cute little icons! XD))

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Lion Tamer (#48364)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-01 19:44:08
{oops, nvm}

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Edited on 02/06/15 by Lion Tamer [Embrace the Flood] (#48364)

Sunrise {Triple
rosette} (#57686)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-06-02 00:08:37
Arya II Snow Bengal II White Magic Trainee IIFemale- 16 >>Crevan

"Thanks, Avon!" I get into my usual magic position, "I'll try to show you what I learn tomorrow!" I look towards Crevan, walking towards him I sneak a wallet out of a woman's purse. "Hey, what's your element anyhow? I never really asked." I say smiling at him. Though Crevan may not know his shifting spirit, he may know what element takes a stronger 'liking' to him than others. "If you know, I may have some really cool scrolls up in my house." I poke him in the side playfully, wanting an answer. I wasn't trying to tease him I just wanted to help to the best of my ability. I grip the scroll that Avon referred to as a 'shadow rune', he also referred to it as powerful. Since it is a basic element I may be able to perfect it within a month. The more harder elements were next to impossible for me, even I couldn't more a vine when practicing with nature. I guess mother-nature just doesn't take a fawning to me. There was only one spell I learned from illusions, the Nightmare. It drained me mostly, as when they begin to fear you more, the weaker you become. I shake my head, glancing back towards Crevan, "Well?" I prompt, as I tuck the woman's wallet into my jacket pocket.

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Edited on 02/06/15 by Sunrise (#57686)

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-06-02 01:19:59
Vic Fuentes l l Male Full Shifter l l Otter l l Electra Tatum

Smirking lightly, he glanced back at Electra. "Alright." He grimaced and reached out his pointer and middle finger, picking up his pace quickly. He reached his hand over, the two fingers separating and pinching it lightly, careful not to touch any of his other fingers. He swiped it out, immediately slowing pace back to Electra. "You hungry?" He asked with a smirk, opening the wallet and taking out around $400 and a credit card. Quickly, he tossed the credit card into the lake. "That wont do us any good." He whispered quietly, veering off the path and into town.

Ryan Ross l l Male Full Shifter l l Amur Leopard l l Electra, Vic

He sat fully up on one of Vic's shoulders. Narrowing his eyes, he hissed loudly, claws pricking from their sheaths. "A /dog/? Really?" He snarled, eyeing Electra. "Why do you want to know my name? It matters none to you." He said, picking up a mit and swinging it close to her face. "I'd rather be pestered with a Goose all day." He snarled, turning back around to chat more with Vic, watching the girl from the corners of his eyes. "I stole some chops from the butcher store this morning." He purred proudly. "Damn were they good." He yawned, licking a paw and brushing it over his face, head turning back to Electra with narrowed eyes, often hissing.

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Hanthony (#61722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-06-02 01:58:17
Crevan L'Amour = 23 = Male = Racoon = Trainee Shifter-->Arya

Crevan watched the smooth transition of the wallet Arya had swiped go from pocket to pocket, it was an art he had seen and done many times before. "If Rowan would just let us open a circus we would be swimming in coin." He said jokingly,"Well, not me, I don't swim. But you understand the connotation." He moved to another aisle looking at all the different types of magic scrolls, he picked up one that was stamped with a Earth seal,"I think after training with Kate a couple more times and unlocking my form I will be more certain. But earth has always felt like my domain." He put the scroll back and picked one sealed with a sign for speed."But I might connect more with speed, we will have to see."
He put the other scroll back after feeling nothing and turned to Arya,"What about you? I know white magic shifters have more options, I wouldn't mind seeing Avon or Electra in full action, I wonder if they ever battle." He tried to imagine the two full white magi in an all out war."That would be something."

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-06-02 03:15:50
Maina Kepaldia|18|Female|Red Panda|Full Shifter (Mason Jones)

Maina's ears went back as the wave of water splashed over her, closing her eyes momentarily. She shook her quickly, getting most of the water off of her fur. "Good thing I do too." She grinned, splashing forward and pushing him underwater for a second. Mai stuck her tongue out when he came back up, still grinning.

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Sunrise {Triple
rosette} (#57686)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-06-02 08:12:03
Arya HardwickeII White Magic Trainee II Snow Bengal II Female>> Crevan

I chuckle at the joke of opening a circus, just imaging some 'magicians' performing some beautiful spells, while I snuck around the crowd pick pocketing a few pour souls. A ball of smoke becoming flames as a human became an animal. It would be a sight. Even though I am intertwined with a cat, I always took a fawn time with water. I twitch an ear as he says earth and speed. An unusual combo versus others I have heard. "Sure, White Magic may have more options, but we all have our stronger points." I smile as I look towards a vase with flowers half-full of water. Mumbling the simple word, "Ekrcho," the water within the vase began to shake, a few droplets coming towards my hand. I look at the palm where the drops had rest. I didn't want to cause a scene. "I prefer Water and Shadows. I am working on Illusions, though it takes forever for one spell but I dabble in all, expect nature. Nature is something that does not work with me." I laugh at myself remembering failing at trying to bend a vine. "I think I have a good earth spell back in my house! Want to try it out?" I wanted to go back to the house since I did want to find out more of my new shadow rune scroll without the humans watching with their new recorders but I refused to leave Crevan behind once again.

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2015-06-02 10:18:46
Mason Jones|19|Male|Red Fox|Full Shifter (Maina Kepaldia)

Mason splashed back out of the water, nosing Mai right in the gut softly, but firm enough to knock her off her swimming pattern. He mimicked her by sticking out his tongue. "Gotcha!" Soon his stomach growled. The fox lifted his muzzle to the sky to look at the time. Through the thin clouds, he say the yellow ball hanging almost right above him. "Lunch time! Let's go get something to eat from town."

Leigha Valkens|22|Female|Swan|Full Shifter

The swan enjoyed her quiet area for about five minutes before her stomach growled and she had to eat. I could grab a bit in town..... but that means large groups of people.. The town was closer, but than didn't make Leigha anymore keen to be cramped. While she though of her decision, the shifter changed back to her beautiful human self and washed her face in the cool water. I suppose I could go. Nothing bad could happen. Leigha walked to an area of light and used a new power she learned the nigh before. Summoning most of her strength, Leigha vanished from one light spot and appeared in another... only five height in the air... right out of town. She plummeted to the ground with a loud ooof!. The shifter brushed off her clothes and tried ignoring the weird looks she got from anyone who saw her. Leigha hurried to Sugared Sweets down the lane, head down and quiet.

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