Posted by I solemnly swear :: HP Inspired RP OOC

SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-04 22:59:07


:: Click here to go to the RP thread


:: Rules

:: Basics

1- Treat everyone with kindness and respect; we're all buddies here! Please take any disagreements to PM.

2- This is Literate-Advanced Literate roleplay. You'll be expected to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You're to make your post at least a paragraph long (5-7 sentences) if not more. Role-players who do not meet these requirements will be removed from the role-play.

3- Being active is a must! Try to pop in at least once every 2 or 3 days. If you're going to be away for an extended period of time, or will have a change in normal activity, please let me know so that your character is saved; members that give no word and are inactive for over 2 days will be deleted.

4- Upon joining the thread, there will be a 2 day grace period. Within these two days, you're able to join the RP and test the waters. After the grace period, your character is considered a full part of the roleplay, which means if you suddenly leave the thread after the period, your character will be written out of the story in any way we see fit, especially if they leave plot gaps. Characters who have not posted at least once during this 2 day grace period will also be written out.

5- Don't make every other character a werewolf or veela or metamorphmagus or animagus, those characters are few and far between. PM if you want to make one of these ahead of time so I can give you the go or no go.

6- Follow Lioden ToS when roleplaying please.

7- I reserve the right to reject character applications if I feel you are not a good fit for this role-play. This includes if I feel you will be unable to reach the lit-adv lit requirements set in rule 2.

New Rule: 8- When filling out your application you may use real photos or REALISTIC pictures (no anime, cartoon style pictures).


:: Rules

:: Hogwarts Rules

These may not always be strictly enforced

Students shall not leave Hogwarts grounds, unless they leave with the Headmaster's permission, if collected by a parent or guardian
Students are not allowed in the Forbidden Forest, unless accompanied by a professor

Third and Fourth years may visit Hogsmead on weekends only
Fifth through Seventh years may visit Hogsmead anytime during the weekend or after class

No boys in the girls dorms
No girls in the boys dorms

Access to commons areas are strictly controlled, and students are not allowed in the other commons areas
Each common room has a protective measure in place to restrict access. The Gryffindor Tower and Slytherin Dungeon require passwords. Ravenclaw Tower requires the answer to a riddle. The Hufflepuff Basement requires tapping a specific barrel in a particular rhythm.

Students are expected to be in their commons areas by 10 pm.
Students are expected to be in their commons areas till 6 am.


Gryffindor; Fairy lights
Hufflepuff; Top middle, bottom right, top middle, bottom left
Ravenclaw; Pick a riddle
Slytherin; Salazar
Prefect bathroom; Bubble bath


:: Application

Please post applications here and PM me to know you did

Age: (13-18)
House Request: (If you'd like more information on house sorting and the common personalties and quirks that make up each house please take a look at this article. The Traits of the Four Houses)
Year: (Keep it realistic, your characters can skip or get held back ONE grade. DUE TO AN UNINTERESTED CROWD, FIRST AND SECOND YEARS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE PLAYED. THEY WILL BE NPC'D)
Heritage: (Pure blood, mud blood, half blood)
Orientation: (Gay, Straight, Bi, etc.)
Significant Other: (Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Partner, Etc.)
Crush: (not who you're dating but who you have a crush on)
Strengths: (at least 3+ in a list format)
Weaknesses: (at least 3+ in a list format)
Personality: (No "Played out in RP" allowed. At least a paragraph.)
Played By:
Picture: (Optional)
RP Example:


:: Characters

(Please, only 5 characters of each year allowed)
Gender Ratio: 10 Girls // 8 Boys
Years Ratio: Third 2/5 :: Fourth 2/5 :: Fifth 4/5 :: Sixth 5/5 :: Seventh 4/5
"Other" Ratio: Metamorphmagi 2/2 // Animagi 4/4 // Werewolves 1/3 // Half-Veelas 1/3
- Light Stryker // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // N/A // Starwolf, 28052
- Katherine Gayle Luvika // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // Animagus (not fully achieved yet) // West, 43497
- Lwaxana “Rixx” Zane // 14 // Feminine // Fourth // Half-Veela // Kovu, 24258
- Levanna Anael Everett // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // N/A // Njay, 43822
- Holly Renee Andrews // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // Metamorphmagus // Astera, 15276
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- Hunter Godfrey // 16 // Masculine // Sixth // Metamorphmagus // SilverWolfLeopard, 5102
- River St. Claire // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // N/A // Rainy, 50592
- Dawn Fildrew // 15 // Feminine // Fourth // N/A // Sohodora, 48779
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- Alice Charlotte Jackson-Thomas // 14 // Feminine // Third // N/A // FantasyDragone, 54330
- Eve Vivienne Edwards // 14 // Feminine // Third // N/A // Aurielle, 22994
- Otho Godfrey // 15 // Masculine // Fifth // N/A // WARTIME, 56542
- Feya Verbic // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // Animagus // Summer, 59192
- Leland Verbic // 15 // Male // Fifth // Animagus // Thistle, 55660
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- John-Pierre Augustus Severus Cavendish // 15 // Masculine // Sixth // N/A // Kovu, 24258
- Storm Stryker // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // Animagus // Starwolf, 28052
- Sebastian Campbell // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // Werewolf // Aurielle, 22994
- Alexandria Maria Yeager // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // N/A // Dick Grayson, 34810
- Harold Edward Luvika // 18 // Masculine // Seventh // N/A // West, 43497
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by


:: Relationships

Siblings ★
Cousins ☆
Crushing → ←
Dating ❤
Exes ✖

- Storm Stryker ★ Light Stryker
- Hunter Godfrey ★ Otho Godfrey
- Leland Verbic ☆ Feya Verbic
- Harold Luvika ★ Katherine Luvika


:: Character Profiles

[Page 1]
Hunter Godfrey
John-Pierre Augustus Severus Cavendish
Alice Charlotte Jackson-Thomas
Storm Stryker
Light Stryker

[Page 2]
Katherine Gayle Luvika
Harold {Harry} Edward Luvika
Eve Vivienne Edwards
River St. Claire
Lwaxana “Rixx” Zane

[Page 3]
Otho Godfrey
Feya Verbic
Levanna Anael Everett
Sebastian Campbell

[Page 4]
Alexandria Maria Yeager

[Page 5]
Dawn Fildrew

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Edited on 10/06/15 by SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 12:47:19
@West and Dick Grayson: Is it possible for one of you to choose a different house as with Aurielle's application I will only have 1 more Slytherin slot open?

@Aurielle: Accepted

Once Hufflepuff gets 1 more character we will open role-play.

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Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 12:48:04
Can i reserve a slytherin?

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 12:49:46
If they would rather play a Slytherin, I could be persuaded into Hufflepuff, or just let another member fill up the slot. ^^

The character I would have added would have went more with Slytherin. I can't really conform to the personality of a Huffle just yet :3

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Edited on 06/06/15 by West (#43497)

Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 12:50:13
Name: Alexandria Maria Yeager

Gender: Female

Age: Fifteen

House Request: Slytherin

Year: Fifth Year

Heritage: Pure blood

Family: Father and mother both deceased. No siblings.

Orientation: Bi-Sexual, but very hard to get into a relationship with.

Significant Other: None.
Crush: None at the moment.

Alexandria stands around the height of 5'8". He hair is a jet black, with gentle waves throughout. It reaches mid-back, but when wet and straight, it almost reaches her waist. Her eyes are a magnificent blue, a few shades darker then a sunny day's sky. She has a feminine figure, with lithe muscles accentuated by a nice bust and hip size. Her skin is a medium tan, with freckles splashed across her cheeks and over her nose. She is athletic and her figure shows it with lithe muscles over her whole body.

~ Intelligent and cunning attitude.
~ A want to learn information that is useful in her journey.
~ Physical fitness and stamina.
~ Honest and Trustworthy.

~ Arrogant.
~ Speaks without a filter.
~ Willing to take high risks for the thrill.
~ Enjoys picking on and making fun or people who aren't Slytherin.

Pet: Milly. Siamese cat. Female. 5 years old.

~Dragon Core
~Thirteen Inches

Patronus: Unable to create a Patronus as of yet.

Boggart: Fear of failure.

Alexandria is cunning and resourceful. She will make choices that benefit her. She is arrogant and harsh, often coming off as mean or cruel. She doesn't care if other's are sad or if her words hurt them. She makes friends with other that are like her, but doesn't get along with happy-go-lucky people or people who only care about what others think about them. She is very self-confident and doesn't believe what most people say. She can be considered sarcastic, and most conversations are a bore to her. She will work on a team, so long as it doesn't harm her or her reputation. She considers other Slytherin's her brothers and sisters and naturally cares about them more then others.

While she can use potions and spells, she also believes in physical training. Incase anything ever happens were magic can't be used, she doesn't want to be helpless.

Played By: Dick Grayson, aka Me.

None at the moment.

Picture: (Optional)
None at the moment.

RP Example: (Copied from a previous RP. If a new one is needed let me know and I will write it up.)

Click. Click. Click. That was the only noise that echoed around the mountain. It emanated from one room, who's sole occupant was a teenage girl of about 16. She wasn't your regular teenager though. She didn't go to malls, or high school parties and get drunk. She didn't even go to school. She was different. But different was needed. Ever since the world was taken over a couple years ago by the Crime Syndicate, people like her where popping up. People who weren't afraid to risk their lives, standing up against the evil forces and actually do something. People who risked being killed to save the lives of others, and bring peace back to the world. There was a screen, a computer screen with images of tons of heroes. Some where still green, their nameplates glowing softly. The majority had red x marks through them though, their plates glowing a deep red. These where all the people had left for heroes. Every one on that screen was either a hero, or had been. Only the green ones where still alive though, and she needed all the help she could get.

Which was why this girl was sitting in a dark room, a huge computer screen in front of her. She had been researching for months, tracking people like her. People who had powers, or who were willing to stand up. She had narrowed it down to a few choice people. Four to be exact. Coins had been sent out to each of them. To a regular person, they where just weird looking coins. But the people who she had found weren't regular people. The coins had a hidden address on them. Each one specific to each person, so they where the most likely to find them. She placed them in a place they thought no one could get to. A place they thought was safe. The address was the mountain she was in at that very moment.

Blood red and black fingers flew over the keyboard as her brain buzzed. Security cameras shown on one computer screen, constantly flipping through feeds and looking for attacks or danger. Her eyes darted across the screen, her photographic memory capturing and storing all the information she could gather. Her jet black hair hung in a hazardly dun-up pony tail, her bright blue eyes hidden behind a black domino mask. She hadn't slept in days, but that didn't stop her, or even tire her out. She always worked until it effected her performance. She would crash for a few hours before starting the cycle again. She leaned back after a while, crossing her arms over her chest. Her work was done, for the moment. The messages were out, sent to each person.

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Edited on 07/06/15 by Dick Grayson (#34810)

Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 12:51:55
I was finishing filling out my form and didn't notice you had posted. Sorry! If it's needed I can switch which house she is from. ^^;

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Edited on 06/06/15 by Dick Grayson (#34810)

WARTIME (#56542)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 12:52:21
West, once all the houses are full, I'm sure Silver wouldn't mind you making a second, Slytherin character. ^^

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 12:54:13
Oh! Yes, I forgot that would be happening. Nevermind. I'm completely cool with waiting. ^^

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SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 12:54:15
@West: Well, once Hufflepuff gets one more character I can not only open the role-play but also open all the houses back up to allow more members in ^^

@Dick Grayson: Accepted

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 13:00:29
Thank you very much. ^^ And just to let you know, I do not know a ton about Harry Potter, so if I make a mistake please let me know and I can change it. I'm doing a lot of research on it now to hopefully get my character correct but if I ever do something that contradicts something from Harry Potter feel free to let me know. I won't take offense at all. :)

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SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 13:02:35
@Dick Grayson: Of course! I've learned most of what I know of HP from articles on the internet and potter more xD

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Aurielle (#22994)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 14:02:44
One Hufflepuff left, omg :3 I'm excited! (Hopefully he's a boy since girls are outnumbering them by 2 xD)

For anyone who doesn't know how to write Hufflepuff (which is totally understandable as I usually don't write in the mindset of a Slytherin), these articles really helped me!

The Traits of the Four Houses, which I used mainly to pick and choose which characteristics suited the character I wanted to make (I didn't use all of them, by any means, but I did choose quite a few), Patronuses and their Meanings to flesh them out even more, and of course the Harry Potter Wiki for anything else you might need, particularly wandlore. ^__^

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Edited on 06/06/15 by Aurielle (#22994)

Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-06-06 14:26:07
Can i reserve the last hufflepuff?

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Kovu the Original
Floof (#24258)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 00:03:31
I could make a Hufflepuff if you want?

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SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 01:00:12
@Sophodora: Sure ^^

@Kovu: I've med the first person to reserve a hufflepuff, as its been more then 24 hrs and I have yet to see an application from them, depending on whether or not they're interested you're more then welcome to make a Hufflepuff that way I can open up all the houses once again. But it probably won't be necessary since as soon as Sophodora submits her application I can open up the roleplay and hopefully someone else can make a Hufflepuff ^^

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 01:15:12
After Sohodora gets her Hufflepuff form up and accepted, then may I work on my new form for my new character? ^^

I can't wait for this to get started, I am so excited x3

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