Posted by Lion R.P Clouds Shadows: Pm to Join!

G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-02-02 03:50:41
The Clouds Shadows

It's a new generation. Lions are alone and prides are breaking. Lions wander not knowing where to go or what to do. Most wish for a pride. Will they join together? If so will they fight for power?
In these times the only protection is under the Clouds Shadows.

Welcome to the RP! In this RP all lions start out loners then slowly come together to form a pride. You pay start off in pairs you like, say if you have cubs or a sibling. The goal for our pride is to survive and prosper. Everyone has place in the pride. Like a hierarchy. Once we meet then we decide who and where the roles will go.

Code for looks:
<*img src="" height=350 width=400>
(Just remove the *)
Plan Cubs with the one you bred with. Split evenly unless it's just one cub.

Character Form:
Look: Link (use coding if you know how.)
Personality: RP'ed out (Optional)
Desired rank:
Other: Read the Rules

Rules, Must Read:
- Follow lioden rules
- Fade when breeding and birthing
- Ask for permission before killing or breeding
- I decide the weather and time of day
-The Queen is the main decision maker along with the king. The sub-queen is the kings true mate, she has less work to do to mainly watching over the cubs and lead breeder.
- The king may breed with any breeder female
- The Queen may only be bred with the king. (UNLESS. You really want that drama. *Wink. WINK*)
- Subs must consult with the king before breeding
- Put @ next to your lions name if in heat
- All females can be bred with by the king, unless there mates with a sub at some point. Hunters and healers have a choice.
-Sexuality is an option; If gay or other put in Other
-Pregnancy last 3 Days, and nursing last 6. Each day is a day but counts as (.5 months for age.) So two days= 1Month.
- Be respectful of your fellow RP'ers
- At least 2 sentences per post
- Be literate
- No powers or god modding
- Cussing is allowed but no offensive words please
-If you've read these rules. In other write "Eagar Beaver", This will change every time someone signs up.
- You may have as many characters as you want. BUT you are not allowed to be your own mate.
- Please try to use lioden wardrobe for your lions looks but if you have a piece of fanart you are just dying to use, you may use that. No real lions.
-If you become inactive in the RP with out telling anyone your role may be given to another player or dismissed all together (and what I mean by inactive is if you are not on lioden at all for say a week.) Please let us know if you are not going to be on; and or need a hiatus for your character.

The Pride: Koharu Pride. (Pm for meaning)
- Haku

His True Mate_Sub-Queen: Mwako (Testing)






- Coahoma



Post format: lion name - pride and rank - in heat or not/wounded or not.

Watering Hole
Hunting Area

Heat= @
Wounded= W
Pregnancy= P1, P2, P3
Nursing= N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6
Cubs can be controled by player at 3mths but must not wonder away from mother until weaned at 7mths
Aging= Every 1Day is 2Mth, unless your 1yr and under, then it's treated as a day.

Character Sheets

View and Post Character Sheets

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Edited on 08/03/16 @ 19:11:16 by AYO(GravityFalls)801 (#66355)

lance (#78335)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 03:58:35
Luana - Loner - Female - 6 years, 5 months - Mutation ; None - Tagged ; Zira

Luana pointed her muzzle at Haku and chuckled. "The king. I'm almost certain he will find it delightful to have another lion in the pride. And may I introduce myself as Luana."

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Dina RSC (#81592)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-02-13 10:13:39
Leola, Female, Loner, 4 years
She stopped crying, with her fur wet from the crying. She looked over at the others, and shakily stood up, and walked towards Haku. She sat down, and glanced at him, before looking back to at the ground. "I was w-wondering if I c-could be the queen of the p-pride," she said as her voice shook from the crying. She had a hopeful expression, as she waited for the answer from him.

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Tallion [Icy Smilus] (#82904)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 13:06:52
Opeyemi - healer - male - 7yrs; tagged: Mei and Erebus

He dipped his head in gratitude as Mei accepted him into the tribe. "Thank you, I would be honoured to serve the tribe as a healer," he said. Smiling, he added, "And of course, to patch you up any time your prey bites back as you are bringing it down."

He turned one ear as he heard someone coming near him in the small but bustling crowd and looked down to see Erebus looking a little lost and uncertain creeping up to his side. Things were probably overwhelming the young lion.

"I assume most adolescents will be given general training and then specialised training once they find their calling?" he said to Mei, guessing that much of what was troubling Erebus was that he had no idea what he should be asking to do, or where he would fit in. Opeyemi thought Erebus probably had more time to figure that out than he realised.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 13:15:02

The female raised her tail and smiled."great! Wheres your king? I would like to speak with him." She says to luana. She sat down and clicked her tail. "Names Zira, nice to meet you Luana."

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Hiamovi (Dragon
Decor Master) (#73407)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-02-13 14:27:29
Coahoma|Female|9 years|Healer

Seeing that Opeyemi was finished with talking to Mei, she trotted over to him wanting to talk to him about what position he had gotten. "Most likely a shaman and healer," she thought to herself, scanning the shamanic apparel the lion was wearing on his body. However, an adolescent reached him before she could, and she sat close by, waiting again till he was free. She was curious and was interested in the lion, since she had wanted to meet another shaman or healer for a long time, but to no avail. Letting out a sigh, she sat onto the earth, briefly grooming herself patiently.

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Kupigwa (#83577)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 21:35:00
Nyumbani, Female, In Koharu Pride, in training, 1 year and 6 months, Tagged: Haku.

She smiled shyly. '' Yes, I think it's best. '' Nyu purred happily for the next few minutes, as she watched the other lions approach. '' There seems to be no bad lions around here. '' Nyumbani smiled, she did not like to judge a book by its cover, but when she did, most of the time was right.

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Hiamovi (Dragon
Decor Master) (#73407)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-02-14 00:35:48
(Whoops... Wrong place!)

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Edited on 14/02/16 @ 07:37:00 by Hiamovi (Dragon Decor Master) (#73407)

Dina RSC (#81592)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-02-14 05:56:57
Leola, Female, Loner, 4 years
She felt rather bored as she waited for Haku's response. She laid down, facing towards Haku and sighed. She laid her head down on her paws, and flicked her ears towards Haku, in case he responded.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 13:37:30
(Hey guys I just need to say I won't be able to reply for a while I should be back in a few day or even less. Sorry for the sudden pause. I know you neee me to continue so I'll be sure to respond at any possible chance. Sorry for such an inconvenience.))

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Tallion [Icy Smilus] (#82904)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 22:19:11
(Don't worry about it - RL happens. As long as it's cool with you, we can handwave some timey-wimeyness so people can do things like talk to each other while waiting for your characters to respond to them, to keep the thread moving. They would technically occur after their interactions with yours resolved, etc.)

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️☄ (#41910)

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Posted on
2016-02-16 06:05:21
(0.o lots happened while I was away....anything big?)

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Tallion [Icy Smilus] (#82904)

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Posted on
2016-02-17 16:03:15
(The pride started to officially form and all were asked to go to Mei and tell her what position(s) they were interested in applying for. If you haven't established what you want your character(s) to be doing with one of the mod's chars, that would be the most important thing that's happened. :) )

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lance (#78335)

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Posted on
2016-02-18 10:01:18
[Sorry, I'm a bit inactive and don't have time for detailed posts. Aantreklik wants submale, Zync wants adolescent, Ali and Luana want breeder, and Karisa wants huntress. Thanks.]

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️☄ (#41910)

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Posted on
2016-02-18 10:06:31
(Thanks tallion.
Jaali wants sub male, Asha wants huntress.)

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-02-21 11:08:40
(This hasn't died has it? I hope not. But in any case I hope everyone is well and that this starts up again soon. Best wishes to everyone.)

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