Posted by Gathering Thread [Warrior Clans United RP]

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-01 02:23:31

Warrior Clans United Gathering Page!

This is where we'll be able to meet with all the clans in a Gathering. A set date will be posted to let you know when a Gathering is. You may post here for general talk as well! :)

1st post on page 10: 2 Free breedings to my king.
5th post on page 20: 1 Free decor
7th post on page 25: 5 Carcasses
3rd post on page35: 200 SB
9th post on page 40: 1GB
And so on.....
This will take place in the Clans' first territory. The map is down below:


1 - Cats must be realistic, no super powers. :)
2 - Before your cat starts to have feelings, ask other player about a potential relationship.
3 - The maximum number of cats is 4.
4 - Mating is PG; fade to black. :)
5 - When a battle happens, cat must sustain injuries.
6 - Leaders have 9 lives.
7 - No killing or permanently hurting another RP character without permission
8 - Please be respectful on the chats.
9 - Leaders and medicine cats will be decided by me. Deputies are chosen by the Leader.
10 - Only 1 special cat per person (above Warrior status).
11 - Put in A.A.R in the Other category on sign-up sheet so I know that you read the rules!
12 - All Warrior Cats rules apply, including acceptable names as in the series.
13 - The layout of the clans(Scenery) follows the first book of the first series.

Each clan now has it's own thread:

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 24/05/16 @ 14:17:21 by LionTamer😇 [A.A.R.] (#66075)

Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-10-01 10:15:07
Snowaze had been informed about what to say I in this situation and said exactly what she practiced. "I'm not sure it just saw me and had a look in its eyes that was bloodthirsty. Yes Larkstar is my father and is leader. The medicine cat leader and deputy fell ill and unfortunately the medicine cat and deputy died. Larkstar was appointed leader right before the leader passed away." She said in a robotic tone.

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ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-10-01 10:27:41
Oakpaw - Windclan Mentions: Snowblaze

Oakpaw eyed the Thunderclan cat. Their conversation turned quickly rehearsed with Snowblaze's tone and Oakpaw felt as though there was more to the story. "I'm sorry for your loss, that must have hit Thunderclan pretty hard." Oakpaw said with an edge about him. "Say, what did they have? I've never heard of a disease killing the most important leaders in any clan without taking a few kits and elders as well."

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Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-01 10:29:32
Froststar - Shadowclan Leader - Apprentice:Mistpaw, -Four trees -Mentions: Larkstar
Injuries:singed fur,healing burnt paws, belly

Froststar was startled out of her thoughts by a greeting from a cat, she looked up to find a tom she didn't really recognize but the name Lark came up in her mind but she didn't remember the rest, that didn't really seem good but after everything that happened she didn't have time to remember every cats name from clans that weren't her own, she thought to herself,but she did know he was Thunderclan at least, she remembered the scent. so she mewed while sitting up with her plume tail curled regally around her paws, "Hello, how are you this fair night?"

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-10-01 11:37:05
Larkstar|| Thunderclan|| Mentions: Froststar
"Very well, sorry I must introduce myself. My name is Larkstar the new leader of Thunderclan. I thought I ought to speak with the other leaders and it seems you are the only on here yet. Riverclan leader and Windclan leader, Soalstar and Cloudstar have not arrived yet.

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Edited on 01/10/16 @ 18:38:15 by Blair (#91417)

Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-01 11:43:02
Froststar - Shadowclan Leader - Apprentice:Mistpaw, -Four trees -Mentions: Larkstar
Injuries:singed fur,healing burnt paws, belly

Ah! That's his name! She thought, a good choice by the looks of him, and his manners. She nodded, listening to him, noting as well, that Soulstar and Cloudstar hadn't arrived yet. Though that could mean anything these days. She looked at Larkstar with pale green eyes that seemed to glow in the shadows, and mewed,"Pleasure to meet you, Larkstar, it seems that your former leader made a good choice, I can't quite remember his /her name at the moment but oh well. How has Thunderclan been faring this past moon?"

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-01 13:37:51
Dewwhisker/Riverclan/Mentions: Bluepaw, Poisonpaw

Dewwhisker sat by Bluepaw. He was about to introduce himself but Poisonpaw walked up and said his name for him.
"Pleasure to meet you Bluepaw. Hello Poisonpaw, feel free to sit down," Dewwhisker meowed to both apprentices.
Dewwhisker soon realized that Bluepaw had a few burns. He didn't want to bother her about it so he stayed silent, she probably didn't want to say any possible Shadowclan weaknesses.
"How is Shadowclan?" He asked Bluepaw.

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Edited on 02/10/16 @ 15:40:16 by Mapleivy (Locust Stomper!) (#28542)

Lynn (#63332)

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Posted on
2016-10-01 13:47:10
Bluepaw - Shadowclan - Apprentice - Mentions: Dewwhisker, Posionpaw
Injuries: Burned front paws, singer fur on back and belly

Bluepaw placed her paw on the ground trying not to wince. "Well, Shadowclan is doing okay right now. The fires across our territory are mostly out now I think," she mewed, quieter than she normally speaks. Bluepaw shifted her weight a little nervously. The small apprentice looked up at the two cats, "Hows everything going in your clans?"

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-10-01 13:47:39
( you mean Shadowclan ? XD)

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-10-01 23:43:33
Larkstar|| Thunderclan|| Mentions: Froststar
"Thank you Froststar, Thunderclan has been faring well, besides a couple of scirmishes; I do believe we will be fine in no time." He said smiling and passing his eyes over his clan mates. His eyes met Snowblaze and he frowned. He turned back to Froststar, "Athough we do have two cats with fatal injuries and one with minor injuries. Snowblaze, my daughter, is now half blind which makes me feel horrid and Icepelt is still getting worked on. Sunpaw should be fine soon but it worries me. I'm jjust glad that other clan mates and m other daughter daughter isn't hur-." Larkstar paused as he noticed his other daughter was missing she had just been there. He frantically started looking everywhere and scented her scent going into the forest. His eyes widened with worry as he heard a scream coming from the forest.

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Posted on
2016-10-02 03:58:23
Ravenpaw l ShadowClan l Mentions: Mapleivy, Oakpaw, Open

Ravenpaw padded into the Gathering clearing, her breath coming out in short gasps. She hadn't walked that long in a while. 'My lungs must have been worse off from the smoke than I actually thought...we need new territory, and quickly,'

She saw Mapleivy sitting alone at the edge of the group of cats, and the apprentice decided to sit with her. She saw a familiar face among the other apprentices nearby. Oakpaw, was it? 'Maybe I should go talk to him? It's been a while...' She saw Froststar talking to another Clan leader as well. However, the other two leaders had not arrived yet.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-10-02 06:20:38
CloudStar--WindClan--Mentions: Misty, i guess. Mostly open though

CloudStar leapt up onto the highrock. The dark gray-black she-cat was still somewhat pudgy from her recent litter, but she looked strong. She'd left Misty with LeafKit and BrambleKit so she could attend this gathering. The leader's golden eyes scanned over the gathering, but she was mostly silent as she tried to avoid talk of why she hadnt attended recent gatherings

TroutPaw--RiverClan--Mentions: ClearFox

TroutPaw kept low as she reached the fourtrees. She tried to keep ClearFox in her sights, but at the same time, she wanted to just run around and tell everyone about the adventure she had! No, it was best to keep her 'adventure' with ClearFox silent for now. At least, until SoulStar said it was okay to talk about it. The small tortoiseshell she-cat stared at the cats from other clans, her eyes wide with joy. She missed seeing so many cats, even if the journey hadnt been too long

(did i done goood? :D XD)

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-10-02 07:03:40
(You done good XD)

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-02 08:48:12
Oops! Edited that!

Dewwhisker/Riverclan/Mentions: Poisonpaw, Bluepaw.

Dewwhisker glanced again at Bluepaw's burns. "At least you seem to be recovering. Riverclan is doing fine, we were having some issues with poisoned fish but that's now past us." He meowed.
Dewwhisker glanced at the leaders, wondering when they would start. He licked his paw and drew it over his tan ear.

(Sorry it's short D:)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 05:04:53
Ravenpaw l ShadowClan apprentice l Mentions: Mapleivy

Ravenpaw sat next to her friend, watching the other Clans talking to one another. She wanted to join in, but she couldn't help but wonder what would happen today. Froststar looked annoyed to be here, and the WindClan leader looked angry.

Ravenpaw leaned toward Mapleivy and whispered, "None of the leaders seem happy today. And there are only three of them up Clan is missing.."

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☕🌹 Chai (#51056)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-03 07:14:17
Cedar - Shadowclan /| Open for Interaction!

This whole concept was new to the tom. His surprise at the groups- Clans- existing was enough, but they met and were peaceful? His astonishment wasn't returned eith the others that he saw. What was he supposed to do, anyway? Cedar noticed the other cats from his clan mingling with cats from othe clans. I should probably do that same, he thought, stretching and padding into the throng.

Sagedapple - Shadowclan /| Open for Interaction!
The pale calico had been to plenty of Gatherings before, but this one made her apprehensive. She hope that whoever she talked to would avoid the topic of the storm and the fire. Would others even known? Surely, she thought, Thunderclan would know, as they were Shadowclan's closest border.

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Edited on 03/10/16 @ 14:15:47 by Sarc the Faery (#51056)

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