Posted by Gathering Thread [Warrior Clans United RP]

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-01 02:23:31

Warrior Clans United Gathering Page!

This is where we'll be able to meet with all the clans in a Gathering. A set date will be posted to let you know when a Gathering is. You may post here for general talk as well! :)

1st post on page 10: 2 Free breedings to my king.
5th post on page 20: 1 Free decor
7th post on page 25: 5 Carcasses
3rd post on page35: 200 SB
9th post on page 40: 1GB
And so on.....
This will take place in the Clans' first territory. The map is down below:


1 - Cats must be realistic, no super powers. :)
2 - Before your cat starts to have feelings, ask other player about a potential relationship.
3 - The maximum number of cats is 4.
4 - Mating is PG; fade to black. :)
5 - When a battle happens, cat must sustain injuries.
6 - Leaders have 9 lives.
7 - No killing or permanently hurting another RP character without permission
8 - Please be respectful on the chats.
9 - Leaders and medicine cats will be decided by me. Deputies are chosen by the Leader.
10 - Only 1 special cat per person (above Warrior status).
11 - Put in A.A.R in the Other category on sign-up sheet so I know that you read the rules!
12 - All Warrior Cats rules apply, including acceptable names as in the series.
13 - The layout of the clans(Scenery) follows the first book of the first series.

Each clan now has it's own thread:

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 24/05/16 @ 14:17:21 by LionTamer😇 [A.A.R.] (#66075)

Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 09:36:00
Funny how no one noticed a cat just died...))

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Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-03 10:08:35
Froststar - Shadowclan Leader - Apprentice:Mistpaw, -Four trees -Mentions: Larkstar
Injuries:singed fur, healing burnt paws,belly

Froststar listened intently as Larkstar went on about his daughter. She could see that he cared about her, something that struck Froststar through her heart, she knew that she would probably never have kits of her own now that Leopardheart had passed but that was probably for the best, seeing as he was Riverclan when he was alive, and since she was to be leader, she didn't need anyone challenging that she wasn't loyal to her clan, and certainly not now. She was cut from her thoughts when she heard a screech or scream she didn't know but she did do a head count of her cats making sure they were all accounted for, she relaxed as she saw it wasn't any of her clanmates. She looked at Larkstar, questioning in her eyes, wondering what that could be.

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ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 10:22:30
(Who died?? I reread it a few times and nobody said anyone died)

Oakpaw - Mentions: Ravenpaw, Larkstar

Oakpaw got to his feet. He saw Ravenpaw, the Shadowclan cat he had met at the last gathering. He scampered over to her. "Hi, Ravenpaw. You are looking much healthier than last moon." Oakpaw acknowledged.

He saw Larkstar head into the forest. He scoffed at the Thunderclan leader. Those cats always thought they were above every other clan in the forest, he thought.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 10:51:55
Icepaw just died...)) it happened like 2 or 3 pages ago.))
Larkstar|| Male|| Thunderclan|| Mentions: OPEN
Larkstar bolted into the forest only to see a pale white body lieing on the ground. He new this body all too well. He wailed collapsing over her. Why? Why did he have to suffer this pain? Why her? Tears ran down his face this was worse than death. This was like his heart had been ripped out and trampled on.

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-10-03 11:07:38
Poisonpaw || Male || Medicine Cat Apprentice || Riverclan || Mentions: Larkstar

Poisonpaw watched as he saw a strange cat bolt from the clearing towards the forest, curious to what was wrong. He wanted to go, but he didn't know if it was right. He had never been in the forest before, and he didn't want to threaten the warrior code by passing through another clan's territory. His ears perked when he heard a distressing wail from the same direction, standing up and racing to the end of the clearing. His heart continued to pound when he stopped at the edge of fourtrees, concerned about the cat that had run of. The cry didn't sound as if he was physically hurt, but mentally hurt. Taking another pawstep, he ran towards the forest, stopping at least a few tail-lengths away from the cats.

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-03 11:17:38
(I noticed I just didn't make my characters notice xD)

Mapleivy/Mentions: Ravenpaw.

Mapleivy nodded. "I hope everyone's alright in Thunderclan," She replied. Her ginger fur was on end from her nerves. They had been getting better but not completely gone. She felt stressed from the fire and her twisted and burnt paw hurt like heck.

Sorry it's short, I don't have a ton of time. :(

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ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 11:25:37
(Ahh, I see xD I was so confused)

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Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-03 11:53:27
Froststar - Shadowclan Leader - Apprentice:Mistpaw, -Four trees -Mentions: Open
Injuries:singed fur, healing burnt paws,belly

Froststar frowned in annoyance, how rude, she thought as she stalked back into the undergrowth. She wasn't going to be the first to talk, seeing as she wasn't in the best mood, and Larkstar leaving without explanation just put her in a worse mood. It wasn't her fault some cat had gone off on their own and gotten into trouble. She wouldn't tolerate that in her own clan, and hopefully they knew it, she wouldn't loose a cat to their own stupidity, not on her watch, as she watched from the shadows.

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Tortie (#65162)

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Posted on
2016-10-04 05:36:58
{Just pretend I've been}
Sagepaw- Shadowclan app- Mentions: Speckledsky
Sagepaw's tail fluffed a little, the tension was very thick this moon. He pressed a little closer to his mentor, and sighed softly.

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Posted on
2016-10-04 07:29:25
Ravenpaw l ShadowClan apprentice l Mentions: Leaders, Open

Ravenpaw could not believe that a Clan leader had just bolted away from the Gathering. She had overheard the tom talking to Froststar about his kits, who were probably the ones screaming not far off. 'Why isn't his kit here at the Gathering? And why does he care more about one cat when his whole Clan is now here alone?', she thought.

Ravenpaw shook her head in annoyance. 'Loyalty should be to the Clan, not to kin. What mouse-brains ThunderClan cats are," she thought. With only two leaders left now by the great trees, she wondered if the Gathering would ever begin.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-10-04 07:45:46
Wildheart || Deputy - Thunderclan || She-cat - 18 moons || Mentions: Larkstar, Thunderclan in general

Wildheart frowned, and wanted to bolt after Larkstar to see what was wrong, but restrained herself. The remaining Thunderclan cats needed an authority figure. She was not, however, entirely sure what to say or do in that situation. Oh, dear.

"Thunderclan!" she called. "Who all is here from Thunderclan? To me!" She decided that the best path would be to gather up any warriors and go make sure everything was okay, but apprentices probably shouldn't come - it could be too dangerous.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-10-04 08:34:06
Larkstar|| Male||Thundeclan|| Mentions: Thunderclan
Larkstar sluggishly walked into the gathering carrying the bod of Icepaw his second daughter.He body was slashed up and her eyes staged in permanaent fear. The scent of fear and death surrounded her. He layed her body on the ground and sat down. "Thunderclan. Icepaw is... dead." he said such remourse in his vioce another round of silent tears slipped down his stoic face. "I'm sorry Icepaw. If only I had been a better father." he mumbled his eyes unmoving, staring into her souless eyes.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-10-04 08:45:13
Wildheart || Deputy - Thunderclan || She-cat - 18 moons || Mentions: Larkstar, Thunderclan in general

Wildheart did not know what to say or do. She couldn't move. Icepaw was dead and nothing was okay.

The keening yowl started as a low whine in her throat, then grew until it burst from her; her head was tilted up to the sky and tears dripped down her face. She had just been an apprentice. She would have been a warrior soon. She would have grown up and had kits and apprentices of her own. As she grew up, they could have been friends. Contained in her mourning cry was moons and moons of patrols not gone on, prey not killed, jokes not shared.

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Lostpelt (#96460)

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Posted on
2016-10-04 08:51:54
Oddeye - Male - Windclan - mentions: open???

Oddeye finally decided to go to the gathering, even though he was tired. when he got there he saw most cats looked depressed, or sad. The scent of fear and death stung his nose. He jumped upward to see what the commotion was about. He saw a cat he recognized as the thunderclan leader's daughter, on the ground. Dead. His ears flattened, he wanted to kill whatever had done it.

Lostkit - female - shadowclan - mentions: Open???

Lostkit snuck out to the gathering, She didn't care if she was allowed or not. she managed to get a spot near the thunderclan leader. she had caught the scent of fear and death before she got there. like many others, she was unhappy. another death, another cat dead, like so many others. "starclan take care of her" Lostpelt didn't personally know icepaw, but figured she was, like every cat she'd ever seen, understanding, caring, and all around nice.

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Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-04 09:00:32
Froststar - Shadowclan Leader - Apprentice:Mistpaw, -Four trees -Mentions: Lostkit, Larkstar(briefly)
Injuries:singed fur, healing burnt paws,belly

Though solem as Froststar looked upon the scene that had taken the attention of the cats in the gathering but Froststar couldn't bring herself to care enough when so many cats of her own clan had died by a fire they couldn't control. The apprentice shouldn't have wandered, the leader thought, as she flicked her right ear in distaste of the situation. This was a gathering not a funeral, and though Larkstar was a new leader, he should know, even if the cat in question is family that the clan comes first, as cold as it seemed. As Froststar watched the scene with a cold look, she noticed a familiar pelt of a certain kit that was supposed to stay in their camp. She narrowed her eyes, before stalking towards the kit, a frown on her already annoyed face.

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