Posted by WC RP [Snowclan Chat] do not post

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:51:08
This is Snowclan chat

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Event: Test of Strength and Loyalty
There is something lurking about, within Icestar's dreams, as well as other warrior's/queen's dreams and within the forest.. will the cats that follow the leader and deputy stay loyal or rebel against what has been established as rules to protect them? These are tests that seem to not be from Starclan, which has once again gone silent. Could these threats be from the Dark forest? Or are they something more vicious? Either way, this will test every cat, physically and emotionally.. will Snowclan stay together or will it fall apart?

Clan info:

{Will add soon, just thinking of a template}

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Edited on 14/11/17 @ 17:47:29 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-17 11:20:08
(I'll reply tomorrow it's late here and I have school and band sorry I haven't replied today !)

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-18 09:27:53
"I have a question Icestar," he sighed and his voice went into a more serious one. One only he knew he had, it was his true self peaking out of him. No longer his optimistic self just Bramblefur.

"You're welcome, I've recently found a little family of rabbits I'm waiting till they get older to hunt them though. They're newborns," she purred thinking at the tiny succulents popping around with they're meaty legs.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 09:34:24
Her icy blue eyes looked around as she listened to Bramblefur. She wasn't very surprised by the sudden change in tone, her icy blue eyes still scoped around them while she listened. When he told her he had a question she stopped looking around, ending up looking up.. "yes? I can try my best to answer" she gave a small smile as she looked up at him. Her ear flicked every so often as she looked at him, a little annoying fly buzzing by her ear and she tried to ignore it.

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 12:32:32
Silvertail smiled still, " maybe when they are adults we could both go hunt them down so hopefully they stay in our territory" she said and flicked her fluffy tail.

so sorry writers block

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-19 11:24:15
"Are you scared? Of all this, honestly," He looked down at his small leader. She was good at hiding emotion, but so was he. No one ever knew the true Bramblefur but himself, he masked his trueself very well. If he were to act himself at camp he would be feared for his cold nature."Because I don't want you to be, even if it is a tinge of fear of this prophecy. Avoid it ignore it and don't let it eat at you. Because I will be here to protect you, and I will. I'm going to be your shield always Icestar,no matter what do you understand? You can fight a battle but as soon as I sense your fear or smell the smallest scent of your blood. I'm going to be there to save you, do you understand?" He wanted her to be sure of that, he would drill it into her brain,every single bit of it.

"They should, its a yearly nest for rabbits," She purred and thought about chasing them."That would be fantastic, I haven't went on a hunting patrol in ages. I've been helping the elders since we don't have apprentice, but they're grateful and so am I."

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 12:01:33
(Wow Bramblefur o3o)

She looked at him, listening to what he had to say, when he finished, she sighed. "A little bit.. but that is life.." she moved away from Bramblefur to stretch, when she had stretched, her muscles flexed, claws flexing in and out of her paws. Her icy eyes looking around, not looking for cats but prey. She let out a yawn before standing up straight, "fear can be strength in itself when there are cats to back up.. but thank you Bramblefur.. just don't go blindly into a fight ok? You are a strong cat but, I don't want you to get yourself into a really bad situation." She looked around once more before looking back into the water, watching all of the fish swim by.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-19 13:14:21
" You're not giving me a straight answer. I know not to go blindly I know how fear can be strength but I'm asking you this and need an answer. I'm not protecting you as my leader I'm protecting you as a -," he shut his mouth. His jaw locked up and he stood shaking himself. His words wouldn't get through to her, and he wouldn't get her honesty. He turned and that's when he noticed the eyes staring at him. It burned him to his core and he tensed, he turned around to Icestar " How about you go back to camp, its getting late?" He decided to put on his persona once more. He faced the river and licked his paw, his eyes cut to the woodline beside him. The tall figure still staring, She needs to leave now.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 13:39:20
She looked at him, eyes suddenly going cloudy.. her ear flicked, soon seeing a figure running for them and she closed her eyes, all of a sudden unsheathing her claws, a few tears rolled down and a little growl came from her throat. All she could see was some cat, all covered in blood.. a scent wafted over and she could smell Nightclan.. it soon vanished and she looked around before hearing him suggest she go back to camp.. was he acting like she was a kit? He wanted a straight answer? Fine.. "yes I am scared.. why wouldn't I be?" There was his answer.. she turned in the direction of camp, still shaking slightly from what she had seen.. why was starclan doing this to her? "Yes it is getting late.. so let's go hot shot.." she teased.

(o3o that scared me..)

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-19 13:48:27
He walked with her but stared at the shadow, the silent paws went into a spring as soon as they began to walk. Before he could ask her what was wrong he turn and ran at the figure. A rabid fox, if he were bitten he'd be done for. Never would he be able to step foot in the clan. "Icestar get out of here," he knocked her in the direction of camp and ran full speed at the creature. The clan couldn't lose their leader to this, he launched himself at its throat. His sharp teeth sinking in. Due to being a bigger cat it was easier to fight the bigger creature. He sunk his claws into its neck as well. His teeth sinking into its jugular. He tumbled with the fox but not once did he unlock he jaw. He let out a scream as he fought, not in pain, but of adrenaline. He felt his veins pumping and his heart bursting. His eyes went crazed as the fox bucked around. It wanted to get to his Icestar and he wasn't about to let that happen.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 14:10:46
(Dawww that is so cute XD "his Icestar")

She had almost toppled over at the sudden shove and she looked back, seeing Bramblefur attacking a fox.. a rabid one at that.. she wanted to help but, she had to listen to cats for once.. she turned to go, looking towards him a few times, letting out a sigh. She had to be the leader of her clan.. but she couldn't leave him here alone with that fox.. she shook her head.. he was stronger than that fox.. she believed it. She sprinted, being very swift as she barreled to camp. She looked around, seeing Speckledclaw and Silvertail, she tried not to show anything which, was working. She padded in and up to the two, "hello there.. how are you two today?" Nothing in her voice seemed out of the ordinary, though on the inside she was freaking out.. what if he got bit? She shoved the thoughts away because he was strong and smart. She showed no panic or fear, just friendliness.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-19 14:26:58
It seemed like forever as he tumbled with the filth. He finally found the soft point on the poor soul's neck, he clamped down. He heard a crunch and let go as soon as he smelled blood, he knew he could go rabid if blood seeped into him. He stepped on the throat of the fox until it stopped struggling. He hated seeing creatures that had become infected, he couldn't help but feel sorry for them. He went to a puddle formed from recent rain and rinsed his bloody paws off. He dug up dirt and filled the puddle in so no one would drink from it, he always took extra precautions with rabid disease. He's lost too many clanmates to it. He began to limp his way back to camp and sighed, he got a few scratches and a deep graze across his stomach. He saw the dim light of camp and coughed a minute as he got to the camp opening.

"Oh hello Icestar I'm fine, and you?" she sat down and licked her paw. Icestar had never initiated a conversation with her even when they went to Nightclan territory. Something might have been wrong but speckledclaw didn't question it. She didn't have the authority to. She looked past Icestar and saw a cat's figure collapse at the camp opening,"Bramblefur?"

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 14:41:28
She was about to reply when she heard Bramblefur escape the She-cat's lips. She had turned to see the collapsed cat.. she looked calm on the outside as she ran over. She looked him over, seeing the deep graze across his stomach, alarm bells went off inside her head.. she sniffed him, obviously worried, she would always show that.. she looked around, maybe some herbs and such were still in the medicine cat den.. she had watched the old medicine cat when she was an Apprentice because it was interesting but, she had never wanted to be one.. she only knew basically the most basic things like cobwebs for cuts and Marigold for the wounds to stop infection.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-19 15:03:32
He chuckled quietly,"You look worried kitty." He gave a weak goofy Bramblefur grin,"I didn't get bit, nor did I let blood get inside my woundsor in my mouth. I'll dispose of the fox's carcass tomorrow..I was just a little tired today," he grumbled the last words involuntarily. "Stay calm okay?" He reached up and licked her nose when she went to sniff him."I washed the disease off in a puddle and buried it," He laid his head on the ground.

She ran over and looked over the bloody cat,"I'll go get some herbs I picked I know how to treat him I just might need help getting him to the medicine den after he's treated." She darted off, her paws leaving the ground as soon as the tip of her toes grazed it. She slipped into the medicine den and got everything she would need for the wounds. Poppies for a poultice, cobwebs,fern,and marigold poultice. She gathered everything and ran back," I was going to bring raspberry as a painkiller but we don't have any, but with what we do have he'll be okay Icestar. Could you help me apply everything? I'll seal his wounds tomorrow but I need any infection to seep out first." She began packing the gash with poultice, she ignored his grimace and sighs, it was only helping him.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 15:09:58
Her ear flicked, she gave a little smile when he licked her nose. It kind of tickled.. weird.. she nodded when he said to stay calm and was relieved when Speckledclaw said he would be ok.. she nodded to Speckledclaw when she asked her to help apply the herbs and she started to put it into his wounds. She was careful not to press too hard but not too lightly either, the juices had to get in there.. she remembered what she had saw before Bramblefur had ran off to fight the fox.. what was it? She was curious.. but, she was calm, no emotions showing. She would thank him later... but right now she was going to help as best as she could.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-19 15:14:37
He was a little delirious from his energy drain from the recent fight."Whatcha thinking about precious?" He whispered in his deep quiet voice as Icestar was pressing down on a wound close to his head. He knew she was thinking about something but didn't know what it was. He could always tell when she was lost in her head, it wasn't easy but he was able to peak over that wall ever so slightly. He winced a bit as she put pressure to tease her a bit with his pain.

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