Posted by WC RP [Snowclan Chat] do not post

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:51:08
This is Snowclan chat

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Event: Test of Strength and Loyalty
There is something lurking about, within Icestar's dreams, as well as other warrior's/queen's dreams and within the forest.. will the cats that follow the leader and deputy stay loyal or rebel against what has been established as rules to protect them? These are tests that seem to not be from Starclan, which has once again gone silent. Could these threats be from the Dark forest? Or are they something more vicious? Either way, this will test every cat, physically and emotionally.. will Snowclan stay together or will it fall apart?

Clan info:

{Will add soon, just thinking of a template}

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Edited on 14/11/17 @ 17:47:29 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-11 09:58:09
Mentions: Emberwhisker and Emeraldfrosr

She smiled amusingly, then looked to Emeraldfrost, "I am going to try and get some sleep in.. see you later" she said a smile and padded up the tricky stone ledges until she reached her den. she went inside and laid in her nest, waiting for sleep to come, which couldn't come any sooner. She wanted to sleep so bad but, she always had nightmares..

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Edited on 13/10/16 @ 18:55:32 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-11 09:59:57
Emeraldfrost Mentions: Icestar, Emberwhisker
Emeraldfrost smiled kindly at Emberwhisker, nodding in greeting to her and watching her pad off to get another cat for patrol. When she saw Emberwhisker had approached a cat she turned back to Icestar with an inquiring expression. "Yes, now that that's taken care of, I do think you should head to your den." She tried to make her tone of voice sound like one of a queen talking to a kit, but she couldn't help that it was laced with amusement. She dipped her head as Icestar left for her den, meowing after her, "sleep well Icestar."

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HIATUS (#90714)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-12 12:19:22
Emberwhisker, She-Cat, Mentions: Crimsonwing

Emberwhisker poked at Crimsonwing a few more times, huffing with a slight twinge of grumpiness as the she-cat slept through her prodding. "How can you sleep through all of this?" She growled, turning away from the she-cat with a low growl. "Well then I'll just find another warrior!" Emberwhisker held her tail high and poked her head in the Warriors den crossly. "Anyone up for a patrol?" She called, sitting down and waiting patiently for a response

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SmolKhajiit (#98533)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 11:47:44
(So sorry solar!!)

Crimsonwing|female|warrior dens

Crimsonwing opened her eyes suddenly, looking around in a daze. She saw Emberwhisker and smiled faintly, surprsing her with her presence. "You called?"

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HIATUS (#90714)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-13 11:53:59
(It's alright!)

Emberwhisker, She-cat, Mentions: Crimsonwing, Icestar

Emberwhisker spun around with a gleefully mrrow and padded back over to the she-cat. "Icestar wants a patrol!" She mewed, flicking her tail happily. "We're going hunting along the border." Emberwhisker added with a sigh of relief as the thought of sinking her teeth into juicy prey overwhelmed her. Shaking her head restlessly, the reddish brown she-cat shuffled her paws and waited for Crimsonwing to get ready.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-13 11:57:34
RedKit | 3 Moons | Tom | Location: Camp | Mentions: Open

RedKit yawned, padding out of camp, his emerald green eyes glowing with excitement as he exited out, a grin on his face.

(Soooo slow and short ;-;)

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Edited on 13/10/16 @ 19:00:20 by 🐾FearedLion🐾 (#67784)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 11:59:59
Mentions: open

She hadn't been able to fall asleep and so she had gotten up and stood on the ledge in front of her den that was always where she held clan meetings. She watched every cat as they went about their business. She was a little bored, there was nothing really going on.. then she realised the dark figure that she had seen while they were at the pond.. she thought it was some kind of cat.. she had finally come to a desicion as to who her new deputy would be..

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SmolKhajiit (#98533)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 12:08:38
Crimsonwing|female| mentions: emberwhisker

Crimsonwing took a plump finch from the fresh kill pile and ate it swiftly. She shot a friendly smile and dashed ahead, waiting for emberwhisker by the entrance. "What are you waiting for? I haven't patrolled in ages, Im excited!"

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HIATUS (#90714)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-13 12:13:26
Emberwhisker, She-cat, Mentions: Crimsonwing

Emberwhisker brightened and chased after the she-cat, her paws thudding on the ground as she slid to a halt by a tall tree that marked a path to camp. Letting out a relitively relieved sigh, Emberwhisker stretched quickly and nosed around for any prey, keeping her ears pricked in case Crimsonwing needed her for anything, like a large bird. She licked her lips dreamily at the thought of a bird, and sniffed around some more, hoping that maybe something like a rabbit would hop in her path.

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SmolKhajiit (#98533)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 12:21:35
Crimsonwing|female|mentions: emberwhisker

Crimsonwing was determined on finding some big, juicy prey. The thought lingered in her head as she searched the forest floor furtively, and aware. As she crept along a thud made her ears prick up at the speed of light. She lowered her belly, eyes and ears narrowed. An enormous hare stood near its den, staring at the she-cat tensely. Crimsonwing bolted after the hare, her legs pounding the ground, her heart thumping with the thrill of the hunt, but the hare was too fast. She plopped down panting, when in an ancient tall oak she spotted a fat quail. It was her lucky day. She scurried up the tree, grabbing for the quail. The quail, being too fat, got caught in the warrior's clutches. She jumped down from the tree, trotting in pride following the scent of Emberwhisker with the juicy quail dangling from her jaws.

(Sorry its so long lol)

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HIATUS (#90714)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-13 12:27:03
(That's okay! :3)

Emberwhisker, She-cat, Mentions: Crimsonwing

Emberwhisker scented something in the undergrowth, and she lowered herself down, creeping through the fronds with a low purr as a plump shrew came into sight. Silently praying to StarClan, she tested the wind and crept until she was comepletly undetectable, then she wiggled her haunches, bunched her muscles and sprang with a hiss, catching the shrew with outstretched claws and standing over its lifeless body with a pant of glee. "Thank you, StarClan." Emberwhisker murmured, picking up the shrew with a purr and set off to meet Crimsomwing.

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SmolKhajiit (#98533)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 12:30:08
Crimsonwing|she cat| mentions: emberwhisker

Crimsonwing met emberwhisker on her path, setting down her quail. "Wow! I've never seen shrews that big before! It must be a good hunting season, thank star clan." She said.

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HIATUS (#90714)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-13 12:33:35
Emberwhisker, She-cat, Mentions: Crimsonwing

Emberwhisker's purr was muffled by her shrew, and she set it down awkwardly, it's heavy body weighing down her neck. "Thank you. That's one fat quail you caught! StarClan has blessed us with prey for the season. I think this is enough to feed the whole clan. Let's head back." She mewed, her eyes shining with embarrassment from Crimsonwing's praise. Quickly, she picked up her shrew and trotted happily back to camp.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-13 12:44:31
Emeraldfrost Mentions: Icestar, (Emberwhisker, Crimsonwing)
Padding out of the Warriors' Den after a nap, Emeraldfrost stifled a yawn as she stretched out her rested limbs. She noticed Emberwhisker and Crimsonwing were gone and smiled to herself good-naturedly. I hope they're getting along. She chose a small mouse from the fresh-kill pile and ate it gingerly, hoping her newly-woken stomach would accept it without much of a fuss. As Emeraldfrost finished up her meal her gaze caught onto Icestar and her ears perked. The white warrior dug a shallow hole and scrapped her few remains into it, standing and padding closer to Icestar and her ledge when done cleaning up. "Greetings Icestar, get any sleep?"

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HIATUS (#90714)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-13 12:45:50
(I must go to bed now. I will see you all tomorrow! :3 Goodnight!)

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