Posted by WC RP [Snowclan Chat] do not post

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:51:08
This is Snowclan chat

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Event: Test of Strength and Loyalty
There is something lurking about, within Icestar's dreams, as well as other warrior's/queen's dreams and within the forest.. will the cats that follow the leader and deputy stay loyal or rebel against what has been established as rules to protect them? These are tests that seem to not be from Starclan, which has once again gone silent. Could these threats be from the Dark forest? Or are they something more vicious? Either way, this will test every cat, physically and emotionally.. will Snowclan stay together or will it fall apart?

Clan info:

{Will add soon, just thinking of a template}

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Edited on 14/11/17 @ 17:47:29 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-16 01:57:37
(Lol that would be so cute XD I haven't done a f×f RP in so long XD I can change it if you'd like? Hehe he XD)

Mentions: Emeraldfrost

She smiled and then let out a laugh, "challenge accepted" she said, playfully sticking her tongue out. "Yea.. let's meet back her in a a little bit! Don't be too long though" she joked with a purr. She waited for the other cat to say she was ready so they could both just take off and go hunting.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-16 02:42:27
(ahh yeah if you want to you totally should, they'd be the cutest ship)
Emeraldfrost Mentions: Icestar
Placing her paw back on the ground, Emeraldfrost gave a friendly smirk in Icestar's direction. "Don't worry, I won't be any longer than you, dear leader." She laughed light-heartedly. "I'll see you when I win," Emeraldfrost declared in farewell, dipping her head politely. She turned and gave a final flick of her tail to Icestar before bounding off in the direction she'd indicated earlier.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-16 05:14:32
(Changed it xD they would be so cute.. so want to shove em together?)

Mentions: Emeraldfrost

She laughed, "Yea.. see you then! But you'll see that I will win!" She called back to her and then turned and bounded in the opposite direction from where Emeraldfrost has run. She planned to get something good at least.. didn't really matter to her who won, this was just a lot of fun.

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SmolKhajiit (#98533)

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Posted on
2016-10-16 05:34:05
(If anyone wants to interact im open! )

Crimsonwing|she-cat| warrior dens

Crimsonwing sighed heavily in bordom. She started straightening up the warrior dens, making sure they were nice and tidy. She was that bored. She could hunt, but the fresh kill pile was overflowing, and Icestar and emaraldfrost were getting more. As she patted down some of the moss in her bedding a thorn pricked her soft, squishy paw pads. "Ouch!" She tried flicking it off but it was no use. "Help! Anyone?"

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-16 05:53:09
(yeah let's do itt)
Emeraldfrost Mentions: Icestar
Emeraldfrost heard Icestar's proclamation and smiled to herself, feeling her heart warm. She then slowed her pace, picking something up- opening her mouth partially, she scented a mouse. She shook her head gently before quietly moving on, hoping to find something more compelling. Eventually, the land around her grew wetter and she spotted a bird- a moorhen. Emeraldfrost had tried catching one before but hadn't succeeded as she hadn't expected them to be such fast runners, considering they're birds. She crouched down and slowly made her way forward through the dwindling undergrowth. She was planning to leap on it without having to give chase, as they were weak fliers compared to running and swimming. Emeraldfrost wasn't concentrating too hard as she stalked forward since her mind was straying to Icestar. She hoped the other was enjoying herself.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-16 05:59:08
(I am a bit rusty at this so sorry in advance! o3o)

Mentions: Emeraldfrost

She smiled to herself almost the whole time she was trying to concentrate on hunting. She got mad at herself after a few moments, "I need to stop.." she hissed quietly to herself before noticing a rabbit munching on some grass, probably not the best prey.. but it was something.. she loved to chase the fast rabbits, it was fun and they always eventually slowed down after a while because some usually stray a little too far from their burrows. She crouched, eyes locked onto the rabbit. She had u sheathed her claws to give her better traction against the ground as she made a noise purposefully and then it darted. She ran after it, trying not to tired herself out fully before she could catch the thing.. she wondered how Emeraldfrost was doing, probably had something already. She once again hissed as herself as she chased the rabbit.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-16 06:15:44
(rusty? I didn't notice)
Emeraldfrost Mentions: (Icestar)
Mind straying, Emeraldfrost realized too late that she was approaching a dry twig. Her thoughts were cleared upon hearing a crack. The moorhen snapped to attention, getting one look at her before mindlessly deciding to try to flail its wings. Emeraldfrost bounded forward swiftly and lept at it, pushing it down onto the ground and biting at its neck. She held the bird as it thrashed around until it did no more. She let out a sigh of relief, glad it hadn't tried to run or swim away, which would have most likely led to her exerting herself and possibly not catching it. Emeraldfrost picked up the bird in her jaws, eyes shining now that she could get back to Icestar. She made her way back to their meeting spot, dragging the moorhen along.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-16 07:42:35
(Is that sarcasm I detect? ;p lol)

Mentions: Emeraldfrost

She chased it for a while, but knew they were probably getting closer to its burrow and she wasn't going to let it go that easily.. she sped up a bit, now at full tilt and tried to run and moved it away from the direction they were going and then she pounced, grabbing hold of its back with her claws and it squirmed as it fell. She bite down onto it and picked it up once it had gone limp. It wasn't much.. but at least it was something. She wondered what Emeraldfrost had caught. She thought about Emeraldfrost the whole time as she padded towards the meeting spot and just thought it was because the cat was very skillful and such as well as a great friend.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-16 07:55:00
(Now that I read it.. it does sound like sarcasm, whoops, I'm sarcastic even when I don't mean to be. I didn't mean for it to sound that way haha)
Emeraldfrost Mentions: Icestar
Emeraldfrost's ears perked when Icestar came into view. She picked up her pace to a trot the best she could with the water bird in tow. Nearing Icestar, she dropped the moorhen that was already partially on the ground fully at the leader's paws. Emeraldfrost sat and curled her tail around her paws, inspecting Icestar's catch with a smile that came easily. "That's a lovely rabbit you have there. Who do you think won?"

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-16 08:40:09
(It's fine I'm just teasing XD)

Mentions: Emeraldfrost

She smiled when she saw Emeraldfrost, she put the rabbit down shortly after Emeraldfrost put her bird down. She sat down when she thought about it, "you did" she smiled happily, "that is a great catch" she said cheerfully. She had fun and that was enough for her, her icy blue eyes looked around at all the trees and such. It was pretty actually.. she never really got to appreciate it.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-16 11:52:34
Emeraldfrost Mentions: Icestar
"Thank you," Emeraldfrost responded naturally. After gazing at Icestar for awhile she decided to go a little out of her polite nature again and resume with a playful attitude. "See, I told you I'd win," Emeraldfrost purred. "But who really wins is whoever picks our prey from the fresh-kill pile." Her eyes danced with happiness and she looked around as well. She couldn't help but reflect on how she always enjoyed her time spent with Icestar, more so than with other cats.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-16 11:55:09
((PROOF. *screeches* It is offical!))

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-17 10:58:56
Mentions: Emeraldfrost

She smiled and let out a purr, "you're welcome and thanks for coming with me" she smiled happily. She let out a laugh at her comment, "Yea.. they will be full and that is good enough for me!" She smiled and purred some more. She always had fun with Emeraldfrost, she wasn't afraid to be herself nor did she feel like she should be reserved like she did in camp, no matter how much cats told her she didn't need to be.. she was always reserved and never really showed much emotion but, with Emeraldfrost it had been different... she felt at ease and she loved the feeling.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-17 10:59:39

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-10-17 11:06:41
(What is that? 030)

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