Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

[Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..]

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-22 15:31:49
Mentions: Bumbletail

"Oh..." Boulder looked at the rabbit. "Good, then we should hurry, does it hurt too bad?" Boulder asked, pushing the rabbit aside, and pulled Bumbletail closer to him, and he started to groom her head quietly, wrapping his tail around her. "Nothing will ever stop me from loving you too." Boulder purred loudly. Whoever made Bumble feel pain..I will... Boulder clenched his teeth. Oh, I will ruin their lives forever...No one touches my Bumble. Boulder thought.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-22 15:46:03
Bumbletail >>Boulder
Bumbletail chuckled lightly as Boulder pulled her closer and began grooming her. "No I'm fine love, I can still put pressure on it." She purred taking in Boulder's scent. "We should hurry and get back if Stoneckaw finds me gone, you know that mouse brain will do something rash." She said her voice had a hint of worry in it. "Mybe we can sleep in one of the dens together, there are many empty ones back at camp." She smiled softly at Boulder as she waited for him to lead again.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 23:53:18
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight

He felt bad after her words and she moved away.. he felt like a jerk.. he wanted to keep from hurting her but he had managed to do it anyway.. why did he always seem to screw up?? "You have no need to be sorry, I am the one that is sorry... but, we better get back to camp." He said kindly as he stood up. He stared across the water as the stars sparkled across it, he now wanted to get out of here. It reminded him of how she looked before that all went down hill.. he hated it.. he didn't look her in the eyes, "uh.. I will go hunt and then meet you there if you would like.." He said as he backed away a few steps.

Mentions: Maple

He stared at her as she asked about it being harsh, hearing about her sister didn't change his mind. "Perhaps... but no cat seems to even like him. Why would a cat stay where they aren't wanted?" He asked, pausing before speaking again, "just like Drake left when his parents didn't want him." He sounded like he knew a lot about him and his group but, he wouldn't sing even if a cat threatened to rip the song out of him. He sighed, "our sister left shortly after I had, I had met up with her and Nightfang doesn't know how much of a wreck she is.. he can't know. It would break his heart.. he was closer to her than I was anyway. But enough about that.. how did you get trapped in all of this stupid conflict?" He was just asking, he was curious.

Mentions: Maple, Talon, Stoneclaw, Bumbletail and Boulder, open (so many people at different times XD I need Drake to crash in on Boulder... lol sorry! He needs to speak to him!)

He stood just outside of the nursery, he saw Talon walk in and he wondered what he was doing to her.. even if he had a plan.. he wasn't going to let that stupid cat touch her. He padded over to the medicine cat den and looked at Stoneclaw laying on the ground, he looked in from the den entrance to see the two all cuddled up beside each other. He narrowed his eyes, turning and padding towards the camp exit, he knew the traitor and his mate had left the camp and he soon picked up their scents. He followed it, soon leading to Boulder and Bumbletail, he wasn't hesitant at all, he approached the cats and payed no attention to Bumbletail. He was after Boulder, his eyes were on him as he stood close to where they were. "Hey Boulder... how about we have a chat?" His ear flicked as he looked at Bumbletail, obviously uninterested in her, he looked back at Boulder. His scars glistened in the Moonlight, making every scar visible.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-23 00:05:34
Mentions: Bumbletail, and Drake. (Honestly, I'm kinda anxious..xD)

"Alright then." Boulder smiled, getting up to take the lead, then he smelled a faint scent of Drake, he shrugged and padded some more before the scent got stronger. Strange.. Boulder flicked an ear and padded some more until he was face to face with Drake. "What?!" Boulder growled through clenched teeth, staring at his scars then back at Bumbletail, his left amber eye narrowed. "This better be important, Drake" Boulder growled loudly, spatting out Drake's name in disgust.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-11-23 00:14:18
Mentions: Boulder

He smiled, "of course.. Boulder. But the girl can't come." He said plainly. He didn't even look at Bumbletail, he was uninterested, "stop protecting her from me.. I don't want her.. besides, this is more important than the stupid clan." He wasn't fazed by his harsh words. He waited for the cat, wondering if the traitor would actually talk to him. After all, he had hurt his precious Bumbletail.. and it wasn't even to get to him. It was for Stoneclaw, not the stupid all mighty Boulder. Man he had one scar that couldn't be seen, along with many others.. first his parents abused him, then a clan cat he loved turned on him, then a rogue cat he thought he liked left, now Boulder had betrayed him.. they were all the same.. to him, the world hated him. The only cat that probably ever actually liked him, loved him or even cared for him is Maple. He didn't expect Boulder to magically come back, he gave up on the cat. He was wounded by the cat, he thought he was close to. He wanted to protect him yet now he hated him.. that was why he never did anything good anymore. Either way cats hated him, now he would give the cats a real reason to hate him.. but not now. He wanted to talk to Boulder, the cat he thought he could protect but now he hated him. Just great..

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-23 00:39:36
Mentions: Bumbletail, and Drake.

Boulder scanned the clearing for more cats, his fur bristling cautiously. "Why can't Bumbletail can't come?" Boulder hissed. "Are you planning on attacking her again or what?!" Boulder unsheathed his claws and dug them deep into the earth. "I lost all my trust in you, Drake. What you did to Bumble seems like last sunup." Boulder growled. "You will never make that mistake ever again." Boulder muttered. "You hear me fox heart?" Boulder spat out. "Now what is this TOPIC about, if it really is important then I will come." Boulder clenched his teeth. "If it isn't, Bumble and I will leave." Boulder hissed through clenched teeth, his tail lashing out.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-11-23 05:53:09
Mentions: Boulder

He rolled his eyes, "why would I attack her again? If I wanted to attack anyone it would have been you.. she is of no use to me.." He heard fox heart, all neutral expression left him. He was enraged, "me a fox heart? Ok mister kitty pet.. go off with her, I have no use talking to a stuck up little 'perfect' kitty pet. Nothing is more important than a clan cat, isn't that right?" He said, obviously angry. He was going to apologize for hurting him, not anymore. All the hurt was in his eyes, the cat he had thought of as close like his group.. man it hurt. "I don't need you. Go be some stupid 'perfect' kitty pet. I don't care anymore." He flattened his ears against his head as he turned and padded away. His tail tip flicking with anger and hurt, he wouldn't actually hurt Boulder..

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-23 07:14:09
Bumbletail looked at Drake she felt sorry for the tom who had so much hate abd darkness in his heart. She placed her broken tail on Boulder's shoulder. "It best if you talk to him, he is after all the cat you grew up with." She said her voice so soft and sweet, she then looked at Drake and smiled warmly at him. "I will give you two some privacy, Boulder I will wait for you back at camp." She said giving Boulder a soft lick on the cheek, she picked up the rabbit and made her way passed Drake bowing in respect before limping into the bushes.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-23 08:18:34
Mentions: Bumbletail, and Drake.

Boulder nodded to Bumbletail. "Now Drake, what do you want?" Boulder narrowed his left amber eye, his tail flicking quietly.
(Writer's block!)

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-11-23 08:33:58
Mentions: Bumbletail and Boulder

He stopped padding when he heard her words, he looked at her, he was confused.. he hurt her yet she bowed her head in respect.. why was she so kind? He shook thoughts out of his head as he heard Boulder. He didn't want to talk after that.. he had been meaning to apologize and such like a cat who thought the other as basically family. But, he turned around and looked straight at Boulder, "you don't care what I have to say.. besides.. clan cats hate rogues. Isn't that right Boulder?" He said, implying that he was now a clan cat and that he hated rogues. "I didn't come to fight, I came alone yet you look around. You should know me yet you don't seem to.. so I have nothing to say to a cat that thinks because a clan accepted them, they are better than a rogue. I do what I have to, you have a leisurely life now. So, forget it. I don't need you, I don't need to talk to you. You have made it clear you don't wish to, so I will be off to hunt. Go to your leisurely life and leave me to my bloody one. Not like my parents ever cared either.." He said, not hiding anything from Boulder. He gave up on him and instead of padding towards camp, he padded towards the trees, towards the place where he had buried Bloodfang when he had the time to. He sat right in front of his brother's grave and stared at it, he loathed his family.. never would he forgive them for what they made him into..

(Sorry XD go after him for some weird side to Drake or leave him be.. it's up to you cx mwahahahaha)

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-23 16:36:45
Shadestep Mentions: Lynks
Tail swishing beside him, Shadestep dipped his head lightly in acknowledgment to Lynks, eyes shining. "Your mother was a smart one, then. Whenever I get the chance I slip feathers and fur into my nest back home." He smiled up at her in good nature. "Yeah, of course." Shadestep rested his head on his paws, gaze still upwards on Lynks. "What do you want to know? I'm not all that interesting, unlike you, peculiar cat."

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-23 18:24:13
Lynk chuckled lightly. "Peculiar cat, now that is funny." She said looking at Shadestep. "I don't really know, how about your parents, or where do you come from, what do clan cats eat?" She said amusement in her voice. She fluffed her mossy nest with her claws before lying down. "How about kit raising, does everyone help out or are mother the only one that does?" She said with a warm smile, she had always wanted kits of her own.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-24 19:53:07
Shadestep Mentions: Lynks
"Well, I've always just been a clan cat," Shadestep started, ears flicking. "We eat mice, birds, rabbits, the usual, I think? Did you eat different things with your mother?" He chuckled, looking at Lynks with intrigue. He watched her fluff her nest, head tilting slightly on his paws as he listened to her. "Well, it depends on the mother with kits. Sometimes a mother wants to mostly raise them by herself, sometimes others pitch in, and sometimes kits are taken in by another if their mother dies or doesn't care for them." Shadestep raised his head from off his paws and drew his front paws into himself. "Oh, when kits are older they become apprentices and are trained. They're assigned mentors that teach them our ways." He thought of the few kits they had at the moment, wondering if he'd get one of them as an apprentice when they came of age.

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-11-25 04:05:32
(Sorry… Kinda got a bit of writer’s block with Frostflight’s reply)

Frostflight | She-cat | Nightclan | Warrior | Mentions: Nightfang

A weak smile met her lips, she turned back to him one final time "it's okay, really I understand." She touched her tail tip gently to his shoulder, not wanting him to feel bad for her being pushy. "I'll see you there then" she murmured, turning slowly and padding away towards the camp.

Maple | She-Cat | Rouge | Mentions: Drake, Talon, Shadestep, Boulder

Maple smirked, nodding at the silver she-cat who padded into the camp "I think someone likes him." Her eyes snapped back to Talon as he asked her a question, "these cat's are all I have, where they are, that is my home. Besides, with Drake here, I don't need anyone else." Her gaze flickered to the entrance as a shadow blocked out the sunlight
"Drake!" She said, a smile spreading across her maw as she gazed up at the very cat she had been talking about. She watched in dismay as he narrowed his eyes in Talon’s direction, then padded off. Maple hissed, turning to the tom, realizing how close they had been sitting, she swiped a paw in his direction. She shouldn’t of er herself get so distracted… So soft. Maple stood abruptly, giving a small, hesitant nod to Talon as she ducked out of the nursery, hoping Stoneclaw didn’t see her. She padded hesitantly towards the camp entrance, wondering whether to follow Drake or not, she hoped he wasn't angry at her. Quietly she stalked after him, ducking whenever he turned and occasionally straining to hear what he was saying, she was sure the other voice belonged to that traitor Boulder.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-25 05:07:19
Bumbletail continued to limp towards camp the rabbit in her mouth, she suddenly bumbed into someone. Looking up feared washed over her face. "Maple w-what are you doing here, if Stoneclaw realizes you left I won't beabke to save you." Her ear flatten as tge vision of Stoneclaw hurting Maple flooded her mind. "If her comes you were helping me hunt, please let's just go because even Frostflight is in the woods." She said concern in her voice. "Please Maple please." She said her voice soft and sweet.

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