Posted by Carpe Diem [Pokemon RP] Signups / Chat

[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-25 11:40:00
Current Plot:

Welcome to Hoenn! The region, once plagued by Team Magma and Aqua, and nearly brought to ruin by both, is at peace. The League, to promote the new Battle Tower, decided to issue a special challenge: A tougher gym leader battle to test veteran trainers, and find new rising stars,


1. LD rules, who guessed
2. Don't be a dink. Char =/= player; don't godmod/powerplay
3. Please post at least a good paragraph (4+ lines) per reply
4. Psychic pokemon can talk telepathically, this varies individually. Some can easily speak to people they know, others can broadcast well.
4a. A limited number of pokemon can learn to speak (Like Meowth from the anime). I'll only allow 3, but they need to have a reason why they speak. [0/3]
5. Alola is banned for now. Don't mention any pokemon from the games until a few months after its release.
6. Regarding wild pokemon:
- If you want to play one, PLEASE have a trainer as well. Therefore, you don't have to include said pokemon everywhere and avoid some serious communication problems.
- Legendary pokemon need to have a pretty good bio. Trainer rule still applies. Legendary pokemon are a bit rare to begin with, so I'm only letting 5 people play one [1/5]. (Fusions and alt colors are allowed, yes!)
7. E4/Champion/Canon game chars allowed! Just give me a pretty good bio of them and why/how they got up to where they are.
8. Trainers can have a legendary pokemon, but please explain why said legendary chose them. Wild legendary rule doesn't apply for this.
9. How do you center stuff / make bigger please help me o7



Trainer Status: [beginner/breeder/veteran/champion/etc]
History: [can delete]
Personality: [can delete]
Family: [can delete]


Appearance: [can delete]
Personality: [can delete]
History: [can delete]
Moves: [replace xs]

List of Characters!

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Edited on 04/08/16 @ 13:19:30 by [Side]winder (#71221)

Heacey (#39812)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-03 07:49:38
Yeah, sorry. I was going to get to that but I ran out of time ^^

I just did some edits and took away two mega stones (you only need so many xD I got a bit carried away there).

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Edited on 03/08/16 @ 15:04:12 by Agil_free (#39812)

[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-03 09:53:15
Accepted then, Agil!

Looks like I'll be doing the ORAS storyline, looks like. I'll throw in something new, though. How does a small challenge for the grand opening of the new battle tower sound? Trainers would be challenged to beat an updated Gym Leader round, especially if they already have strong pokemon. On top of that, Team Magma/Aqua are back o:!

I may add that I half want to do Pokemon Showdown for the gym battles, to make that interesting.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-08-03 13:18:42
Oh dear, Aria's gonna be creamed. XD *eyes people with parties of 90+ pokemon*

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[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-04 12:59:51
I always had it that gyms would, like, have diff sets of pokemon based on trainers. This one would probably have one similar to the hard set, but more of an intermediate between the one they have in game and that. If that... makes sense!

I'll be making thread tomorrow though, setting will be Slateport!

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Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-04 14:11:29
Sorry! Didn't rollover, getting onto that now

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-04 14:56:59

Name: Neptune

Age: 20 Years

Trainer Status: Veteran

Description: Neptune is a average sized adult at 5'7, having short, black hair with bangs, and blue eyes with brown specks.
He has fingerless gloves and wears two necklaces. One of the necklaces is a malachite necklace that is oval shaped and has a silver ring around it.
The second necklace is a copper necklace painted with silver that shows the skeleton of a Tyrantrum.
Neptune wears a purple T-shirt under his black jacket, and wears blue jeans and black tennis shoes with white bottom rims.


Name: Grimlock

Species: Tyrantrum (Shiny)

Ability: Rock Head

Level: 100

Age: 4 years

Head Smash/Giga Impact/Fire Fang/Dragon Pulse

Item: Leftovers


Name: Leafeon

Species: Leafeon

Ability: Leaf Guard

Level: 100

Age: 3 years 2 months

Flash/Leaf Blade/Giga Drain/Solar Beam

Held Item: Miracle Seed


Name: Dalku

Species: Aggron

Ability: Rock Head

Level: 100

Age: 4 years 5 months

Hyper Beam/Heavy Slam/Double-Edge/Iron Tail

Held Item: Metal Coat


Name: Aurorus

Species: Aurorus (Shiny)

Ability: Refrigerate

Level: 100

Age: 5 years

Hyper Beam/Ice Beam/Blizzard/Dragon Tail

Held Item: Never Melt Ice


Name: Pyrite

Species: Charizard

Ability: Blaze

Level: 100

Age: 7 Years 2 Months

Flare Blitz/Heat Wave/Inferno/Flamethrower

Held Item: Charizardite Y

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Edited on 05/08/16 @ 14:31:59 by ✨NeptuneNebula✨ (7/20 GB) (#64036)

Gortys (#45274)

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Posted on
2016-08-04 15:38:33
P tired when i wrote this so i hope i didn't mess anything up haha.

Name: Samir Roy

Age: 18

Trainer Status: Beginner

Description: Samir is pretty short, standing around 5’3. He has a bony build, with dark skin, bright yellow eyes, and wild blonde hair. He wears cargo capris and a yellow and black hoodie, with a belt of pokeballs on his waist.

History: Samir never stayed in the same place as a child. His parents were pokemon researchers, and traveled all across the globe searching for and studying pokemon. When he turned 14 his sister set out on a journey across Unova, and Samir heard little from her. However, shortly after turning 18 his sister finally contacted his family again. She told Samir of her travels and the many pokemon she had met along the way, including Dil, the Archen whom she would eventually gift to him. Samir made up his mind after speaking with his sister: He wanted to be a pokemon trainer too. He trained his Archen to the best of his ability, and caught his growlithe and misdreavus along the way.
Personality: Samir is optimistic, relaxed, and friendly, but determined and quiet. He is careful during battle, and tries his hardest to keep his pokemon from getting injured. He doesn’t like keeping his pokemon in their balls, and always has one or two out and around him. However he does usually try to keep Mischief in hers to prevent her from pulling pranks and harassing innocents. She always manages to escape, somehow.

Family: Farida Roy(mother) Navin Roy(Father) Paki Roy(Older sister, ace trainer)

Team: Togekiss, Archen,Growlithe, Misdreavus


Name: Clarine

Species: Togekiss

Ability: Serene Grace

Level: 51

Age: 32

Appearance: That of a normal togekiss, however her head spikes curl backwards

Personality: Clarine is headstrong and intensely protective of the Roy family. She is especially protective of Samir, and has protected him from harm more times than he'll ever know. Despises Muma, but tolerates her for Samir's sake.

History: Clarine once belonged to Samir's mother, who had met her as a togepi separated from the rest of her flock. Samir's mother took Clarine in, and cared for the Togepi while she and her team tracked down her flock. When they finally located the flock Clarine had bonded closely with Samir's mother and decided to stay with her. She helped raise Samir as he grew up as much as his own parents. Upon learning of Samir's plans to become a trainer she set her mind on joining his team and watching over him, in order to repay Samir's mother for the kindness she gave Clarine decades ago.

Fly/Roost/Ancient Power/Fairy Wind

Item: N/A


Name: Dil

Species: Archen

Ability: Defeatist

Level: 29

Age: 2

Appearance: Much like a regular Archen, but his feathers are shorter than normal.

Personality: Nervous and flighty, but brave. Wants to prove himself as useful to his team and is willing to do anything to prove it.

History: A gift from his older sister Paki.

Moves: Steel Wing/Stone Edge/ Dig/ Taunt

Item: Soothe Bell


Name: Plume

Species: Growlithe

Ability: Intimidate

Level: 25

Age: 3

Appearance: A normal growlithe, however his feet and tail end in black tips.

Personality: Plume is a very calm growlithe, he enjoys napping and likes to laze around and blow out plumes of smoke, which is how he got his name. This does not mean that the growlithe is opposed to fighting however. When the opportunity to battle another pokemon arises Plume is always ready to go.

Moves: Fire fang/ Take down/ Will-O-Wisp/Snarl


Name: Muma

Species: Misdreavus

Ability: Levitate

Level: 20

Age: unknown

Appearance: That of a regular misdreavus

Personality: An everyday ghost type, Muma delights in scaring others and causing various mischief. Her mischief is mostly centered towards humans however; she ignores other pokemon for the most part and has a fierce self imposed rivalry with other ghost types. She tends to leave Samir out of her pranks however as she greatly respects him as a trainer. However if she gets too bored Samir becomes a target as well.

Toxic/Hex/Confuse Ray/Psybeam

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-08-04 16:32:27
(Ok, all of these super-high-leveled people are making me nervous. Can I up Aria's levels, and maybe add a Lapras or Cradily? XD)

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-04 16:47:41
(Haha, I'm just making these pokemon after the pokemon I have in my team so ^^)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-08-04 17:04:22
(I'm trying to follow a theme with my character's team. Aria's a historian who likes actually going out to historical sites (so kinda like an archaeologist I suppose) so I brought in Blaziken (because fighting type), Excadrill (Because drills are usually needed for digging) and a Bronzong (First Bronzing discovered at an archaeological site), and then Cradily for obvious reasons, finally Lapras bc Pokemon Mystery Dungeon T/D/S XD)

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Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-04 18:37:59
-CLAPS- Done ^^

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Gortys (#45274)

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Posted on
2016-08-05 02:06:52
Pshh you put alot more work into your characters pokemon than i did Bonez, i just went through my in game pc and randomly chose guys LOL.

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[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-05 02:36:27
Alex does have a team theme, though his most recent ones you can see he was taking a more diverse approach as he went on to champion territory!

And now for some thread housekeeping!

@Mini: gonna need a full profile on her + what region shes champion of if she can have that position! Otherwise she can be a veteran trainer with her team.

@Neptune: i'm only giving vet trainers access to one mega stone at start. You'd be able to get the other in rp through plots, though! Might be in a while, though, i'd like people to suggest mini plots for stuff their chars can get/pokemon they catch. Just that one change and accepted!

@Ammy: Accepted! I love that togekiss ;w;

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|Honeybee| (#39806)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-05 02:39:21
I'm working on a character! Will edit this post once it's done.

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[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-05 02:41:06
@ Honey: will work!

Speaking of, I literally just made the thread! Boop!

I'll likely post a start after I add people to the sheet, etc etc! Is it readable, by the way?

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