Posted by Territory Tile Bonuses

Nelly (#83269)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-07 13:34:39
Before you comment, I am aware this was previously suggested here. Since that topic is old and underdeveloped, I decided to create a new thread because I have ideas of my own that are unique to the ones listed in the linked thread. If this was suggested elsewhere, or if something is planned for these (or if something like this is even implemented and I just missed it), please let me know.
Special thanks to Josephine #83827 for helping me brainstorm.

If you don't support this suggestion, please post why. Even if it is just "I don't like the idea". Although it isn't required to, every bit of feedback is appreciated. Thanks!

So the territory tiles on the territory page do not do much of anything except look pretty. I've had the idea of giving certain tiles certain bonuses for a while, and tonight I decided to work on that.
Bonuses brainstormed are as followed (last modified 8/22/2016):

Grassy: +5 SB every rollover.
Plains: +5% chance of impressing a lion.
Waterhole: +5% hunting success rate in dry season.
Drylake: +5% hunting success rate in wet season.
Rocky: +5% chance of winning PVP defends.
Marshlands: +5% chance of an extra cub in litters (not exceeding four cubs).
Desert: +5% chance of winning PVP attacks.
Jungle: +3% EXP gain for completed quests.
Savannah: +1% impression when completing impression related events.
River: Once per day for 5 energy, you may search the shores of the river. You will find 0-3 amusement items.
Shrubland: +2% gain for cub/adol training AND broodmothers gain a small stat bonus when leveled up.
All territory types will give a +5% EXP gain and chance of gaining an additional stat for when lionesses hunt in the same tile type your pride lives on. If you live in Savannah and you hunt in Savannah, the gains will be applied. If you assign one lion to hunt in Savannah, one lion at random will get the gain. If you assign all five, all lions will get the gains.
This doesn't mean you're safe to freely hunt on other tiles if you don't care about this. If you hunt on a foreign tile, your lionesses have a -5% EXP gain and stat gain rate. Unfamiliar lands, they're not really used to it. Pretty much the opposite as hunting on familiar lands.

Now to go over some questions I'm sure you may have.

Q: Why does Plains get nothing?
A: With this suggestion implemented, all new players will be forced to live with the Plains tile. When their first king retires, they will be given the option to choose a new tile. You can still live on Plains if you wish, though. Even with Plains being updated, all new players will start on Plains.

Q: How do we swap tiles?
A: In order to swap tiles, you must use a "mask"-like item. One will be available for SB and the other for GB. The SB one will give you a random tile (excluding the one you currently have), and the GB one will let you pick the tile you have. Alternatively, you may switch your tile for free when you retire a king. Whenever you switch tiles, you will have a 14 day cooldown period.

Q: Shrubland...?
A: I'll expand on this. Say you have a lioness with 50% fertility. You live in Shrubland. Now all of your lionesses have a passive +1% fertility. Your 50% lioness is now a 51% lioness for breeding only. She will have the chance of being successfully bred as any other 51% lioness, however when the game rolls her cubs' mutations it will roll for 50% fertility instead of 51%.

These are of course ideas, so I'd love to hear your feedback! If you don't like a bonus idea, please say why. If you have any bonus ideas, I'd love to hear them! Do try to keep them unique from personality types, though.

This suggestion has 92 supports and 17 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/08/16 @ 11:02:41 by Nelly (#83269)

Black Rhinoceros (#68593)

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Posted on
2016-08-07 14:46:41

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Nelly (#83269)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 11:31:29
I know there's only one no support, but could those who don't support please explain why? It doesn't help anyone to just vote no support and move on. Even if it's just "I don't believe tile should have bonuses", every bit of feedback counts.

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Tau (#31025)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 11:39:23
It's an interesting idea. I'm not supporting or not supporting just yet though. A few things are kind of bugging me.

A three king wait for switching seems a bit extreme? That's real life months between switching. I'd rather have the cooldown be something like 10 days. Realistically lion prides roam around their own territories, heading toward water holes during dry seasons, etc. A 10 day cooldown would help to keep people from abusing any bonus, but wouldn't lock someone in for 6 real life months (since kings live 15-16, say you crowned a king that was 5. 5x12 = 60 days/2 months. Three kings = 6 months and that's assuming you don't roll or crown them earlier, or they don't stay until 16).

I don't really agree with a GB price for a switch, but perhaps a Monkey Shop item with an SB price for an early switch? Nothing super cheap, maybe 1000-2000 SB?

I also think the 25% bonuses are a little high and could be abused for faster leveling/etc. Maybe 5% instead?

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Edited on 08/08/16 @ 18:42:54 by Baobab (#31025)

Nelly (#83269)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 11:51:51
Thank you for the post! This is a rough draft of the idea so nothing is finalized, so I appreciate the input.

Switching tiles - three lions was an idea. I'd be okay with making it one/two king retirements instead of three to avoid the beetle cost. As for the Oasis price, I'd imagine the price would be 3GB at most. It wouldn't be anything crazy. I don't necessarily agree with a Monkey Shop item, but that's just me. Perhaps a 14 day switch cooldown would work? I don't remember how long each season is, but I don't think they're two weeks or longer at a time.

Percent bonuses - this goes hand in hand with the above. You'll notice the +10% is because they work in both seasons, while +25% is in one season. It could go lower, sure, however those that work in both seasons would need to lower as well. I can see 5/15% working for both seasons and one season respectively.

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Tau (#31025)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 12:21:09
I sat and thought for a little bit and here are some ideas I had for bonuses. Not saying they’re “better”, just ones I’m throwing out there.

Plains (the default): +5% chance of impressing NCLs (not increasing your impression, just a small boost when you’re trying to impress the ladies, which would be helpful for new players trying to get hunters)

Grassy: +5-10 SB per rollover (I like that one. Works with having a fertile grassy area with lots of prey)
Waterhole: +5% additional hunting success during the Dry Season (animals come to the waterholes more often)
Drylake: +5% additional hunting success during the Wet Season (more prey in the area so more success)
Rocky: +5% for defending against PVP attacks (I do like that one, but feel like 10% is a bit high. Make sense that rocks give cover and help when protecting though)
Marshlands: +5% for winning PVP during the wet seasons (makes sense since they’re used to the wet)
Desert: +5% hunting experience during the dry season (used to being dry and have to roam further)
Jungle: +3% for the snake quests (I like that. Maybe the snake gives you a bonus for being in his home turf?)
Savannah: +5% survival daily for cubs (tough land = tough cubs?)
River: +5% chance for one additional cub in litters (the land is fertile and can support more cubs?)
Shrubland: +5% for winning PVP attacks (used to thorny, harsh terrain and more likely to win due to toughness)

I do like the idea of 5% additional gain/success on “familiar” territory for lionesses while hunting. That seems like a good bonus to have.

Cooldown: 10 days is my preference since that’s a third of a month and on par with most of the other cooldowns, which tend to go in increments of 10 (like 20 days for breeding). 14 days still seems a bit long, but 5 days seems a bit short, etc. 10 is right around the middle.

A GB item isn’t a “bad” idea, but for newer players that want to experiment that would be a little more difficult. Plenty of people have trouble making SB, let alone GB. I'm not too bad on that, but I keep a pretty small pride and I'm active. People who are new, have large prides, etc. tend to have a lot more trouble getting currency.

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Edited on 08/08/16 @ 19:22:08 by Baobab (#31025)

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-08-08 12:32:37
this seems like a interesting idea for tiles and would make thing interesting.
I like the added/revised idea fro boabob tbh.

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Nelly (#83269)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 12:35:45
My comments:

Plains: I like this one! We decided on Plains being completely neutral as an introduction, but there isn't a reason to stay after you switch the first time, so I think a +5% chance of impressing a lioness works fine. This would passively increase the chance, just like my Shrubland idea.
Grassy: It should be 5 SB at most, it's a small amount but it will build up overtime. SB isn't hard to acquire, and that 5 SB can pay for a Cups game. I know a Personality gives extra SB from battles (in not over 5k SB), which is why I opted for 5.
Waterhole/Drylake: I don't really like these, mostly because of the global hunting affect I listed in the OP. It doesn't really make the bonus unique, and I feel realistically if you hunted in familiar lands anywhere you'd have a better chance at getting stuff. That shouldn't apply to just these two.
Rocky: Fine with me!
Marshlands/Shrubland: I'm assuming you meant to have Shrubland be for dry season? Because having one tile buff in one season and the other for both with the same percentage isn't really that fair.
Desert: Same as Waterhole/Drylake.
Jungle: :]
Savannah: I kinda like my impression idea more. You'll usually always have cubs be protected, and the fact that it's just lions in the Savannah, dunno...impression appealed to me for that tile. It's like Evil/Good personality types awarding -1/+1 karma if you have one of those types.
River: I feel like your idea would be rejected because of the breeding items for cub amount. It'd just lessen their value a bit.

Cooldown: Are seasons ten days? If they are, the cooldown shouldn't be ten days. Unless there are types that don't go by season, then cooldowns should not last as long as seasons do. You could just switch between two tiles per season.

I've found that getting SB is easy if you know how to make SB. I suppose that may be different for others, but if you price the item at 1k-2k SB, overall having a 1-2GB option isn't making much of a difference until GB prices go up.

I hope what I said makes sense! Let me know if you need something clarified.

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Tau (#31025)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 12:55:48
Well, the items are a GUARANTEE, not a "small chance". So I don't know if it would be too overpowered or a problem. It might be? I'm just throwing it out there as an idea.

Honestly, I'd rather have realistic bonuses which is why I put them the way I did. I was trying to think of what actual advantages the land would have. I just personally prefer that touch as it makes more sense to me.

I don't know that 10 extra SB a day is going to build up THAT much. That's...300 in a month. That's less than I can make in hunting for even evening, plus people tend to spend it. As to "I make it easy", that's you personally. I don't have much trouble getting what I need, but a lot of people do. SB is easier to get, but not incredibly easy for everyone. It would be kinder and more fair to all players to have an SB price that is easily attainable. I know people say "well, it's not THAT hard to make GB" and that's true in some ways, but not every player has hours a day to build up event currency, etc. I'm thinking 1000-2000 SB is probably going to get a lot more use than a GB item.

Personally, again, the logic for me was that during Dry Season, animals tend to head toward the Waterholes, making them more frequent there. Wet seasons prompts Dry lakes to actually have water, again having more animals arrive. Familiarity with using the terrain doesn't really effect that as it's a sheer question of numbers in the area. You can know the desert like the back of your paw, but if there's no animals, that doesn't matter, right? Again, not saying the idea is "better". Just explaining why I used it.

Personally, I think 25% is way too high, regardless of season or what it does. That's just a really big passive bonus and that could easily be exploded by people who PVP a lot, etc. Anything over 10% is just a bit too much in my personal opinion and would result in probably no one wanting to use anything else. Why would you want to gain 5% when you can gain 25% for example?

I think Shrublands is fine, but Marshlands could use a change, I suppose. Rocky for defense, Shrubland for attacking seems fair?


Hunting Success could be Desert (dry)/Dry Lake (wet) for the 5% additional hunting SUCCESS. Not EXP, but SUCCESS. As in bring home an extra carcass.

For PVP Rocky (defending)/Shrubland (attacking) for an additional 5% over all.

For breeding... Savannah (+5% survival)/River (5% chance for a litter to have one more cub (not more than four naturally)

Plains = 5% chance of impressing an NCL

Grassy: 5-10 SB per rollover

Jungle: 3% exp for snake quests

So that just leaves Waterhole and Marshlands needing something...

Maybe Waterhole could have the +1% impression? Since the male is impressive for holding such desire-able territory like the waterhole?

That still leaves something to do with Marshlands that would be useful and not too seasonally dependent though.

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Edited on 08/08/16 @ 19:56:35 by Baobab (#31025)

Nelly (#83269)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 13:01:50
Hm. What if instead of the global EXP/success rate, it's global EXP/stat bonus? So +5% EXP gain and a chance to gain an additional stat, and then hunting in unfamiliar territory is -5%. That would give Waterhole and Drylake their bonus of +5% hunting success rate (if you still wish to give that to Waterhole).

I will say this - if you wish to give some "powerful" bonus to a tile, give it to a tile that doesn't have amazing prey finds. I gave Shrubland the fertility boost because by the looks of it, it doesn't have the best prey you can get. Making it realistic is a good thing, but you also have to think about balance. And again, the 25% bonuses can just be considered placeholders at this point.

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Tau (#31025)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 13:05:53
Prey's actually pretty balanced these days. Most of them have larger animals (4-5+ uses) etc. scattered around, no one particular place to hunt really seems "better".

And I understand that it's just a placeholder. I'm just explaining why I think that's way too high. 25% chance = 1 in 4, versus 5% which is 1 in 20. That's a pretty huge leap. That's why I was saying 10% max bonus seems better/fairer/more balanced.

And that seems fair. Hunting in your territory gives a 5% buff to exp/chance to get a stat. And two of them (one for wet, one for try) could get a greater SUCCESS as in 2 carcasses instead of 1?

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Nelly (#83269)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 13:08:05
It's 25/10%, not 25/5% for the season buffs. Just clarifying that for you.

Sounds good to me. I'll revise the OP and edit the bonuses that have been improved.

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Josephine (#83287)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 13:08:48
Well, considering how there's already a cooldown as to how often you can get attacked, I really don't think 10% bonus chance to defend is too much, but that's just my opinion. Unlike attacking, defending is not something you can farm for exp.

As for a price for changing tiles, if you're active, SB/GB aren't that hard to obtain one way or the other, but I do see your point. I was thinking something similar to the masks used to changing lion's personalities. Perhaps 3 or 4 options available, at different SB/GB cost depending on how specific you'd like the tile change to be. Since you would be selecting a tile from the map, perhaps the options could range from (x) tiles around it, to any tile you may want for the highest price. I'm thinking one or two GB for the maximum. You could also just have options like one that gives you a random, different tile, and one that lets you directly choose a specific tile.

Cooldown doesn't seem that bad? I mean, if you could change tiles every season, anyone who can afford it would do it constantly to reap the bonuses. Perhaps, aside from the cooldown, add a maximum amount of times in which you could change your tile for the duration of each king's lifespan.

That's just my opinion.

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Tau (#31025)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 13:15:07
That's a good idea, Josephine. Having "levels" of switching? Maybe matching up "biomes" so a cheap one for switching withing your biome (like Plains to Grassy?) versus a total chance like...Marshlands to Desert?

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Tau (#31025)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 13:16:18
I was talking more the flat 25% rate of defending/winning PVP. Not the overall bonus. I was saying a 25% "buff" to PvP is a pretty huge bonus compared to everything else being 5-10%.

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Nelly (#83269)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 13:19:03
Ah. I'd be down with mask sort of items, something like personality masks where one gives a random, another let's you choose (GB option), and maybe a third that limits you to a few tiles? This would help both sides of payment option as there will be both SB and GB options.

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