Posted by Leotie Herd (Thread) | Mustang RP [Semi-Literate+]

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 05:49:55
Chat Thread
Spillover Thread

Spring/Summer Home

SOURCE: Neali Austin

Fall/Winter Home

SOURCE: Mark & Leslie Degner


• Three sentences minimum per post
• Hate the character, not the player
• When speaking out of character.. please use ()'s!
• No powerplaying!
• If you have read these rules, put 'Flower of the Prairie' in Other
• If you are going to be gone for a while, please alert us!
• Lioden rules apply
• Relationships with characters and NPCs are definitely allowed!
• Most Importantly: Have fun and be nice!

Herd Ranks

Cheif (Lead Stallion - 1) - Leader; his word is law; in charge of leading and advising the herd mainly; deals with threats to the herd; the only one technically allowed to produce foals and mate with mares, though secret mates DO occur...

Queen (Lead Mare - 1) - The cheif's favorite mare; deals with conflicts within the herd, including pecking order; gets the best pickings of grazing/drinking/sleeping spots

Round-Bellies/Sucklers (unlimited) - Pregnant and nursing mares and their foals (until 7-8 Months of age); of utmost importance; next to eat/drink/sleep after Lead Mare and Stallion; placed in the middle of the herd

Shaman(ess) (1) - Male or female; treats sickness and injury

Lookouts (2 - 6) - Male or female; surround the herd while they sleep/graze/drink and watch for threats; take turns/shifts so that they can each sleep/eat/drink

Citizens (unlimited) - Every other individual within the herd; mostly mares, some submissive stallions, yearlings, colts, and fillies (8+ months); mares are only "supposed" to breed with the Cheif

~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~Bands & Loners~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~

There may be separate bands of stallions and loners that are not a part of the herd, but they MUST be labeled as such in their header. For example:

Miss HorseyMcHorseface | Mare | 5 years | Loner

Mr. Mustang | Stallion | 12 years | Mr. Mustang Band

Bands are like mini-herds, but all stallions. The "Cheif" of the band is used as the name for the band, as shown by the second example.

Extra Info:

●Equine Anatomy:


Mare - Mature female horse
Stallion - Mature male (non-gelded)
Yearling - Foals who are around a year old
Foal - A baby horse
Colt - A male foal
Filly - A female foal
Wean - To accustom a foal to food other than its mother's milk
Weanling - A foal at the age to be weaned (6-8 months)


Current Month ~ February (Pg 49)

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 06/11/16 @ 20:32:20 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 11:00:42
Renegade noticed the second mare watching,and slid underneath Otekah's belly.He winked at the filly before taking off to the crest where his sire stood.He watched the scene from above

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 11:01:24
Whisper | Mare| 4 Years old | Citizen

The sound of Justice's voice caused her to jump slightly. His low tone meant he had not meant for it to. Her ears pinned back nervously as she looked up at the stallion. "G-greetings" she manged to stammer out in a soft voice. As he said her name she nodded slowly "Yes. My name is Whisper" she whispered. Whisper wondered what had caused him to come over. Was it because he was a look out? Was there danger nearby the he came to warn her of? His body language seemed to relax for that. Perhaps he had just come over for conversation. "You, you are Justice c-correct?" She asked hoping that she hadn't said the wrong name.

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Eve (#97141)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-09-07 11:13:03
Justice | Stallion | 12 years | Lookout

Justice let a small smile grace his features, finding her shy and skittish nature amusing. Once his name was utter from her mouth, he nodded. "Indeed I am." Justice confirmed with a tilt of his head. "I have to request you graze a little closer to the herd." He lowered his head respectfully, dark eyes still on the mare. "I apologize but I get a little worry if anyone strays further from the others. You may never know whats out there." Just finished, lifting his head once more, tail flickers.

Feeling eyes on his back, Justice turned away from the lone mare. His gaze clashed with the queens annoyed one. Frowning, he saw a young colt, one that was known to cause trouble bothering her and her filly. He huffs, displeased with the situation. "It seems that colt is up to no good." He mutters out loud. He was ready to canter over but it seems the little rascal was already backing off. Justice watched as the colt moved away from them in an almost cocky matter. It was like in his little mind he own the place. He snorted, finding the very idea ridiculous. He glance back at Whisper, nodding to the herd. "Shall we?" He needed to see if Otekah and Onida was alright, if they needed him for anything.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 11:13:43
Otekah | Mare | 10 years | Queen

Otekah roared furiously, attempting to kick under her belly. "Khaleesi," she commanded, "Watch Oneida. Do. Not. Let. Her. Get. Away." Her hooves clamoured thunderously as she bolted after Renegade, neighing for Soltero to get his son. [Short, about to eat dinner!]

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 11:17:44
Khaleesi nodded and walked up to Onida, locking her gaze on the foal before her. She shifted her gaze towards Otekah and watched as she bolted after the yearling. She quietly chuckled before quickly silencing herself. Lokcinf her gaze back onto Onida, her gaze softening.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 11:18:44
Renegade squealed with joy.A race!He waited for the mare to catch up,then ran circles around her grinning cockily.He kicked up his heels and shot past the filly yet again,this time smiling as he ran a bow tie pattern,then a circle,then straight,then God knows what.He galloped past the raging mare in the opposite direction,bumping into her as he did so he stumbled,but regained his footing and shot across the grazing lands.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 11:23:20
Whisper | Mare| 4 Years old | Citizen

" apologies" she replied quietly as he asked her to graze closer. An almost confused look flashed across her features before quickly fading. His smile had slightly confused her, had she done something amusing? She pushed the thought aside as she craned her head to see the interactions between the lead mare and a young colt. Justice had seemed as if he was about to interview, but turned his attention back to her asking if she would follow. "Oh umm. Yes" she mumbled lowly as she began to follow Justice.

Vendetta| Mare | 6 years old | Shamaness

The commotion had once again caught the mares attention, and once again it was Renegade that was causing it. Another irritated snort shit through her nostrils as she moved to cut the colt off. She had had quiet enough of the Colts disrespect for one day. Vendetta used her massive body to block his path, if he wasn't paying attention he wouls run right into her.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 11:34:35
Renegade noticed the Vendetta blocking his path.He stopped waiting for the mare to catch up,but still keeping out of Vendetta's reach.He then dashed right under the shamaness and kept running.He jumped a small boulder,then ran to the top of the hill to watch as the event unfolded beneath him.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 11:51:38
Otekah | Mare | 10 years | Queen

Otekah raged on, quickly gaining on the yearling. He may be fast, but she had longer legs and had fully matured, ber body built for running. As Renegade bumped into her, she aimed another bite at his withers, just barely clipping them. Cursing to herself, she followed after him, skirted around Vendetta without apologies, and rocketed forward again. The palomino paused at the crown of the hill, unknowingly giving the furious queen a chance. As she reached him, she immediately wheeled around and kicked the chief's son in his side, about the middle of his barrel, and bit his flank.

[By the way, Mr, a yearling would definitely NOT be able to slide under another horse.]

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 11:59:05
)I know,He's small)Renegade gasped as the queen kicked him and instinctively kicked her back.He knew what he had done.He took off down the hill and out sight.leaving the enraged queen behind

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Eve (#97141)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-09-07 12:05:13
Justice | Stallion | 12 years | Lookout

Satisfied with her response, Justice lead the way back to the herd. The commotion reaching his ears. It sounded like a stampede, the way the queen was ragging. He sighs, the colt was on the last straw. It was time for the stallion to intervene before she killed the foolish thing. The lookout glance at the mare behind him. "I need to take care of some things. I advise keeping with the herd, and don't worry they don't bite." With that being said Justice galloped further ahead, knowing that Whisper would stay with the herd.

He wince seeing Otekah kick him in the side, that had to hurt in the morning. Justice halted behind the furious mare. "Whoa whoa. Take it easy Otekah." He spoke to the queen softly. Nudging her side, Justice got in between the two before Renegade could land the blow. He suck in a breath, the kick stung but it didn't damaged him. If he was an adult than Justice had to worry. This little kick would only leave a bruise. Justice glare where Renegade ran off, his dark gaze cold.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 12:06:51
Onida | Filly | Two Months | Suckler

Onida looked on as her mother bolted off after the mischievous yearling, longing to run with and as fast as her. But with the mare's current mood, the foal wouldn't dare. She turned her attention to her temporary babysitter, at stared for a minute before piping up. "You wanna play a game," she asked, bouncing up with her front legs.

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 12:09:27
Khaleesi hummed lightly and tilted her head, "..A game..?" She muttered, "What game?" She questioned the filly before her, not really sure whether the filly was using a game as an excuse to leave of if Onida really wanted to play.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 12:12:32
Renegade ran and ran.He had kicked the lead mare,he was a disgrace.As soon as he couldn't smell his sire's scent anymore he stopped.His breathing was ragged and his chest burned.His side felt like it was on fire and his flank bled on the grass.He collapsed feeling like he couldn't breath.Perhaps he could join a bachelor band,roaming the landscape without a care in the world.Finally his breathing calmed.He got up and staggered to a river where he sank in the forgiving cool water.He sighed as the stabs of pain on his side turned to a dull throb and the blood was washed away by the water.He took a long drink,then he stood shakily on his feet and wobbled on.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 12:22:24
[Still, he'd have to be Shetland-sized to do that. And I'm at least 3% sure he's not.]

Otekah | Mare | 10 years | Queen

Otekah backed up, ears still pinned so hard that it looked like she didn't have any. She threatened the troublemaker with a bite, affronted by the colt's blatant disrespect. "The nerve," she remarked viciously, indignantly relenting to Justice's force.

Onida | Filly | Two Months | Suckler

"I dunno," Onida chirped, "Maybe some rolling games? Like the boys do!" She flopped into the grass and rolled onto her back before coming back down on the same side. She giggled, "Now you try! See if you can get all the way over!"

[These are so sucky and short, I'm sorry. I have school in the morning and I need sleep. Goodnight!]

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