Posted by 1x1 with 32475

{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-08 06:15:26
Private RP between myself and 32475

Star Log
Date: April 3rd, 2537
Mission: To scout for new worlds
Number of Occupants: 100 Crew
Log Author: James Grant
Months ago, we launched into space on a scouting mission for a new world to plant Earth residents on. Our own planet is dying, and we need to find a location to transfer to. The goal is to locate a planet similar to our own world. So far, we've located nothing. There have been stars, planets and suns and moons, but nothing of suitable living. The mission has grown desperate, and I fear that my sister and I will never find a place to truly call home. Will we be lost out here in space forever, I wonder? Will we ever see home? Supplies, at this time, are in a good status, but how long will they last? The past several days, we've had many emergencies, especially in the engineering room. The Core has been failing for some time now, and the causes are currently unknown. To go back to Earth would be a death sentence for us all. We must find a place to land our ship... I just hope the captain knows what he's doing....

That was the last Star Log that James would get to put in. Just as he was finishing it, the alarms began to ring, and something exploded upon the ship. It was jarring, and had him falling out of his seat with a grunt. The man shook his head a bit, stood to his feet. His sister, he had to find his sister. Over the intercoms, one could hear the captain speaking.

"This is your Captain speaking. An evacuation order has been sent out. Calmly make your way to the pods, and abandon the ship. I repeat, an evacuation order has been sent out."

Paling a bit, James was quick to sprint down the hall to the Women's quarters. He was screaming, shouting, for his sister. Where was she...? Little did they know that this would be a new start for them....

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-28 12:24:25
(Lol, that's fine. XD Likely be my last post tonight if I can snag the TV as well. Not feeling the greatest. Also, may I take the time to point out a few things I've learned via fighting in a PM?)

So it seemed.... The vampire was taken by surprise, yes, but he soon just shot a leg out at Adlaide, aiming to trip her up and knock her flat on her back. The blows had hit his arm, fracturing the bone, yes. She was still a newborn, didn't know her own strength yet, likely. He then chose to get up, and would have done more...had something heavy not hit him in the back. Something else came sailing through the air, but he gave a hiss, evaded it. Spears, sort of... He glared towards the hilltop, and soon fled. No need to get himself killed here.

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-29 03:32:47
Adlaide tumbled to the ground only to half pop up as though to charge against the vampire creature. Hearing the sound of something heavy whistling through the air caused her to pause and she was glad she did. The heavy shaft of a makeshift spear thudded against the earth as the vampire fled. She shot a glance up the hill then moved quickly over to Mordecai. "Come on, let's get you up that ridge."

Ngea it seemed had calmed some and was now standing on the edge of the ridge watching as the vampric creature fled. She turned her tired golden eyes to James and gave a nod. He had a quick wit about him, that would be vital for survival in this dreadful place.
She swiftly turned into a wolf then jumped up on the ridge staring down with a soft whimper. Where they alright? Her skin gave a soft quiver and she blinked staring down through the dark. She gave a half howl then started pacing again.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-29 09:55:32
Mordecai gave a grunt at this, he soon rising to shaky limbs. He ached all over, but the fight had been brutal. "That little female has been following me... See if you can't get any closer to her once we reach your brother and Ngea." Perhaps a new face would help the poor thing. It was hard to tell at this point, really, but as they moved, the little shadow followed them. Sure, she remained at a distance, but she still followed nonetheless.

James? He watched as everything unfolded, and hoped beyond hope that all was well. Was his sister safe? Was Mordecai well? What was going on down there...?

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-29 10:01:17
"Let's just get up the ridge first. Okay?" Adlaide followed after Mordecai, her steps small and careful as they made their way up the steep and rocky slope. Several times she took a mis-step, but each time she managed to find her footing once more.

Ngea continued to pace back and forth, the fur on her shoulders laying flat as she saw Mordecai and Adlaide climb.

(I'm sorry for the short posts. I'm having a hard time typing right now.)

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-29 10:48:39
(D'aw, everything alright?)

Well, that was what he'd meant, but it seemed that Adlaide didnt' catch it. The poor girl. He made sure she climbed well, and he helped her despite needing the aid himself. Mordecai just wasn't feeling great...but he'd recover. All he needed was good food, water, and plenty of time to rest. Moonlight would help him as well, but it was a cloudy night...

"Ngea?" he called, soon near the top. "Are you well...?"

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-30 03:27:22
(Just a few minor health issues. This is about when I continuously sarcastically thank my ancestors for all their early age joint problems. I'm feeling better today though, thank goodness.)

Ngea practically flung herself at Mordecai, she landed at his feet and practically trembled as she greeted him. Her tail swayed side to side and her nostrils flared as she counted his wounds. "Well enough. Come on and sit down." She just barely prevented a low whine from rising in the back of her throat. Adlaide looked well enough, but she couldn't help but wonder what in the world had happened to make those night-folk scream as they did.
She turned and bounced easily back over the ridge in the earth, landing a little awkwardly for her injured shoulder but other than that just fine. She looked over at James and then sighed. "I'm sorry I wasn't much help earlier..." She said just above a whisper, her eyes pointed towards the earth. "I won't let that happen again."

Adlaide watched the reunion with a soft smile. Then she turned to James with something half way between a smile and a grimace. "Who's idea was the spears? They could come in handy later."
She glanced back over her shoulder spotting the shadowy whisp in the dark. As asked she would eventually try to speak to the lithe creature, but she didn't even know if she could get close to the young looking being.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-01 05:08:55
(That's good. SOrry for not replying yesterday. I had a friend over, and I've been sick. So it sucks.)

James knelt down to see eye to eye with Ngea, he tilting her gaze towards him. "Don't lbmae yourself for what happened. Sometimes people just freeze." He had to learn how to do things on his own like this from their youth. When their parents had been taken, he'd had to grow up, and fast. It wasn't easy, either. "I had to learn a lot at a young age... I'm still learning as I go. You will, too."

Mordecai honestly smiled at that, he soon laying down to lick his wounds. "Now, if we can, we need to move on. The young vampire hiding is going to be needing food soon, so we need to go hunting...and not just for us. James and Adlaide will need dinner."

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-01 05:40:27
Ngea's expression softened for a moment, and a grateful gleam sparkled in the back of her eye. She let the look linger in her eyes for a small while before she carefully moved towards the ridge. "There's that meat back at the cavern. Or if you prefer something a little more fresh I can go hunting." One brow cocked as an idea came to her mind. "I can bring one of you two," she looked from Adlaide to James "that way you'd see a few of our edible species."
Her eyes then fell to Adlaide. "By the way, Adlaide, I cannot help but be entirely curious.... what was it that was causing those creatures to flee so hurriedly?" She wanted to know, she had truly underestimated the young women's abilities.

Adlaide smiled softly to herself then raised her brows at the group. "I'll call it a light box. But it's more of a laser. It concentrates the light of a spark, or small fire down to a small pen prick. Not only is it extremely bright but it also can be extremely hot."
She then sat down on the ground shaking her head. "I think I've seen enough action for tonight."

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-01 07:02:18
"I'll go with," James then offered. "Adlaide is a lot better at patching up wounds anyway. So I think she'd be best with Mordecai., how about we get to that spot you were talking about first?" he asked, then. "I think it'd be better to move since we're injured. It'll be better, a more defensible spot." From what he was understanding anyway, it was ten times better than this spot. This spot, though readily defensible, was a bad spot regardless. He knew this from the training he'd received. Training was a pure necessity, at least on earth.

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-01 07:18:48
Ngea nodded thoughtfully. "It's a little farther on. I'd say a mile at least? I wasn't keeping track of how far it was." She shook herself and inwardly frowned. She should have taken careful note of how far it was from the cave. She'd been distracted though, Ngea flicked one ear and the sighed. "We should find a good meal first. It's a bit of a hike. It won't be any fun on an empty stomach."
She padded over towards the forest, staring down and sniffing the gentle wind which was starting up. Standing there half perched on the ridge she looked incredibly noble. The wind gently ruffling her fur, her great golden eyes seeming to watch the scents as they flooded past. Her body was fairly tense, and despite the wound on her shoulder she stood solidly on all four legs. At that very moment it was easy to see, she preferred the life of a wolf to any other life. Including the very one which she would have to take over eventually. That was... if there was any kingdom left to even save.

Adlaide glanced about the hill, it certainly was a bad spot to set up camp. But she partly agreed with Ngea, food sounded great and a hike sounded even worse without some sort of something in her stomach. She shrugged at James saying she was better at patching wounds, she hadn't done it THAT often, and when she did it often wasn't even the best job. Then again, thinking back to when she'd done up his arm in that sling, it wasn't so bad.
That seemed like forever ago now... it even seemed to be like an eternity away from that current time. She gave a soft sigh and then glanced off towards where the Vampire girl was. Funnily enough she found it incredibly easy to detect the lithe being, perhaps it was just a part of being a wolf-folk?

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-01 10:01:48
It was indeed part of being wolf-folk. The young vampire did stand in the shadows, watching them with doe eyes. She was terrified, but Mordecai had set her free...she was under his servitude now, as far as vampires went. She didn't realize that wolves did not have slaves as most of the vampires did. While not all vampires were bad, very few of them were good, in all honesty.

"She's still down there, alright. I think we best get her a meal at least," Mordecai commented. "Adlaide, will you see if she'll come up? SHe wont' flee from you. She'll be skittish, yes, but she won't run."

As for James? He was practically shocked by how regal Ngea looked. He watched, stared at her beautiful, graceful form. After a moment, he moved towards her. "What, um...what should I be doing...?"

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-01 13:34:24
Adlaide nodded. "Alright." She got slowly to her feet and started down the hill towards the vampire. She approached slowly a warm smile spread softly across her features. "Hello there." She practically whispered when she was in ear shot of the young creature. She was careful to keep her frame folded up a little bit, to appear far less scary, though the very thought of Adlaide seeming scary nearly sent her into a fit of giggles.

Ngea pricked one ear towards James her attention still pinned on the scents whispering their secrets. "First off, how well does that nose of yours work?" She turned her head her intense golden gaze burning into his eyes. "Describe the scents as they come. I shall point out the ones which the wolf-folk are able to take down as you describe them."
There were around seven scents which were incredibly easy to catch, even for a novice nose. Three of them were harder for a long wolf-folk to take down, the others were all easily caught when the right tactic was used. Ngea's attention was on the smaller prey, which seemed to be a mile off. "Once you learn the scent we can get started after it."

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-01 13:55:12
The young creature definitely did make herself smaller as well. There was a soft whimper given in reply to her greeting. Adlaide, though small in stature, was definitely a terrifying sight to the vampire girl. The iron shackle about her neck still hung there, and it caused a slight pain with each swivel of her head. Regardless of all of this, the young woman managed to raise her hand in greeting.

"My...nose...? Uh, I wouldn't honestly think that well..." Did it work the same even in human form? He didn't quite understand all this stuff still, but he knew vantage points well, and stood up a bit higher where the breeze seemed to be. It, at first, was just a massive confusion of scents, which made his pupils dilate as his focus just spiraled out of control, and he grew a bit dizzy. "Dear me..." He had not be expecting all.

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-01 14:01:47
Ngea watched him, a sly look flickering briefly across her features. "I suppose I should have warned you. It's a little.... dizzying at first. A bit overwhelming at first for most everyone." She sat down and curled dark colored tail about her paws. "Focus on the one scent that seems to grab your senses first. Tell me about it, describe it to me best you can. I'll tell you if it's what we are going to go after... but please do hurry. The prey I'll be after is incredibly swift and they move quickly if they catch sight, or smell of a wolf."

Adlaide shook her head. "We'll get that off your neck. I can promise you that much. Can you talk?" She spoke slowly, eyes sparkling in the dim lighting. She tried it first in English, then in the more common language of this planet. Either way she figured the night-folk girl would understand it one way.

(Sorry for the short, replies. I'm currently working on a letter/essay thing.)

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-01 14:10:14
(Not a problem. :) I'm working on art. ^^)

Definitely dizzying at first. James had to get a hold of himself for a few moments, shaking his head a bit before he focused himself once more. The first scent that honestly caught him was earthly, the dirt and rock, the trees and leaves, grasses and roots. But she asked, so he described. That was what had caught his attention first was just the general nature, the plant-life. As he focused, though, he found he could detect more than just the local flora. There was something out there...he didn't quite know what it was, but it was on the smaller side. Faint, which meant it was burrowing or hidden. Was it something like a rabbit...? It had to be, right?

Her brows furrowed, and the young girl whimpered again. Take it off her neck...? Wasn't that a bad idea, a bad thing? After a few moments, she did speak her own language, broken as it was. It was obvious she hadn't been allowed to talk much. "Yes... It...come off...?" her neck shackle, she meant.

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