Posted by 1x1 with 32475

{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-08 06:15:26
Private RP between myself and 32475

Star Log
Date: April 3rd, 2537
Mission: To scout for new worlds
Number of Occupants: 100 Crew
Log Author: James Grant
Months ago, we launched into space on a scouting mission for a new world to plant Earth residents on. Our own planet is dying, and we need to find a location to transfer to. The goal is to locate a planet similar to our own world. So far, we've located nothing. There have been stars, planets and suns and moons, but nothing of suitable living. The mission has grown desperate, and I fear that my sister and I will never find a place to truly call home. Will we be lost out here in space forever, I wonder? Will we ever see home? Supplies, at this time, are in a good status, but how long will they last? The past several days, we've had many emergencies, especially in the engineering room. The Core has been failing for some time now, and the causes are currently unknown. To go back to Earth would be a death sentence for us all. We must find a place to land our ship... I just hope the captain knows what he's doing....

That was the last Star Log that James would get to put in. Just as he was finishing it, the alarms began to ring, and something exploded upon the ship. It was jarring, and had him falling out of his seat with a grunt. The man shook his head a bit, stood to his feet. His sister, he had to find his sister. Over the intercoms, one could hear the captain speaking.

"This is your Captain speaking. An evacuation order has been sent out. Calmly make your way to the pods, and abandon the ship. I repeat, an evacuation order has been sent out."

Paling a bit, James was quick to sprint down the hall to the Women's quarters. He was screaming, shouting, for his sister. Where was she...? Little did they know that this would be a new start for them....

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 09:51:45
To be honest? James didn't want people to do this. He didn't want people believing in him, hoping in him... He glanced to his sister a moment, a heavy sigh given. The objects in his hand had slowly been put aside. The planet's so called saviors... Ngea had put it just right. He sure didn't feel like one...didn't act like one, really. At this moment, all he cared about was keeping his sister alive, and helping his newfound friends to do the same as well. Their small ragtag band was honestly a mess...

"Why is it do you think people put so much faith into something...?" he then asked. A rather odd and random question, but it stood for him nonetheless.

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-13 10:05:27
Ngea glanced up. "Because they see no hope in anything else." She replied slowly, her words obviously previously thought up, as though she had pondered this question herself. She ceased to work for a moment then looked down at her hands. She'd thought that question through a large number of times, not knowing how to put into words the answer she'd come up with.
She sat there, silent for a short while then spoke again, trying to put her thoughts into a language James would understand. "Nothing else has proven worthy of hope. When someone, or something comes and does the seemingly impossible, that makes them hope they can make truly impossible, possible. Even if it's just an illusion."

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 10:18:02
"But what have they seen in us?"

James didn't get all. He frowned, sighed heavily. What was it that they saw? He himself saw nothing in him... The man glanced again towards his sister, a heavy sigh given once again. Mordecai hadn't a clue what was going on, but he saw and sensed doubt. There was a lot of it...

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-13 10:29:57
"You've achieved the impossible. Word has it you fell from the sky in a burning hulk." She shrugged. "I was there, well, at least I saw it. It was amazing, terrifying, and as I said before, impossible in their eyes." Ngea's ears pricked and she realized the howls had ceased to fill the air.
She stood slowly, once more setting aside the spear. "The pack has passed, I need to go fetch some more food for my sister." She blinked turned away, then realized she needed her knife. "Oh, chances are I'll need my dagger. I hope it was handy enough?"

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 11:00:38
The impossible... What had been 'impossible' for her people was a tragedy to James and Adlaide. They'd never see it as anything more than that. He just handed the dagger back to Ngea, it still in the condition she'd given it to him in. He'd made sure nothing had happened to it while in his care. Terrifying definitely covered it... Amazing? He wouldn't be so sure....

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-13 11:07:40
She saw the expression in his eyes and offered something similar to a smile. "Hey, they aren't completely wrong. Even if the both of you can be a little foolish at times, there's a great deal of heroic potential. That's enough to keep me hoping." She glanced at him awkwardly then carefully took the blade and nodded. She then turned and jogged off once more. She had a lot to think about, but for now catching a meal for her sister was incredibly important.

It seemed Adlaide was reawakening and she sat up, stretching and looking around. She spotted the expression on his face and her brows fell low over her eyes. What had she missed? She glanced at Mordecai, he didn't seem to know what was going on either. She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 11:13:52
James managed a rather faint smile, and soon just turned to the fire. He no longer had a drive to work, and food was far from his mind, despite the protest his body gave him. Mordecai? Oh, he knew what was going on, but he just chose not to get involved. It was best he didn't, after all. This was something for the siblings to figure out, wrestle with on their own. THey'd only be able to help so much, really...

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-13 11:33:04
Ngea moved swiftly, her head down as she went towards the scent of prey. Her mind, though preoccupied, was nearly fixed solely on the scent she had caught not long ago. This time the prey was a little larger, and would be a little more difficult to take down. However, her sister needed the meal, and Ngea was prepared to do whatever it would take to ensure her sister survived.

Adlaide picked up the bolas she war working on and started weaving again. Silently she pondered the idea of heading up to that forbidden mountain range. Why was it so dangerous? She couldn't help but let her mind spin out imaginative answers, so queer and impossible they sounded funny in her own mind.

(Short post is short. Yeah short post!)

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 13:14:36
(No worries. XD)

"I'll talk to Ngea about it...perhaps we can at least go check out where the crash went." Maybe it hadn't reached the ridge, but one never knew... It was hard to tell at this point, and it was some distance away. They'd have to travel by night for the time being due to Ngea's sister, really. At least it was an option for them, still, traveling.

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-13 15:19:42
Adlaide nodded her eyes flashing brightly. "That'd be great!" She continued weaving, testing the strength of the rope with several sharp tugs. Finding the strength suitable she glanced around for a weighty stone. She spotted one and picked it up, she frowned and let it tumble to the ground. "Not heavy enough." She muttered, standing and moving around the general area to find a few heavier stones.

Meanwhile, Ngea had spotted her prey, a small creature much bigger than the last, just coming from the safety of a thorny bush. She held her breath, eyes narrowed as she watched it move further from the safety of the bush and deeper into the dangerous open area.
The sound of a branch snapping cause her to jerk around, and the little animal to flee back to the safety of the brush. She shifted into a wolf, pressing herself into the shadows. Her dark form melded into the shadows as though she were made of shadows herself, she stared out with narrowed eyes, searching the area behind her for the intruder.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 15:31:06
James watched his sister move around, and then looked to Mordecai and the young vampire. He sighed softly, rubbed the back of his neck. Well...perhaps he could help his sister find a few stones. That wasn't such a bad idea, really. So he got up, and began to search around with her.

The intruder had about startled, to be honest, upon the snap of the branch as well. "J-just a passerby," the voice stated rather sheepishly. "Don't mind me..." Nope. Don't mind them at all. They'd just be made fun of. Yep... That wouldn't be great. A wolf making fun of another wolf... Hah! How lovely. Not the first time though.

(Wasn't sure if you wanted me to do that, but let me know if you don't! I'll edit and take it out.)

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-13 15:36:04
Ngea snorted. "You could've avoided all this if you'd not been sneaking." Her ears pinned as she approached the other wolf. It was the poor omega. He was the only wolf-folk besides Mordecai that didn't seem to naturally despise here. "What's the pack doing here? They don't usually stray from the hunting ground until snow fall." Though the creature had disrupted her hunt, she figured he might give her some much needed answers.

Adlaide noticed James looking about for stones as well and smiled. "They need to weigh about three pounds and be smooth." She went back to looking, this was kind of weird, searching for stones. But eventually this bolas could be a very good weapon. It'd probably take ages to learn how to use it, but it the skill would be worth it. Disabling an enemy with one blow wasn't always possible, the bolas would up that chance by a whole lot.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 15:54:44
"I, um... I don't know, really... They don't tell me much. Just said they lost a relic. That was about it... Said some elf stole it." But that was all he knew. Omega, definitely. But it was more so for how he looked, crippled and all. He couldn't use his left foreleg due to it being deformed. "Thought maybe it was you guys, but they didn't dare come after you..."

James smiled a little as well, and gave a nod. Of course he'd help her find proper stones, if at all possible. It'd be hard to judge their weight, but it'd be manageable at the same time as well. That much was good at the least.

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-13 16:07:34
Dare. Heh, such a statement. The dark she wolf let her lips curl slightly. "Sure, did they mention what sort of relic, or any names?" She couldn't help but ask a few more questions, wanting to make sure she covered all the grounds and ensure she didn't miss anything.
Her nostrils flared, and she glanced around, as though to make sure the pack wasn't around.

She found one, very close to what she needed and tossed it in her hand a few times. "Hmm." Adlaide, though seemingly caught up with this job, was actually close on the trail of another idea. Sorting all these random ideas out, wasn't the easiest for her, but it sure beat thinking of a way to tell her brother to abandon her.
She'd already had that struggle, but now she felt she needed to prove to herself that she could indeed make it in this world. If that meant taking a few risks so be it, always going with the safe answer didn't always work anyways. Besides, she hated sitting about with out any work to do. These ideas gave her work for her hands and occasionally for her brain. Of course she could always go off by herself and try to dig a good book out of her memory, but that was completely useless at this point in time. She didn't need a good book, she simply needed a way to ensure she felt somewhat worthy.
Having random beings hoping in the human race was strange, and she didn't want to disappoint. Or fail them. She felt that the human race had already failed enough times, and she didn't want to be the direct cause of failure. Thinking back to what she had said to James, she realized that had nearly been a step in the direction of pure disappointment and failure.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-14 02:44:23
The omega shook his head again at that. "I, no, no... They don't tell me much, and they don't speak around me... Please, please," he begged then. "Don't send me back to them. They'll just pick on me, and beat me up..." Truth was, he'd been sneaking away from the pack. He didn't want to go back to them. THey were so cruel, even his own father. Only his mother was honestly kind to him, but even she could not protect him.

At least she was keeping herself busy, and finding reasons to actually stick around. James honestly wouldn't let her go away on her own. SHe'd be dead within a week's time more t han likely. After a few moments though, he called out to his sister. The man had found a few stones, wondered if they were going to be good enough to use. He'd seen them before, and most were made from heavy objects, yes. He'd seen some pretty light ones, too, actually.

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