Posted by City Dogs | Roleplay thread

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-12-17 16:59:20

Rp thread for City Dogs ((Jump In Rp)) =D


Dogs that were once owned and pampered by their owners are left to fend for themselves after a strange illness takes over the world of the people, wiping them off the face of the earth. The dogs must hunt and fight for survival, some will be more capable than others, and many may not survive very long. Some have found companions throughout this dark time, but others are still living a life alone. Groups and packs may form, but nothing will change the grief and agony the most dogs have endured. The winters are harsh, they have always been, but without the comfort of a warm house the dogs will become chilled to the bone, the ones with the most fur are lucky around these times. The summer is a bit better, but where they live they have cold summers. And it rains an awful lot in the spring, best to take cover, some storms tend to pop up. Autumn is forgiving, but non the less cold.



Lex | Golden retriever | Male | 4 years old | Played by For never, forever (#61889)

Jupiter | Beauceron | Female | 2 years old | Played by For never, forever (#61889)

Bently | King Doberman Pincher | Male | 7 years old | Played by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Levi | Caucasian Shepherd Dog | Male | 2 1/2 years old | Played by Gladiator (#44969)

Lucca | Border Collie| Male | 2 Months old | Played by For never, forever (#61889)

Crystal | pit bull Grey hound cross| Female | 2 1/2 years old | Played by Blue Wind (#99904)

Caysi | German shepherd | Female | 3 1/2 years old | Played by PlasticPonies123 (#97306)

Presley | Pomeranian | Male | 5 years old | Played by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Conroy | Great Dane | Male | 8 years old | Played by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Gracie | Austrailian shepherd | Female | 6 years old | Played by sweetlions (#56065)

Sugar | Mutt| Female | 1 year and 4 months old | Played by ☪Skittzzle☣☣ (#83026)

Sarid | Mutt | Male | 4 months old | Played by ☪Skittzzle☣☣ (#83026)

Balder (Spots) | Dalmatian | Male | 3 years old | Played by KittyPawSteps the Pooplord (#100272)

Zacko | Shorthaired German Pointer and Lab mix | Male | 2 months old | Played by KittyPawSteps the Pooplord (#100272)



Early Winter!!


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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 12:30:57 by For never, forever (#61889)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-12-18 13:45:33

Jupiter | Beauceron | Female | Abandoned shopping mall (pet supply store)

Jupiter wandered the shopping mall, sniffing around here and there to look for something useful. Faint clicks of her claws sounded throughout the mall with a quiet echo. As she listened, Ji gained more and more interest in the echo. She made a soft low ruff to see if the sound would travel. It did, and it came right back to her. Cheerfully, she playfully barked just so she could hear the echo. That one was louder than ever, she did it again. And a third time. Oh what fun! She stopped after realizing what racket she was making. A little embarrassed, she slinked into the nearest store, hoping that no one had heard her outburst. She walked quietly around the strange place, it’s scent was sweet and slightly familiar. She came to a strange Isle that was covered in colorful ball and bone shaped soft things. She walked onward until she found a basket of huge real bones. She immediately grabbed one out of the joy of finding it. But, to her dismay, she found it was wrapped tightly in plastic. She whined, but did the let it phase her that much. She pawed and but at it until the thick plastic eventually split opens and revealed a cow’s bone. Jupiter had seen humans giving these to their dogs in the past, but she had never tried one. It was wonderful! She lay there and gnawed on it for a while. Enjoying the real taste.

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Edited on 18/12/16 @ 20:46:18 by For never, forever (#61889)

Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2016-12-18 18:26:29
Levi | Caucasian Shepherd Dog | Male | Street| Mentions : Bentley and Lucca

Levi is a little surprised when a small pup comes running up from the street, failing to jump over Bentley. When the pup comes up to him and goes in-between his front legs, Levi smiles...or at least the dog version of it. Shortly after the black and tan dog brings out the rabbit Levi hears a very faint sound, but it's there. He perks up his two ears and waits. There it is again! What was that? Shaking his head, the big dog urges the pup to eat and prods him with a paw before standing up.

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Edited on 19/12/16 @ 23:36:13 by Gladiator (#44969)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-12-18 23:44:51

Lucca | Border Collie| Male | 2 Months old | On the street
Mentions: Levi & Bently

The small pup yipped in delight as the tall lean dog brought him a fluffy bunny. Lucca pranced around it for a heartbeat before he pounced on it playfully. He pulled off some of the fur with his small, stubby teeth. He grabbed a little bit of skin and chewed on it for a minute. Bite by bite Lucca was done once he had eaten about ⅓ of the creature. He sat up with his tongue lolling from his mouth and look cheerfully at the tall short-haired dog. “Thank you sir!,” he yipped, “I'm called Lucca,! Well...that's what mama used to call me.” He woofed at both of the large Male dogs. His small, short tail pounced happily against the ground.

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Edited on 19/12/16 @ 16:03:34 by For never, forever (#61889)

Rain123 (#97306)

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Posted on
2016-12-19 01:33:31
Caysi|Female|German Shepherd| street(idk?)| mentions: Bentley, Levi, Lucca

Caysi wandered by herself, bored out of her mind. She took in a deep breath of air and smelled a hint of other dogs. She tilted her head and trotted towards the sent. As she trotted on the sent got stronger and stronger until she saw the dogs. She sat for a moment and watched the dogs, deciding what to do. She wondered if they where a group of friends, or just strangers who came across each other. She decided to let them notice her and moved where she could easily be smelled and seen and acted like she didn't see them.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-12-19 09:17:14

Lex | Golden retriever | Male | 4 years old | His old owner’s house
Mentions: no one (open)

The large, well coated retriever had decided that a walk would do him some good. His owners used to take him for walks along with his sister, he had often gotten pets from young humans that walked by. He walked out of his house and walked on the grass next to the side walks. He had only gotten so far when a voice near by called out, "Hey, hey stop, please can we stay together, I have food and shelter!" He turned to see an aussie standing close by, her voice sounded slightly desperate. He supposed she too had been caught in the claws of loneliness. The sight of another dog surprised him, the only other life he had seen in his neighborhood was mostly raccoons, opossums, and the occasional pair of cats. He eyed her curiously, was this some sort of trick? He relaxed a little, no, he needed not to overthink things. "That's a generous offer," He said, not trying to hold back the horrible regret in his voice, "But i have a place of my own, and I wouldn't want to leave it, I-I'm waiting for someone," He stuttered, He felt absolutely terrible, he couldn't turn away a sweet dog like her! What was wrong with him?

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2016-12-19 10:13:38

Bentley | Male | Doberman Pincher | Location: Street | Mentions: Lucca and Levi |

Bentley laughed and scratched behind his ear again, he might be getting fleas "I'm Bentley" he said "It's what my Humans called me" he spoke scratching at his neck again, he tilted his head and looked at Levi "Would you like the rest of the rabbit?" the Dobbie asked licking his nose his ears twitched around listening for any sound, just a new habit that he's gained

Conroy| Male | Great Dane | Location: Grocery store | Mentions: None |

Conroy yawned showing off his large canines as he relaxed on the cold ground, he had yet to make his own bed, he liked the ground, it reminded him to not be a brat, he lifted himself up and walked towards one of the many food aisles, he had found something in boxes, he couldn't read what it said, but the box was colorful and the food inside was in plastic bags, he walked over to one of the boxed he had half eaten and started to eat what was left before he walked back to his spot and laid down watching the door

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-12-19 10:21:06
Sugar | Mutt | Female | 1 year 4 months
Mentions: Sarid

A golden pelted she dog padded around near the street, her head low, listening to her little brother.
"What if we find mom? What will we do? Will we follow her?" Sarid asked, bouncing up towards his sister with his amber eyes full of energy. Sugar listened, not saying a word. They had nowhere to stay, and whenever she goes to her old home she thinks of her family. Her eyes were dull, her tail low.
"Sugar, why aren't you talking anymore?" Sarid asked, cocking his head as he jumped in front of her. Sugar rarely speaks, she mostly speaks to Sarid, or herself.
"Because....." Sugar muttered, walking over Sarid. She wasn't going anywhere, just looking for somewhere to stay.

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Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2016-12-19 17:01:37
Levi | Caucasian Shepherd Dog | Male | Street| Mentions : Bentley and Lucca

When the big dog hears Bentley's voice he looks over at him then glances at the rabbit "I already ate today, you need it more than I do.' He says then turns his attention over to the small pup called Lucca, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Levi. How long have you been out here alone?" Levi asks, wondering how long his parents have been looking for him and if they'll ever catch his scent since the water most likely covered it the day it swept him away.

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Rain123 (#97306)

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Posted on
2016-12-19 22:31:34
Caysi|German Shepherd|F|steet|Bently, Levi, Lucca|

Causing stood for a while. None of them noticed her so she slowly walked towards them. "You are you guys?" She fought back a growl. This was her part of town, but she was lonely and hoped she could fit in with these dogs. "I'm Caysi." She said simply.

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mvdkips (#100272)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 03:26:32

Balder | Dalmatian | Location : Street | Mentions: Bently, Levi, Lucca and Caysi
Balder slowly let his paws carry him down the street, as he heard the voices of some other dogs. His tail was wagging quickly from side to side, as the thought of someone new excited him. As he was close, he stopped, wondering if the dogs was even friendly at all. He quickly licked his lips, as he crouched down in a weird cat-like position, trying to cover himself as much as he could. He didn't want to be noticed, unless it was necessary.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 05:47:25
Sugar | Mutt | Female | 1 year, 4 months
Mentions: Bently, Levi, Lucca, Caysi, and Balder

Sugar kept walking, listening to Sarid talking nonsense, until she saw a cat, just crouching in a weird way. It was white with black spots, and big, not too big. How odd. She shook her head; she is hungry. The only thing she eats is canned food in grocery stores and walmarts. "Sarid, copy me," Sugar growled, crouching low to the ground, her belly lightly brushing on the earth. Her teeth bared, she crept closer, until she stopped, Sarid still walking.
"Stop." Sugar whispered at him. Sarid stopped, glancing over his shoulder.
"Thats no cat, thats a dog!" Sugar made a hiss like sound, standing up and padding very quietly to the pup. "Ahem.." Sugar barked, standing over the pup with her ears folded. She then realized a lot of dogs close by, her ears flattened and she fell to the ground in a crouch.
Sarid, however, was about to bounce over to them. Sugar was fast enough, so she snagged him by the collar and dragged him back.
"What was that for!?" Sarid whined, glaring at Sugar. He kept trying to wriggle free from her grip. Hes just goingto run over to find his mom, and once he doesn't see her he acts like a defenseless pup.
"Do you think running to a group of dogs is safe???" Sugar snapped quietly, holding Sarid's tail with her paw.

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Edited on 20/12/16 @ 12:48:20 by ☪Skittzzle☣☣ (#83026)

mvdkips (#100272)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 07:01:22

Balder | Dalmatian | Location : Street | Mentions: Bently, Levi, Lucca, Caysi, Sugar and Sarid
Balder lifted his right ear, as he heard a few distant noises just a few lengths away from him. He silently sniffed the air, as he easily caught the scent of two dogs just behind him. Thinking that he was being ambushed, he rose to his paws, revealing his tall, broad shouldered canine body. He turned his gaze towards them, waving his tail miserably, thinking they were a part of the bigger group of dogs. "I'm sorry for tresspassing," He excused himself, with a rather embarrased look in his eyes. He tried to search for any ways of escaping this situation, but he sadly didn't seem to find anything. Sighing, he opened his mouth again, as he tried to reassure them of no harm. "I'm no threat to you. In fact, I'd like to join you." He pointed out, with an awkward tone in his voice.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 07:06:52
Sugar | Mutt | Female | 1 year, 4 months
Mentions: Bently, Levi, Lucca, Caysi, and Balder

Sugar tilted her head at the pups response.
"Join Us? We don't have a pack....." Sugar whimpered, scratching the earth with her paws. "We have no one except ourselves." She added, lowering her head and her brown eyes going dull. The energy filled into her eyes and she snapped her head up. She glanced at the 4 dogs.
"They don't look aggressive, why were you hiding?" Sugar asked, staring at the dogs. "You said it wasn't safe to-" Suagr snapped her head towards him, causing him to stop talking. Sugar looked down at the pup, waiting for a response.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-12-20 08:49:50

Lucca | Border Collie| Male | 2 Months old | On the street
Mentions: Levi, Bently, Caysi, Balder, Sugar, & Sarid

Lucca tipped his head at Levi's question. "I dunno...." He woofed thoughtfully. "I woke up on a river bank a few days ago," Before the black and white got a chance to wait for a response from the fluff dog, another dog showed in the corner of his eye. He looked to see a female German shepherd standing before them. "Hello!!" He squeaked before jumping to his paws and bouncing in circles around Levi and Bently. Whenever mother saw new dogs she would always greet them before him or his siblings, he thought it would be respectful to do the same thing for Levi and Bentley. He stopped mid step and yipped, "Hey, look over there!" to his newly found best friends. He pointed with his muzzle to a few dogs a little ways away from where they were. There were two fully grown dogs and one smaller pup. The eldest one was a male dalmatian. The other two looked very similar, most likely family, a male and a female, they were both a light golden-tan color, though one looked older than the other.

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 12:40:33 by For never, forever (#61889)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 09:05:14
Sugar | Mutt | Female | 1 year, 4 months
Mentions: Bently, Levi, Lucca, Caysi, and Balder

Sugar's gaze wandered over to a pup nosing towards them. Alarmed, Sugar just stood there. "Look what you did Sarid! Making all those noises!!" Sugar snapped, looking at Sarid, who cowardly backed up.
"Heres your chance Pup." Sugar said, walking calmly towards the dogs, her head low. She didn't want to seem aggressive.
"Sorry for trespassing. I saw this pup and I thought he was a cat... Eh... He wants to join you guys, Because he asked if he can join your pack..." Sugar whimpered, keeping a safe distance from the dogs.

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