Posted by City Dogs | Roleplay thread

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-12-17 16:59:20

Rp thread for City Dogs ((Jump In Rp)) =D


Dogs that were once owned and pampered by their owners are left to fend for themselves after a strange illness takes over the world of the people, wiping them off the face of the earth. The dogs must hunt and fight for survival, some will be more capable than others, and many may not survive very long. Some have found companions throughout this dark time, but others are still living a life alone. Groups and packs may form, but nothing will change the grief and agony the most dogs have endured. The winters are harsh, they have always been, but without the comfort of a warm house the dogs will become chilled to the bone, the ones with the most fur are lucky around these times. The summer is a bit better, but where they live they have cold summers. And it rains an awful lot in the spring, best to take cover, some storms tend to pop up. Autumn is forgiving, but non the less cold.



Lex | Golden retriever | Male | 4 years old | Played by For never, forever (#61889)

Jupiter | Beauceron | Female | 2 years old | Played by For never, forever (#61889)

Bently | King Doberman Pincher | Male | 7 years old | Played by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Levi | Caucasian Shepherd Dog | Male | 2 1/2 years old | Played by Gladiator (#44969)

Lucca | Border Collie| Male | 2 Months old | Played by For never, forever (#61889)

Crystal | pit bull Grey hound cross| Female | 2 1/2 years old | Played by Blue Wind (#99904)

Caysi | German shepherd | Female | 3 1/2 years old | Played by PlasticPonies123 (#97306)

Presley | Pomeranian | Male | 5 years old | Played by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Conroy | Great Dane | Male | 8 years old | Played by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Gracie | Austrailian shepherd | Female | 6 years old | Played by sweetlions (#56065)

Sugar | Mutt| Female | 1 year and 4 months old | Played by ☪Skittzzle☣☣ (#83026)

Sarid | Mutt | Male | 4 months old | Played by ☪Skittzzle☣☣ (#83026)

Balder (Spots) | Dalmatian | Male | 3 years old | Played by KittyPawSteps the Pooplord (#100272)

Zacko | Shorthaired German Pointer and Lab mix | Male | 2 months old | Played by KittyPawSteps the Pooplord (#100272)



Early Winter!!


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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 12:30:57 by For never, forever (#61889)

Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 10:44:19

Bentley | Male | Doberman Pincher | Location: Street | Mentions: Levi, Lucca, Caysi, Balder, Sugar, & Sarid |

Bentley let out a growl, but not a growl of annoyance and put a paw on Lucca pulling him close "How about we head inside, its getting cold, everyone come in" he spoke softly "Not all of us have long fur" he muttered and picked Lucca up by the scruff of his neck and headed inside the large office building they had been in front of, he slipped through the opening as he headed towards the middle of the room where he set Lucca down and sat down himself watching the other dogs

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 12:20:35 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 13:08:26
Levi | Caucasian Shepherd Dog | Male | Street| Mentions : Bentley, Lucia, Sugar, Casi, Balder, Sarid

When Lucca greets the other dogs Levi turns his head and looks them over for a second. None of them seem to be in bad shape and some even have their collars still on, meaning that they were all house dogs. Maybe even meaning that some of the smaller sized dogs were having a harder time catching prey, and at the mention of a pack Levi thought that it might not be a bad idea. "Come on, we'll discuss it where you guys won't freeze." Levi says after Bentley pulls Lucca inside the big building, shaking his fur as the first few snowflakes start to fall and follows the Black and Tan dog through the doors.

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Rain123 (#97306)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 02:18:22
Caysi|german shepherd|street|lucca, sugar, and the other dogs there (( XD))

Caysi looked at the pup and the other dogs. "Who is the leader of this pack," she paused, "thing?" She tilted her head and smiled at Lucca. " can I stay with you guys? It's kind of lonely when your by yourself." She hopefully looked around.

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mvdkips (#100272)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 04:43:16

Balder | Dalmatian | Location : Street | Mentions: Bently, Levi, Lucca, Caysi, Sarid and Sugar
Pausing for a moment, he thought about Bently's offer. He held his tail high, as he decided to follow him, with what seemed like hope in his eyes. I sure hope they have food there.. I'm starving! He complained in his own head, as he wondered far off into his own imagination. He didn't really pay any attention to the dogs' sizes, as he himself, was a rather tall dog, compared to the average dalmatian.
After arguing with himself, he stopped, glancing at the dogs just behind them. He turned his gaze again at Bently, as he wondered a bit about something. " Hey uh-.. " He glanced at Bently, as he obviously reffered to him. " What's your name? " He tilted his head awkwardly, as he waited for a reply.

((also I just noticed that you called Balder for Blader @Minnie xD))

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 05:24:08

Bentley | Male | Doberman Pincher | Location: Street | Mentions: Levi, Lucca, Caysi, Balder, Sugar, & Sarid |

Bentley looked at Caysi and growled moving Lucca between his paws "You don't ask a pup such questions, they don't understand what it means to be cautious of others" The Tan and Black dog growled, his ears pinning back just a bit as he looked at Balder "I'm Bently" he spoke twitching his ears still annoyed with The German Shepherd, he licked his muzzle and sighed "I'm not sure who the Alpha will be, but I don't think we should start fighting over it, we don't have anything to heal those who get hurt"

For anyone who needs to know how large Bentley is Example

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 12:28:29 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 06:49:41
Sugar | Mutt | Female | 1 year, 4 months
Mentions: Sarid, Bently, Levi, Lucca, Caysi, and Balde

Sugar was about to turn, until she saw Sarid following the huge black and white dog. "Sarid!!" Sugar snapped, seizing Sarid by the scruff.
"Oh come on! We can stay with them! I'm bored Sugar!!! I want to be with others, so we wont be alone!!" What Sarid said made Sugar pause. She dropped him, ears flattened against her head. The wind chilled her to the bone.
"No Sarid." She said calmly, grabbing him by the scruff and carrying him away. He kept kicking and squirming, until Sugar dropped him. Sarid looked up at her with angry eyes.
Oh no, one of his anger tantrums... Sugar though, backing up and waiting for what is going to happen next. Sarid stomped on the ground, barking like crazy and rolling on the ground. Sugars skin went red with embarrassment. "Let me stay with THEM!!" Sarid howled, running into Sugar's leg. She has had enough. Sugar placed her paw on Sarid's neck, holding him down.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-12-21 07:58:52

Lucca | Border Collie| Male | 2 Months old | In the building
Mentions: Levi, Bentley, Caysi, Balder, Sugar, & Sarid

After Bentley had finished talking the pup looked up at him from between his paws with an excited squeak. “Can I be the alpha!?” his voice was full of excitement. He looked up at Bentley with a hopeful expression. ”pllleeeeaaaasssseeeeee, I would be the best alpha!!” He insisted. He jumped up and down to show off how agile he was. He went to pounce and an imaginary mouse, but he slipped and tumbled over. He sat up with his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he turned to look at Bentley. Maybe he didn't notice that Lucca messed up?

((Ohhh, Lucca xD))

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 10:40:26
Sarid | Mutt | Male | 3 months
Mentions: Sugar, Bently, Levi, Lucca, Caysi, and Balder

Sarid calmed down, trying to trick his older sister. He felt the weight come off his neck, and sprang up, a smile on his face. He was going to run for it. "Try to pin me down now!" He howled, darting off and running into a black and white pup. Sarid rolled onto his back, laughing. He looked back at Sugar, and saw that she was frozen in place, her eyes full of anger. He still laughed.
"Hahaha!" Sarid laughed, kicking his legs around.

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 10:55:27

Bentley | Male | Doberman Pincher | Location: Street | Mentions: Levi, Lucca, Caysi, Balder |

Bentley looked down at the pup and snorted "Sorry pup you are much too young to lead a pack" he spoke twitching his ears happily "Maybe then you get older" he said nodded looking at all the other dogs in the room, he licked his nose laying on the ground, he shifted his weight around "We will need a alpha, or things will be out of order, who's stepping up?"

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Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 15:48:51
Levi | Caucasian Shepherd Dog | Male | Street| Mentions : Bentley, Lucia, Casi, Balder, Sarid

Levi looked around at the other dogs once he took a seat on his hunches, his attention turning towards the small golden pup as he run into Lucca. He gently pulled Sarid off the black and white pup with his paw before lifting his head again. "How can we choose an alpha if we all just met? We don't know what anyone is capable of yet, good or bad. Especially if things turn the wrong way."

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mvdkips (#100272)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 23:15:33

Balder | Dalmatian | Location : Street | Mentions: Bently, Levi, Lucca, Caysi, Sarid and Sugar

Balder let out a small huff of laughter, as he heard the small pup's words. He then locked his gaze at Bently. "Bentleey, huh." He waved his tail back and forth, as he seemed to be in a good mood. He then, noticed the offer of becoming the alpha of the group. Thinking about it for a moment, he finally made his decision. " I could be um.. Alpha? If.. It is neccessary, of course. " He offered, seeming almost confident in his words.

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 23:29:54

Bentley | Male | Doberman Pincher | Location: Street | Mentions: Levi, Lucca, Caysi, Balder |

The tan and Black dog looked at the spotted one unamused "What do you have to offer?" he asked not trying to be rude, he just didn't understand "What would you do If someone outside the pack challenged you?" he asked looking around at all the dogs in the room "As Levi said, who knows who we can trust, we can just hang around for a little bit, get to know each other before we decide who's telling who what to do" he said looking at everyone else almost lazy like "We might find more dogs, around the city as well"

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Rain123 (#97306)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:19:08
Caysi|street| the same dogs as last time|

Caysinstepped back offended. "I'm not looking for a fight!" She snapped. "None of the other dogs acknowledged me." She bit back a growl. "I simple wanted to join your little group." She said flatly.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-12-22 07:57:52

Lucca | Border Collie| Male | 2 Months old | On the street
Mentions: Levi, Bently, Caysi, Balder, Sugar, & Sarid

Lucca's ears drooped as Bentley spoke to him, but he perked up when the older dog said he just had to get a little older. Before he could speak again he was knocked to the ground by a blur of yellow-golden fur. The weight was lifted off of him by Levi. Lucca sprang to his paws to see a golden pup that he had seen earlier standing before him. The black and white pup jumped into a play bow with a happy squeak. "Hi!" He yipped.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 08:32:41
(I am summoned)

Sarid | Mutt | Male | 3 Months
Mentions: Balder, Lucca, Caysi, Levi

Sarid looked scared as if he saw his sister die right in front of him when he felt a paw push him softly. He looked at Luca with eyes wide at the pup. He looked back at Sugar, than to Lucca. "Hello! I'm Sarid! What's your name? Do you like rain????" Sarid asked, wagging his tail. "Is it okay if I and my sister stay!!?" He added, nosing towards his sister, who gave him a SHUT YOUR POTTY MOUTH look. He just ignored her. He looked at the other dogs, standing beside Luca.
"Did i tell you that I'm Sarid? I'm Sarid!" Sarid barked happily.

(How did my phone autocorrect Barked in Argyles?!?)

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