Posted by 1x1 w/ Lexi (2)

Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-01-18 03:44:31
Plot to be put up

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 14:56:56
The growl that left Eros's mouth actually sent a shiver down Heidi's spine as she bit her lip. His hands on her skin were sending fire everywhere he touched. She looked up at Eros. "You don't know me well enough to be disappointed by anything I do." And then she shook her head, exhaling. "Don't make this harder than it has to be."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 15:01:14
Eros looked down at her lips and nodded his head, "I know well enough." He gave her a soft look but kept his grip strong on her. This was the first time she would be seeing this not-tense side of him, except for when he slept of course. It didn't last very long though because his jaw tensed in annoyance at how he acted towards Heidi all the time.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 15:06:07
It was there for a moment. His eyes had softened, and for once he didn't look like he was mad at her. It was better than him sleeping because he did it on purpose now, but as soon as it was there it was gone, replaced with his usual tense face, and Heidi sighed in disappointment. The good things were always the ones that never lasted. "You've only known me four days," she tells him, running a hand through her hair. "You don't know what I will and won't do. You don't know how I think or feel or what I like to do. You don't know anything about me because you don't know me. Not the real me, so stop acting like you do and that you've gotten me all figured out because you don't."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 15:10:52
Eros knew that she spoke the truth, "You're right but you never gave me any time to learn stuff about you, I was willing to change for you, I took you out on a date and I can tell you that I've never done that before. In my life. You don't know very much about me either but if you actually stayed around, you will see that your life isn't going to be constantly filled with stress, it might even be fun but there's still alot of stuff that we had to work through." He was saying this stuff mainly because she had made it very clear this was the last time he was going to see her and he just wanted her to know before he regreted not telling her.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 15:15:10
Heidi listened to his words and recalled asking him back at the restaurant last night if he had planned to change for her in which he had said he didn't know. Now he was basically telling her that he did want to and would if she would give him the chance. Heidi didn't know what to believe or what to do, as she looked into Eros's eyes. The cold man who was willing to change. And not for anyone. For her. She grabbed his cheeks before pressing their lips together in a passionate and heated kiss, feeling braver than she'd been feeling throughout this conversation. "Show me," she whispered against his lips. She wanted to see his change. To feel it.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 00:52:21
He looked down at her for a brief moment before grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the house. Putting her in his car, he drove back to his place with his arms tense. He looked over to Heidi as he pulled up in the garage and stepped our of his car, waiting for her to step out aswell. "We'll go back to your friends place after." The place was a mess when they left from what he saw.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 03:17:55
When those words had left her mouth, Eros had waited for a moment before he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the car. She didn't have enough time to protest, not like he would listen anyway, before she put her seatbelt on and looked at her hands the entire ride back to his house. Then he said they would go back after. After what? What had Heidi gotten herself into? She got out the car after him before biting her bottom lip as she looked at him. "What are you about to do?" The night breeze was cool.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 03:32:24
Eros took her hand again and pulled her inside, locking the door behind him before turning to face her. "I have some news." He shrugged and walked to his room to take out flight tickets, he didn't need them since he had his own private jet but he thought they would prove a point. "This time it's your choice." He held them out to Heidi, showing her the destination, "I have a meeting there in two weeks time and I was going to give these to you last night and shove them in your face forcing you to go but..."

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 07:48:07
Heidi looked at the ticket that he was holding out to her before her eyes widened and her jaw dropped once she saw the destination. "Are you kidding me?!" Excitement began to bubble up inside of her, a smile finding her face. "You want to take me to Paris?" She asks, still not believing it. "The city of love. The city of the Eiffel Tower." Heidi looke at Eros. He wasn't forcing her to go anywhere with him. He was asking her, and Heidi liked that. She bit her bottom lip, sinking her teeth in, as she looked up thinking before looking back at him and nodding her head.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 08:24:30
(( It's funny because I was thinking Paris too XD ))

Eros gave her a genuine smile this time and put the tickets down. "We're leaving on Monday so we'll be there for a week and a half, the meeting is on the second last day. We won't be needing those tickets though, I have a personal jet that we will br taking."

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 08:27:03
"Then why did you buy tickets?" Heidi asks, biting her lip though the smile that was on her face was obvious. She saw the smile on Eros's face and was shocked to see how genuine it was. Maybe she really was changing him. She put it in the back of her mind to call Darby and cancel their date before she shook her head. "I can't believe you," she states, staring into his sea green eyes. "For a guy who doesn't normally do this, you're a natural."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 09:28:29
Eros shrugged, "They aren't plane tickets, just a confirmation from the pilot for the time and destination. You probably saw there weren't any specific seats on there because we get the whole jet to ourselves." When she had said he was a natural he raised an eyebrow at her. "Really now?" He had a smirk on his face now but he had realized today was Thursday. "You have that 'date' with the guy don't you tonight?"

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 09:32:05
Heidi thought that it was cool that she would be flying on a private jet. It wasn't something she'd ever done before. Heck, she'd never flown in a public airplane, so this was going to be another new one for Heidi. She saw the smirk on his face and was about to say something before he brought up Darby. The smile left her face, as she bit the inside of her cheek. Then she stepped forward, against Eros, as she let her hand graze his butt, getting his phone out his back pocket, heat rushing to her cheeks, realizing what she had done as she punched in the digits in Darby's number.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 09:34:32
"Wha-" he stiffened up when her hands went into his back pocket and dialed in a number on his phone that she had pulled out. "Are you doing?" He finished and tilted his head to the side with his serious expression and his arms crossed. He let her do her thing but he made sure he could hear everything from the other end.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 09:39:43
Darby picked up after the second ring. "Look Darby, you're a truly amazing guy, but I have to tell you that I'm not looking for a relationship right now and will have to cancel our date tonight because of sudden plans, but I hope that we can still be friends?" Darby seemed a bit disappointed, as he said 'sure' before hanging up. Heidi inhaled before holding the fan out to Eros. "Here ya go?" she asks before biting her lip. "Do you not like to be touched?" She had noticed the way he had stiffened when she reached to grab his phone.

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