Posted by 1x1 w/ Lexi (2)

Jazzy (#75773)

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2017-01-18 03:44:31
Plot to be put up

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 09:44:39
Eros almost laughed at the words that had left her mouth but kept it to himself. He took his phone back and slipped it in his pocket, Heidi's question making him furrow an eyebrow. "I'm fine with my arms but anywhere else...not really." Especially his butt, but he didn't voice that last part to Heidi.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 09:48:05
Heidi looked at him and cocked her head to the side at the beautiful man in front of her. She didn't know how she didn't realize before. There had been several opportunities for her to have noticed. She got a stool and pulled it towards her. "Why?" she asks, wanting to learn as much about the man in front of her as she could. After all he was trying for her.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 09:55:39
"It was a few bad experiences when I was in high school," he didn't know what else to say about the matter so he just kept quiet after that. Heidi didn't need to know about his many somewhat crappy sexual encounters in Junior year.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 09:58:02
Heidi looked at Eros, wondering if he were afraid of someone else's touch or if it just really displeased him. She bit her lip, deciding to take a risk as she hopped off of her stool and walked over to Eros before tentativily pressing her hand against her chest, wondering what his reaction would be. "Like this?"

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 10:02:09
Eros stared at the hand on his once again stiffened frame, he moved his up slowly and took her hand off of his chest. "If you're asking if I want you to do that, then no, not like that." He knew she was just trying some stuff out about him so he just let her do her thing...for now.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 10:08:43
Heidi had felt him stiffen before he removed her hand altogether. She let out a sigh, looking at Eros. He was kind of her lost boy like the real lost boys were to Peter Pan. She smiled, as she thought that before she looked back up into his sea green eyes. Then she wrapped an arm around his neck before pressing her body against his as she pressed their lips together.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 10:15:08
Eros forgot to mention he didn't mind the neck or hair, it was kind of soothing. He kissed her back and pressed her body into the kitchen counter with his hand on her back. He frowned and pulled away from her, "You're friends place?" He knew they needed to clean up the mess they or she left there.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 10:25:15
"Jackie won't care," Heidi tells Eros, putting her hand up and putting it down as if to say it was no biggie. She hadn't left that big of a mess anyway. She'd only been there for the one night. It was weird everythint that had happened today. She'd woken up so mad at Eros that she had tried to quit her job but now she was pressed between him and the counter after sharing a mind blowing kiss even though all of his kisses were mind blowing really. "You're so dominant," she whispers looking into his sea green eyes.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 11:02:43
Eros huffed and gave Heidi a half hearted serious look, "would I be the CEO of the largest business company in America if not for my dominance?" He said it in a low playful growl. "The answer is no before you get any arguments in your head."

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 11:06:48
"Well your dominance transfer over to different areas," Heidi tells Eros, feeling her cheeks heat up, realizing exactly what she had said and what she had meant. It was true though. In bed, he did what he wanted, when he wanted, however he wanted. She felt a shiver run down her spine just thinking about it, as she averted eye contact and sunk her teeth into her bottom lip.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 11:10:21
Eros' eyes turned to slits as he looked down at her lips, "Are you purposely trying to lead me on?" He asked backing up from the hold and taking some red wine down from his storage. He took out some glasses and poured a quarter full each before handing one to Heidi, "don't ask I just felt like drinking some."

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 11:12:59
Heidi released her bottom lip from her teeth's grasp. Biting her lip had always been a habit of hers, one that she never knew she was doing until it was pointed out. She knew she would have to break it especially if she were going to be spending time with a man like Eros. But like they said, habits are hard to break. She looked at the wine he was offering before shaking her head. "I think one of us needs to be sober at all times," she tells him, grinning slightly.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 11:15:03
He kept the wine held towards her, "It takes a lot to get me drunk, I wasn't even drunk the other night." He stated taking her hand and putting the glass in between her fingers, "If you can get drunk on wine, that's sad."

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 11:16:15
"Well then I'm sad," Heidi answered, pursing her lip, forgetting that the mean and coldhearted Eros was around the corner, always waiting to be set free. She put the glass on the counter before turning around, preparing to walk into the living room.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 12:57:04
He grabbed her arm and laughed, "That was a joke Heidi." Turning her around thinking of a bit, he knew her alcohol tolerance wasn't that low other wise she would have been out cold when he gave her the stronger alcohol, "how much wine did you ingest for that to happen?" He questioned giving her a curious look.

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