Posted by 1x1 with Drkshdw

Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 05:22:25
A vampire is going around and killing off government officials because of the excessive hunting that the government is putting towards the vampire species. No human outside of the government knows about the hunting but all vampires are known to be vile creatures, even though it's not always true. When a girl realizes the boy she has been crushing on is a vampire, she immediately believes that he is the vampire killing all the government officials.

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Edited on 21/03/17 @ 18:55:42 by Jazzy {Lexi's Adopted Sister} (#75773)

Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:01:09
"Not least not very much. I've learned how to not drain the life out of someone when I feed and I've also learned how to feed without knocking the poor person out." Unlike the first time she tried...

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:04:06
He sat up, putting his nose in the back of her head before leaning back, hanging his head over the back of the couch to stretch his neck, "That's good....... do you still want to feed off me, or is that a thing of the past? Also, what's your favorite color?"

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:08:14
"It's probably a thing of the past. Honestly I'm fine feeding off of others and it's teal...why are you wondering?" She sat up a bit as well, stretching out her back slightly.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:14:34
He nodded a little, and put his hands on her waist, "I was just wondering, I don't know any of your favorites besides sushi--and now teal, but still... Mine's green, by the way."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:19:10
"Green and teal are pretty similar...teal just as a more bluish tint." Kelsie smiled then a question popped in her mind, "If you don't mind me asking, how were you turned? Besides saying you were bitten on the neck of course."

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:23:22
He smiled, sitting up again, "I know that... I was just curious, is all." He frowned a little at her question, leaning his head against the couch in thought, "Well.... my family owned an equestrian ranch--they bred all kinds of horses for sell and show--and I would help with training the horses. They hired this new trainer.... he liked how I handled the horses, so he would always have me help him, and then one day--my parents were taking some horses to a show in a nearby town, a couple hours away--I was saddling one of the friesans and something knocked me out... trainer was gone, and I had a sudden craving for blood. Oh, and a very large hole in my neck, but that's okay..."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:27:18
"You used to ride?" Kelsie found it was quite the coincidence since with her parents being so rich and all, own an acreage just outside the town with half a dozen horses and some other animals. She used to go every weekend when she was a kid. Honestly she hasn't been there in a year but she knew her parents had someone taking good care of the animals there.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:30:06
Damiaan smiled at her question, reaching for her hand, "I did, all the time... why?" He sat up as his back was starting to hurt a little, and scooted a bit closer to her, pulling her into his lap again, wanting to hold her while they talked.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:32:39
"Because my parents have an acreage outside of the city...they don't go back there often and neither do I but I know there are horses and ponies there. I could take you there one day, heck if we're bored, we can stay there for a few days in the cabin."

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:34:12
He smiled at the offer, and hugged her, kissing her neck, "I would love to do that... when do we leave?" He kissed her neck again, starting to nibble on it a little.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:39:14
"When ever you want. Heck even right now works." She shrugged and let out a laugh when he started nibbling on her neck, "I'm ticklish..."

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:42:59
He smiled a little, "Maybe we should wait until morning... I don't want to leave quite yet." He laughed into her neck, biting her harder for a second before kissing her jaw, "Oh, I'll have to remember that..."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:53:12
"I already know that you're ticklish." She said and raised an eyebrow when he bit somewhat harder, "If I weren't a vampire, that would've left a mark."

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 04:55:53
"I know you know, but you denied being ticklish, so I'm going to have to remember where for when I need to get you back." He smiled, kissing where he bit her, "I wouldn't have done it if you weren't a vampire." He paused for a second, "Never mind, I would have."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 05:03:45
"How would you like it if I bit you and left something behind, and I'm not talking about using my fangs." She asked closing her eyes for a second before looking at him again.

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