Posted by 1x1 with Drkshdw

Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 05:22:25
A vampire is going around and killing off government officials because of the excessive hunting that the government is putting towards the vampire species. No human outside of the government knows about the hunting but all vampires are known to be vile creatures, even though it's not always true. When a girl realizes the boy she has been crushing on is a vampire, she immediately believes that he is the vampire killing all the government officials.

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Edited on 21/03/17 @ 18:55:42 by Jazzy {Lexi's Adopted Sister} (#75773)

Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 04:31:38
Damiaan closed his eyes and sat down on the edge of his bed again, putting his head in one of his hands, "What do you want me to do? Hang up, ignore you for a week or more? Go ahead, tell me."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 04:35:22
"Yea ignore me and don't be surprised if you find a line of dead beheaded bodies laying around the city." She got up from her bed and paced around the room, maybe now the panic was setting in, she had no idea how to deal with this on her own and quite frankly she didn't think Damiaan wanted to be around her, "I'm obviously not doing the both of us any good, bad luck seems to follow me everywhere."

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 04:38:15
Damiaan flinched at her words, even though she couldn't see. She probably would be satisfied if she did see his reaction. He bit his lip again, and sighed again, running a hand through his hair, "You don't have bad luck. All of this is my stupid fault anyway, so feel free to be mad at me..."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 04:40:52
"Why so we can both be mad at eachother? I'm annoyed. Not mad." She wanted so badly to throw her phone against the wall but held herself back from doing so. Maybe she was a bit more than just annoyed but he didn't need to hear that.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 04:42:57
Damiaan heaved a sigh and rested his forehead against the bedpost, "You are mad, and I'm trying to not have us both be mad at each other, but I don't know how to do that."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 04:49:13
"You're always clueless aren't you?" She gritted her teeth and flopped back on the bed, "You have no reason to be mad at me, think about it and the shit I've been through maybe you'll see that your anger is out if frustration on someone else."

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 04:55:01
Damiaan ground his teeth, and his fingers tightened around his phone. He tried to keep from just leaving it a that, and said, coldly, "You think I don't realize that? I'm angry at you for a reason, Kelsie. You just left, what if something happened? I almost went out looking for you, worrying that somehow Dan had gotten you again, but I didn't, because you would have been mad at me for trying to help. Fat lot of good that did, right?" He laughed bitterly, and shook his head, glancing at his television, wondering if they had caught Dan yet, or if he had escaped once again. He turned on the news, but ignored it when there wasn't anything interesting on.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 05:00:37
"Nothing happened! Why are people always sticking on the what ifs, this is a moment when you're over thinking things is getting in the way Like what if this what if that? Huh? Well none of those things actually happened so just STOP!" She threw her phone on her bed and stared at it.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 05:05:10
Damiaan squeezed his eyes shut at her words, and didn't say anything for a while, and when he finally did speak his voice was quiet, "Because I couldn't live with myself if I lost you." He didn't even know if she was still on the other end, but he wasn't going to hang up until he was sure. Not that her response would help the situation any.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 05:22:26
Kelsie heard the low mumble of his words since her ear was directly beside the phone. "You didn't lose me...I'm obviously alive." She muttered taking the phone back in her hand. Most if her anger had flushed out if her system and now she felt bad more than anything.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 05:26:12
Damiaan bit his lip while he waited for a response, and when he got one he flopped back onto the bed, rubbing his face, "I realize that... but just the thought of it was enough to make me pissed at you... I'm sorry."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 05:41:20
"I'm sorry too." She said closing her eyes again, "I really need to sleep right now, the headache is setting in." She roles over so she was on her stomach, getting ready to sleep again.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 05:44:15
Damiaan smiled at her apology, and bit his lip, "Okay, just one more thing: are we okay?"

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 05:52:28
She thought about his question for a bit before nodding, forgetting he couldn't see her, "We're better...I wouldn't be going to sleep until we at least half figured it out."

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-02-24 05:58:37
Damiaan had started to chew on his lip again in his worry, and he let out a relieved sigh, "Okay... I really am sorry. And I'll stop apologizing now in case it annoys you." He punctuated his sentence with a small laugh so she knew he was joking, at least a little bit.

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