Posted by | Sabertooth Clan |
RebaRingo (#101776) Necromancer View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-02 11:40:27 |
Due to popular demand, I've decided to turn an initial idea for a 1x1 into a full-fledged RP anyone can join! Based on an RP I did in FeralHeart back in the day, we'll follow Kanut (Kah-noo) as he journeys from his homeland into the wintry setting of his new home, struggles to begin a new clan of fellow saber-toothed cats, and seeks revenge against the dire wolf pack who slaughtered his birth clan and family. -Rated M -Characters need Inuit names. Google is packed with them! -Literate writing skills are a must, but you don't have to type a novel with every post. Everyone gets writer's block! -Please post a character sheet so we can all see how pretty you are! Doesn't have to be super detailed and fancy if you don't want it to be! -When cubs come into the story, pleeeeease refrain from useless cub drama: By this, I mean the old cliches. Don't go breaking limbs from a small trip, don't go running away every five minutes, don't be bitten by anything venomous, you get the drill. Cubs are cubs, not ticking time-bombs of premature death. -Following that, mates are allowed, both permanent and temporary. -No Mary Sue's here. No one is a god in battle. Please ask permission, though, before going out and crippling or killing anyone's character. -Due to the RP getting so big so quickly, I ask for everyone to just stick with one character for now to keep things organized. -The Mortla Clan (once it becomes officially established in RP) will reside in a rocky cave in the mountains behind a frozen waterfall, so keep the environment in mind! -Have fun! Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 06/02/17 @ 07:05:25 by McChip (#101776) |
RebaRingo (#101776)
Necromancer View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 01:19:50 |
"Impressive that you took on so many alone," Kanut said to the newcomer, extending a claw to roll the dead dire wolf over to inspect the death blow it had received. He smirked with approval. "Well, you're here now, as are we. Come, we have food, and I won't be leaving a fellow saber alone in these dark times." He motioned with a jerk of his head for the two she-sabers to follow him, and he made his way back through the path he had already cut through the snow. -short uuugh- 0 players like this post! Like? |
Unahwi (#100777)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 08:08:32 |
With a low growl, the female narrowed her eyes as the male observed her kill. "It's not my first fight... And it won't be the last." She grumbled and watched him and the other female closely. Blood soaked patches on her dark fur and ran down her legs. She growled lowly as she was told to follow. She glanced down at her kill and grabbed it by the throat and dragged it with her. She never left a kill to rot, she considered it a prize and a meal for the day. She followed behind the male as blood trailed from the corpse and herself. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 12:14:36 |
"I will stay then," he said, and then angled his cranium over his shoulders. The towering male examined the terrain skeptically. "Look for shelter?" He asked, nodding off in a more promising direction. There he could see a more rocky area, mountain-like. They could definitely find shelter there. Noticing the wind start to pick up and looking up now to find it getting dark, he turned to the group with stern eyes."We must go now, if we want to live." Though the statement sounded strong and insistent, it wasn't rude. You could tell from his eyes, how his body was positioned, and the less-noticeable tone in his voice, he meant well for the group. Though Uuk wasn't quick to trust others, he was apart of a group now. He knew this meant he was to protect them and make sure they got to safety. Mentions: Sesi, Aelia, Densa, Aguta 0 players like this post! Like? |
Sinful (#50847)
Pervert View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 13:59:16 |
Sesi / 2 years old / Rogue / Mentions: Densa, Aelia, Aguta, Uukkarnit She scrunch up her face from Densa's lick attack. "That's gross!" She laughs, rising on her back letgs. Sesi pushed against Densa shoulder while using her teeth to pull at his flame like mane. "Take that and that." She mutters through a mouth full of hair. The two youngsters contently messed with each other like it was a contest. A contest Sesi no doubt believed she was winning. "Aguta~" She cried in a whinny voice, puahin goff of Densa. "Densa's being mean." She quickly runs towards Uuk sticking close to his side to hide from the giant brute. Snickering under her breath, she grin up at the other male, tail shaking in the cold. She was egaer to find cover and it seems this Saber knew the way. "Then what are we waiting for?" She hums. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Northstar (Side) (#103802)
Savage View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 14:09:57 |
-Densa laughs, attempting to lick her again when she runs awau to hide behind the dark brown brute.- "Aguta shall not save you" -He said boldly, but he was wrong. Way over reacting, Densa flung himself into the snow with a dramatic roar- "Limbs growing cold, lights fading" -As if from a movie, Densa plays dead, only to come back alive and yell- "ROSEBUD!" -and die again. He lay still for a moment, then like there was a spider on his paw, he gets up again, flinging snow everywhere as he charged after Sesi. With his back arched, he hops around her like a river otter in the snow, letting out deep playful grunts as he does so. His bobbed tail standing straight up as he then lowers his front half onto the ground in a playful bow. His sabers sliding into the snow with ease.- 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 07/02/17 @ 21:19:42 by Northstar (#103802) |
DragoGirl (#105388)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 14:10:10 |
Aguta smiled to herself as she walked over to Densa and playfully shoved him with her shoulder. Then she walked to the male's other side, a playful smirk forming on her muzzle. Her tail lowered but still wagged lightly, preparing for a counter attack from Densa. Her muscles tensed, yet however she still waited for the male to lead them on their way. Scanning the terrain she spotted a mountain, suitable to hide from the wind and maybe even warmth. Aguta glanced at the male, wondering if he was looking that way, all the while her guard was being lowered more by the second. 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 07/02/17 @ 21:12:48 by DragoGirl (#105388) |
Northstar (Side) (#103802)
Savage View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 14:11:10 |
Northstar (Side) (#103802)
Savage View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 14:20:10 |
Sinful (#50847)
Pervert View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 14:27:19 |
Sesi / 2 years old / Rogue / Mentions: Densa, Aelia, Aguta, Uukkarnit Sesi shook her head amused with the dramatic Saber. "Sabers. Drama queens. Am I right Aguta?" A lazy smirk graced her scared features. She couldn't help but roll her eyes, following Densa's moment. He jumped around like a gazelle. Finally getting dizzy, Sesi chased after Densa's sliding form. Snow flung in the air nearly hitting her square in the face. They were going a bit away from the group but nothing to alarming. Gracefully, she leaped on his back. Her claws dig into his thick fur, attempting to tickle the Saber as a revenge from earlier. "Ha! Look whos on top now." Sticking her tongue out from between her teeth, she nibbled on his ear. 0 players like this post! Like? |
DragoGirl (#105388)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 15:12:06 |
Aguta heard Sesi and looked up, however she couldn't quite see over the male. So she backed up facing him, as she was about 9 feet away. Then she dashed, then leaped, soaring over the male and landing only about 7 feet away from Densa and Sesi. Finally having the perfect view she sat and smiled, feeling a childish ball of excitement well up in her. So, she dug a hole and placed her head in it, covering it partially then brought her half covered head back up. She then raised her head in a sort of fashion, a smirk across her muzzle as she began to carefully walk towards them, not wanting to lose any snow and lose her footing. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 16:17:00 |
Uukkarnit smiled as they played around him, ducking as snow nearly hit his face from Densa flying around. They all seemed very happy, and perhaps the saber could get used to the noise. This seemed like the beginning of something beautiful. After Aguta leapt over him, and put snow on her head, a mischievous thought entered Uuk's mind. Following suit of the saberess, he waited till she got close to the pair of wrestlers. Then, he took one of his big paws and knudged her just enough so that the pile of cold snow fell onto Sesi and Dense. A big smile spread aross his muzzle, his nub of a tail twitching."Oops." 0 players like this post! Like? |
Shy (#51494)
Remarkable View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 22:26:20 |
Osha would back away from the female, her tone and body language showed she did not trust them. However she could not leave the female alone especially since she was wounded. "Perhaps after we eat you will let me look at your wounds?" she would offer. Osha being her natural sweet self, and offering her motherly words to a fellow feline. She would follow behind Kanut, wondering if this new addition would effect their search for a larger cave. 0 players like this post! Like? |
⍟ chennie 🏜️ g1 olive nrlc (#84624) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-07 22:31:37 |
Aelia sat down, swatting a pile of snow angrily. He pulled up from the cold substance, and a pile of snow came with his paws, as the snow slammed on his head, he growled and walked over to the wrestling pair, and sat down, waiting for them to be uncovered. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Unahwi (#100777)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-08 01:45:40 |
Auka glanced over at the female with narrowed eyes. "Maybe..." She said through the thick fur of the Dire. She was not used to being taken in somewhere so easily. With each step, blood colored the white snow, drops of blood dripping from her belly and her legs nearly trembling in fatigue. She realized now that she hadn't got any proper rest in the last few days. Her head was even with her shoulders as she dragged the corpse under her. 0 players like this post! Like? |
RebaRingo (#101776)
Necromancer View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-08 03:58:27 |
"Osha is right," Kanut said gruffly, shaking his scruff of a mane vigorously to loosen collecting snowfall. "You won't get far on your own with wounds like that. A lone saber in a snowstorm, with only one carcass to feed on? You'll be dead before the next moon." He was blunt. That was just Kanut's way. "Wolves are stringy, anyway," he added in an undertone. The three continued on their way through the snow, finally arriving back at their first kills. Kanut pulled them down from the boulder he had left them atop of and dragged them to the side of his shoulder, his neck bent an bit awkwardly, veins bulging with the dead weight in his jaws. When they arrived at the cave, it was a bit of a task to pull the dead rams inside without Kanut getting comically stuck either by his burden not squeezing in at the same time as him, or his rump scraping the ceiling of the den entrance as he attempted to drag them in. He growled with frustration, looking at the two females who sat smirking in the snow. "What?" he grumbled tartly. 0 players like this post! Like? |