Posted by Poor Unfortunate Souls | roleplay thread

bumblehugh (#65260)

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2017-08-08 10:49:45

Poor Unfortunate Souls, A descendants based roleplay


Main Thread



Fairy Godmother's magic wand is missing. Very little is known concerning the robbery other than the person who did it was very, very clever. Those in Auradon are almost certain it was a child from The Isle of the Lost whilst those in The Isle believe it was betrayal on behalf of those in Auradon. Of course, not everybody thinks like this.

A small group of quieter and less known Auradon children have decided to take matters into their own hands and go to The Isle to retrieve the stolen wand. Nobody knows where it is though. The 'famous five' consisting of Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay and Ben had the same idea. Both groups are wandering The Isle, unaware that each other are there. The goal of everyone is to question the kids from The Isle concerning the whereabouts of the wand, certain that the powerful Villain Kids had something to do with it. First ones back to Auradon get to tell Fairy Godmother of the others rule-breaking.



All canon characters that haven't been claimed yet can be controlled by everyone. Just make sure to keep them similar to their canon-selves.

Please include:
Name | Villain Kid or Auradon Kid | Parent/s

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Edited on 14/08/17 @ 08:42:50 by bumblehugh (#65260)

bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 10:55:08


Location of characters; Isle of the Lost

Time of day; Mid-afternoon

Weather; Overcast and gloomy

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Edited on 13/08/17 @ 15:33:17 by bumblehugh (#65260)

bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 08:41:44
Uma | Villain Kid | Ursula [Mother]

The day had been so far uneventful. All Uma had done was potter around Ursula's Fish and Chip shop doing chores for her mother, rolling her eyes as she went. She wiped her hands on the gross white apron before tossing it over the counter. Her shift had just finished and there was no way her mother was going to drag her back to do more dishes. Uma took her hat off the wall. Ursula had strong opinions about wearing hats whilst working; Uma, being her daughter had fought her on this multiple times but to no avail. Taking her sword from the 'Sword Check' barrel at the front and slipping it into it's sheath next to her waist, Uma was gone.

It was funny to see the captain by herself, though this wasn't to last long. Uma was on her way to her ship, where she'd most likely find the rest of her crew. It wasn't a long walk but she wished it was shorter. Not being flanked by her crew members and friends made her feel somewhat weak. As she walked up the board and onto the deck of her ship, Uma was greeted by multiple members of the crew. As they spoke, news of Auradon kids entering The Isle was brought to her attention. This was either going to be great or troublesome. She climbed up the mast quickly, hoping to get a glance at their visitors.

What the hell were they doing here? Uma folded her arms. She stood in the crow's nest of the ship, looking down at a group of children wandering the streets. They looked oh so out of place.

[OOC; sorry guys, I struggled to write up a good starter for some strange reason. I promise my replies will improve, length-wise as well :> I'll involve Ben once more of the other Auradon kids start.]

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Edited on 14/08/17 @ 09:30:19 by bumblehugh (#65260)

Pyromaniac (#62196)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 09:13:43
Evie | Auradon Kid? | The Evil Queen

Auradon was in trouble, so who was going to save the day? Well obviously, it was going to be those villain kids that for some reason cannot keep themselves from being heroes. Even if she does feels this is what is right, every time she steps back into her old home Evie gets the chills. Nostalgia? The girl wouldn’t want to live here again even in her nightmares. And yet here she is. Evie misses her mother but vising her is out of the question. She hopes that they will at least have some time until their next adventure to relax and enjoy not being in danger. Maybe one day they can come back here for a visit and actually not have to sneak around their old stomping grounds. The gloomy weather is not making her feel any less uncomfortable. But the Isle has no space for weakness so she keeps her head held high and tries to wear that same smirk from her villain days. When the wand went missing all of them thought to come here, but now that they were she is not sure what they are going to do. It is not like the thief will be walking around with the wand peeking out of their boots. At this point she misses her magic mirror but they would not let her take it out of the museum, something about it not falling into the wrong hands. She has a few things and a smoke bomb for a quick getaway. Other than being dressed to kill the evil queen’s daughter is not prepared to fight. Walking faster to slip next to Mal she speaks quietly. “What’s the plan?” M has always been the ringleader and Evie trusts her to decide the right thing. If anything, knowing that she has a plan could maybe untie some of the knots in her stomach.

OOC: Since Uma didn't recognize them I assume she has seen the group of lesser known kids. Please correct me if I'm wrong. c:

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Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 09:24:22

Airini | Auradon Kid | Moana [Mother]|Location: The Fish and Chip

The isle was more or less what Airini expected it to be. The air was the same as Auradon but the feeling of evilness was not sitting well with her. The wind blew her long curly brunette hair while she stood on the street. The feeling of people watching her every move didn't feel great. Feeling like an outsider was new to Airini and it was something she would have to get use to for the time being. She was here for a mission, to find Fairy Godmother's wand.

Her thoughts of the Isle was set aside when her stomach nagged for food. Food doesn't sound too bad, but where would I find any? Looking around a sign answered her question, "The Fish and Chip". Her nagging stomach grumbled again so Airini set onto the path towards the small shop but the feeling of someone watching her wasn't getting any better. She knew the people here weren't going to be caring and inviting so Airini knew she had to step up her game. Walking with her head high she headed towards the Fish and Chip.

((Relies will get longer as the plot continues. Didn't have much to go off of ^^))

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Edited on 15/08/17 @ 07:39:28 by Blue Wind (#99904)

WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 09:47:12
Harry | Villain Kid | Captain Hook [Father]

Harry too had heard the troubling new piece of information, he being Uma's First Mate, made him the second most powerful villain kid on The Isle. He swiftly followed Uma, clambering up into the Crow's Nest. "Look at that," he commented as his sea blue eyes locked onto the wandering group of kids, it was obvious to him that they did not belong here. To those visiting The Isle for the first time, it may seem rather gloomy and the sort of place you would not wish to grow up. But to Harry, this was his home, he spent so much time here, causing mischief along the way as he always did. "Shall we go introduce ourselves?" he questioned his Captain, the most wicked of smirks forming upon his lips. "Perhaps we can find out what they are doing here. I hope you will give me permission to hook one of them," he chuckled darkly, the excitement of the current situation visible not just by his body language, but if one were to look in his eyes too. Harry accompanied Uma everywhere, there were the rare times it was just her, but normally Harry is right by her side. He is, after all, second in command, the crew not only must obey Uma, but him as well.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 14:59:04
Uma | Villain Kid | Ursula [Mother]

Uma's hand rested upon the hilt of her cutlass although she didn't take it out- yet. She gave a short laugh,
"I'd be offended if they didn't already know our names, Harry." The pair of them were infamous throughout The Isle; especially known for causing trouble. Uma had claimed the self-proclaimed title of 'Queen of The Isle,' Harry Hook ruling by her side. There had been a vacant spot for such position after Mal left. It suited the both of them, having people dread hearing their names brought such excitement. Uma pinched Harry's cheek playfully, "If you behave yourself, Hook. Maybe you'll be allowed to," she referred to his request to hook one of the Auradon kids, using his nickname. If anybody else dared to call him 'Hook' they would have to deal with the both of them.

Uma made sure she knew where to find the different Auradon kids. Each sticking out like a sore thumb. "As much as I don't want to go back to that damn shop owned by my mother, there goes one of them." She pointed out the individual to Harry. "At least they're currently in a place we can make a fuss without actually getting in trouble." As much as Ursula believed she had reign over her daughter, nothing she did really impacted Uma. She began to climb down from the Crow's Nest of the ship, grinning as she went. Uma jumped the last few feet, landing on the deck fairly dramatically. "Let's welcome them to The Isle!" she called, leading their walk to 'Ursula's Fish and Chips' with twirls and skips. The crew followed behind but giving Harry and Uma some distance.

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 15:42:40
Conall | Auradon Student | Merida's Son | Location: Fish and Chips Outer Entance
( His Sword )
( His bow


A drawn out exhale left the cloaked figure as he leaned against the wall next to the entrance of the Isle's Fish and Chips shop. The young man's head tipped down with his hood up to keep his face hidden from the suspicious glances from the locals. Stray locks of red hair had slipped from the hold of his ponytail as he leaned there for what seemed like forever. His left hand resting on his sheathed family sword while the other hand played with the dagger ornament he kept on his belt, twirling it over and over again. The reason he was there at that location was to listen in on the younger generation of villans children and see if they had any gossip or rumors on what had happened at Auradon. Mainly regarding fairy godmothers wand. But it wouldn't hurt to hear if any of the older villans were tying to use their kids again for revenge or if the kids here wanted to come to Auradon to learn. He could use his fmaily's influence and friendship with the new king to possibly make it happen, but it was a long shot. Releasing a soft short sigh, he tipped his head up for a moment to check out things.

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WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-14 15:44:38
Harry | Villain Kid | Captain Hook [Father]

Harry is not far behind, soon catching up to Uma and keeping the steady pace with her. "I always behave," he whispered in Uma's ear as they continued their journey to her mother's Fish and Chip shop. Harry loved to watch as people cowered whenever he or Uma were present, it was one of the many perks of being the most notorious villain kids in The Isle. If someone was unlucky enough to infuriate Uma, they had no idea how huge their mistake truly was until they discovered they angered Harry too. Harry and Uma are inseparable, it is very unwise to get on the wrong side of either of them, but them combined swiftly becomes anyones worst nightmare. Harry peered to his hook briefly, he carried the silver weapon practically everywhere, when it comes to battle or intimidation, he usually chooses his hook over the sword but will use both if given the chance. Right now, his attire consisted of his usual white ripped tank top, red sleeveless leather coat, black pants and dark brown boots, along with black fingerless gloves. He had chosen not to wear his hat at the moment, some times he did prefer to go without it. A brown belt around his waist has the sheath for his sword, which he currently has.

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King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-08-14 19:13:48
Track for now, just got home from work, need to sleep so my reply to this doesn't suck XD

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 04:27:56
Alessandra // Villain Kid // Prince Hans [Father] // Outfit

Alessandra strolled through the streets of the Isle, softly humming a song to herself. She was on her way to run a few errands for her father, but as she turned a corner, a younger kid bumped right into her, dropping a purse that he had been holding and scattering its contents everywhere. Alessandra, obviously shocked and angry, opened her mouth to yell at the child, but was stopped when she heard the cry of a woman. "Stop that child, he has my purse!" Upon hearing this, the kid quickly tried to grab the money and run, but Alessandra grabbed his arm. "Hey, come on. All of us on the Isle have a hard time, we should be trying to help each other out instead of stealing from them." She scolded him, internally gagging at how cliche she sounded. She pulled the kid up to his feet and told him to get going before bending down to help pick up the money. After she gave the purse back, the woman thanked her and went back on her way, leaving Alessandra grinning smugly to herself. "Idiot." She muttered under her breath, pulling some money out of her leather jacket and starting to count it. While she had been 'helping' the woman to pick up all of her money, she had stolen a bit of it for herself. 'You think you'd know better than to trust someone on the Isle.' She thought, shaking her head. She was about to get on with her shopping, when she suddenly saw some commotion over at Ursula's Fish and Chips.

Now curious, Alessandra headed towards the restaurant to see Uma and her little gang of 'pirates' advancing on some poor group of kids. Usually, she'd turn and walk away, since she found Uma's shenanigans rather boring, but this time the group she was targeting caught her attention. They were obviously not from around here, so that could only mean one thing: these were Auradon children! By now, her father's errands had been completely forgotten. She wanted to find out what Auradon children where doing all the way over here.

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Edited on 15/08/17 @ 04:42:35 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478)

King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-08-15 07:25:57
Mal // Villain Kid-Auradon resident // Maleficent [Mother]

Now coming back to the isle wasn't one of Mals favorite things. Sure at times she wished she could come here for a visit, but thanks to her heroics, along with Evie, Jay, and Carlos, they were seen less as villain kids now and more as Auradon heroes, which on the isle hurt them greatly. She knew her mother was dissapointed in her, however she also knew if she hadn't saved her friends then she would most likely be in a place far darker then any spell anyone could put on her. When Evie spoke to her she snapped out of her thoughts. 'Whats the plan?' The question took a moment to register.

Normally before Mal left for Auradon she could just walk up to any kid and get the answers she wanted out of them just by grabbing them, however she felt that the power of fear had slipped away the same time she doomed her mother to be a lizard for probably eternity, her mother would probably never learn to love enough to grow back to normal size to change back. "We listen, sure we aren't the rulers of the roost as we once were...Surely not everyone has heard of what happened at the coronation. Perhaps we will over hear something, I don't think going to see our parents for information is the best option of course. But I'm also sure our old haunts might have some news." That plan was the best they could come up with, at least for right now. They had nothing to go on. Auradon was blaming kids from the Isle for taking it, however the only ones that Mal knew of were them, unless when Jane broke the barrier for a moment an opening was left, but who was she to say, she wasn't going to explore the island just to find out.

(sorry if this sucked XD)

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Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 08:03:23

Airini | Auradon Kid | Moana [Mother]|Location: The Fish and Chip

As Airini was heading towards the Fish and Chips she saw a tall man with a dark hood over his face obviously trying to hide from some one. The hood though couldn't hide all of his red hair but it tried to. He was standing next to a group of children talking loudly about Auradon. Curiosity took over but before she could say anything, Uma and her group caught her attention. "Great! As soon as I get here I have to meet Uma," Airini mumbled to herself.

Usually Airini would move to the side to let the most know villain pass by but her blood and her history didnt let her. She stood still and crossed her arms. She looked directly at Uma and her gang as they approached her. This probably wasn't the best idea for Airini but she felt like she had to do it. Her brown hair flowed in the wind in the gloomy air. The sun wasn't out much since it was covered by the overcasted sky. Today she wore a nice grey sweater with some black jeggings ending it off with some brown boots. As always she wore a necklace her mother gave her, a blue ornament in the middle with brown leather and some pearls on the string adding effect.

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Edited on 15/08/17 @ 10:54:47 by Blue Wind (#99904)

Pyromaniac (#62196)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 08:41:52
Evie | Villain /Auradon Kid | The Evil Queen

She notices her friend’s green eyes suddenly come into focus. Uh oh, where was she before this. Maybe Mal had forgotten but on the Isle they could not afford to day dream, especially with their newfound fame of being Auradon’s pets. She listens carefully to what the purple haired girl says. It sounds like they are going to have to do a lot of creeping and waiting. Dark brown eyes slide over to look at the king, last time he had come here they had gotten caught and Uma got through the border. Would he charge forth and ruin their chance of getting some intel? Evie had said it before, the only way that Ben could fit in the Isle would be to not be himself. Suddenly the sound of cluttering coins catches her attention. She sees a kid spill a purse full of things and a long-haired girl capture him. A villain doing good? Well now she is intrigued.

The stranger soon moves away and her destination is even more interesting than the act itself. The Fish and Chips, well that might not be where there are most welcome but she does trust the pirate gang to be evil enough to take the wand. After all they had wanted it before, why not make a second attempt? Elbowing Mal she puts a finger on her lips. They must remain undetected for a while longer. “We should check it out, but not all of us. Someone should stay outside to keep watch.” She says, turning back to the group. Dark blue hair falls on her shoulders. Mal would probably want to spearhead this mission and she was not going to be left outside. Maybe the boys could stay outside and watch their weak link. Because the king is just one big bargaining chip. Her eyes flick to and fro each of her friend’s faces.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 09:14:20
Uma | Villain Kid | Ursula [Mother]

Uma stopped, only a meter or two away from her new found entertainment. She wiggled her fingers at one girl in particular. "What do we have here?" Uma looked briefly to Harry before stepping closer to the shop. "A precious flower of Auradon?" Her eyes flicked to the necklace around the girl's neck, she shrugged. "Nice necklace you've got there." Uma moved her hand, close enough to touch it. "Ah, I'm not that bad." She spun back around, pulling her cutlass from it's sheath as she walked. "Besides, it's not my shade of blue." Uma laughed, only the rest of her crew seemed to find it funny. "And now I suppose I should ask what you're doing here?" She said airily. It had been far too long since she'd had people to toy with. "Considering, this doesn't look to be your kind of place, ay?"

Another girl observing caught Uma's attention. The fact that she was another child of The Isle made her less interesting to Uma but still, any attention was good for herself and her crew. She was about to go on with more taunts when she saw another unfamiliar face by the doors to Ursula's Fish and Chips. Uma feigned a gasp, "Now this is truly magnificent," she sighed, stepping closer to her first mate. "Harry, I'm sure there's enough that if one were to be hooked, nobody would notice." Uma teased, she didn't care to whisper.


Ben | Auradon Kid | Belle and The Beast

Ben shuffled his feet. The Isle was not his favourite place, that was certain. He was a leader, a king for goodness sake; being in a place such as this shouldn't make him feel so on edge. Perhaps it was due to previous unpleasant experiences, those involving Uma and her pirate gang especially. He couldn't help but also feel as if he could be slowing the rest of them down. Last time they came here, Ben managed to get himself caught. He'd be much more cautious this time. Funnily enough, he'd proved to himself that charging ahead and taking control of the situation at hand was not the best way to go about in The Isle. He glanced up at the rest of the group around him,
"I won't object to hanging out behind. Something tells me I'm not the person Uma wants to see most right now." He folded his arms, regretting his decision to wear such a bright blue jacket. He felt as every passerby's eyes were trained on him. Well, they had good reason; he wouldn't deny that. "Just," Ben grabbed Mal's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "Be careful, alright?"

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Edited on 15/08/17 @ 09:17:09 by bumblehugh (#65260)

GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 09:39:39
Conall | Auradon Student | Merida's Son | Location: Fish and Chips Outer Entance

Watching as more of the youths of the Isle approach the shop, Conall felt his spine begin to tingle as the ruffians of the Isle he heard about appear first and begin speaking amongst themselves. The leader of the group (Uma) speaking with a young man shorter than himself (Harry) before beginning to point and approach a young woman who seemingly appeared out of nowhere that had earlier tried looking him over. (Airini) Drawing a quiet breath, the young man slowly and silently drew closer to the young woman and towered over her as he peered out of his hood. His sapphire gaze glaring down in defense of the young woman at the group of young pirates. I'd rethink your decision of hooking someone, lass. Wouldn't want to accidentally get hooked yourself, eh? He said as his right hand clutched the hilt of his heavy long sword as he stared down the Isle's youth, his face staying stoic even when the breeze from the cold weather blew his hood back and allowed his red locks to breeze lightly in the wind behind him and reveal his face to the group.


Carlos | Auradon Student | Cruella's Son | Location: Next to Ben

Staying silent this entire time, a rare oddity of the young man, Carlos' had listened to Mal, Evie and Ben discuss what they should be doing and what could be happening here on the Isle. The last time he had been here hadn't been a good one. Mal had run away and they came with Ben to win her back then Ben being captured and so much bullshit happening. He had promised himself he wouldn't let another one of his friend's being captured or hurt. It's probably why he stuck with Tourney and trained with Jay outside of practice to somewhat toughen himself up. But he'd always be a softie. Especially when it came to Dude or Jane. Turning his brown gaze to where they could see Uma and her group, Carlos felt a confused gasp leave him before he gently punched Mal's shoulder to get her attention as a student from Auradon appeared. Hey guys, isn't that one of Auradon's students? Who were his parents again.. Merida and the king of Dunbroch? Why is he here?

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