Posted by Poor Unfortunate Souls | roleplay thread

bumblehugh (#65260)

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2017-08-08 10:49:45

Poor Unfortunate Souls, A descendants based roleplay


Main Thread



Fairy Godmother's magic wand is missing. Very little is known concerning the robbery other than the person who did it was very, very clever. Those in Auradon are almost certain it was a child from The Isle of the Lost whilst those in The Isle believe it was betrayal on behalf of those in Auradon. Of course, not everybody thinks like this.

A small group of quieter and less known Auradon children have decided to take matters into their own hands and go to The Isle to retrieve the stolen wand. Nobody knows where it is though. The 'famous five' consisting of Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay and Ben had the same idea. Both groups are wandering The Isle, unaware that each other are there. The goal of everyone is to question the kids from The Isle concerning the whereabouts of the wand, certain that the powerful Villain Kids had something to do with it. First ones back to Auradon get to tell Fairy Godmother of the others rule-breaking.



All canon characters that haven't been claimed yet can be controlled by everyone. Just make sure to keep them similar to their canon-selves.

Please include:
Name | Villain Kid or Auradon Kid | Parent/s

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Edited on 14/08/17 @ 08:42:50 by bumblehugh (#65260)

WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 09:51:07
Harry | Villain Kid | Captain Hook [Father]

"Today must be our lucky day," he smirked, his sea blue eyes flicking to each one of the figures currently around them. Oh yes, he grinned with glee, the thought of hooking one of them made his mischievous side flare up. Harry once complained to Uma that it seemed like he couldn't have any fun, but now it seems she may be allowing him to, that fact alone made him very happy. "Long way from home, but welcome to The Isle," Harry announced, his statement being made for those who he could see belonged to Auradon, it was painfully obvious, especially to someone who grew up in The Isle. It was then that an unknown figure came much too close to Uma, and Harry's more protective side swelled. "I suggest you back up, wouldn't want to get hurt now would you?" he asked the stranger, raising up the hand holding his hook. He thought about unsheathing his sword too, but decided against it at the moment.

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Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 09:57:21

Airini | Auradon Kid | Moana [Mother]|Location: The Fish and Chip

Airini stood still and a little frightened as Uma touched her blue ornament on her neck with her hands. She stepped back as Uma turned around but bumped into someone as she stepped back. Looking backwards she saw the hooded figure appear behind her. The hood was off of his head so you could see his tangled fiery red hair. Airini was a little embarrassed about bumping into him but this was not the time to say sorry, especially in front of Uma and her gang.

As Uma talked to Harry about being able to hook one of the Auradon people Airini had no fear suddenly. Usually she would have some fear in her, but with someone behind her to back her up things were looking better for her. Suddenly a voice from behind her spoke up, basically telling Uma and her group to back up. She knew the voice was coming from the man behind her, but why? Why was he standing up for her? Airini didn't even know him. She saw the man grab his hilt giving a hint to the young pirates in front of her.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 10:09:35
Uma | Villain Kid | Ursula [Mother]

The reaction from the tall hooded figure shut Uma up but only momentarily. She would have moved to stop Harry, knowing he'd react to those last words, instead she let him threaten all he wished. Something told her she wanted the support of her crew on this although she wouldn't let anybody view her doubts. "You have me shaking," Uma replied, her voice rich with sarcasm. She kicked the blade of her sword up onto her hand, her fingers running over the edge. Even as he stood before her, attempting to look intimidating and slightly succeeding, Uma returned the glare without flinching. "Why are you here?" She repeated, enunciating each syllable.

Uma's grip on the hilt of her sword had tightened, she would be willing to fight if things came to such a conclusion.She wasn't as playful as before but still enjoyed toying with the Auradon kids when the opportunity arises. She gave a quiet scoff, glancing down at the young woman from before. "Oh, aren't you glad your hero has come to protect you?" Uma cooed, "What could I have expected from an Auradon child."

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 10:50:50
Conall | Auradon Student | Merida's Son | Location: Fish and Chips Outer Entance

Glare unwavering, stance solid and tall, the young prince just kept a unnerved gaze upon the sarcastic young woman who began to play with her sword. She gave the tell tale signs of being intimidated and have uncertainty on her side. How did he know this? Given his status and title, he had been trained to read the emotions and unseen emotions a person would display subconsciously and not be aware of in their own actions. It was a strong trait and powerful strategy for when you were in battle with an enemy. You forget you place, lass.. You have a lack of security about yourself, ay. You play with your weapon as if it will give you a hug and save you. Relying on your little hook welding friend to come to your rescue as well. He rumbled, his set of bass vocals warm with assurance about his statement as he took a few steps forward and stood infront of the young woman and moved to tower over Uma and stare down at her. It doesn't matter if either of us or all of us are from Auradon or not. Standing up for someone is a natural occurrence in our worlds. Villain or hero. If you have something you want say it, because our business is not your own.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 11:14:40
Uma | Villain Kid | Ursula [Mother]

Uma's eyes narrowed. She was getting pissed off by what the young man in front of her was saying. "I don't lack security," she hissed. "And I do not rely on Harry to rescue me. I don't need rescuing" At this point, Uma would slip in a sarcastic comment but none seemed to come to mind. Uma dropped the blade of her sword, making a point to do so. "Standing up for others is a natural occurrence in your world," she glanced back at her crew. "You've obviously never been here for more than twenty four hours. You don't get it." It was probably true. Auradon was a much better place than The Isle. Though some Auradon children might have grown up a little rougher than the rest, it would be nothing compared to The Isle. Uma's pirate crew had advanced on the growing argument. It was plenty reassuring, making Uma stand that little bit taller; even though when compared to the young man in front of her, she was very short. "Something I want," Uma forced a small laugh, walking away only to spin back around and lean over her sword. "I want to know what you're doing here. Your business is my own when you're standing outside my mother's restaurant."

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Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 11:20:14

Airini | Auradon Kid | Moana [Mother]|Location: The Fish and Chip

Airini didn't like that Uma thought the young man behind her was her hero. He wasn't her hero, in fact Airini thought she could stand up for herself, if she wanted to. The ornament her mother gave her let the water help her in times of need, like it did with her mother on her journey. "He isn't-" Airini started to say to Uma but was cut off by the man behind her who was now stepping in front of her. She felt weaker with the young man in front of her but she really didn't want to fight Uma or her gang if it came to that. She was only here to find Fairy God mother's wand and then leave and go back home. She knew this wasn't going to be an easy task especially on the Isle. Hearing the conversation between the young man and Uma was great entertainment for Airini, since she had never heard of any one trying to stand up to Uma. She could hear the gang of Uma's erupted in talking and kept on with the argument. Airini just stayed back looking down at her brown boots. Hearing Uma ask what they were doing here was something Airini wouldn't dare share with Uma, especially if she had the wand.

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WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 11:56:25
Harry | Villain Kid | Captain Hook [Father]

Harry now began to glare openly at the male figure, yes Uma could handle herself, but Harry is always there if she ever needs the support. He wanted to laugh at what the male figure tried to say, none of this was their business? Last time Harry checked, he and Uma ruled The Isle, so what happens in The Isle is their business and they have every right to be concerned. Harry's fiery temper started to boil, it doesn't take long at all for someone to make Harry angry, but it isn't wise to do so either. Uma's own frustration is radiating off of her, and being Uma's First Mate and close friend, it affects Harry too. He peered to Uma briefly, but swiftly returned his gaze to the male stranger. Harry's grasp on the silver weapon in his hand tightened, he almost wanted this stranger to try and strike. Harry has not fought someone in quite some time, and being that he is a natural born pirate, the craving for battle is in his blood. "Choose your words wisely. My patience is becoming very thin," Harry commented, his sea blue eyes remaining locked on the figure as he waited for the reply.

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 15:35:09
Conall | Auradon | Merida (Mother)

Listening to the younger womans words as she tried to regain her composure and regality, Conall allowed his stance to be free and relaxed as he did not fear this bunch. He had and has faced more fearsome foes and monsters in battle throughout his young life as he trained to take over his parents kingdom one day and protect it from the magical creatures from within and their allies that still wish destruction upon the lands. Something his family and its people have been keeping secret for generations, even after joining Auradon as allies. You think you've had it hard lass just because you live here? Just because you can't leave this Isle and take after your parents as you know no better? Then you truly know nothing in life just yet. You can decide who you want to be. What you want to do. Even if you live here. He rumbled as he circled around the duo, his eyes looking them over as he silently sized their assessts and stances. They were angry, he knew that. But they were also confused and unsure of things. Their unwillingness to understand truth said as much along with their immaturity.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 15:54:31
Uma | Villain Kid | Ursula [Mother]

Uma's already thin patience had worn, she scowled at the young man in front of her. "You're making me sick." She mocked a gag, disliking having been lectured on maturity and life choices. It was one thing to sneak around turf that belonged to her but to then tell her how to live her life, Uma was just about ready to slice him in half. Yes, she was small; if anything, his prominent doubt in her abilities would come as an advantage. Uma didn't receive such infamy for nothing. Herself and her crew were all experienced in sword fighting, even if they sometimes liked to fight dirty. Her dark eyes scanned the young man in front of her, he was tall and burly but Uma had agility unlike many. It was going to be a challenge to the both of them. Uma only hoped her crew would hold off until properly necessary. "If you aren't going to bloody tell me why you're here, I'll make you." Uma held up her cutlass, the rest of her crew moving even closer. "You may be tall but," She grinned, "I'm afraid you're outnumbered." The tip of her blade touched a fiery, red lock of his hair. Uma tilted her head, "Unless you wouldn't fight a girl." She pouted, receiving a few laughs from her crew. Uma's eyes flicked to Harry, would it be considered unfair if they fought against him together? Oh well, they were pirates after all.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 16:03:22
Alessandra // Villain Kid // Prince Hans [Father] // Outfit

Alessandra watched the situation unfold in front of her, raising an eyebrow as a tall, cloaked figure came to defend the girl Uma was currently toying with. The Auradon kids were very brave, despite being surrounded by Isle children. She admired it, but if a fight broke out she doubted they'd be able to defeat Uma's whole crew. However, if she stood up for them, maybe these children would take her back to Auradon with them. Alessandra had always wanted to get off the Isle, and nobody would question her decision to defend the newcomers because she was already known for being the 'good girl' on the Isle. So, without a second thought, she strolled over and came to stand beside the girl. "Come on, Uma, stop bothering them." She had never really liked Uma, especially since she had named herself the Queen of the Isle. She wasn't fond of anyone who thought they had control over her.

(OOC: Sorry if this sucks, I'm on mobile.)

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WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 16:22:54
Harry | Villain Kid | Captain Hook [Father]

Uma's silent invitation is hastily accepted by Harry, would they finally be granted the opportunity to fight? Harry's free hand unsheathed his sword from it's pouch, the few rays of sunlight glinting off of the silver weapon now in his grasp, as well as his hook. Harry would defend Uma, her battles became his, and they would not lose again. Harry firmly believed they should have been victorious the first time, a gang of pirates losing against children from Auradon? Harry couldn't make sense of it, but he is certain that they will be victorious this time. After all, one man against a large group? This would be easy, perhaps too easy. Harry wished for a challenge, but this would have to do for now. "You have no say in this," Harry swiftly turned his head so he is glancing at the female stranger, she may be from The Isle, but this has nothing to do with her. She is not in the crew, so as far as Harry is concerned, she needs to mind her own business.

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Edited on 15/08/17 @ 16:25:18 by The_Young_Wolf (#113379)

Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 16:36:58

Airini | Auradon Kid | Moana [Mother]|Location: The Fish and Chip

Airini could tell Uma had enough of the young man talking to her like chop liver. Her soft brown eyes gazed at a movement coming towards her. Startled a bit Airini looked at the new brunette beside her standing up for her and the red head young man. The female looked like she knew this place like the back of her hand but she didn't look like everyone else born on this island. It almost looked like she was a nicer person than the rest of the Isle residents. When Uma held the point of her blade to the locks of the young man, Airini could almost see the acceptance of the challenge in the young man's eyes. Hearing Harry telling Airini she wasn't in this made her feel weak, again. She thought "Why isn't this my fight? Is it because I have others standing up for me? Airini started to get angry thinking these thoughts, since she knew she could stand up for herself. But she didn't have a weapon to use, her necklace would only summon the water if someone tried to strike at her. Airini touched her brown curly hair and thought of her mother, What would Moana do? She thought of the demi God her mother met but knew he wouldn't show up to help. With no weapons Airini couldn't fight.

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Edited on 16/08/17 @ 09:12:52 by Blue Wind (#99904)

GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-15 17:59:11
Conall | Auradon | Merida's Son

Holding the young woman's stare even when she pulled her blade from its sheath and picked up a piece of his curled locks with it, he had a challenging gleam in his sapphire gaze. Not afraid when her friend came to back her up nor that her friends seemed to be getting closer as well. Pulling his own blade from its sheath, a beautiful silver blade engraved with black runes, he held it over the girls shoulder and against her neck. You and your little group of wannabe pirates do not scare me nor do I believe they will be a challenge alike yourself and your little friend with the hold behind you doesn't faze me. If you are a true swordsman, you'll fight me one on one. And maybe i'll tell you why im here.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-16 08:39:57
Uma | Villain Kid | Ursula [Mother]

Uma had to hold back a snort,
"A true swordsman? You're kidding, right?" The blade pressed against her neck didn't seem to bother her too badly, her crew looked as if they were about to jump out of their skin. They also seemed to know that she was in a particularly vulnerable situation and one wrong move could send things in a dark direction. Uma held a hand up and gently pushed the sword away, "Honey, I'm a pirate." Her own cutlass flew up, pushing against his blade. "We fight dirty and most definitely not one on one." Mustering as much strength as she could, Uma pushed him back. She ducked under his arm, kicking the back of his knee with a heeled boot. "Come on, Harry," She called with a smirk.

[OOC; sorry it's a little short lol]

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WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-16 09:09:35
Harry | Villain Kid | Captain Hook [Father]

With the blade being so close to Uma's neck, the sneaky pirate chose to stand back, for if he attacked him, it might wound Uma. But, as soon as Uma got the upper hand of the situation and called him to join her, he swiftly acted on her command. "It would my pleasure," he replied, chuckling darkly. "You still have the chance to surrender, but that would ruin the fun and you would't wanna do that, would you?" Harry teased their opponent, he is quick and agile, like his father, he desires to be the best and most infamous pirate that he can be. He circled their adversary, his movements might remind someone of a predator circling their prey, biding their time for the perfect moment to make the kill. Harry's heart began to pound from excitement, if he and Uma play their cards right, they should have no problem at all defeating one man.

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