Posted by Poor Unfortunate Souls | roleplay thread

bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 10:49:45

Poor Unfortunate Souls, A descendants based roleplay


Main Thread



Fairy Godmother's magic wand is missing. Very little is known concerning the robbery other than the person who did it was very, very clever. Those in Auradon are almost certain it was a child from The Isle of the Lost whilst those in The Isle believe it was betrayal on behalf of those in Auradon. Of course, not everybody thinks like this.

A small group of quieter and less known Auradon children have decided to take matters into their own hands and go to The Isle to retrieve the stolen wand. Nobody knows where it is though. The 'famous five' consisting of Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay and Ben had the same idea. Both groups are wandering The Isle, unaware that each other are there. The goal of everyone is to question the kids from The Isle concerning the whereabouts of the wand, certain that the powerful Villain Kids had something to do with it. First ones back to Auradon get to tell Fairy Godmother of the others rule-breaking.



All canon characters that haven't been claimed yet can be controlled by everyone. Just make sure to keep them similar to their canon-selves.

Please include:
Name | Villain Kid or Auradon Kid | Parent/s

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Edited on 14/08/17 @ 08:42:50 by bumblehugh (#65260)

Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-08-16 09:17:29

Airini | Auradon Kid | Moana [Mother]|Location: The Fish and Chip

Seeing the red headed man draw his sword out and place it on Uma's neck made Airini flinch. She didn't want the fight to happen, in reality I would though leaving her to stand and watch it unfold piece by piece. Watching Uma push back the opponents blade with her hand and letting Harry circle his "prey" was making Airini sick. She didn't want to stand backline a coward and watch a killing unfold in from of her eyes. What would she say if she went back home, I watched a fight happened and saw someone die and I did nothing to stop it? That would not be the best thing to say. Not wanting to get herself caught up in the fight Airini started to walk down the path she came hoping to get away without being acknowledge.

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GoFlukeYourself c: (#121554)

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Posted on
2017-08-17 17:05:00
Conall| Auradon | Merida's Son | The Fish and Chip

Feeling the light kick to the back of his calf, the young prince had turned around as swift as the wind and had assumed a sword fight with Uma and her young mate, Harry. (Going as we planned Bumble xD Don't hate me.) Clangs of heavy metal and sparks from the clashing blades, the two young swordsman had sparred for what seemed an eternity which was really a few minutes, Conall had managed to moved Uma and himself away from her pirate comrades and ensue their own battle. The pirate captain knicking his skin a few places with his sword and he in turn on herself but he had ended up the victor as he caught her off guard by uttering a single phrase. Where is Fairy Godmothers wand? With saying that one sentence, he had been able to throw the girl off guard. Smacking her sword from her hand and in so, pinning her with his blade to her throat once again and her own blade in his free hand. Do you yield, Uma?

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 15:21:23
Uma | Villain Kid | Ursula [Mother]

The fight had continued, Uma didn't lose any energy due to the adrenaline. It was once the young stranger had muttered those words, had she been thrown off guard indeed. She glanced to her cutlass in his hand. Uma gave a quiet laugh, this wasn't going to humiliate her. If there was anything she could sacrifice and become closer to holding Fairy Godmother's wand, the real one this time, Uma would be sure to do it.
"The wand?" She tilted her head slightly, in a direction away from the blade. The fact this this seemed to be his go to 'power move' made Uma grin. She could most likely duck away but gave him this. "Ooh fancy," Uma purred, it was funny how seriously this was being taken. Even if she was to be killed, there would be no doubting that the new captain Harry Hook would seek revenge. "Yes, I yield," she dropped the playful tone suddenly, sounding more bored with the situation at hand than anything. "If I play nice can I have my cutlass back?" Uma motioned to her weapon, feeling relatively vulnerable with nothing to aid her beside skill. "If we're going to have a talk about all this drama, I'd like to stand with my crew as well." Sure, Uma was not in the position to be making demands but that didn't stop her. She only realised how unlikely it was he would follow through after she said such things though. Uma's lips curled into another grin, "Otherwise, I won't tell you anything"

[OOC; sorry for the wait everyone hahah, I've been super busy.]

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WolfOfProphecys (#113379)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 21:19:19
Harry had grown agitated the moment their opponent somehow managed to separate Uma from him, he is her First Mate, and this he will not stand for. Especially, being that this young man somehow thinks he can stroll into The Isle and threaten Uma, as he is doing now. Being quick and agile does mean that Harry can get the upper hand of the situation unfolding before his eyes. Harry's hook is soon pressed against the neck of the young man, the tip of the sword being pressed into the young man's side, not enough to penetrate though. "Aye, she is right. Release her, or I gut you right where you stand, so don't even think about harming her." The tone of his voice is enough to prove to anyone that Harry means business. When Uma is in danger, it is Harry who she can always count on to save her, and the crew too of course. As for the situation concerning the wand, it is very intriguing. Last time, he, Uma and the crew were fooled into believing they possessed the true wand that could free them from their 'prison'. But... Mal and her gang had given them a fake, it of course did not have magical capabilities, and therefore did not do what was asked of it. If they were to find the location of the real wand, he, Uma and the crew could finally do what they have always wanted and more.

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