Posted by [Aug] Buffalo Scrotums for 500 Dry Bones

Tikka [mottled king
cheetah] (#90262)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 07:22:05
Yes, many people think that 700 is wayy too much, so it'd be better if it was 500 like a lot of players originally thought.

This suggestion has 530 supports and 39 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/11/17 @ 08:29:03 by Katze (#3)

Lex πŸ¦‹ (#56485)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 10:50:15
I just wanna point on one thing in your post, Fea- it's a good post and I can see a lot of your points

I, as a leopon breeder, have rolled through 40 leopon breedings in a row before getting a leopon cub before. I currently sit at 26 breedings failed between Cubs.

If you value scrotes at 20gb each, 20x66 is roughly 1.3-1.4k gb.

It's an increased chance that doesn't pay off all the time and I don't think it's feeling of entitlement rather than a feeling of discomfort and disappointment

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Deku (#117676)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 10:50:46
It's not so much that people are mad at the price increase, and more at the complete lack of communication that it was occurring.

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Fea [eyup chuck] (#42722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-08-12 10:50:55
Heyo Thal, thanks for replying. c:

"No, they aren't entitled to it, but you really shouldn't be shocked."

I agree. I'm not shocked, and I do think that the opportunity to question a decision or ask for adjustments before it happens is a reasonable request that I'm sure the admins will take onboard. My point still stands though - it is an attempt at a positive change.

"Also, there's a difference between "challenging" and "downright fucking infuriating", which is where a lot of breeding projects stand."

You are again correct - but we as users will always choose the rarest things to want to breed because they are the best to achieve and worth the most when we finally get there. If we made a goal easier, people wouldn't use it as a project or goal as much. c: This will always be a complaint.

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Laila πŸ’°
(Gryffindor!) (#96222)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 10:51:16
@Vartexus I don't WANT buffy balls to be worth 100 GB, even if I sell them. That is just too much. I used to think 50 GB was hella lot just for something that gives you 1 or 2 more cubs then normal. And then you have the GOP which is worth 10-20 GB MAX. Buffy Balls only ensure 1 more cub than it, yet buffy balls are worth 30 GB more.

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Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 10:53:54

Just speculation but maybe they don't change at the start, and wait until now, because they knew we would throw this fit. If they wait until the shop opens and people start buying them (albeit begrudgingly) they could cop out with "it wouldn't be fair to those that already purchased some" unless they were willing to do a refund for the difference, and usually they're not. (Although, this argument becomes invalid if you consider the Monkey Enclave incident. Those who wasted all that SB before it was changed to a fixed price instead of an escalating price were never refunded or compensated.) But maybe I'm just looking to make a villain.

I know they do this knowing they can keep a lot of their user-base because people enjoy this game, but I'm gonna be honest the constantly rising prices but plummeting currency drop rates is kind of discouraging. Their current rate means more players = each player gets less for all their hard work, and it honestly makes me no longer want to play as much. If I can't get items with the currency I work hard for I can't earn GB to fund projects, and unlike the few who can play along with this money grab, I can't afford to buy GB all the time.

I honestly don't even understand why they upped it so much. I get they want to preserve the rarity, but they have so much use that they're gonna get used and go down in number anyway. Sometimes newbies waste them not understanding their worth, stat breeders use them, marking/base breeders use them, and mutation breeders use them. Especially during 'pon season. I would understand if they had raised the lion scrote price (BEFORE) the crash in order to prevent it bc at those prices in the shop the lion balls were really only good for breeding dwarfs. That's a single use. The buff balls are needed for so much more. I know people who need 10+ for their projects and thanks to this raise they might be lucky to get 2-3.

Us casual players are pretty fucked.

(Never slammed a support button so fast.)

Before Post Edit:

"you will have gotten between 5-30 scrotes every year"

Hi, I'm a casual player, and school/college starts this month for almost everyone still in school/college so that puts a dent in our explore time even more. I'm lucky to get 2-3 a year. I barely got any last year.

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SubRealm | G1 Primal
2.1k (#22708)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 10:55:03
I agree though also, I would rather not have them cost more but if they do you can at least profit off of it. And yea it's more of the communication thing.

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Fea [eyup chuck] (#42722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-08-12 10:55:42
Thanks for your reply Lex <3

"I, as a leopon breeder, have rolled through 40 leopon breedings in a row before getting a leopon cub before. I currently sit at 26 breedings failed between Cubs."

The fact is that (and I appreciate the dedication) you've chosen to be a leopon breeder and expect failure a lot, in pursuit of the pure elation of eventual success. If you're looking for your efforts to be worth a profit instead of just achievement, it may not be the best thing to work towards. I bought 1 leopon a while back and got 1 leopon cub out of her after using scrotes her whole breeding life. I then froze her as my trophy and I was happy with that. I don't expect leopon birth rates to maintain any kind of profit, so I do other things like artwork to supplement my love of difficult things like breeding mottled rosette. (I will find the secret, dammit!)

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Fea [eyup chuck] (#42722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-08-12 10:57:52
Hey Heda c:

"Just speculation but maybe they don't change at the start, and wait until now, because they knew we would throw this fit."

As I said in my previous replies, I do agree that more planning and communication would be useful. A good point.

"Hi, I'm a casual player, and school/college starts this month for almost everyone still in school/college so that puts a dent in our explore time even more. I'm lucky to get 2-3 a year. I barely got any last year."

I am a casual player too, and what time I do spend on the site I'm usually moderating. I do enjoy playing still, but since I only have 500 bones as of today, I don't expect to get any more than 2-3 either. But I'm okay with that. I'll save them for my best breedings and be happy that they'll be worth more if I do sell them. c:

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:01:27
"You are again correct - but we as users will always choose the rarest things to want to breed because they are the best to achieve and worth the most when we finally get there."

That's fine and all, and not exactly a bad point. But the fact of the matter is that it is still is harrowing and really not fun at all to continuously fail over and over and over with no results at all. I don't expect things to be piss easy, but there is a fine line. There's also the rather critical point of male marks rolling before the females which wasn't even confirmed at all until recently, and even then, it wasn't even posted publicly. The markings I wanted weren't even things hard to pass like Rosette, they were normal breed marks. This adds on a lot more issues which can be seen in Heda's incredibly well-written thread. This is, again, a communication issue. Information like this should be readily available, not randomly confirmed somewhere and then spread in a trickle-down sort of way by other players that makes it look more like a rumor than anything.

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Edited on 12/08/17 @ 11:03:32 by Thalath (#41669)

ambers. 🍊 (#15417)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:04:22
Hasn't this been a problem before? With the communication I mean. This happened in another event a while back, I think it was the shaman event referring to herbs being used?

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Fea [eyup chuck] (#42722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:05:34

I'll take a look at that thread, it looks very interesting & well researched. I of course can't see the code for the manner in which markings are passed down. I was also unaware that was the way things rolled - but I do know that it has always been a point that not all breeding mechanics are revealed because they do want the game to be difficult. I can understand your frustration, I just don't personally agree that rare things are too hard to get - that's what makes them rare and makes people want them from you for high prices when you achieve those goals. <3

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❄{North}❄ SUNSET
❄ (#94445)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:05:40
I wonder how many people got screwed by lack of a heads up
when it comes to deals or using them or such

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Fea [eyup chuck] (#42722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:06:33
Possibly, ambers? I don't represent the admins and the method in which things are announced, but all I can do is agree with you on the communication point.

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Fakelamb (#41549)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:07:53
i stopped exploring at 500 bones on each account because i was like "oh, all i need is two" and
now i'm fucked because i won't even get one at this point with school starting in about a week

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SubRealm | G1 Primal
2.1k (#22708)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:08:55
I believe in you boxpuppy!

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