Posted by [Aug] Buffalo Scrotums for 500 Dry Bones

Tikka [mottled king
cheetah] (#90262)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 07:22:05
Yes, many people think that 700 is wayy too much, so it'd be better if it was 500 like a lot of players originally thought.

This suggestion has 530 supports and 39 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/11/17 @ 08:29:03 by Katze (#3)

Just pain (#93387)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:32:30
They knew it's a bad one.
Maybe that's why we didn’t get notified.
This just turns into a literally any mobile game "spend money to be able to play".
While it should be "spend money go get more comfortable at the game".
I know it's a business, of course. I run a few too.
I know it's easy to ruin, sometimes one bad decision is enough.

Speaking of February: there are 5 or 6 items I want this month and only one I want in August.
Screwing up August seems logical, except it's not.

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Slade (#36600)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:40:06
Ive been on the game for around 3 years. Ive spent a load of money early on in the game.

I love lioden and the community.

I dont mind paying for GB now and again. It supports the site.

However, when i log in and see special bases/mark/items going for 3x what they did last year, how is it feasible to pay more and more each year? Then to have the event price raised to cater to those that are worried they cant get 40gb for their scrotum? Or maybe the site owners are worried people wont buy GB so they can buy said base/marking/item?

Ive seen this in other games where an elite group is favored over the casual base when the causal base is driving the economy. Or sites that start requiring so much real money be spent it drives off players leaving a select elite base with outrageously high priced items.

I think many people forget that when the price is out of reach, you might sell to small % of the populace, but make it more affordable and sell to a higher % of the populace. Its all in the numbers.

I think a lot of this angst people are feeling right now about the 700 dry bones is a spill over of a larger wider problem. For example "Stat Monsters" Lioden claims they want those managed, yet we keep seeing them, some are even higher than the ones from previous years. Why? GB is why. Try and get a 4000 stat heir, you are going to pay 300gb. Where do those GB come from? Oasis. Build up an heir to 4000 stats, you are going to pay GB just to get the items you need to get him there. Thats just an example mind you.

The reason I started playing Lioden in the first place is that the GB and the economy was really good 3 years ago. Now, not so much. When I have to spend upwards of $50 a month just to stay competitive with the market (Gee, buy gas for the car so i can work and make another $50 to buy online currency), I lose the desire to play. $15 a month for GB might be manageable to some people, any more than that is just getting ridiculous.

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Edited on 13/08/17 @ 04:41:52 by 🐉Menkaura, Primal King (#36600)

Severinus [Dorsal
Scoundrel] (#59230)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:41:50
If you checked the guide at the beginning of the month on the Wiki, it said they would be 400 xD

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Bamon (Again!) (#9657)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:43:13
Sev - Really?! O.O I didn't know that. They definitely changed their minds quickly if thats the case. Do you happen to have a screenshot of it as I guess its probably been edited now?

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Severinus [Dorsal
Scoundrel] (#59230)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:43:58
Unfortunately no, as I didn't think I'd need one of course. :P

It was 400 at the beginning of the month, then changed to 500...and somehow has ended up at 700. Madness.

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:44:16
"However, when i log in and see special bases/mark/items going for 3x what they did last year"

Markings and bases don't really even sell, either. It's not worth putting money into breeding these bases/marks when they're so rare that you'll never be able to profit off of all of your hard work. In the case of markings, they usually stay rare for like, a day, and then immediately tank anyway. Rare slots don't sell anymore either; I had a few that no one even wanted. Rare slots used to be pretty hot. They weren't bad marks either; saffron lace and feline 4 onyx.

also, re: 400 DB, they used to be 400, in 2014 at least.

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Edited on 13/08/17 @ 04:46:15 by Thalath (#41669)

Just pain (#93387)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:47:55
Because they were 400db, if I'm not completely mindless.
I remember them being x2 of the savages price, which was 200

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Slade (#36600)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:51:47
I cant agree more with this:

"Markings and bases don't really even sell, either. It's not worth putting money into breeding these bases/marks when they're so rare that you'll never be able to profit off of all of your hard work. In the case of markings, they usually stay rare for like, a day, and then immediately tank anyway.

How many times have I gotten a new king in just to have the 30-60gb I invest turn into a 300sb stud fee.

I was going to put in a nice little heir here soon, but ive since changed my mind. I cant justify paying $50 for 100gb (I would need at least 63gb plus buy a stat changer, then another 25gb to swap him out) Just to have the new king passed up in a week. How is that sustainable? I could afford it when I could supplement the cost by selling a buffy balls or GMO cow now and again, (Buff balls 20gb plus buy som GB) but now, with the balls out of reach, I wont have the ability to king anything. So forget that plan. Without that supplement, I cant afford to play.

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Severinus [Dorsal
Scoundrel] (#59230)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:52:52
What I don't understand about the price increase is that more people playing does NOT equal those people or past people getting more dry bones or even enough dry bones in the month to get the buffy balls at their old price of 400DB.

I don't know about you guys, but I like to leave my house every now and then rather than sit waiting for my energy to tick to 100% on an internet sim game and go exploring.

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Edited on 13/08/17 @ 04:57:32 by Sev [3.1k Primal Kimanjano] (#59230)

Severinus [Dorsal
Scoundrel] (#59230)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:55:15

I swear with some of the updates lately they're trying to weasel out the people who don't pay to play. Am i playing a MMO?

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:55:51
"What I don't understand about the price increase is that more people playing does NOT equal those people or past people getting more dry bones or even enough dry bones in the month to get the buffy balls at their old price of 400DB."

It ends up forcing people to buy from others, and we all know that Buffalo Scrotums are a hot commodity that are always sold for GB.

Only... if people can't get enough DB to even get enough of them to use and sell in the first place, no one is even going to want to sell theirs. Alternatively, the opposite would happen, and no one will want to use theirs and end up selling them for the GB they need, therefore going back to my first point.

I understand that Lioden is, first and foremost, a business that needs money. I will absolutely be the first to push that fact. While this game is free, it needs money to run and operate. That is completely true and totally fair. But the players are more than willing to support the staff. There are ways to make money without pissing off your playerbase.

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Edited on 13/08/17 @ 04:58:14 by Thalath (#41669)

Slade (#36600)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-08-13 04:59:10
Thalath, also, those that DO sell will drive the price above 40gb as it has been all year before the event numbers surged. We will see people shoot the price up above 50gb, in real money thats $25 US dollars ($33 CA) Holy cow! Who has that kind of cash flow to spend on 4 cubs? Id rather chance getting 1 cub than spend that kind of money on virtual pixelated lions!

I completely agree with this statement:

I understand that Lioden is, first and foremost, a business that needs money. I will absolutely be the first to push that fact. While this game is free, it needs money to run and operate. That is completely true and totally fair. But the players are more than willing to support the staff. There are ways to make money without pissing off your playerbase.

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Edited on 13/08/17 @ 05:01:21 by 🐉Menkaura, Primal King (#36600)

Kuma ™ (#16165)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 05:40:46
I wasn't going to comment on buying GB, but I feel inclined to.

I feel like I spend a good chunk of my money on this game. I did buy 100GB recently to pay for Buffalo Scrotums at 10GB each. With the increase to 700DB, the selling price has raised at least to 15GB. I'm not sure if the admins think that what they're doing is a good money grab, but as someone who spends a whole fucking lot on this game, this stunt isn't fooling me. I won't be buying GB for quite a while if these 'changes' continue. As a CRB breeder as well, I was approached by players who were concerned about the drop rate of mutations? Nearly all of my GB goes into mutation breeding and I'm very uncertain if this is the case or not, but if it's true, it's a real blow to my game.

I really do feel like recent events have caused LD to go downhill. 2017 has been awful and I hope for my sake that something is said, or fixed. I'd hate to quit, again. I have no problem with buying GB but I need reliability. Not to mention that things have become so bad, that Helpers have quit. Something needs to be done!

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Laila 💰
(Gryffindor!) (#96222)

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Posted on
2017-08-13 05:41:54
@Kuma Not just helpers, I think a few mods have quit also. It stinks though.

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❄{North}❄ SUNSET

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Posted on
2017-08-13 07:51:20
I was considering buying GB
but not anymore


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