Posted by Queens [Cat Breeding Sim]

Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-09 13:48:18
Currently we don't have any queens.
Due to both Nin and coma having full time jobs, we do not have a release date. We will announce when the queens will be done.
Welcome to Queens! A slice of Lioden placed in a more modern and miniature setting. In this breeding sim, you take charge of a domestic female cat, or a queen, and her territory among others. Your goal is to expand your clan full of beautiful and powerful princesses. Your starter queen and territory costs 2gb. Attaching a description of your territory and personality to your queen costs another 1gb. Choose wisely; the queen you choose determines the body build, general disposition (if applicable), and primary marking and base color of the following litters to come.

Every so often 2 (or maybe 3? some are rather elusive!) toms stroll through the territories looking for females to romance. They are beautiful, elegant, and powerful and they know it, so it will take a lot to impress them, especially among other cats. Every tom has enough love to spare with all the other queens and pass their accents, but only the best queens will inherit their special markings,eye colors, or traits. The highest price paid will get the special features, and it will automatically be given to all who pay 10gb. If you can't choose between two toms, don't feel the need to! A queen can have a litter that is a combination of any of the two or three toms. If one tom is paid significantly more than the others, his accents and features will dominate a blend or produce kittens that mostly resemble them. If the payments are equally distributed, the litter will be a blend of all their accents.

Litter sizes can be anywhere between 3-5 kittens and they grow up the tom encounter after the next. Only one kitten remains with the queen for free; the rest cost 2gb each to keep. All kittens kept are female, and the others are ungendered unless another queen pays 1gb to have a kitten grow up to be a tom that can be encountered in the future.
  • We do accept sb, 1600 = 1
  • Please be patient, coma is working on the art as fast as possible
  • send payment after claiming a queen.
  • first come first serve on queens
  • you can only have one starter queen at a time so choose carefully!
  • no customs, the reason for this is breeding for your prettiest queen
  • if we run out of starter queens, wait until the next tom comes around, they will restock then.
  • unclaimed kittens can not be bought unless you have a starter queen already.
  • kittens take 2 'events' to grow up.
  • Please post your claims on the thread, coma will no longer be accepting offers via pm and will just direct you back to the thread.
  • if a queen has ungrown kittens she can not breed. she will have to wait until her current litter grows up
  • this has a roleplay element to it, events are created by ninjie.
  • to participate in roleplay events you must unlock your queen's territory description, you can still breed her to the toms without it though!
  • we do accept items, check at the bottom of this post for a list of what we accept and for how much we value them at.
  • if nin thinks coma needs to change these rules they will be updated at some time... we'll announce it in the replies.

Queens is closed! Coma is Messaging people with their art :)

About Tom Rarity:

Tom Rarity determines the likely hood a certain tom or toms with certain markings will reoccur during breeding events. The more rare the marking, the less likely it will be reoccurring. However, be mindful of marking rarity in relation to inheritance; the more rare the marking, the less likely the offspring will have it!

Common: These markings will be quite frequent and its easy to continue to keep a long inheritance of them.

Uncommon: These markings are usually on mystery cats and are very rarely ever on standard cats. They begin to fade or become infrequent after 5 generations.

Rare: These markings are exclusive to mystery cats, and even then it is unlikely you will see them again. Be careful though, after 3 generations, they start to disappear!

Ultra: These markings only have a 1 in 50 chance of passing to the next generation!
Credits: layout and art by Comatose.
Idea, writing and organization by Ningoat.
Dividers found free at pixelbay.

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Edited on 14/02/19 @ 03:23:32 by Comatose (#124175)

Theo x Sora (#50134)

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Posted on
2017-12-07 21:48:53
Is there supposed to be info for the second male?

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Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-12-07 22:37:29
oops, there is >.> lemme just fix that...

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Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2017-12-08 04:26:27
Alright, since both I and Coma are rushing around for a holiday, let's declare a Christmas miracle and do a universal age up!

All kittens are now officially young adults!

The current young queens and their sisters are now in their prime!

Petrichor is now old!

Brandy is now very old! And will have to pick a new queen because from now on, events can be fatal. Fortunately, she has a new queen in mind; Dolcetto will be the new queen.

Feel free to pick your new queens or stay with your old ones now if you have the option to. This post will be updated to show your event results some time today or really REALLY early tomorrow, so if you want to wait to see those then feel free to.

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Hades (#122606)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-12-08 08:22:24
I'm gonna keep Cricket as my queen for now and I would like to breed the mystery male for 5 gb, powdered biscuit for 5 gb, and Cynwen for 5 gb, technically 6 gb since I paid to make him a stud (just to see what happens)

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Edited on 08/12/17 @ 09:45:12 by Hades (#122606)

Dark Matter (#78299)

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Posted on
2017-12-08 09:31:50
Mångata would like to retire her mother.

She fancies Powdered Biscut and the mysterious floofy male, even though she's only seen him in silhouette.

I owe a minimum of 6 GB, will edit once I've sent payment.

EDIT to add:
Payment sent: 3 Stallions for Biscuit, 8GB for Anton
Total of 11GB

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Edited on 08/12/17 @ 13:52:15 by Dark Matter 🎁💩 (#78299)

— alois (#108236)

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Posted on
2017-12-08 10:24:21
is there any babs?

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Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-08 13:31:14
Micah will take her mother's throne. She believes it's in the best interest of both, her mother and aunt to find another territory where both of them can rule side by side instead of staying her in this small territory.

Also, I'd like to breed Micah to Powdered Biscut for 3gb + RMA and to Anton for 10gb.

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Hades (#122606)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-12-08 13:37:43
Sending 5 more gb for mystery male which makes 10 for him, hes gorgeous

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Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2017-12-08 16:47:24
Wow! The mystery (not so much now) Is stunning!
Can Inari please take over the throne from her mother ゚+。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。+゚?

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2017-12-08 19:34:20
I would like if my kitten took over Cross, also can I name her Lydia?

Also the mystery tom is stunning!

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Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-08 21:06:53
Should I send payment now? Or should I wait until Micah takes over?

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Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-12-08 21:34:54
you can send payment now. it might take a day or two for nin to get the takeover info up.

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Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-08 21:46:53
Alright! Sent! Thank you! <3

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Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2017-12-09 05:14:16
Dolcetto will take 7 on Cynwen and 7 on Anton.

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SouthernCryptid (#25664)

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Posted on
2017-12-09 06:59:03
Jolene would like to take over for her sister; and her first action of Queenhood is going to be breeding to Powdered Biscuit (who she is head over heels for) [10GB: will be sent tomorrow after work]

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