Posted by Queens [Cat Breeding Sim]

Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-09 13:48:18
Currently we don't have any queens.
Due to both Nin and coma having full time jobs, we do not have a release date. We will announce when the queens will be done.
Welcome to Queens! A slice of Lioden placed in a more modern and miniature setting. In this breeding sim, you take charge of a domestic female cat, or a queen, and her territory among others. Your goal is to expand your clan full of beautiful and powerful princesses. Your starter queen and territory costs 2gb. Attaching a description of your territory and personality to your queen costs another 1gb. Choose wisely; the queen you choose determines the body build, general disposition (if applicable), and primary marking and base color of the following litters to come.

Every so often 2 (or maybe 3? some are rather elusive!) toms stroll through the territories looking for females to romance. They are beautiful, elegant, and powerful and they know it, so it will take a lot to impress them, especially among other cats. Every tom has enough love to spare with all the other queens and pass their accents, but only the best queens will inherit their special markings,eye colors, or traits. The highest price paid will get the special features, and it will automatically be given to all who pay 10gb. If you can't choose between two toms, don't feel the need to! A queen can have a litter that is a combination of any of the two or three toms. If one tom is paid significantly more than the others, his accents and features will dominate a blend or produce kittens that mostly resemble them. If the payments are equally distributed, the litter will be a blend of all their accents.

Litter sizes can be anywhere between 3-5 kittens and they grow up the tom encounter after the next. Only one kitten remains with the queen for free; the rest cost 2gb each to keep. All kittens kept are female, and the others are ungendered unless another queen pays 1gb to have a kitten grow up to be a tom that can be encountered in the future.
  • We do accept sb, 1600 = 1
  • Please be patient, coma is working on the art as fast as possible
  • send payment after claiming a queen.
  • first come first serve on queens
  • you can only have one starter queen at a time so choose carefully!
  • no customs, the reason for this is breeding for your prettiest queen
  • if we run out of starter queens, wait until the next tom comes around, they will restock then.
  • unclaimed kittens can not be bought unless you have a starter queen already.
  • kittens take 2 'events' to grow up.
  • Please post your claims on the thread, coma will no longer be accepting offers via pm and will just direct you back to the thread.
  • if a queen has ungrown kittens she can not breed. she will have to wait until her current litter grows up
  • this has a roleplay element to it, events are created by ninjie.
  • to participate in roleplay events you must unlock your queen's territory description, you can still breed her to the toms without it though!
  • we do accept items, check at the bottom of this post for a list of what we accept and for how much we value them at.
  • if nin thinks coma needs to change these rules they will be updated at some time... we'll announce it in the replies.

Queens is closed! Coma is Messaging people with their art :)

About Tom Rarity:

Tom Rarity determines the likely hood a certain tom or toms with certain markings will reoccur during breeding events. The more rare the marking, the less likely it will be reoccurring. However, be mindful of marking rarity in relation to inheritance; the more rare the marking, the less likely the offspring will have it!

Common: These markings will be quite frequent and its easy to continue to keep a long inheritance of them.

Uncommon: These markings are usually on mystery cats and are very rarely ever on standard cats. They begin to fade or become infrequent after 5 generations.

Rare: These markings are exclusive to mystery cats, and even then it is unlikely you will see them again. Be careful though, after 3 generations, they start to disappear!

Ultra: These markings only have a 1 in 50 chance of passing to the next generation!
Credits: layout and art by Comatose.
Idea, writing and organization by Ningoat.
Dividers found free at pixelbay.

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Edited on 14/02/19 @ 03:23:32 by Comatose (#124175)

Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 09:26:41
Mom is too tired to play into this silly game, Oddball decides to ignore them. While Galaxy grows bored with the lack of reaction, Ruby sees it as a newfound freedom.
Galaxy is now adventurous! Ruby is now Dominant!

Meridian and Bermuda know just what to do. They explain to their mother and aunt that with so many mouths to feed, they can't risk failed hunts. Since they are the older and more experienced hunters, they should take full hunting duty. The two cats agree to this, leaving the kittens at the mercy of "Big Angry Mommy" and "Big Mean Aunty".

Orian is now Moody! Bellatrix is now Obedient! Canus is now Quiet! Polaris is now Rebellious!

Dorian makes sure they understand that it doesn't matter who they look like, family is family. But then it opens up the questions like "Why isn't dad family" and "Who is dad in the first place?". Oh boy, Dorian has a lot of explaining to do now.

Lilyie is now Curious! Willa is now Eccentric! Gracana is now Cautious!

@Dark Matter
Not all kittens are born little angels. Some need to be taught. Mångata musters all the patience she can for the sharp little teeth and fussing until she learns to replace it with purrs and least with mommy. With everyone else, she still is a little brat.
Dandelion is now Dominant!

Kamado-Gami yowls dramatically, exclaiming between sobs that her heart cannot take such treachery! But her kittens, thinking it is a game, only laughs and declare that they will sail in her salty tears.
Kitten 1 is now Courageous! Kitten 2 is now Brutish! Kitten 3 is now Rambunctious!

@Theo x Sora
Your current queen's kittens aren't taking to weaning as they should. They reject meat, thinking that it is yucky, and still want their mother's milk, even though their teeth are starting to hurt her.

[Just a few more days] [Push them to meat] [Swat them if they try to get milk]

With Molly around, being a mother is so easy! Lydia is left to do the best parts while Molly happily does the kitten sitting parts. Maybe a bit too well. To keep the kittens from doing anything too dangerous, she often tells them how it can go gruesome, graphic, and extreme ways.

Lily is now Cautious! Sasha is now eccentric!

Jonnie curls protectively around her kittens and sends Morticia to handle this. It turns out to be that one tom, Powdered Buscuit! He tries to woo Morticia away from the territory, but after three bad pick up lines too many, she swats him away. Tobi and Nyota were utterly mesmerized by this.

Tobi is now Curious! Nyota is now Silly!
(Also, to answer your question, without kitten events, kittens default to their mother's personality, so intelligent if they are Nymeria's and heroic if they are Jonnie's.)

The second set of kitten events will come out after the tom reveal. From there, they will age up and you choose your queen as normal. This should give you the time to see the designs and plan your pick to (hopefully) get the look you want.

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Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-18 12:08:42
new studs are up! they will be around only one week as we will need time to get events done before the easter studs~

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 12:13:14
I love Galisk and Edolan, I hope I get a chance to breed with them!

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SouthernCryptid (#25664)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 12:26:13
Yeah; I'm totally going to drop some on all three of these fellows, myself.

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cin☆vo h2hoe (#106573)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 14:03:32
Hey, just wondering, I've been subscribed to this thread(not bread lol) for a while now and I haven't seen any queens, are you planning on releasing anymore?

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Edited on 18/03/18 @ 14:05:13 by cin☆vo (#106573)

Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 14:09:42
There are definitely plans to, but there won't be any released until stabilization. As stated earlier, things have changed in our personal lives, and we are discussing a way to balance these changes with the production rate of the queens. We are dropping from a production rate of weekly to bi-weekly and sometimes even monthly. It wouldn't make sense to take on more people when we are still trying to get back to the speed we had with the ones we have now.

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SouthernCryptid (#25664)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 14:20:08
Heheh, I think this upcoming time may be the first time I spend the full 30 gb on toms breedings. Poor Morgan. I'm going to be crossing my fingers for another sphynx!

Whenever our old queens and daughters 'die' on this game; can we use them as personal characters?

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Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-18 14:46:18
They are considered personal characters the moment you choose them from the litter.

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-03-18 15:06:08
Are there going to be any new queens soon?

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Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-18 15:20:40
your question has been answered three posts up.

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cin☆vo h2hoe (#106573)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 15:36:27
Ah, I see. Would you ever consider doing a set of "neutered" or "spayed" adopts that wouldn't be able to breed? I love the designs you guys are making but there's only a select few people who have any access to them based pretty much on chance and timing. Maybe that way you guys could get more potential future customers but you wouldn't have to worry about the work associated with releasing more queens?

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Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 15:52:02
All aboard the kitten event train!

It looks like Ruby is biting off more than she can chew today. She seemed to have angered Midnight, who looks ready to give her a few good swipes.
[Intervine] [Let it happen] [Watch and Teach]

The kittens seem to be squabbling especially loud today. When Bermuda comes to investigate, they instantly swarm her with questions about who will be the next queen.

[Decline to answer] [None of them!] [All of them!] [Build your resume]

Willa seems to be in the '2,000' question stage of life. She follows Dorian around all day, constantly asking mundane to confusing questions; some even repeat questions from only 10 minutes ago.
[Answer patiently] [Answer impatiently] [Use your imagination]

@Dark Matter
Mångata returns from patrolling one afternoon to find Dandelion standing on top of a box, singing loudly how she can't wait to be the next queen and all of the rules she will abolish once she becomes one.
[Rude much] [Spook her] [Walk on by] [Chime in]

Its storming pretty hard outside of the territory. The kittens are excited about it because they want to take their boat and go sailing on the stormy waters. The boat in question is a cardboard box.

[Let them go] [It could be dangerous] [You could get sick] [If you can't beat them...]

@Theo x Sora
You have unfished events!

After a rather heavy storm, the bank of the river has become flooded with frogs. Molly is freaking out, causing Lily to be nervous. Sasha wants to lick them.
[Make Molly chase them off] [Tell Lily not to be scared] [Keep Sasha from licking them]

Toby wants to hear the incredible story about how mommy lost all of her fur. She comes up with some pretty incredible stories of her own on how it could have possibly happened.

[You are exactly right!] [Tell her the truth] [Tell her a story]

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✧ Iba
ie] (#63625)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 15:56:33
Seeing this, likely amused, Bermuda feels the need to teach these kittens the way of achieving something with work. Why not tell them to [Build your resume] to see who could be the most appropriate for such?

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Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 16:05:04

Queens Sim is a project Coma and I have been nurturing far longer than we have been on Lioden. We were well aware that limited customers would be a consequence to execute it the way we want it to be. There are many other adoptables to choose from on Lioden, and if you would like to get a commission from Comatose specifically please do. I cannot express how important this is in words so I just transformed this whole section into a link to the commission thread.

But yeah, this specific thread is a package deal.

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Dark Matter (#78299)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 16:05:45
Though usually not given to meanness, Mångata just can't pass up the opportunity to [Spook her]. Perhaps it will scare some of the brattiness out of her. rawr.

Is Mångata eligible for breeding?

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