Posted by Queens [Cat Breeding Sim]

Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-09 13:48:18
Currently we don't have any queens.
Due to both Nin and coma having full time jobs, we do not have a release date. We will announce when the queens will be done.
Welcome to Queens! A slice of Lioden placed in a more modern and miniature setting. In this breeding sim, you take charge of a domestic female cat, or a queen, and her territory among others. Your goal is to expand your clan full of beautiful and powerful princesses. Your starter queen and territory costs 2gb. Attaching a description of your territory and personality to your queen costs another 1gb. Choose wisely; the queen you choose determines the body build, general disposition (if applicable), and primary marking and base color of the following litters to come.

Every so often 2 (or maybe 3? some are rather elusive!) toms stroll through the territories looking for females to romance. They are beautiful, elegant, and powerful and they know it, so it will take a lot to impress them, especially among other cats. Every tom has enough love to spare with all the other queens and pass their accents, but only the best queens will inherit their special markings,eye colors, or traits. The highest price paid will get the special features, and it will automatically be given to all who pay 10gb. If you can't choose between two toms, don't feel the need to! A queen can have a litter that is a combination of any of the two or three toms. If one tom is paid significantly more than the others, his accents and features will dominate a blend or produce kittens that mostly resemble them. If the payments are equally distributed, the litter will be a blend of all their accents.

Litter sizes can be anywhere between 3-5 kittens and they grow up the tom encounter after the next. Only one kitten remains with the queen for free; the rest cost 2gb each to keep. All kittens kept are female, and the others are ungendered unless another queen pays 1gb to have a kitten grow up to be a tom that can be encountered in the future.
  • We do accept sb, 1600 = 1
  • Please be patient, coma is working on the art as fast as possible
  • send payment after claiming a queen.
  • first come first serve on queens
  • you can only have one starter queen at a time so choose carefully!
  • no customs, the reason for this is breeding for your prettiest queen
  • if we run out of starter queens, wait until the next tom comes around, they will restock then.
  • unclaimed kittens can not be bought unless you have a starter queen already.
  • kittens take 2 'events' to grow up.
  • Please post your claims on the thread, coma will no longer be accepting offers via pm and will just direct you back to the thread.
  • if a queen has ungrown kittens she can not breed. she will have to wait until her current litter grows up
  • this has a roleplay element to it, events are created by ninjie.
  • to participate in roleplay events you must unlock your queen's territory description, you can still breed her to the toms without it though!
  • we do accept items, check at the bottom of this post for a list of what we accept and for how much we value them at.
  • if nin thinks coma needs to change these rules they will be updated at some time... we'll announce it in the replies.

Queens is closed! Coma is Messaging people with their art :)

About Tom Rarity:

Tom Rarity determines the likely hood a certain tom or toms with certain markings will reoccur during breeding events. The more rare the marking, the less likely it will be reoccurring. However, be mindful of marking rarity in relation to inheritance; the more rare the marking, the less likely the offspring will have it!

Common: These markings will be quite frequent and its easy to continue to keep a long inheritance of them.

Uncommon: These markings are usually on mystery cats and are very rarely ever on standard cats. They begin to fade or become infrequent after 5 generations.

Rare: These markings are exclusive to mystery cats, and even then it is unlikely you will see them again. Be careful though, after 3 generations, they start to disappear!

Ultra: These markings only have a 1 in 50 chance of passing to the next generation!
Credits: layout and art by Comatose.
Idea, writing and organization by Ningoat.
Dividers found free at pixelbay.

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Edited on 14/02/19 @ 03:23:32 by Comatose (#124175)

Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 16:20:55
Bellatrix seems more than prepared to take up the challenge their mother presents. She give a logical (but dull) speech on why she is the best candidate. Orian decided that maybe calling mom and aunt all those names as a kitten wasn't such a good idea and tries to be the sweetest kit she can be, though it isn't quite working out the way she thought it would be. Polaris has also hastily started her redemption ark, and was struggling just as much as Orian until she gave her mother a heartfelt apology. Canus...just kept being her usual shy self.
Orian is now Short Tempered! Bellatrix is now Orderly! Polaris is now Heroic! Congratulations! Your kittens have reached adulthood; will anyone be taking the mantle of queen or will the current queen hold her right?

@Dark Matter
Right when she inhales for the final note, Mångata leaps onto the box to finish with a rather sour note that launches her into the air out of fright. The resulting laughter seemed to shut her up for the rest of the day.

Dandelion is now brooding! Congratulations! Your tiny lion has grown into a slightly less tiny lion! Will she challenge her mother's rule?

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cin☆vo h2hoe (#106573)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 16:23:08
Just a suggestion :) good luck though!

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Chirinite (#133348)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 16:25:46
I am intrigued and shall begin to stalk

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✧ Iba
ie] (#63625)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 16:29:16
While Bermuda was pleased that all of the kittens took their time in such a thing, and praising Polaris for the heartfelt apology as well as praising the kit, Bellatrix's reasoning (although dull) struck a cord within the mother cat's heart. This ultimately decided the idea, the purple, star ridden kit will be the next Queen.

The names are off on the first page, the purple one (that seems to be Canus) is supposed to be Polaris xD;; I named her after the North Star. .w.;;

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Edited on 18/03/18 @ 16:46:37 by ✿ Flower ✿ (#63625)

Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 16:33:34
Fixed~ (Maybe. If there is still something wrong, PM me)

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 16:46:24
Lydia will [Tell Lily not to be scared], they're just frogs, and if Sasha wants to lick them, then let her, it' natural selection if anything happens to her. And Lydia can care less if Molly is freaking out.

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Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 16:57:31
Lily is reminded that between a bunch of amphibians and mother's disappointment, the later is a lot scarier. She cautiously makes her way closer to the bank to escape her mother's scolding. Molly tries to keep Sasha from getting any closer, but she ultimately catches a frog and licks it. She hums in delight at the flavor and decides to gobble it up, declaring they taste better than mice! She even convinces Lily to join in!

Sasha is now Brave! Lily is now trusting! Congratulations! Your kittens managed to survive into adulthood! Is either of them up to the challenge of being the new queen?

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Dark Matter (#78299)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 17:00:10
Mångata has decided that even though she isn't all that old, she's tired of being the one in charge; She wants to sit back and play "Wise Elder" with her sisters. Regardless of how much it will upset Dandelion, especially after the young cat's earlier queen song, Morning Glory is the obvious choice for queen; Dandelion is still much too immature. Besides, the way she's been such a monster, none of the family would support her reign anyway.

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Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 17:22:08
When the announcement is made who the new queen will be, everyone looks to Orion to see if she will explode. She does throw a bit of a hissy fit, but ultimately admits she wouldn't make a good mother. Polaris can't imagine having a litter that inherits even a hint of her attitude as a kitten. As Bellatrix said, it is only natural that she would be the best fit, thus the transfer of power is a peaceful and smooth one.

@Dark Matter
Morning Glory seems surprised that she was chosen to be queen. Despite Dandelion's attitude, she always perceived her mother as having a special affinity for her she is overwhelmed with joy at the thought of having wonderful little kittens of her own, just like her mother was at her age. Dandelion mutters that her older sister is a goodie two shoes, but admits that may be better for them anyway. Just don't expect her to kittensit.

Your queens are free to breed~

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 17:23:15
While Lydia is still in her prime, I'm sure she would love to be able to relax, and while both of the sisters are good to be queens, Lydia just sees some potential in Sasha, with her being braver than her sister, Lily will be a good 'advisor' of some sort for Sasha when she becomes the new queen, with all that being said Sasha will now be the queen of the territory.

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Edited on 18/03/18 @ 17:25:54 by CrowCrow |Çß| (#95875)

Blazi2 (#110355)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 17:53:14

Sasha puffs out her chest triumphantly at the announcement, asking if Lydia was certain she didn't want to spar for the position before giving it up. The thought makes Molly go pale, but the young cat quickly laughs it away, declaring it to be a joke. As expected, Lily is also content with this announcement. She reveals that she actually has little interest in motherhood, and after their childhood experience with the frogs, she wants to hone the patient and quiet skill of fishing.Yeah...good luck with that.

Sasha is free to breed!

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 17:58:55
I'd like to breed Sasha with Galisk and Edolan for 10GB each and 5 GB with Altair

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Comatose (#124175)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-18 20:29:52
sure thing, crowcrow. feel free to send payment at any time.

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 20:31:10
Great! The payment was sent!

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Dark Matter (#78299)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 20:31:47
Morning Glory would like to spend some time with each tom.
Galisk - 5 Marking Opacity Changers = 10GB
Edolan - 7 RMAs + 3GB = 10GB
Altair - 2GB + 2 MOCs = 6GB

Sent to Coma a total of 7 RMAs, 7 MOCs and 5GB

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