Posted by Minimum Amount of Rollovers to Post Game Suggestio

Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2017-09-16 20:39:56
The basics of this suggestion - new players often don't know a lot about the game. It's reasonable. To be fair, some older players don't either, because of how much it's changed, but that's neither here nor there.

I'm proposing a 'account age limit' for posting in certain forums, namely for posting guides and suggestions (mainly the latter - some people pick up the game very quickly and can help others out with guides).

Don't get me wrong; I have no issues with new players. We were all new once and it takes time to get used to such a large game, but you shouldn't be able to post suggestions or guides until your account is at least a few months old, because by then, you'll probably know about all of the game's features (so you won't suggest features that are already in the game), you'll have heard what suggestions just AREN'T being added, and you won't unintentionally spread misinformation in a guide.

I feel like a lot of suggestions are made by newbies with the intent of making the game easier . . for newbies. Making base breeding easier, stuff like that. Older players often have worked hard to get what they have, and effort should equal reward.

Now, I'm not going to suggest anything crazy like a year, but at least two or three months. You can still read, comment on, and support/no support suggestions and guides, but you can't make them yourself.

Another suggestion (page two of the comments, by Yakyuu) was that it could be a number of rollovers instead of an actual time - because you could make an account, never log in again, and come back a few months later and be able to post suggestions and guides despite actually logging in and rolling over once or twice.

Another suggestion, by River [Lights Off] (#6903), is that if we go with the number of rollovers suggestion, it resets if you've not logged in for a certain amount of time (because when you come back from a hiatus, it takes you time to relearn the game, especially if there's a ton of new stuff).

This suggestion has 177 supports and 27 NO supports.

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Edited on 28/02/18 @ 19:10:37 by Nyanunix (Gordon Ramsay) (#11487)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2018-02-28 19:28:31
Right - I agree. Sometimes, it isn't the newbies' faults. People make mistakes, and wisdom comes from experience. However, the devs get annoyed with repeat suggestions and the like. All it takes is a little research to know what won't be accepted and what will, in a way.

Having a minimal age to suggest things could avoid things like this - Recently saw one where someone suggested that Wardrobe have a customization option, when that's pretty much Oasis.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2018-02-28 19:39:19
I saw one today that was suggesting feed all play all. The person suggesting was so new that they didn't know that it's already a thing. They'd never been in the Oasis. Hence, one of my friends suggesting I bump this/make the name more descriptive.

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Bezthiel 🍉 (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-21 06:29:44
So, while I totally understand how much of an issue this can be, a lot of this is actually more "didn't bother to read" than because of people being new.

Do you know how many 4-digit ID's I've seen in my two years here putting up suggestions for something that's exactly the Organisation tab in your Hoard? They've been rolling for longer than me, but they didn't read, didn't click any links, didn't check, didn't ask- didn't go through any of the steps you should go through before you post a suggestion.

Do new people have the largest instance of having not read the instructions? Yeah, sure, because they haven't had the time to peruse.

But there is, first of all, actually an account age before you can post suggestions- I ran up against it for some ease-of-use things I wanted to suggest right away when I joined, such as claiming lionesses taking you back to your explore page. It's not long, but it shouldn't be. Any longer than it currently is and I really think you're just talking about punishing people who have good reading comprehension and retention, or newbies who just want to suggest a UI improvement (saw one recently in chat who wanted to suggest being able to toggle explore images on and off cuz some took forever to load on their phone, but they couldn't post it either because of account age.)

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Nycole (#428557)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-03-22 11:16:11
Okay so I know this is an old thread and my opinion may not even matter at this point but I'm gonna give it anyways. So I want to start by saying that I TOTALLY agree on this when it comes to the guides, I would even suggest 6 months of rollovers or more, because misinformation is never good. I think the problem with waiting for 2-3 months for suggestions makes it seem that newbies like myselfs game opinions don't matter, (to be clear I totally understand a waiting period but 2-3 months is a long time, ESPECIALLY if its only counted on rollovers) just because someone is new doesn't mean they want things to be easier (personally the difficulty of getting muties, certain marking etc. seems to be what makes it so rewarding when you do it). And even if they do want things to be easier, suggesting something doesn't hurt, the worst thing that can happen is it gets shot down and experienced players have the chance to explain why it isn't a good idea and can direct them to the guides (who could have 6 months of rollovers or more) who know what they are talking about. Everyone feels heard and everyone is educated. I myself am still on the waiting period (which is understandable because I'm super new) and I personally feel like I have a good suggestion, I'm CERTAIN that its not in the game, and I far as I have read its not an upcoming feature but that changes frequently and I try to check often. If I apply the 2-3 months of rollovers and I only have time to rollover and play three times a week because I have obligations, the two months of rollovers that are required has now turned into four months of myself playing before my opinions count, not two. If you have to do three months of rollovers and you rollover three times a week that's literally six months of playing before can share your ideas(based on March, April and May of this year because I started personally in March). And while that amount of time that the person has to wait will allow them to run into some of the game features that they wanted to suggest is useful, BUT an extra amount of time won't change that some people just don't look stuff up and educate themselves. I understand the frustration of experienced players but new players can also bring fresh eyes and new ideas that others may not have thought of. Its like saying that only experienced players ideas matter and its a good way to ostracize and make new players feel unwanted. Like I said, I understand the need for a large amount of rollovers for the guides, but suggestions is everyone trying to improve the game, and even newbies should be allowed to try and help with that. Plus the rollover reset is even more unfair, its basically saying that anyone who has a major event in life forgets everything they knew about the game. I, along with many other, have health problems and can stop being online for weeks to a month and a half, it doesn't mean I forgot how the game works. (Plus if an experienced player left for whatever the period of time is will they have to go through this period of time again? It would only be fair since they also went on a "hiatus") Its not fair for multiple groups of people for multiple reasons. (I asked two of my friends, because I can understand as an emotional person I could be overthinking this), "On an online game, how would you feel about a time limit of suggestions and ideas? I suggeseted 2-3 months to get to know the game to see if they would agree with me and they said that if they had an idea or suggestion of any kind and had to wait 2 months to send it in they would just leave the game and find a game where the devs listened to everyone because there are plenty of games where devs will listen to suggestions and input immediately or after like max 2 weeks)
PLUS, as I went to submit this I read some more comments, not many newbies are here defend themselves or to even vote. How many do you think know that this is voting and not just a suggestion thread? So if they haven't had/have a suggestion they don't even know to come here to vote. I only realized this board was a thing because I sought it out to post a suggestion. And had no idea it voted until I opened it up. (I plan on going through some more suggestion boards to see if it is the same way in there as well.)
Sorry this was so long I'm just really passionate about newbies and others who can't be on constantly but can understand how the game works, especially those who have come from similar breeding game websites.

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