Posted by RAT FANCLUB: General Chat

bucky 🌈 (#38222)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 19:46:47

Hey Rat Fans!
Here is a thread to talk about rats and rat-related things, occasional photos of rats permitted but if you'd like to dump/spam pictures of your own rats please do so in the "Show us Your Rats!" thread (***rat memes are welcome on the main thread***). This thread is exclusive to the Rat Fanclub so feel free to throw in an application to join the club

Show Us Your Rats!
Here is the Clan Page to apply to the clan


+ Be Kind and Respectful
+ Follow the general Lioden rules
+ Do not give out ANY vet or medical advice! Do not take any medical pet advice over the internet, those are questions for your rat's vet and not strangers on the internet. ( I kind of want to clarify this, you can talk about vet/medical stuff but there should be no diagnosing or giving each other dosing measurements etc)
+ Do not photo spam in this thread please
+ Do not advertise anything not rat related (i.e. other clans/studs/etc)
+ You don't have to donate but it would be appreciated if you did : )
+ If you have any issues please contact me!

Please add a little introduction on your first post in the thread (name, pronouns, etc..) and I'll add some questions to get started!
1. How many rats do you have, if any?
2. Males vs Females, which do you prefer and why!
3. Whats your cage setup (or dream setup)?
4. Favorite color/marking ? Dumbo vs Top-ear?


[dividers by #49783]

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Edited on 12/10/18 @ 13:49:16 by spooky barnes πŸŽƒπŸŒˆ (#38222)

(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-03-04 15:55:16
As I said before, I've had rats for years and used to have more at a time, including a couple of boys that would not get along with the others ( despite careful introductions, and even neutering ) so more cage space was required then lol. Now I just still have the cage and I love how roomy it is for them. There's really no such thing as "too much" space for rats and they enjoy it. :) they'd have their own room if we had the space in the house lol.

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bucky 🌈 (#38222)

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Posted on
2018-03-04 15:59:06
thats valid. im sure my boys would spend their days in the same spot if i gave them a bigger cage let alone a room all for them theyre so lazy

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-03-04 16:17:32
Haha yeah I had one boy that was very fat but would not exercise for his life. If you set him on the middle step of the staircase he wouldn't even try to go up or down he was that lazy.
My other boys love exploring and are all over the house during free range time, up and down the stairs and every room.
They all have different personalities.

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-03-05 01:28:20
Here's their home :)


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bucky 🌈 (#38222)

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Posted on
2018-03-05 08:13:03
god i can only imagine how tall that is... the dcn is almost taller than i am i wouldnt be able to reach the top tier sjddsgsd

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-03-05 16:28:20
I have to climb on a chair to get the top one yeah lol. The triple is about 7 feet including the stand. Leaves about a foot ish between the top and the ceiling?

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bucky 🌈 (#38222)

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Posted on
2018-03-05 18:32:19
do you make hammocks/etc or do you buy em? i like that triple decker looking one in the picture!

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-03-05 23:06:47
We make them ^_^
Feel free to PM me if you'd like one :)

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Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-03-16 17:47:45
Hi xD I go by Kat.

1. How many rats do you have, if any? A lot. I forget exact numbers but I’m sitting around 23+.
2. Males vs Females, which do you prefer and why!
I can’t decide. I love boys for cuddling, but my heart rat is female and she’s such a sweetheart.
3. Whats your cage setup (or dream setup)? I have quite a few cages but MOST of my rats are in my Triple Critter Nation.
4. Favorite color/marking ? Dumbo vs Top-ear?
I love blues and blacks. As for markings, I love blaze markings πŸ–€. As for the ears, I can’t help it but I LOVE dumbos. Their ears are just too cute.

Also, I just barely picked up two more girls and I’m so ecstatic. They’re Blue Agouti Marten Rex dumbos, and while I have a blue agouti male, I’ve never had martens or rexes.

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bucky 🌈 (#38222)

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Posted on
2018-03-17 15:03:56
Kat do you breed rats or do you just have a ton : 0 ???

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Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-03-17 15:11:26
Just have a ton XD

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bucky 🌈 (#38222)

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Posted on
2018-03-23 14:12:23

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-03-23 15:11:58

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bucky 🌈 (#38222)

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Posted on
2018-03-27 16:35:49
Anybody have experience with rats barbering their cagemates ? Baby Tbone has been barbering his two older brothers to the point where their backsides are bald and scabby. He's been overall a big bossy baby brother : / I've been giving him extra toys and attention but Im not sure if its boredom or maybe he just needs an attitude adjustment (a neuter)

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-03-27 16:59:54

Are you positive it's all just from barbering? Hair loss and scabs are also a sign of mites, which could also encourage them to overgroom since they would be frustratingly itchy.
Not saying it IS mites, but I've seen cases of owners, and even vets, misdiagnosing mites as aggressive cagemate grooming, and it would be a good thing to rule out before going the neutering route.
(Also neutering isn't necessarily a cure for aggressive grooming, as that's more of a personality/neuro impulse rather than a hormonal aggression)

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