Posted by The Rebellion

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-06 12:09:53

After the rebellion, most of the rebels were hung for their crimes against the royal family. That was 10 years ago. The rebels who managed to survive meet in secret, raised families, and have been living among the rest of the citizens. They've been hiding in plain site. Now, after yet another rebel has been caught, they are in danger once again. Who's names did he give away? Who is still safe? In order to protect their families, they've sent their children into the dangerous forest past the city walls. Will they survive? Or will they uprise against the royal family like their parents did years ago...


You are the child of a rebel. Your parents sent you into the woods with the other rebels' children. You don't know if your family is alive, you don't know what you're getting into. All you have now are the children you've left with. You've heard legends of the forest... of the creatures said to lurk in the shadows. Will you survive the creatures of the forest? Will you return to the city to pick up where your parents left off?


The City
This RP is based off of medieval times type era (think Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Braveheart, etc). The city is run by the royal family and their soldiers who patrol the streets. The city centre is where the castle is, there are markets and festivals here often. It is the busiest place in the city. Past the markets are the homes and home-run businesses like blacksmiths and teachers (school is held at teacher's houses). Past the houses are the farmers and the farmers land. Farmers often make the commute from their properties to the city centre to sell their food at the markets. After this is a small area of forest lining the city then a circle wall protecting the city from the outside.

The Forest
The forest has many different biomes. The deeper into the forest you go, the more varieties of biomes there are. First, there is the forest (think boreal). Then, it slowly turns to jungle. There are mountains littered throughout the forest and jungle with snowy tops. Past the jungle is the desert. No one has crossed the desert to tell what lies beyond.

The Creatures
There are legends of creatures that once lived in the forest, like centaurs and elves. Some believe they still exist and are still out there planning an attack on the humans for isolating themselves from them.

The Animals
Every person born is spirit linked to an animal in the forest. Both have a strong instinct to find each other. It is a tradition among the city folk to send their 8 year olds into the forest to find their spirit animal. At the same time, the animal is searching for its linked human. Nowadays, not many people have animals as they are too scared to venture into the forest. They are losing the instinct to find their spirit animal.

More information in next post.

Spirit Animals

These are just some ideas I had, you may choose any animal you want for your spirit animal. These are just for example and if you want to use them you can.

•LioDen rules apply.
•This is a literate RP. Each post must be at least 4 sentences.
•Maximum of 4 characters per person.
•Spirit Animals can have strange markings but no body changes (4 tails, wolf with antlers, etc are not allowed. Blue bear or fox with swirly green markings is allowed).
•Please put your favourite type of tree in Other.
•Fade to black.
•Please try to write dynamic characters, it's no fun interacting with Mary Sue characters.
•Feel free to comment/PM any questions about the Roleplay.
•It is up to you how your spirit animal communicates with your human. Some ideas can be speaking, telepathy, or a kind of pet/owner situation where the human kind of just understands the animal.
•Sometimes a person has 2 spirit animals or, similarity, 2 people share a single spirit animals. This occurs oftentimes with twins. Only one person may have a character with 2 spirit animals.


Character Name:
Family: (include parents and any siblings)
Spirit Animal Species:

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Edited on 06/04/18 @ 13:59:16 by Xerxes (#52637)

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-06 13:34:18
Accepted Players
Dysfunctional Wolf (#77192)
HazelNightmare (#139162)
the-grey-ace (#38669)
Entity (#107570)
c.wunshine (#65535)
S.Punshine (#143321)

Spirit Animals List
-Northern Hawk Owl
-Golden Macaw
-Sable Buck Mouse
-Snowy Owl
-White Tiger
-Snow Leopard
-Grizzly Bear

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Edited on 08/04/18 @ 20:06:43 by Xerxes (#52637)

🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-04-06 18:38:29

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Edited on 08/04/18 @ 15:07:11 by 🌺α ℓ ℓ o (#134696)

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-06 19:40:21
Ya sure. Make sure to post your ref in the character sheets.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2018-04-06 20:08:35
Yo this looks fun
I'll have to throw a character or two when I get the time :)

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 13:23:48

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 13:42:33

The Roleplay Begins

People are crowding the streets of the city centre. A man is being hung by the King's soldiers. You try to see over the heads of other civilians, it seems as though the whole city is here! The king stands in front of the helpless man. "Ten years ago you were one of the many rebels who attacked this kingdom. It is now you will pay for your crimes!" The king's deep voice boomed and the crowd goes silent. The man is crying and hysterical. Just as the king is about to swing his sword to drop the floor from under the mans feet, he screams: "Wait! Wait! Let me live! I can give you names!" The king laughs. "What do I want with your names?" The man stutters over his words: "You didn't kill all the rebels ten years ago. Some are here, right now in this crowd! Let me live if I give you the names." The king looks at his soldiers and without a word the man is cut loose and ushered into the castle.

Whispers erupt through the crowd and your heart sinks. You know you're parents were once apart of the rebellion. Will this man name your parents names? Worried, you run home and tell your parents the news. They look worried, concerned. They tell you to go to sleep and that they'll talk in the morning.

You are woken up late at night to your parents walking inside. "What's going on?" You ask. They explain that they have just met with the surviving rebels. They are sending you past the wall, it's the only way to survive.

(It is up to you whether or not you have your spirit animal yet. It is also up to you what your parents plan to do with your siblings, whether they leave you to care for them or they have a different place for them. This is just to start off the roleplay. You can begin to post now!)

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 14:47:21
Marcella - 18 y/o - Female - Heterosexual - no current spirit animal
Roseanne - 18 y/o - Female - Bisexual - no current spirit animal

Marcella and Roseanne did just as their parents told them: they ran straight for the wall. Once they got there, they had to climb over. The gates that were used to go through would be guarded, this was the only way. Marcella was stronger and threw their bags over top. It wasn't an enormous wall, but it was definitely a pain in the ass to climb. Marcella lifted Roseanne over and Roseanne pulled Marcella up. Together, they believed they were unstoppable.

Once over the wall they simply began their journey into the forest. Marcella wouldn't admit it, but she was afraid. Roseanne, on the other hand, wouldn't shut up about it.

"Marcella, do you believe all those stories of the monsters in the woods?" Roseanne asked her sister, practically stepping on her sisters heels.

"No Roseanne." Marcella answered, annoyed.

"Marcella, do you think we're going to be eaten?" Roseanne asked.

"Roseanne shut up." Marcella responded. "I swear to God I'll kill you before any animal can."

After a while of walking, Roseanne noticed the sunset through the thick tree tops. Above her a large bird flew overhead. "We need to set up camp before dark but we have to get far enough that the soldiers won't see us," Roseanne looked back at where the two had come from. "Do you think-"

"No the soldiers can't see us." Marcella said, cutting off her sister. She began collecting logs and building a lean to. Roseanne started collecting moss and leaves, then looked around.

"Looking for monsters or a place to shit, Rosie?" Marcella asked, not looking up from her work.

"Mother and father said there'd be other children coming with us. I haven't seen anyone since we left the city." This caught Marcella's attention. She began to look around as well. She couldn't see much, but it was concerning that they hadn't noticed anyone. Of course, they'd probably left from all different parts of the wall.

"We shouldn't build a fire tonight. Tomorrow night, after we cross that mountain," Marcella said, pointing a ways ahead to a small mountain "then we will. Maybe then they'll find us." Marcella crawled into her little shelter and patted the ground beside her, inviting Roseanne inside. Roseanne crawled in and brought their bags with her. Each of them brought a large bag, one with cooking/hunting supplies like forks, pots, and knives, and one bag had clothes and blankets. Roseanne pulled out a blanket and later it over top of them.

"Goodnight Mar," Roseanne said, facing the inside of the shelter.

"Goodnight Rosie," Marcella replied, facing the outside of the shelter.

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Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 15:06:38

Memory King | 17 | No SA Currently | Mentions: Open

After her parents shooed her on her way, she had only a small bag with a change of clothes, food and a couple water bottles. She didn't need anything else. She had scoffed, at first, when her parents ordered her to leave, to go 'beyond the wall'. No one in her family had gone beyond the wall since before the rebellion. Her mother had handed her the bag, but didn't say anything. When she asked about her siblings, Mock and June, her parents had already sent them to live with Uncle James, someone who was not openly known as part of the King family just for a scenario like this. But when her father tossed her his favorite Shamshir, she knew they weren't kidding. Her grandma had died during the first rebellion, but the wolf engraved into the hilt was the only thing they had left of her. The King family hasn't had a spirit animal bond since her gran, and the Shamshir, known to the family as 'Thayer', was said to have the spirit of her and her animal trapped within.

With another glance back at the small house, Memory stole off into the night. She had Thayer attached to her hip in a sheath and she had spent years practicing in private with her Uncle James. She was familiar with the weight of the sword and when in work, it was just an extension of her being. Her anger boiled the farther she went as well. She should have stayed to protect her parents, not sent to go beyond the wall. She might never get to see them or her siblings again because they had the stupid idea of wanting to send her away. It angered her, but something else churned within her as well, guiding her feet as she headed to a place many people had become frightened of.

She had finally reached the wall. She could see names cut into the stone near the bottom and noticed her gran's name. "I'll make you proud, gran." She whispered. Taking another deep breath, she let her mismatched eyes roam the wall, inspecting the best way to get over, seeing as it was only her. Her parents had told her there'd be others, but she would ponder over that after she was in the forest. She couldn't believe she was actually doing this! With a growl to herself, she hooked her hands into a crevice along the wall and pulled her 5'11 self up, pushing her feet against the wall. Her parents always said she was exceptional at climbing and she knew it. Taking another deep breath, she pushed off from the wall, her hands stretching to grab the top. Her hands hit and she pushed her fingers into the stone, keeping grip as she pulled the rest of her up and then she was over and walking into the woods. She was fairly exhausted and hauled herself up into the tree to sleep.

Oblivion Stash | 19 | Weasel - Apple 'Sweetbee' | Mentions: Open

The tall male kept thinking about what happened at his home. An hour before he knew, Apple, or as he called her, Sweetbee had insisted he start packing. He did. He had grabbed a large black backpack and a dark green duffel. He shoved three pairs of clothes, two blankets, a rope, and Apple's blanket into the duffel while Apple packed the backpack with food and water. His little weasel was always fond of helping, and her gut was never wrong.

When he finished packing, his parents walked into the room. Pin, his father wrapped him in a big embrace and told him the news. "Good thing I packed, huh?" He asked, trying to lighten the mood. Sweetbee climbed to rest in a pouch inside his jacket as his mother opened his duffel and added in three daggers, forged with a poison that the Stash family was immune to, as well as Weasels, as his family had a history of having Weasel type animals as their spirit.

When he finally go to the wall, Sweetbee was asleep. The backpack and duffel were slung around his shoulder. He had taken the rope out right before he left and was glad he did so. Tossing the rope up, he allowed it to latch onto a tree across the wall and used it to pull himself up. When he was over, he unlatched the rope and tied it around his leg so he wouldn't have to put it back in the duffel. But as he walked, he couldn't help but wonder where the others that he was supposed to meet were and if they'd actually be accepting of him.

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Edited on 08/04/18 @ 15:15:58 by Dysfunctional Wolf (#77192)

the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 15:53:54
Johnathon (Jack) Moore || 26 || Male || Bisexual ||Lutino/golden Macaw Named Ó Cionaoith|| Location- In the city || Mentions- The king, That man, The crwod, Lunette

Jack inspected a few ripe fruits as the crowd grew. He wished he could have made it to the city sooner but He had to convince lunette to where her Tunic and wimple so they didn't look too out of place in the city. He paid the merchant and dropped the produce in a sac with other various foods and supplies that they were lacking back outside the city limits. Jack turned just in time to see another man tugging at lunette's sleeve, and the young ward lifting her fist, ready t strike. e rushed over but before he could stop her, Lunette punched the stranger square in the face- to which the man began to yell curses at her. Jack grabbed Lunette by the arm and pulled her towards him, "You know better than to do that, you're going to get us in trouble. I'm sure the king would be happy to ring us up by the neck as well!" he whispered through clenched teeth, hurrying away from the man and mingling with the crowd. "Here, see what else we need." He said handing her the bag in his hands, he hadn't witnessed a hanging in a long time ad though he didn't particularly like seeing people killed- it still peaked a morbid curiosity in him.
As he watched the king babble on about the rebels, he began to feel a bit worried. That worry only increaseing as the victim begged for his life in exchange for names. He knew their parents had died long ago, but he still felt that someone may have known that his father had up and moved out into the forest after the rebellion.
"Bread, we need bread- and you said you would purchase a cow this time around!" Lunette hissed- pulling Jack out of his own thoughts. He huffed, motioning for Lunette to follow him so they could get some bread- or at least the ingredients- and she could pick out a cow. They needed to hurry back though, before anyone began to suspect anything.

Lunette Moore || 16 || female || homosexual || Mouse named Luc || Location- In the city || Mentions- The king, That man, The crowd, Johnathon

Lunette had wandered a bit away from her brother to gander at a lamb for sale in the market. She knew they wouldn't be able to afford a lamb this trip- especially when she took into account that Jack had promised her a cow. She was drawn out of her thoughts by someone grabbing some loose fabric on her tunic. At first she thought it was her brother- who often led her throught the city like this- and she began to move in the direction the person was pulling in. She soon realized, however, that her brother was no where in sight, and the man tugging her arm was a complete stranger, Lunette tried to pull her tunic out of his hands but he only pulled her harder to wherever he wanted her to go. As ahe continued to tug at her- she balled her hand into a fist and struck without hesitation. She felt satisfaction as his nose broke under her hand and he released his grip. She huffed when a more familiar person grabbed her arm and dragged her away. As Jack scolded her, she watched the man disappear as the crowd engulfed her and Jack. "Why can't we just leave." she huffed under her breath- jack didn't hear her, he was to busy watching the events unfolding in front of them. She shook her head and began to rummage through the bag he had handed her- they had everything except the cow she was promised- and bread. It took a bit to get his attention, but she managed to inform him and they both left the crowd to gather the rest of their needs.

Lunette was lucky that the bakery was a fair distance from a vender who had brought some young cattle to the city. Jack allowed her to look at the calves alone. The vender claimed that the bovine were descendents of the best lines in the kingdom- what a load of dung . She gave a knowing glance at the vendor's claims. He promptly gave a weak smile, "A pound and six shillings." he said motioning to a healthy brown and white heifer. Lunette counted the money she had, enough for that one- and maybe another. She pointed at a brown- almost black- bull, surely Jack wouldn't mind too much.
"Three pounds, he's from champion lines" the vendor replied, Lunette frowned, she didn't have quite enough for both. She poured out what she had on the ground.
"What about this for both." She more of stated than asked. The vendor thought for a second, but gave in to the temptation of riches and gave her the cattle.
"How about you take these two, and you've gotta get 'em home without my leads." he said, taking the ropes off from their necks. Lunette knodded, sounded like a deal to her.
Without a second thought, she ripped the bottom hem of her tunic to about the length she would need and tied it on one cow- then repeated for the next. She had brought a bit of attention to herself, but didn't really care- she had got what she wanted. Jack was waiting outside the backery with the once half limp sac, almost completely full with food. "I didn't say you could get two!" he said, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his finger and thumb.
"But I knew you wouldn't mind." She retorted, "Can we go home now? Luc will be worried sick if we don't get home soon. "

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Edited on 08/04/18 @ 16:10:56 by the-grey-ace (#38669)

c.wunshine (#65535)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2018-04-08 16:02:18
Bruno Ikes / 19 / Male / Pansexual / Location - At house, In the forest / Mentions - Oblivion

Bruno watched helplessly as his parents collected his siblings, pulling them inside without even a last goodbye. It was heart wrenching, seeing his brothers and sisters look on with fear and doubt. He wasn’t sure he could take going on his own, because now that the door was closed, his feet and bag felt unbearably heavy. He observed the thick wooden door a moment more, his hands tight around the strap at his chest, before taking a deep breath. He could do this. He had to do this. It was their last hope. So, with all the courage he had, Bruno turned his back on the home he’d grown up in, the family he’d loved, and made his way into the night air.
The journey wasn’t hard - he had been used to running and hiking. But the farther he got from the low, warm lights of his town, the tighter his limbs felt. He wasn’t used to being alone. He half expected Jeremy, his youngest brother, to come jumping out of the brush - tackling his legs. But it wasn’t so. Instead, he was sheltered by the dark shadows of the forest, and forced to move as quietly as his bulky body could take him.
Quite honestly, he was desperate to see another person - another one of the rebel’s kids, hopefully. So, when his tired eyes caught sight of a tall man, boy maybe? Someone who looked close to his age, he felt his shoulders loosen with relief. He, too, was carrying a bag with him - which made Bruno feel a little more sure he was a kid. He tried to catch up with him, despite his gut telling him it might be risky, because he was desperate for sOME kind of person. “Hey-!” He called, quietly, so as not to startle the potentially dangerous guy ahead of him.

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Edited on 08/04/18 @ 17:07:16 by c.wunshine (#65535)

HazelNightmare (#139162)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-08 18:55:30
Ashton Rotgar || 17, almost 18 || Male || Pansexual || Dragon named Althea || Mentions: Marcella and Roseanne

Ashton walked through from the town square, hands slowly clenching into tight fists. He was just told that he was to enter the forest again, somewhere he never wanted to go back to. Not after last time. Yes, he found his spirit animal, and the boy loved her to death, but the other events turned him off from the prospect of returning. Despite that, those weren't the flashbacks that kept playing over and over in his mind ...

Ashton entered his house, an amused expression on his face as he watched Althea flitter around the opening hall. The smile quickly faded though, when he saw the expressions his parents wore. Wordlessly, the father, Odon, stepped forth, handing the leather bag to his son. The graying man looked away and exited the room, leaving his wife to explain. The crying woman walked to her son and embraced him in a hug. "You must go, run away," she whispered. Avita slowly pulled away and placed the bracelet she had always worn into Ashton's hand. He was about to object, but his mom spoke first, "I don't want to see you around ever again." And with that, the growing boy was pushed out, left on his own. The last thing he heard was, "I believe in you, my Dragonheart..."

Ashton didn't realize he had reached the wall until he almost ran into it. He shook his shoulder to wake up his dragon that was sleeping there. "This is it, Althea," she said. He handed the beast his bag, and she took it over the wall, obediently. Without the dead weight, getting over it would be easy enough. In a swift movement, he jumped onto the side of the stone wall, to the top of a nearby building. Ashton leaped over the wall tumbled to the ground, landing with a roll. He walked through the forest, Althea nestling back on his shoulder. Even in the dimming light, he could see fine as he navigated the paths he thought he would never return to.

Ashton was deep in thought when he felt the sensation of falling. He managed to catch himself before his face hit the ground, there was a loud snap as a twig beneath him broke. The boy looked down to see what made him trip. What he saw was a small hut made out of sticks. Could there be someone else inside? "Hello," he called softly.

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S.Punshine (#143321)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 19:02:08
Cecil Stallon/ 18/ male / bisexual/ location: in the middle of the woods/ mentions whoever is near by

Cecil tried not to let the weight of what was happening hit him. He refused to allow his thoughts go anymore past the optimistic outlook he’s had all his life. So what he was alone in the forest, loosing his way with no clear destination to begin with. So the boy was frightened. He knew he was smaller, but that meant he could hide, besides he was a fast runner so if anything decides to jump him, he could hide and run. Optimism was key. He would go insane without it.

A small crackle in the woods is what knocked him out of his thoughts “h-hello?” He risked. His hand reaching out to brush a branch away from his face. “Is anyone there?” He called out again. If he could find someone right now that would be- god that would be amazing. “My makes Cecil?” He asked it like a question. How could one man can stand so confident yet be so terrified at the same time.

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Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 19:19:38

Oblivion Stash | 19 | Weasel - Apple 'Sweetbee' | Mentions: Bruno

Sweetbee was different from most weasel's, seeing as she had a different pattern of vocalizations. She made a small, hiccuping chirrup sound instead of their normal bond-speak at the same moment Oblivion heard someone call out hey. He turned, not too far into the woods to be unnoticable. He spotted a male making his way towards him. Sweetbee chirruped again and he shushed her, not knowing the intentions of this male, but not wanting to seem aggressive either, so he stopped and waited for the being to reach him. "Hello, my name's Oblivion. I'm assuming your a rebel's kid too." He spoke in a quiet manner, as if someone was listening, even though he knew no-one would be able to hear them, unless the other kids his mother had spoke of were near. . .

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Edited on 08/04/18 @ 19:35:24 by Dysfunctional Wolf (#77192)

c.wunshine (#65535)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2018-04-08 19:27:19
Bruno Ikes / 19 / Male / Pansexual / Location - In the forest / Mentions - Oblivion

Bruno let out an obviously relieved sigh, a smile tugging at his lips despite the dire situation because oh thANK GOD he wasn’t alone anymore.
“Uh, yeah-” He answered, a little out of breath. He adjusted his bag slightly, giving Oblivion a once over.
“I’m Bruno.” He nodded, offering a hand. It was a little hesitant, because this whole situation was beyond crazy, but his mama had taught him that first impressions were important. His interest was peaked, thought, when he heard a bright chirp come from what seemed to be… Oblivion? On closer inspection, though, it appeared the man had a rodent of sorts. A weasel, maybe? Or a ferret.
“And, uh, who’s that? If you don’t mind me asking.” He whispered, eyeing the animal.

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Edited on 08/04/18 @ 19:51:52 by c.wunshine (#65535)

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 19:37:28
Marcella - F - 18 -Heterosexual

Roseanne - F - 18 - Bisexual

Location: Shelter in forest

Mentions: Ashton

Roseanne woke up suddenly from her deep sleep. She was a little bit dazed until she remembered she was not in her own bed. She sat up for a moment, trying to come to her senses. A noise caught her attention. Something was outside the shelter. Roseanne gently nudged her sister.

"Hmmf" Marcella groaned, ignoring Roseanne.

"Marcella, something's out there," Roseanne whispered. Startled, Marcella opened her eyes and sat up. She stared into the forest until her eyes adjusted and revealed a boy standing in front of her.

"Who are you?" She asked, reaching for her knife. Roseanne watched in shock, holding her sister's arm.

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