Posted by The Rebellion

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-06 12:09:53

After the rebellion, most of the rebels were hung for their crimes against the royal family. That was 10 years ago. The rebels who managed to survive meet in secret, raised families, and have been living among the rest of the citizens. They've been hiding in plain site. Now, after yet another rebel has been caught, they are in danger once again. Who's names did he give away? Who is still safe? In order to protect their families, they've sent their children into the dangerous forest past the city walls. Will they survive? Or will they uprise against the royal family like their parents did years ago...


You are the child of a rebel. Your parents sent you into the woods with the other rebels' children. You don't know if your family is alive, you don't know what you're getting into. All you have now are the children you've left with. You've heard legends of the forest... of the creatures said to lurk in the shadows. Will you survive the creatures of the forest? Will you return to the city to pick up where your parents left off?


The City
This RP is based off of medieval times type era (think Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Braveheart, etc). The city is run by the royal family and their soldiers who patrol the streets. The city centre is where the castle is, there are markets and festivals here often. It is the busiest place in the city. Past the markets are the homes and home-run businesses like blacksmiths and teachers (school is held at teacher's houses). Past the houses are the farmers and the farmers land. Farmers often make the commute from their properties to the city centre to sell their food at the markets. After this is a small area of forest lining the city then a circle wall protecting the city from the outside.

The Forest
The forest has many different biomes. The deeper into the forest you go, the more varieties of biomes there are. First, there is the forest (think boreal). Then, it slowly turns to jungle. There are mountains littered throughout the forest and jungle with snowy tops. Past the jungle is the desert. No one has crossed the desert to tell what lies beyond.

The Creatures
There are legends of creatures that once lived in the forest, like centaurs and elves. Some believe they still exist and are still out there planning an attack on the humans for isolating themselves from them.

The Animals
Every person born is spirit linked to an animal in the forest. Both have a strong instinct to find each other. It is a tradition among the city folk to send their 8 year olds into the forest to find their spirit animal. At the same time, the animal is searching for its linked human. Nowadays, not many people have animals as they are too scared to venture into the forest. They are losing the instinct to find their spirit animal.

More information in next post.

Spirit Animals

These are just some ideas I had, you may choose any animal you want for your spirit animal. These are just for example and if you want to use them you can.

•LioDen rules apply.
•This is a literate RP. Each post must be at least 4 sentences.
•Maximum of 4 characters per person.
•Spirit Animals can have strange markings but no body changes (4 tails, wolf with antlers, etc are not allowed. Blue bear or fox with swirly green markings is allowed).
•Please put your favourite type of tree in Other.
•Fade to black.
•Please try to write dynamic characters, it's no fun interacting with Mary Sue characters.
•Feel free to comment/PM any questions about the Roleplay.
•It is up to you how your spirit animal communicates with your human. Some ideas can be speaking, telepathy, or a kind of pet/owner situation where the human kind of just understands the animal.
•Sometimes a person has 2 spirit animals or, similarity, 2 people share a single spirit animals. This occurs oftentimes with twins. Only one person may have a character with 2 spirit animals.


Character Name:
Family: (include parents and any siblings)
Spirit Animal Species:

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Edited on 06/04/18 @ 13:59:16 by Xerxes (#52637)

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-05-02 08:48:24

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-05-02 08:59:18
((Well since DysfunctionalWolf left the roleplay, let's just say that Niklaus Wolfsbane found a unicorn randomly and rode off into the sunset and has teleported into an alternate dimension where he now lives in a palace with a golden toilet or something.))

Ama Tenebris || F, 17 || Snow Leopard, M, Eruidan || Mentions: Spark

Ama and Eruidan had been walking for several more minutes, Eruidan still put out about Whistle leaving to an alternate dimension with Niklaus. The snow leopard had been irritable and quiet ever since. A small mouse noticed them a few feet away and scrambled into the brush, disturbing several brittle leaves in the process. A soft "Hello?" came from someplace to the right. Eruidan lifted his head and padded slowly over towards the speaker.

"Hello yourself," Ama replied shortly. It was a somewhat halfhearted greeting, but this was the second person Ama had come across in very little time and she was slightly miffed. Was that too irritable-sounding? Yeah, probably. She sighed and walked towards the speaker, hoping to make a decent first impression anyway.

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Max (#135327)

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Posted on
2018-05-02 12:41:35
Spark/16/Bi/Panther Female Named Nightmare/Female/Mentions: Ama
Spark frowned at the tone of the voice and told Nightmare (Telepathy, "Circle in on them from the back. Don't attack. Nightmare snorted, and Spark could sense her reluctance but she moved toward their visitors. Spark crouched into a stance and nocked her bow. She pointed it at where the noise was, it wasn't wrong to be suspicious with so much danger and rebel hunting.
"Show yourself." She said in what she wanted as a stern voice, but her tone wavered.

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-05-02 19:15:27
Ama Tenebris || F, 17 || Snow Leopard, M, Eruidan || Mentions: Spark

The wavering voice showed distrust and nervousness; Ama almost felt bad that she had caused the speaker to be nervous and she had only spoken two words. Panther, Eruidan warned as Ama was considering her next action. Moving behind us. Smells distinctly of human. Ama gave the snow leopard a quick thanks and moved on hunters' feet towards the left, away from where Eruidan smelled the panther. The wind was flowing in her direction, which was good, but Ama sensed trouble and was hoping to avoid an ambush.

After a few steps, making sure to avoid steppig on anything that might make noise, Ama asked, "Where do you hail from?" Friend or foe, do you think? she asked of Eruidan simultaneously. I'd rather not tangle with someone who is close to the royal family.

Friend, I think. I can't smell much metal on them. Eruidan dropped into a crouch, belly not quite touching the forest floor, and stalked silently towards the panther. The dark cloak served him well and concealed most of his bright white fur from anyone who might glance in his direction. But then, who brings all their riches on a hunt?

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Max (#135327)

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Posted on
2018-05-03 04:17:43
Spark/16/Bi/Panther Female Named Nightmare/Female/Mentions: Ama
Spark stays silent, replies "From the city." I dont like where this is heading. Stay alert. She tells her panther.
DUH. Is her reply. Spark roles her eyes and shifts her body, then aims the arrow at where the voice was.
"Show yourself!" She says.

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Max (#135327)

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Posted on
2018-08-04 12:37:15
(is anyone still on this?)

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