Posted by | The Rebellion |
![]() Xerxes (#52637) Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-06 12:09:53 |
Plot After the rebellion, most of the rebels were hung for their crimes against the royal family. That was 10 years ago. The rebels who managed to survive meet in secret, raised families, and have been living among the rest of the citizens. They've been hiding in plain site. Now, after yet another rebel has been caught, they are in danger once again. Who's names did he give away? Who is still safe? In order to protect their families, they've sent their children into the dangerous forest past the city walls. Will they survive? Or will they uprise against the royal family like their parents did years ago... Summary You are the child of a rebel. Your parents sent you into the woods with the other rebels' children. You don't know if your family is alive, you don't know what you're getting into. All you have now are the children you've left with. You've heard legends of the forest... of the creatures said to lurk in the shadows. Will you survive the creatures of the forest? Will you return to the city to pick up where your parents left off? Setting The City This RP is based off of medieval times type era (think Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Braveheart, etc). The city is run by the royal family and their soldiers who patrol the streets. The city centre is where the castle is, there are markets and festivals here often. It is the busiest place in the city. Past the markets are the homes and home-run businesses like blacksmiths and teachers (school is held at teacher's houses). Past the houses are the farmers and the farmers land. Farmers often make the commute from their properties to the city centre to sell their food at the markets. After this is a small area of forest lining the city then a circle wall protecting the city from the outside. The Forest The forest has many different biomes. The deeper into the forest you go, the more varieties of biomes there are. First, there is the forest (think boreal). Then, it slowly turns to jungle. There are mountains littered throughout the forest and jungle with snowy tops. Past the jungle is the desert. No one has crossed the desert to tell what lies beyond. The Creatures There are legends of creatures that once lived in the forest, like centaurs and elves. Some believe they still exist and are still out there planning an attack on the humans for isolating themselves from them. The Animals Every person born is spirit linked to an animal in the forest. Both have a strong instinct to find each other. It is a tradition among the city folk to send their 8 year olds into the forest to find their spirit animal. At the same time, the animal is searching for its linked human. Nowadays, not many people have animals as they are too scared to venture into the forest. They are losing the instinct to find their spirit animal. More information in next post. Spirit Animals -Wolf -Bear -Deer -Moose -Turtle -Lion -Tiger -Elephant -Snake -Fox These are just some ideas I had, you may choose any animal you want for your spirit animal. These are just for example and if you want to use them you can. Rules •LioDen rules apply. •This is a literate RP. Each post must be at least 4 sentences. •Maximum of 4 characters per person. •Spirit Animals can have strange markings but no body changes (4 tails, wolf with antlers, etc are not allowed. Blue bear or fox with swirly green markings is allowed). •Please put your favourite type of tree in Other. •Fade to black. •Please try to write dynamic characters, it's no fun interacting with Mary Sue characters. •Feel free to comment/PM any questions about the Roleplay. •It is up to you how your spirit animal communicates with your human. Some ideas can be speaking, telepathy, or a kind of pet/owner situation where the human kind of just understands the animal. •Sometimes a person has 2 spirit animals or, similarity, 2 people share a single spirit animals. This occurs oftentimes with twins. Only one person may have a character with 2 spirit animals. Form Character Name: Age: Sex: Orientation: Looks: Personality: Family: (include parents and any siblings) Spirit Animal Species: Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 06/04/18 @ 13:59:16 by Xerxes (#52637) |
EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)
Interstellar View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-12 07:37:27 |
Ama Tenebris || F, 17 || Snow Leopard, M, Eruidan|| Mentions: Niklaus Wolfsbane "Hello?" The voice was quiet enough that Ama might have missed it if she'd been making any noise. Please don't growl at him, she mentally tells Eruidan. It's probable that he won't listen but thankfully he remains absolutely silent. What should we do? I don't really want to deal with more people right now. Nor do I, Eruidan said, but in the interest of survival we might join them. A leopard and a human male. You might look up that tree, by the way. He nodded towards a sturdy tree whose branches hang overhead. Ama glanced up towards it and spotted a clouded leopard in the branches. Eruidan made a roaring noise that sounded like a saw cutting through wood. Leopard communication is absolutely awful to listen to, Ama complained to him. Do you have a problem with it? Eruidan replied. No? Good. Then I'll proceed to say hello to my fellow leopard. Ama rolled her eyes but didn't continue the conversation. ![]() |
HazelNightmare (#139162)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-12 12:58:22 |
Ashton Rotgar || 17, almost 18 || Male || Pansexual || Dragon named Amaris || Mentions: Marcella and Roseanne, Memory, Jack Ashton was listening patiently as each girl spoke. The only time his attention diverged was at the sound of leaves rustling. He instinctively turned his head in the direction of the sound, while Amaris rotated her ears. His eyes locked onto a lightly colored bird in the branches. It's nothing girl, the boy informed the dragon, It's just some sort of parrot from the jungle. he turned back to Memory, as she was speaking, and his eyes widen as she drew her blade. Ashton turned to the space the girl was facing. What had just moments earlier been all shadows, was now occupied by another person. Alongside him was a parrot, the one from a few moments before. Amaris growled as she lept to the ground, walking closer to the man. The boy reached for his companion to pick her up before she attacked at the next sign of movement. The dragon protested by wiggling around, but when she realized it was futile, she gave up with another huff. it's not time to fight yet, he thought. Though, the short-sword he had hidden within the folds of his clothing seemed to burn against his skin now. "Let's all be civil and lower the weapons. You don't need to put them away, just have them lowered," Ashton suggested. "We are of no threat to each other at the moment. It is up to you two whether or not we engage in combat, or if we walk away without any cuts and bruises." The 17-year-old's demeanor changed at the prospect of fighting. He wasn't jumpy anymore, and his posture changed to become straighter. He also became a little more assertive. Ashton tried to conceal the small amount of fear churning in his gut, but he knew that those who know him like Amaris would be able to sense it. "Now, you live here in the forest. Are we on your land at the moment?" He continued, trying to play the mediator between Memory and the newcomer. "We were sent away from the village. I am sorry if we invaded your home." he gave a slight bow of respect, something his mom taught him to do if he ever disrupted anyone. ![]() |
Xerxes (#52637)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-13 13:50:17 |
Marcella - 18 y/o - Female - Heterosexual - no current spirit animal Roseanne - 18 y/o - Female - Bisexual - no current spirit animal Marcella sighed as yet another stranger found them. As Ashton and Memory began talking to him, she turned to whisper to her sister. "Do you think he works for the royal family? And he's looking for us?" Although she didn't know for sure, she liked to get her sister's opinion. "I don't think so," Roseanne began, looking the stranger up and down. At this, Marcella turned to the stranger and spoke up. "Hello, my name is Marcella and this is my sister Roseanne. We are going to look for our spirit animals, would you like to join us?" Marcella hopes the other two got the message and didn't go into too much detail about the rebellion. Being children of rebels could get them killed and Marcella wanted to get to know this man before telling him these details. ((Sorry for the short post/if I missed something)) ![]() |
the-grey-ace (#38669)
![]() Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-17 05:52:37 |
Johnathon (Jack) Moore || 26 || Male || Bisexual ||Lutino/golden Macaw Named Ó Cionaoith|| Location- In the forest- outside their cabin|| Mentions- Cio, Lunette, Memory, Marcella, Roseanna, Ashton Jack listened carefully to the young man speak, he did lower his sword more, but not his guard. He didn't want to fight but wanted to be ready for an attack. He began to ask the boy a question but his attention was caught by the whispers of two girls- presumably related. Did you hear what they said? Jack asked, looking the girls up and down to see if they were armed. Something about the royal family? Cio cocked his head. Jack began to sort of put things together. He lifted his sword again, "Does any of this have to do with the man from the gallows? What do you know, did the king send you?" Jack took a slight step back, if these children were spies he'd have no choice but to off them. Cio sensed the tension of a fight and flew up into the trees so he wouldn't get hit by any potential blows. Lunette Moore || 16 || female || homosexual || Mouse named Luc || Location- In the forest- outside their cabin|| Mentions- Luc, Stella, Johnathon, Marcella, Roseanna, Ashton, Memory. After a short bit of running, Lunette found herself near her brother, she could hear his voice and it grew louder with every step. She stopped when she caught a glimpse of another person over the brush and ducked down out of sight. She crept around for a better vantage point, careful to step slowly and quietly as not to alarm the intruders. ![]() |
Xerxes (#52637)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-22 06:08:24 |
As the sun rises above the tree tops, light begins to seep in between the leaves. Sunshine glimmers onto the forest floor. After a long cold night, you enjoy a few minutes of warmth. You can see dark clouds rolling in, it looks like a storm. Luckily, you've managed to avoid other animals but you don't know what dangers live among the trees. The deeper you travel the stranger the creatures get. Soon, you don't know what is prey and what is predator. Where do you lie on the food chain? Out here it's a tough lesson to learn but one things for certain: living in a group is a hell of a lot safer than living alone. Somewhere deep in the forest is a small cabin. It is fairly run down but still standing. For miles into the forest surrounding the cabin are man-made wind chimes and bird feeders. Someone is living here... ((Let's see if anyone's still around for this rp)) ![]() |
EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)
Interstellar View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-22 08:57:27 |
((i'm waiting for a reply but I'm still here :P not really sure what to do at this point)) ![]() |
Pumpkin (#77192)
Angelic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-22 11:16:43 |
Memory King | 17 | No SA Currently | Mentions: Marcella, Roseanna, Ashton, Jack Memory lowered Thayer and placed the sword back into the sheath. Day was here already. With a sigh, she looked at the others. "The king is a threat to my family. I was sent out here by them, not that scum." The female hissed out, her voice laced with a venomess hatred. Niklaus Wolfsbane | 17 | Clouded Leopard - Whistle | Mentions: Ama Klaus stepped forward, out of the shadows as Whistle greeted the Snow Leopard. Klaus was ready to follow Whistle up into the trees if need be. He wasn't as confident as he wished at the moment. "I'm Niklaus." He introduced. The sun was up. He'd spent all night out here. A whole night. He should really find all the others. He knew there were others. ![]() |
EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)
Interstellar View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-22 13:08:26 |
Ama Tenebris || F, 17 || Snow Leopard, M, Eruidan || Mentions: Niklaus Wolfsbane "Ama," Ama replied shortly. She hadn't planned on travelling with anyone, but now that Niklaus had come across her in the woods, she realized she wouldn't be able to back out of it. From Niklaus's somewhat relieved expression, she realized that he wanted to meet up with the other people in the woods and travel with them as well, and that he was happy he was no longer on his own. Ama's face remained expressionless but inside she was frustrated. I don't want to travel with a bunch of strangers. This is a situation I was hoping to avoid. You'll deal, Eruidan told Ama mentally. If you really wanted to go alone, you could have refrained from telling the mysterious stranger your name. Ama hoped it wasn't obvious that she had her misgivings about traveling with someone. They could steal her supplies, attack her, or lead soldiers to her. The risks outweighed the benefits; the only good thing Ama could thing of was someone guarding her back but Eruidan was practically her personal bodyguard. Besides, Ama didn't want to have to try to make idle conversation when she preferred silence or casual banter with Eruidan. Eruidan stopped talking to the other leopard and gazed intently at Niklaus, reading his emotions to the best of his ability to gage how much of a threat he was. The forest was silent for a few beats. Ama waited for Niklaus to make the next move, the corners of her mouth turned slightly downwards in a small frown. She was tense and guarded, distrustful. She waited. ![]() Edited on 22/04/18 @ 16:43:06 by Entity404 (#107570) |
Pumpkin (#77192)
Angelic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-22 16:29:04 |
Oblivion Stash | 19 | Weasel - Apple 'Sweetbee' | Mentions: Bruno, Marcella, Roseanna, Ashton, Jack, Memory Since the male he had been talking to went silent, something was tugging for Oblivion to go find others. He looked to the other male. "You can follow if you want, but I'm going to find others." He said as he turned to leave. He made his words crisp and his movements swift, hoping the other male got that he wasn't ready to strike up a conversation. He could hear Sweetbee's mindless chatter as she snuggled deeper into his jacket pocket. "Voices." The weasel chirruped at him, her mind going quiet and her body tensing. He made his way up to the group, recognizing a few of them. He walked around to Memory. She was a female he had been around in his younger years, their parents having always put the two and their siblings together with Memory's uncle. "Mem!" Sweetbee called, moving from his pouch to the female's shoulder. Memory was the only female human friend Apple had, seeing as his weasel spirit animal was too picky with who she befriended. Oblivion look around the people. "Jack - I believe." He started, recognizing the male. "I'm Oblivion." He turned to the rest of the group, his dark blue eyes scanning everyone, his mind placing them into the slots of who he recognized. "I'm gonna be blunt. My father is Pin, one of the higher ranked survivors of the rebellion. I know most of the rebel's children. We weren't sent by the king," Addressed to Jack. "We were sent out here because our parents wanted our survival. What we do is up to us. Now I don't know what creatures lie out here, I found Apple is 2 hours, but I do know we may not survive on our own." He turned his attention to the full of the group. "I don't know about you guys, but I do know our parents didn't send us out here to be bird food. No offense to your animal, Jack. If you want to band together, we can and I promise you it'll be a lot safer for us and our animals." Niklaus Wolfsbane | 17 | Clouded Leopard - Whistle | Mentions: Ama "Nice to meet you, Ama." He said, watching from the corner of his eye as Whistle climbed back over to him. "I hope you don't mind if I stay with you for a bit. I . . . I don't really want to be alone." He admitted. "If you don't want, I can find somewhere else to be or someone else to hang with." He didn't hold eye level with the female. He didn't want to provoke her. Sure he was a capable male and Whistle was fit, but if she wanted a fight, she'd probably win, seeing as she had a Snow Leopard on her side.![]() |
EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)
Interstellar View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-22 16:57:40 |
((I feel like this is becoming a 1x1 :/ )) Ama Tenebris || F, 17 || Snow Leopard, M, Eruidan || Mentions: Niklaus Wolfsbane Ama didn't know how to turn Niklaus down without feeling bad. She doubted he'd be able to find another survivor in the near future; it was pure luck that they'd run into each other in the woods. "I guess we can travel together." There goes my peace and quiet. Her eyes flicked to the clouded leopard beside Niklaus. Snow leopards generally grew to be larger than clouded leopards, although Eruidan was still young enough that Ama didn't think the size difference was large enough to threaten the clouded leopard. Don't go primal on the clouded leopard if she invades your sleeping space, Ama reminded Eruidan. The snow leopard had viciously attacked a small child that wanted to pet him; the child had gotten away with only a few light scratches but it still wasn't a fun experience. Did you have to bring that up? Eruidan complained. Yes. Ama batted lightly at the snow leopard's ear; he grabbed her hand between his jaws and pretended to attack it. Ama half smiled at him; Eruidan's pompous front completely shattered as he fluffed up his fur and attempted to grab Ama's hand with his paws and fell over. Pfft. You act like a cub sometimes. Eruidan picked himself up and shook out his fur. No, I don't. You didn't see anything. They didn't see anything. See, if they don't have eyes, they can't see anything.... You're not threatening anyone, Eruidan, Ama chastised. She turned back towards Niklaus. "I guess we should keep moving away from the town. Make sure we're safe and everything." ![]() |
Xerxes (#52637)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-22 18:14:14 |
Marcella - 18 y/o - Female - Heterosexual - no current spirit animal Roseanne - 18 y/o - Female - Bisexual - no current spirit animal Mentions: Oblivion, Memory, Johnathon, Ashton Marcella groaned and turned away. "Isn't anyone worried the King may have sent someone to look for us? Doesn't anyone hunk that maybe we should try to keep this secret to ourselves?" Roseanne watched her sister get frustrated, then turned to the new stranger. "Hello Oblivion, I'm Roseanne. This is my sister Marcella." Roseanne reached out to shake his hand. ![]() |
Max (#135327)
Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-30 14:48:12 |
Xerxes (#52637)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-30 15:02:53 |
Max (#135327)
Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-01 13:02:20 |
Spark/16/Bi/Panther named Nightmare/Female Spark walks through the forest, Nightmare in the trees. She can sense her, but she can't see her. Letting out an exhale, she looks around and feels lonely. She remembers her parents yelling at her to leave, and she shakes. She hears a rustle, and she calls out, "Hello?" (Someone answer me? :3) ![]() |
GayDinoNuggy (#128606)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-02 05:12:41 |