Posted by The Rebellion

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-06 12:09:53

After the rebellion, most of the rebels were hung for their crimes against the royal family. That was 10 years ago. The rebels who managed to survive meet in secret, raised families, and have been living among the rest of the citizens. They've been hiding in plain site. Now, after yet another rebel has been caught, they are in danger once again. Who's names did he give away? Who is still safe? In order to protect their families, they've sent their children into the dangerous forest past the city walls. Will they survive? Or will they uprise against the royal family like their parents did years ago...


You are the child of a rebel. Your parents sent you into the woods with the other rebels' children. You don't know if your family is alive, you don't know what you're getting into. All you have now are the children you've left with. You've heard legends of the forest... of the creatures said to lurk in the shadows. Will you survive the creatures of the forest? Will you return to the city to pick up where your parents left off?


The City
This RP is based off of medieval times type era (think Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Braveheart, etc). The city is run by the royal family and their soldiers who patrol the streets. The city centre is where the castle is, there are markets and festivals here often. It is the busiest place in the city. Past the markets are the homes and home-run businesses like blacksmiths and teachers (school is held at teacher's houses). Past the houses are the farmers and the farmers land. Farmers often make the commute from their properties to the city centre to sell their food at the markets. After this is a small area of forest lining the city then a circle wall protecting the city from the outside.

The Forest
The forest has many different biomes. The deeper into the forest you go, the more varieties of biomes there are. First, there is the forest (think boreal). Then, it slowly turns to jungle. There are mountains littered throughout the forest and jungle with snowy tops. Past the jungle is the desert. No one has crossed the desert to tell what lies beyond.

The Creatures
There are legends of creatures that once lived in the forest, like centaurs and elves. Some believe they still exist and are still out there planning an attack on the humans for isolating themselves from them.

The Animals
Every person born is spirit linked to an animal in the forest. Both have a strong instinct to find each other. It is a tradition among the city folk to send their 8 year olds into the forest to find their spirit animal. At the same time, the animal is searching for its linked human. Nowadays, not many people have animals as they are too scared to venture into the forest. They are losing the instinct to find their spirit animal.

More information in next post.

Spirit Animals

These are just some ideas I had, you may choose any animal you want for your spirit animal. These are just for example and if you want to use them you can.

•LioDen rules apply.
•This is a literate RP. Each post must be at least 4 sentences.
•Maximum of 4 characters per person.
•Spirit Animals can have strange markings but no body changes (4 tails, wolf with antlers, etc are not allowed. Blue bear or fox with swirly green markings is allowed).
•Please put your favourite type of tree in Other.
•Fade to black.
•Please try to write dynamic characters, it's no fun interacting with Mary Sue characters.
•Feel free to comment/PM any questions about the Roleplay.
•It is up to you how your spirit animal communicates with your human. Some ideas can be speaking, telepathy, or a kind of pet/owner situation where the human kind of just understands the animal.
•Sometimes a person has 2 spirit animals or, similarity, 2 people share a single spirit animals. This occurs oftentimes with twins. Only one person may have a character with 2 spirit animals.


Character Name:
Family: (include parents and any siblings)
Spirit Animal Species:

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Edited on 06/04/18 @ 13:59:16 by Xerxes (#52637)

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 20:14:21
Victoria - F - 17 -Heterosexual
Spirit Animal= Snowy Owl

Orion - M - 19 - Heterosexual
Spirit Animal= White Tiger

Location: Forest

The two walked out of their house very calmly. Orion's tiger, Thana, walked gracefully beside him. She was a wonderful beast, very large and muscular. Orion often admired her muscles rippling beneath her thick hide. Victoria glance up in the sky occasionally to see her snowy owl Artemis soaring above. With them was a donkey, pulling a wagon of supplies.

The pair walked up to the gate and smiled at the guards. "What a beautiful day, isn't it?" Orion said, smiling.

"What do you want?" One of the guards replied, "running from something?" The two guards drew their swords and stood ready. Orion continued smiling, then casually tossed a bag of coins to their feet. The guards looked at each other, then at the siblings.

"Not enough for ya?" Victoria asked. "Well then you can take it up with our father. She pushed aside her long coat to reveal a belt buckle with their family crest engraved on it. The guards let them through.

Once across, Orion took a deep breath. "Isn't it nice coming from a wealthy family?" Victoria scoffed.

"I feel like whatever's out there won't care much what our family name is." she said, pointing into the dark forest. Artemis flew down and landed gently on Victoria's arm and they continued their journey.

As night fell, they decided to make a fire to keep warm for the night. They put up tents and began cooking supper.

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the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 20:19:58
Johnathon (Jack) Moore || 26 || Male || Bisexual ||Lutino/golden Macaw Named Ó Cionaoith|| Location- In the forest- In their cabin|| Mentions- Cio, Lunette

Jack knelt down next to the pot over a burning fire. The pot was filled with water, carrots, chicken, and he was adding potatoes. He had not changed into his regular atire yet as he had not had the time. Between having to build Lunette's cattle pen and cooking, he had been kept on his feet. Jack ran his hands through his hair after dropping in the last potatoe and stirring the pot. "Watcha cookin'" a shrill voice called, it was accompanied by the flapping of wings. Cio perched himself on the cast iron rod that the pot hung by and cause the pot o swing, splashing hot water up towards the bird. Golden feathers flew everywhere as Cio panicked and flew to the other side of the room- leaving Jack to fish out down feathers from the food. "I'll be cooking parrot here soon if you're not careful." Jack joked, standing up and dusting himself off. Cio cocked his head and clattered his beak, seemingly unamused. Jack rolled his eyes, lifting his arm to motion for Cio to perch. The bird did so without hesitation, then began to peck at his head in a type of communal cleaning. Jack just let the bird do what it wanted, her was going to get out of these old rags and put on something more cofortable. He lowered his arm once he got int his room and Cio immediatly flew to his perch. Jack stripped down and got into a silk gown he had stolen from the market a few years prior. It was the most comfortable- and luxurious thing he owned and he only wore it before dinner and bed. He didn't even allow Cio to perch on him when he wore the silk gown- there was too much risk for tearing!
When he was dressed, he threw some dirt on the fire and began making bowls. Draining the water out of one scoop and putting fresh fruits along with the chicken and veggies for Cio when he was done. Lunette walked in in the nick of tie as well, he had just made her food and began to make a bowl for her mice, resting two lumps of cheese on top. He set it down next to Lunette and sat across from her to eat his own food. He was so ready to just eat and go to bed. After all, they were almost a three day trek from the city, and neither of them ever slept on the way there or back, only stop in the city to rest before going to the market and leaving the next day. Though they only ever made the trek every few months, Jack wasn't sure when the next time they would be able to go back- especially if that man kne their father.

Lunette Moore || 16 || female || homosexual || Mouse named Luc || Location- In the forest- in their cabin || Mentions- Luc, Stella, Johnathon, whoever is near.

Lunette had been more tha happy to have taken off all the wretched fabrics she had to wear in town. She stripped down to her drawers and slipped into a pair of trousers and a shirt fashioned out of elk and fox furs. Her trousers were large and baggy and she wore a hood over her shirt, the inside lined with mink. When she had fully dressed herself, she stepped out of her tiny room in the cabin that her, Jack and their father built when they first left the city to live in the forest. Lunette stopped outside of the kitchen's doorframe to see Jack putting potatoes in pot hung carefully over a flame. She smiled, the past week had been a good week for them- and the fact that her brother had managed to get his hands on soe spices could only mean it was going to get better, right? Raising her hand to her face, she pushed her kinky hair to the side and behind her ear. The sound of scampering caught her attention, and she looked down to see Luc at her feet. Bending down, Lunette picked him up, "Where's your mistress?" she asked giving Luc a soft kiss. The small rodent looked to Jack's room and let out a sequence of squeaks, and soon enough Stella cae bounding out of the room, and up to Lunette- but was hesitant. Stella wasn't a spirit animal, but she was mated to Luc, Jack insisted that mice weren't monogomous but you can't argue with a spirit animal can you
Luc crawled up Lunette's arm and nestled into the fur of her hood, Lunette leaned down and slowly reached her hand down, letting Stella climb up on her own before setting her in her hood beside Luc. They were still in the trust building stage, but both parties handled it well. "I'm going out to check on the animals." Lunette stated, geting a mumble of acknowledgment in return. She opened the wooden door to the outside, it creaked loudly as she did so.
She stepped out bare footed onto the dusty earth, run down by her and her brother's feet. Lunette turned to an amateur looking pen next to their little cabin, it was a pig pen that her father had built. His spirit animal had been housed in it and reared many offspring. Jack and Lunette used them as food- as well as their fathers spirit animal after he died- the animal fit him well. Now they housed large white pigs in it- as well as a few black pigs. None of which, came from their father's line. Lunette hopped the gate and entered the hoghouse, a sow sat in the back on a small haystack with about twenty little piglets at her belly. "She must have given birth when we were gone. Did you see that they were healthy?" she joked at Luc, who was grooming Stella's head. Lunette took a closer look at the mother and litter. Picking up and inspecting each piglet- and each piglet letting out a shrill shriek- she found them all to be healthy and in good condition.

Afterwards, Lunette checked on the chickens. One had been missing and there were feathers strewn about, she would have to tell jack of this. She collected the chickens eggs from the past two days as well, setting them in a basket she had hung on the coop wall. Finally she came to the two cows she had bought, Jack yould have to build a pen for them, so for the timebeing they would be tied to a post, or let in the pig pen when Lunette felt they needed to stretch their legs. Lunette stroked the cows' faces and backs, "These are our newest family members Luc, I'm sure you may have met them by now, but I don't have any ideas for names yet." she said, scratching behind the heifer's ear. Luc stretched out on the mink fur and yawned, I guess you don't have any ideas either then... she thought to herself, patting each cow on the back before returning inside. Jack had finished cooking by the time she was back in and her bowl was already on the table. She went over and sat down, "What about Luc and Stella?" she asked, seeing that Cio had been given a bowl of cooked chicken and raw fruits.
"I didn't forget about them." Jack sighed, picking up a sall bag and pouring part of it into a bowl, "I got them something special from the market too." he smiled, topping off the bowl of seeds with two small lumps of cheese. He then sat the bowl down next to Lunette and Lunette let the two mice down to eat before digging in to her own meal.

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Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 20:20:40

Memory King | 17 | No SA Currently | Mentions: Marcella, Roseanna, Ashton

Memory had slept for a few minutes, it seemed, until she was woken by noises. She stretched, and slowly made her way along the tree branch until she could easily move to the other. Her mother always called her 'Tree-walker', a nickname she was given when she showed everyone how easily she moved through the treetops. Her feet made no sound as she slid across the bark, from tree to tree until she could make out the shapes of humans below the tree she was currently sitting in. Two females, a male, and what appeared to be a small dragon. That twinge in her gut was back as she put the pieces together, figuring that the dragon was, in fact, the male's spirit animal. Her gut wanted her to ignore the humans and head to the mountain range, something was just clawing at her to get there, but she couldn't place it. Gran didn't live to tell Memory how finding a SA worked and none of her parents were willing to tell her, putting her to think they didn't know, but her intuition told her that this feeling was somehow linked to the animal she was supposedly supposed to bond with - or whatever that crap meant.

After a second of watching, the female dropped to the ground behind the three. She believed she hadn't made noise, but she knew the male and dragon had a perfect view of her as she took silent steps to get closer. One hand was on the hilt of Thayer incase this got rough, but she didn't think it would. "Maybe we act civilized and kindly introduce ourselves. I'm Memory King, from one of the 'wealthier' families . . . and you are?" She asked with an innocent bash of her eyelashes, but her voice was hard and sly.

Oblivion Stash | 19 | Weasel - Apple 'Sweetbee' | Mentions: Bruno

Oblivion shook Bruno's hand as he offered it. "Seems nice." Sweetbee told him, but to any one else it would sound like the chirrup she made a few moments ago. He nodded slightly to show he heard her before returning his attention to the male. "This is Apple, my spirit animal. I call her Sweetbee, but it's been proven that only I can call her that." He chuckled as he thought of when his older brother Elijah had called Sweetbee by Oblivion's nickname for her. That had not gone so well . . . for his brother. "She's a Long-tailed weasel. Sweet but feisty." He chuckled as Sweetbee puffed her small chest out and raised her head in pride.

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Edited on 08/04/18 @ 20:27:46 by Dysfunctional Wolf (#77192)

EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-04-09 11:50:41
Ama Tenebris || F, 17 || Snow Leopard, M, Eruidan|| Mentions: Open ||

Ama didn't even question when her parents told her to go over the wall. She'd almost been expecting it, after the news of what was going on had reached her. Not that she was supposed to know, of course, but Ama had always had incredible hearing thanks to her spirit animal, Eruidan, so her parents' lowered voices did little to stop her from listening in on their conversations. She hadn't exactly wanted to enter the woods, but there was little she could do otherwise if she wanted to stay alive. Certainly not walking around in plain sight of the soldiers that littered the town, a born hunter at her side and snarling at everyone who came too close to his pristine white fur. No, the forest, while not ideal for Ama or Eruidan, was their best option.

The deep shadows in the forest were in glaring contrast to what Ama was used to. Eruidan's sight, while enhanced in the bright, bright light his species found normal in the glacial areas of the world, was dulled in this darkness. No doubt he was having a worse time of it than Ama; she kept a guiding hand near him so he knew where to go. Much to his disdain, the snow leopard's pale fur was covered by a dark-colored cloak to better camouflage him in the trees; he snapped at Ama's hand as many times as he could to remind her of his irritation.

Must you always be so annoying? Eruidan snarled mentally to Ama. Nothing will come near. Not unless it wants to die.

Ama batted at Eruidan's ear lightly, like she always did when she had to explain something to him. There are some things in this forest that can overpower you, you overinflated leopard. Anyway, in case there are soldiers with ranged weapons, they'd spot you from a mile off.

Eruidan cast a green eye up towards Ama. And they would run away screaming to their mothers, believing me to be some forest beast. Your point is moot. Ama rolled her eyes and dropped the argument.

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c.wunshine (#65535)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2018-04-09 11:58:54
Bruno Ikes / 19 / Male / Pansexual / Location - In the forest / Mentions - Oblivion

Bruno’s face brightened, trying to get another look at the - now confirmed - weasel.
“Woah. you’ve already found your spirit animal?” He asked, his smile betraying him. You could tell he was impressed.
“She’s really pretty.” He added, scratching at the back his neck. Bruno was an honest guy, and she was an entertaining little animal. He’d always wanted to find his own, but as of yet, he’d had no luck. He just knew his parents had explained it as an inseparable bond - a missing half. And Bruno didn’t wanna miss out on that. After a long moment of only somewhat uncomfortable silence, Bruno looked back at Oblivion.
“So, do you have any sort of plan?” He asked, a little sheepishly.
“Because I don’t, and it’s getting sorta dark.”

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HazelNightmare (#139162)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-09 13:42:47
Ashton Rotgar || 17, almost 18 || Male || Pansexual || Dragon named Amaris || Mentions: Marcella and Roseanne, Memory

Ashton's eyes grew as he saw the unknown girl reach down, most likely for some sort of weapon. Luckily, there was another girl there to calm the first. "No, no," he said, waving his hands in front of him, "I'm a friend." He nudged the dragon slightly when she started to growl at the potential danger. That won't help! he thought to her. With a huff, Amaris moved back on the boy's shoulders, still keeping an eye on strangers. Ashton gave a nervous laugh. "Anyways ... your parents sent you here as well, correct?" he asked, hoping to show he meant no harm. He silently congratulated himself on not stuttering, something he did whenever he met someone new.

The boy was about to continue when he noticed someone else creep out of the shadows of a tree. He barely heard any noise, but there she was, making Ashton almost jump out of his skin. Again, Amaris moved to protect him, trying to dart to the new figure. Slightly annoyed and frustrated by his friend's actions, he grabbed the dragon's tail and pulled her back. "R-right, of course," Ashton agreed, now stammering. "It's nice to meet you, Ms. King. I am Ashton of the Rotgar family, and this is my companion, Amaris." He didn't know why he told strangers his full name. Sure, the Rotgar family was well-known aristocracy socially wise, but when it came to economics, they were just like almost everyone else. "And what ... what about you two?"

((For those of you that know the term, the Rotgar family is similar to a bourgeoisie))

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-10 16:25:43
Marcella - 18 y/o - Female - Heterosexual - no current spirit animal
Roseanne - 18 y/o - Female - Bisexual - no current spirit animal

"Is that a dragon?" Roseanne asked. Just as she was about to stand to greet him, he began to speak to someone else, someone behind their shelter. Marcella became unnerved and got out of the shelter. As the two strangers spoke, Roseanne joined her sister's side.

"I'm Roseanne," she chimed in, smiling. As she reached to shake Ashton's hand, Marcella slapped her arm down.

"I'm Marcella," she said. "So here we are, children of rebels... what's our game plan? Neither me or Roseanne have our animal yet, you seem to, uh, have yours. What about you?" Marcella asked, pointing at the stranger girl. "Memory, is it?"

Roseanne shook her head. "Mar be nice. We can talk about that serious stuff later." Roseanne turned to Ashton and Memory. "Are either of you hungry?"

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Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2018-04-10 17:09:47

Memory King | 17 | No SA Currently | Mentions: Marcella, Roseanna, Ashton

"Nice to be 'acquainted' to all of you!" Memory said, her voice laced heavily with sarcasm. She turned to Marcella with a smile, mentally sizing up and looking for any weaknesses, seeing as Marcella seemed to pose the most threat. "I do not currently possess an animal of spirit." She replied curtly, slightly removing her hand from the hilt of her sword.

Oblivion Stash | 19 | Weasel - Apple 'Sweetbee' | Mentions: Bruno

"Sadly, I do not. Just kinda figured I'd find someone out here, probably try to round everyone up. I know it's more than just us." He said as he glanced around the forest. He heard Sweetbee's stomach growl and he looked towards her, holding open his jacket for her to climb inside the pocket made for her. She did and he returned his attention back to Bruno. "I thought I heard footsteps a way away, we can head that way and see if there are more of the people we're supposed to meet." Sweetbee's stomach growled again. His family had books on the kind. Weasel's needed to eat half their body weight a day and Sweetbee could get a little vicious if she went too long without getting something to eat.

Niklaus Wolfsbane | 17 | Clouded Leopard - Whistle | Mentions: Ama

Niklaus was stunned for a good 3 seconds when his mother informed him he was to leave, head out into the woods and never look back. Meet up with the others and get away from this cruel world - or as said in her words. He packed his bag and let Whistle climb onto his back for the walk to the wall. He wasn't scared to go back, but he didn't want to be around people he didn't know. He had Whistle, but he didn't want to leave his parents, but he knew it was for the good.

When he reached the wall, he was closer to the gate than most people had come. He used a secret sewer that ran under the wall to get through, having let Whistle go first to lead the way. They depended on each other and he didn't know what he would do if he didn't have the leopard. At 8, he was sent into the woods. Took him 2 weeks before he found Whistle, and then 2 weeks to get back. The moment he stepped through, he wondered in their hut was still up in the trees where he'd built it right before he found Whistle. And the two set off to find the hut, Whistle secretly looking for the other's Niklaus's mom had talked about.

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HazelNightmare (#139162)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-10 18:05:03
Ashton Rotgar || 17, almost 18 || Male || Pansexual || Dragon named Amaris || Mentions: Marcella and Roseanne, Memory

"It's nice to meet, Roseanne," Ashton said turning to the girl he addressed since she seemed the nicest out of the other three. "And yes. Amaris is a dragon. Though I am not sure of a specific kind as I haven't been able to test her abilities properly. Hopefully, I can, out here." He caught himself from rambling on, turning away. Rubbing the back of his neck as a nervous tick, he watched the other two. He ignored the question about food, and, despite not eating since last night, he wasn't hungry anymore. "My game plan was to find others and go from there, but it looks like I have already done that ... If you're going to make it out here for a long time, I would suggest trying to find your spirit animals. I guess I could help with that, and maybe we'll find more of us," Ashton commented on what Marcella and Memory said earlier.

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2018-04-10 18:38:30
Marcella - 18 y/o - Female - Heterosexual - no current spirit animal
Roseanne - 18 y/o - Female - Bisexual - no current spirit animal

"Yay!" Roseanne cheered, excited that she will be able to find her spirit animal. "We should go now, right?" She asked, turning to her sister. "It makes sense, to go now, right?" She asked again. Marcella watched her sisters excited eyes as they silently pleaded for a yes.

"Sure," Marcella finally answered, smiling. Roseanne smiled back.

"Well, where do you feel like you need to go? I kind of want to go to the jungle," Roseanne faced the direction of the jungle which was farther into the forest.

"Honestly I don't really feel anything," Marcella watched her sister's expression drop. "Maybe it'll come to me the farther we go," she suggested, hoping to not worry her sister.

Roseanne smiled then turned to Ashton and Memory. "Are you guys okay with going now? Memory, where do you feel you need to go?"

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the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2018-04-10 19:13:04
Johnathon (Jack) Moore || 26 || Male || Bisexual ||Lutino/golden Macaw Named Ó Cionaoith|| Location- In the forest- outside their cabin|| Mentions- Cio, Lunette, Whoever is near

"So how are they?" Jack asked between spoonfuls of stew. Lunette paused and looked at him in confusion before shoveling a heap of stew into her mouth.
"How are who?" she asked through a mouthful of food. Jack stared annoyed at his sisters lack of tableside manners, his spoon dangled loosely above his bowl.
"The animals Lunette- you told me you were going to check on them. Were you lying?" he said sternly as she stuffed another spoonful in her mouth. She lit up this time though, silently chuckling and covering her mouth with her hand until she had swallowed.
" Oh, yes. The swine are in god condition- one of the sows had a huge litter- biggest I've ever seen I think. The cows are lonely- I think they should let them in-"
"No" Jack interuppted before she could continue. He then motioned on for her to finish.
"I collected the chickens' eggs, they are by the door. Uhm- oh! one of the chickens was missing! I think something snuck in and got it." she looked down at her bowl, "Unless she's in our dinner..." she finished before taking another bite. Jack furrowed his brow, he hadn't taken a chicken from their henhouse. He had bought one from the market- their hens were in too good of a condition in his opinion to be slaughtered just yet, so he had purchased an older hen from the market for dinner.
"I didn't kill any hens Lunette- not from out coop. Did you see any trails?" he inquired, letting his spoon rest in his bowl. Lunette pushed her won bowl away from her and leaned back in her chair, hiking her legs up on the table.
"I don't know- I didn't look." she stated.
Jack massaged his temples in a bit of frustration, "I should Have sent you off to school...." he grumbled under his breath before looking up and running his fingers through his beard, "First of all, get your feet off of our table. Second of all... You. Didn't. Look." he huffed before getting up from the table and walking back into his room. Cio craned his neck from his perch to try and see around the corner, "Bad girl, Bad girl" the bird croaked looking to Lunette. She flicked a peice of boiled carrot at the bird, hitting him square in the face and he flapped his wings in panic before hissing at her. She laughed, but was cut off by Jack.
"Get your boots on, we are going to check the coop. And stop agitating my bird!" he yelled from in his room.
He grumbled to hiself and shut his door. Stripping down again and putting on his city clothes once more- not wanting to do three days worth of laundry tommorrow. He put on a cloak and exited his room, grabbing a torchlight from off the wall and lighting it up. He opened the door and walked out to the coop to inspect it.

Lunette Moore || 16 || female || homosexual || Mouse named Luc || Location- In the forest- outside their cabin|| Mentions- Luc, Stella, Johnathon, whoever is near.

"UUUUGH" Lunette groaned loudly, dropping her feet of the table and standing. She grabbed her boots from her room and let her feet say goodbye to freedom before putting them on. She then followed Jack out the door, leaving it open if any of their spirit animals felt like tagging along. Jack was knelt down on the ground inspecting the underside of the coop for any entrances.
"I think that whatever it was came from their." Lunette stated bluntly, pointing at a whole at the botom corner of the coop, maybe about 5 inches in diameter.
Jack lifted his torch to he whole, small but deep marks littered the corner of the coop.
"Damned Raccoon's what it is!" Jack hissed, beating a fist on the ground before standing, "Lunette, get some firewood and nails and a rock- or something." he demanded- not cruelly, but still athoratative.
Lunette scurried to her brother's makeshift smithy and rummaged through his old ironworks until she found the nails. She then grabbed a logg off the firewood stack and a heafty stone from by the pigpen before hurrying back.
"I want to fix it, your handywork sucks!" She huffed jokingly, kneeling down and starting before Jack could object. She set one of the flat sides of the firewood flush against the coop and placed the nail before smashing it on the head with the ston, getting in a few decent blows and repeating on the other side. She then leaned back on and sat on her feet with her hands in her lap. The split second of scilence was enough for them both to hear the muffled voices of- something.
Both of their eyes widened, "Beasts?" Lunette whispered with concern on her face. She had never personally met any beasts but remembered Jack telling stories of them when they were younger- even when their father was alive, Jack had always been her father figure.
"No, I don't think so. I'll have Cio fly over and check it out." Jack answered, resting a hand on Lunettes shoulder to show her not to be afraid. " Ó Cionaoith!" Jack yelled to the bird- whom promptly flew out the open door and landed nearby, "Do you hear that? Listen." Jack continued, cupping his own ear. The bird cocked it's head up presumably to hear better. The feathered animal squaked and readjusted his wings.
"Voices." was the only thing the macaw said in his croaky voice.
"Find them will you? See if they are dangerous- and don't get yourself hurt okay." Jack ordered with slight concern in his voice.
" Should we get ready? What are we going to do?" Lunette asked, bringing her hand to her mouth and biting her nails in stress. Jack paused in thought before handing Lunette the torch.
"You stay inside, I'm going to take my Short sword and confront them when Cio returns." He stood and began to walk towards the house, Lunette followed.
"Jack don't-" She started, but was cut off by the look her brother gave her as he pulled his weapon off the wall and into his hilt. She moved out of the way as he walked out the door.

Ó Cionaoith || Johnathon's spirit animal || location- the woods || mentions- Ashton, Marcella, Roseanna, Memory, Jack, Lunette, whoever is nearby

Golden feathers held the bird in flight as he weaved in and out of the trees. His red eyes scanned the ground as he searched for the strangers who spoke in the night. It wasn't long before he came upon a small group of humans, one male with a dragon- presumably his spirit animal- and three females, both lacking any companions.
Cio circled around and landed as noiselessly as possible on a branch above them. Despite his attempt at stealth- he still caused a bit of a racket. Leaves rustled under his weight and the flapping of his wings owas only amplified by the night. He cringed inwordly at his own noiseyness. After listening in for a short bit, he flew back to jack- who had dressed for a battle it seemed. "Rebels" he squaked as he landed on Jacks shoulder.
" Out here? Are you sure?" Jack asked, Cio did a nodding dance, "Show me." He ordered, and Cio took flight once more, this time lower to the ground, making tight circles to ensure that Jack kept on the path. Jack ran after scilently in the woods, only the squeaking of leaher armour (which he had applied while Cio was on his way back) and the rattling of his sword gave away his location. show off Cio thought. He and Jack didn't really speak telepathically much since Cio was gifted with the ability to speak- as were most macaws, but in times like this it was prefered. Cio could see the smile that krept along Jacks face when he received the message.
Cio finally made a large loop around the perimeter of the stranger's camp, and lowered down onto Jack's shoulder.
The loud sound of Jack's sword sliding out of it's hilt startled Cio momentarily, and he ruffled his feahers a bit before calming down.
"State your Buisness>" Jack said loud and sternly, stepping out of the bushes with his sword drawn.

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Edited on 10/04/18 @ 19:15:27 by the-grey-ace (#38669)

EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-04-11 07:19:00
Ama Tenebris || F, 17 || Snow Leopard, M, Eruidan|| Mentions: Open

Ama trekked further into the woods, silent on hunter's feet. She managed to calm Eruidan down enough that he stopped acting hostile towards her. The vain snow leopard had no opposition to bloodying his paws, however, so when night fell Ama made a fire and cooked several rabbits on a spit while Eruidan ate several raw. How does it taste better to burn the flavor away? he complained upon seeing what Ama was doing. Ama rolled her eyes and fed him the entrails. Eruidan shot her a haughty look before swallowing them as well. They saved and cleaned the rabbits' pelts to sell if they came across another town at some point later on.

Ama stamped out the remains of the fire later on in the night, burying the ashes with handfuls of dirt and dead leaves. Let's keep moving, she said to Eruidan.

As if we could do otherwise. Eruidan glanced up at the stars. Do you think we should look for anyone else?

I don't know. Maybe. Conversation died after that.

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Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2018-04-11 18:39:22

Memory King | 17 | No SA Currently | Mentions: Marcella, Roseanna, Ashton, Jack

"Farther in." Her shoulders shrugged and that twinge in her gut came back at the mention of that pull she felt about where to do. She wasn't going to admit that she was scared to find out what creature she was bonded with. She didn't want to be with an animal that could cut her in half or kill her in her sleep, nor did she want some lazy creature. "It's kind of a twitch in my gut. I don't exactly feel like a way to go, just more like a primitive pull." She explained.

Her mismatched eyes scanned the clearing at the prospect of leaving. "It would be good to not stick to one place for to long. We find our spirit animals and then maybe put a thing together to find the others. I know there are more than just the 4 of us." Honestly? Memory didn't give one granule of sand if they found others or not, she wanted to find her animal and be done. She didn't want anything to do with this band of rebel children .. . more so like adults or older teens. Her gut gave a twinge again and she mentally cursed herself. Why did she have to bond with some creature probably going to be a weight on her shoulders, nothing special? Yeah, gran got a wolf, gran's father got a wolf, gran's mum got a donkey. Uncle James's parents got wolves and so forth. Her family revolved with the spirit of the wolf, but she didn't think she'd be lucky enough to follow their footsteps.

And then a voice, not one of the 4 already stated. Memory turned with a slight humanish-growl - one of her many quirks. "Why should we inform you?" She huffed, her hand back to the hilt of the sword, drawing Thayer, ready to meet the sword of the older man in front of her.

Niklaus Wolfsbane | 17 | Clouded Leopard - Whistle | Mentions: Ama

Whistle made a low hissing noise and Klaus stopped. He could hear a something. Whistle darted up the tree, ordering for Klaus to stay. He did and then jumped as Whistle startled him. Female and her counterpart spirit. The clouded leopard informed him as he climbed back onto Klaus's back.

Taking a step forward . . . or 5 steps forward, his nose picked up the faint scent of a human female and male animal. Taking a deep breath, he allowed his enhanced smelling to guide him to the other beings. Then he seen them. The animal was cloaked and Whistle said something about a put-out fire, but he brushed the leopard's thoughts away. "Hello?" He called, his voice confident but small, as if he hadn't found the muster to call for the female to halt.

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Edited on 11/04/18 @ 18:46:49 by Dysfunctional Wolf (#77192)

the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2018-04-11 21:25:28
Johnathon (Jack) Moore || 26 || Male || Bisexual ||Lutino/golden Macaw Named Ó Cionaoith|| Location- In the forest- outside their cabin|| Mentions- Cio, Lunette, Memory, Marcella, Roseanna, Ashton

"It's not often that we find groups of children in the woods. I would say I have a legitimate right to know what you all are doing here- I do live here after all." He said, watching the girl reach for her own blade. He tensed a little- ready to fight if need be. "I'd rather not result to violence, but an armed group of stranger's also seems reason enough for me to be suspicious." he stated, pointing his sword tip more specifically to the girl with the sword. "As long as you are not a threat to me, I am not a threat to you, now I ask again, what is your buisness here?" he lowered his sword a bit in an attempt to look less threatening, but still on guard.
"feisty girl" Cio chirped splaying his wings out. Jack shot the yellow bird a look as if to say "shut up".

Lunette Moore || 16 || female || homosexual || Mouse named Luc || Location- In the forest- outside their cabin|| Mentions- Luc, Stella, Johnathon, Marcella, Roseanna, Ashton, Memory.
Lunette st anxiously on her bed, she stroked Luc's back as she waited for Jack's return. She stood and paced through the small house for a few minutes before deciding on something that she may get in trouble for, I'm going to follow him. she thought as she walked back into her room, Luc shot up from his laying position with a surprised squeak, No you are not! he objected, jumping off the bed and scampering after he as she paced back out of the room. Lunette looked down at him and waved her hand in a shooing motion. "I am too." she said aloud, taking up the previously lit torch and asmall dagger from Jack's room. She did not know how to fight with a sword, but stabbing and slashing was easy. Luc hopped after her, Stella following after him. He screamed a squeak at Lunette as she opened the door. Stop, you can't go out alone, Jack said to stay! The mouse communicated.
I know what he said, but he's my brother and I cn't just let him get hurt- even if he's my guardian, I am still his sister and we rely on each other. Lunette replied before slamming the door shut. Luc clicked his teeth together but didn't do anything more to stop her, she was just a child after all. Not much you can do to stop her.

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the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2018-04-11 21:26:00
double post

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Edited on 12/04/18 @ 07:39:44 by the-grey-ace (#38669)

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