Posted by Ultimus Pack Role Play

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 16:24:59
Silhouetted by the rising sun, a lonely line of shadows winds across the frozen terrain. Set in perhaps the most epic period of history, the survival of these wolves hangs by a single thread. A careless claw may topple them all.

About 11,700 years ago, predators of unfathomable sizes ruled the earth. Here, our story begins. A solitary wolf pack, plagued by a mysterious disease, threatened by starvation, faced with the end of the Ice Age, and forced to fight, tooth and claw, against the earth's apex predator: man. Tensions run high, death rates higher, and desperate beasts are hunting the wolves. Neighboring packs have even resorted to cannibalism, something strictly against everything the Dire Wolves believe. In a time where kill or be killed is taken to the extreme, will you survive?


1. Absolutely no powerplaying (tactics exhibiting or intended to increase a person's power or influence), or godmodding (taking control of another's character during play). You will get one warning, then you will be kicked. It is never allowed to kill another's character either, and if you do so you will unceremoniously be removed. Please, for the love of cats, don't do this.
2. Please, please, please be kind to other players. You can act however you'd like towards their characters, but I will not tolerate fights among my roleplayers. Joining this makes you part of a family, and there is no fighting in this house! Put "skirt skirt" somewhere in your character sheet.
3 I will be using dice to determine the outcome of battles, mating, etc. I will be rolling a twenty sided die, and I will message you the outcome. The details of the fight, pregnancy, etc. is up to you, but please, respect the die. Respect it!
4. No Mary sues, the entire point of character creation is to create a realistic wolf, and real wolves have flaws!
5. This is a literate role play, 5+ sentences per post using correct grammar and punctuation. Thank you!
6. Perhaps the most important rule of all: enjoy yourself! If you have any problems or ideas, don't hesitate to let me know, I want everyone to enjoy this!
7. Headers: The order is: Name | Rank | Disease Status (infected, carrier, healthy) | and who you're talking to!

The Disease

The Blue Death works by constricting the airway, cutting off air and making the gums, tongue, and flesh turn blue, and the eyes to bulge. Once the disease begins to progress, a wolf is dead by nightfall. However, many wolves can carry the disease, and infect others, without showing symptoms. Often, weakness caused by starvation, dehydration, or another, minor sickness can activate the disease, and spell the wolf's doom. A mother can also pass it through to her pups during gestation. It is spread by nasal or ocular discharge, saliva, urine, and feces.

The Dire Wolf

The dire wolf is the main wolf in this role play. Most exceed 36 inches in height, with thick, earth or snow colored coats. A black wolf is rare, but not unheard of. Due to the setting of this role play, your wolf will be extremely thin. They will also not know how the disease works, only the symptoms and outcome. When you create your character sheet, I will roll the dice to see if your wolf is a carrier, and I will message you the outcome. If your wolf dies, it is absolutely fine, if not encouraged, to make another character.

Sign Up Sheets

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Edited on 30/06/18 @ 16:41:36 by Polopony (#96942)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 16:44:41
Spero | Alpha Male | Carrier | Mentions: Kamara

The massive grey wolf toiled ever onward, the optimism buried within him a constant voice, 'just one more step, there will be prey just ahead!' There never was. For weeks and weeks, all Spero's precious pack could unearth were meager rodents, or frozen carcasses that tasted sour and left a painful ache in his gut. The snow beneath his paws turned into slush as he traveled, head up, watching for even the slightest movement, the slightest sound, the form of a wild horse or ground Sloth. What his sharp eyes caught, however, was quite different. Three humans, just on the horizon. Spero stopped, ears perked, stomach rumbling gently against pinched ribs. This was dangerous, he knew it, but if he let this opportunity pass, his pack could starve. He turned to look over his shoulder, seeking the familiar grey and cream coat of his mate. A rumble in his chest acted as his voice.
"What do you think?"

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| N E P T U N E | (#127243)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 17:02:19

|Malook | Pup | Male | Healthy | Mentions: Whole pack [open] |

The long legged pup didn't seemed to be phased by the long journey the pack were enduring, sure he was a little tired but for some reason was still full of energy. Even though he was starving and wanted nothing more than to eat. Seeing as he was just a pup, Malook had no idea of what was happening, he didn't know about the dangers of humans or this disease, all he knew was that he wanted to eat, play and grow. Malook noticed his father had stopped which meant the rest of the pack did so too, yet Malook of course didn't. The male pup let out a yip and jumped about in the snow, enjoying how his paws sunk in each time. However, due to his long legs Malook took another leap and stumbled, kind of doing a front flip which caused him to land on his back; all four legs stuck up in the sky. Did he care? Not at all, instead he started rolling about in the snow, his fur picking parts of snow up and giving him more white patches.

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heyimnotshort (#90871)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 17:21:27
|Midnight| Healer| Female| Healthy| Mentions: Malook |

Midnight peered out through her den, snow blanketing the ground around her. She took a few steps into the open and soon saw a pup along the moor, about seven wolf lengths away. She quickly identified the pup as Malook, though she would never admit it, she kind of took a liking to Malook and wished she had the energy and confidence that he had. She was wise and wanted to teach the pup about pack life, no matter how hard it might be to get him to focus. She looked at Malook kind of like a son she could never have and stifled a laugh when she saw him fall over from his long legs.

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| N E P T U N E | (#127243)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 17:37:12

|Malook | Pup | Male | Healthy | Mentions: MIdnight |

Now laying on his stomach; his small head laying in between his paws with a layer of snow on his muzzle, the pup began looking around. He wondered what wolf it was time to in his mind play with but with most of the others they just saw it as him being annoying. He was going to go to Spero; his father. However, even Malook knew not to mess with him when he's looking for food with his mother. He then tried to see if he could find his sister but she was also no where to be seen. With a huff that blew the snow right off his muzzle Malook looked around again. Ears perking up as his eyes set on the packs healer; Midnight. He had no idea about the rumours of black magic, not that he would know what that was anyway. The little fluff ball quickly stood up, trying to run towards her before completely standing. Thus making him fall face first into the snow. However, he immediately got back up and tried again, running up to her with another small yip.

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heyimnotshort (#90871)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 17:47:34
|Midnight| Healer| Female| Healthy| Mentions: Malook |

Midnight smiled as Malook ran over to her, she sat down patiently when he finally arrived at her feet. Malook had known about the rumors of black magic but never considered Midnight a user of it, quite frankly, Midnight knew he didn't know what black magic was. Once he arrived, after falling multiple times Midnight spoke softly. She used this tactic when healing other wolves in the hope it would calm him down somewhat so she could actually understand him, after all, he was known to be rather loud and energetic, sometimes talking too fast for even himself to understand.
"Hello Malook, how was your journey out into the snow?" Midnight looked down at the cub and wagged her tail, showing that she was happy. Midnight bonded quite well with the pups until usually their parents noticed and intervened. Midnight was happy to see the pup healthy and happy, not to mention energetic.

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Edited on 30/06/18 @ 17:51:01 by ImsoDunwithyou (#90871)

cinno (#87927)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 19:33:23
Echeveria • Brave • Healthy • Mentions: Midnight & Malook

Echeveria skirted around the edge of the crowd, with ears pinned back. She had peered around the body of the pack, saw the figure of man, and backed right out again. The she-wolf was brimming with nervous energy, looking like she wanted nothing else but to run away. Echeveria ducked her head down low and scurried around back to the end of the pack, noticing two more wolves as well.

Her ears slowly pricked forward again, trying to catch their conversation. The pack healer, Midnight, and one of the pups.. Malook? She didn’t know them very well. Echeveria shifted her gaze to her alpha and then glanced back at the duo. Oh, what to do? Echeveria had two options, and none of them were very favourable. Should she linger by the pack and be awkward, or skip ahead to the very, very back and try to talk a little?

The black and cream wolf wanted to make a few friends, but it was oh-so difficult. As she debated between whether to try and socialise or not, she hadn’t noticed that her paws had brought her closer to the two wolves. Well, since she was here.. shouldn’t she at least try? Echeveria scooted forward a little since she was still pretty far away from them, and attempted a greeting.

Unfortunately she hadn’t spoken in a while, and was still unaccustomed to saying hellos, so all that came out was a little, gentle ‘boof’ noise. Ah, well, that thoroughly failed.. cough a little and try again or should I just run away?

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heyimnotshort (#90871)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 19:50:36
|Midnight| Healer| Female| Healthy| Mentions: Echeveria|

Midnight looked at Echeveria with pity, she was relatively new to the pack and hadn't socialized with anyone. When she walked up to Midnight and made a gentle "boof" noise, Midnight felt pity. She spoke to her softly, debating what she should say. Finally she made her decision on the type of greeting she would give, after all, it couldn't hurt to make new friends, could it?
"Hello Echeveria, how are you?" Simple, yet formal. Midnight was wary though, what if she believed the rumors of black magic?

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cinno (#87927)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 20:08:08
Echeveria • Brave • Healthy • Mentions: Midnight & Malook

Echeveria was a little tense. Not because of black magic rumours, no, she was just always nervous when around other wolves. “Hello,” She whispered back, barely heard over the wind. The mottled wolf was still standing a little far away, keeping a distance between her and Midnight and Malook.

Tilting her head, she attempted to get a better look of Midnight. The she-wolf she was talking to had a dark coat which blended into lighter grey. Echeveria took note of that, along with her stance. It seemed that Midnight looked a bit wary as well.

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WubWubBub (#46785)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 21:28:03
Kamara | Alpha female | Carrier | Mentions: Spero

Despite her own hunger, she did not care. Despite the gnawing, grumbling, and aching pain in her stomach, she did not care. The only thing she cared about was getting food for her family, no matter the cost. So as the pack reached over a small hill to gaze upon three humans, she knew what had to be done, for the sake of her family and pack. Still, she knew how badly things could go, should they make any mistakes.

The rumbling tones of her beloved reached her ears and brought her back to the moment, the chill of the cold sending a faint shiver down her spine. She moved to stand beside him, brushing her pelt against his both for comfort and stability. "Risky. But what other options do we have?" She said softly, her eyes trained ahead as her raised tail lowered now that she stood beside him. "It's worth the risk of us, but not the pups.." She glanced over her shoulder back to the young pups following them, ears pinning back. "Keeping them out of sight is best..." She looked towards the humans again, tail swishing behind her as she thought. "If we can catch the weakest one, it would grant us enough strength for the night."

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| N E P T U N E | (#127243)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 01:14:50

|Malook | Pup | Male | Healthy | Mentions: MIdnight and Echeveria |

Once reaching the dark coloured female Malook skidded to a stop and sat on his hind legs. His tail swished frantically in the snow, causing parts to fly everywhere. "Hello Midnight!" He barked, his tongue lolling out of his maw as he panted softly, running took a lot of energy due to the falling but he was still bursting with more. He always was.

The soft and calm voice of the healer somehow calmed the pup slightly, his tail still wagging but evidently not as much. "It was great!" This pup was definitely loud and full of energy, most pups were but Malook more so. The slight calmness he had gotten from Midnight's voice quickly dispersed as another wolf came up to them, this one a Brave.

He soon learnt that it was Echeveria and stood up, his tail going back to wagging vigorously. The young pup looked between the two before setting his eyes on the new female, he had only seen her a few times and every time he had considered going up to her she just vanished. "Finally!" The small male jumped up and down in the snow a couple times, clearing excited. He honestly just wanted to personally know every wolf in the pack.

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cinno (#87927)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 02:11:38
Echeveria • Brave • Healthy • Mentions: Malook

Echeveria stopped her observations of Midnight to study the pup, Malook. He seemed rather energetic— Echeveria could practically feel the energy drain out of her just watching him jump around.

Malook, that was his name, wasn’t it? Echeveria knew him, but they had never really had a proper conversation. It may seem weird that Echeveria didn’t have any friends even though she had been born in the pack, but most of her friends had either left or died from The Blue Death.

But back to Malook—! “Hi.” Echeveria’s tail began wagging slowly as she watched Malook’s tail swish furiously.

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Edited on 01/07/18 @ 02:14:08 by December (#87927)

heyimnotshort (#90871)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 06:39:13
Midnight|Healer|Healthy|Mentions: Open|

After her conversation, Midnight looked out into the moor, she had known that Spero and Kamara were on a hunt and Echeveria and Malook were having a nice conversation. She studied them both and noticed that Echeveria was significantly less focused on the conversation, she seemed skittish, and her black and white cream coat was slowly getting covered in a thin layer of snow. Midnight then went back into her den to organize herbs and medicine. But because of the harsh winter, the leaves were wilting and becoming scarce, a thought of black magic crossed her mind quickly but she shook her coat and the thought left. Cobwebs were first since there were so many, the only medicine that thrived all year round. She took the thin strings and arranged them neatly in a pile, making sure they weren't to be mixed with other herbs. The other herb was coltsfoot, which helped greatly with the shortness of breath and has to be chewed into a pulp to be used. She also looked at the berries tucked away further in the den, one had fallen out and she put it back in quickly. These were deathberries and were only to used when a wolf couldn't get better, they were used after a poppyseed so the wolf could fall asleep and pass painlessly.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 08:56:47
Spero | Alpha Male | Carrier | Mentions: Kamara, Malook, Midnight, and Echeveria

When his mate finished speaking the grey nodded in contemplation, and watched the three humans a minute longer. Then, decision reached, he strode back down the rise towards his pack. Hunger rumbled in his stomach at the prospect of a fresh meal, after weeks of barely anything. With a quiet yip he summoned the pack. He met each wolf's eyes as he spoke their name and part, even Malook.

"Malook, you'll stay here." Spero pointed towards a boulder with his nose. "Stay under that, and be very careful. We won't be able to come and protect you if you wander off." His golden gaze found Midnight's. "Midnight, you're going to help Echeveria bring down the smallest one, Kamara and I will be a distraction and try to protect you two. Watch out for the sticks they carry. Don't let hunger take over, rationalize, think, then act. Good luck everyone." With a gentle nudge Spero playfully pushed Malook towards the rock before trotting to the rise again. Once there, he filled his chest with a great gust of air, pointed his muzzle towards the grey sky, and howled his haunting song. The humans looked at him.

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Edited on 01/07/18 @ 09:01:14 by Polopony (#96942)

heyimnotshort (#90871)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 10:38:08
Midnight |Healer| Healthy| Mentions: Spero, Echeveria, and Kamara

Midnight looked to Echeveria and nodded, signaling she was ready to hunt. She then turned her head and nodded to Spero and Kamara, Midnight then took off, the smallest human struggling to see her within the snow. She raced up the hill, her energy being replaced with adrenaline and the promise of food, Spero had told her to think and rationalize, but she almost couldn't. She quickly cleared her head, a skill from the healer who taught her. She focused all her energy on this running and blocked out everything else. A thought flitted through her mind, Is she going to win?

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cinno (#87927)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 15:18:45
Echeveria • Brave • Healthy • Mentions: Midnight & Spero

Echeveria’s eyes narrowed when she heard the announcement. Hunting humans was not supposed to be on her schedule today.. Echeveria hesitated for a moment, watching Midnight run past. But hunting a man is nearly the same as hunting prey, isn’t it? She could do this.. maybe. For the pack.

Echeveria glanced at the pack and sped forward, seeking the comfort of the forest edge. Her coat blended in with tree trunks and muddied snow, giving her a slight advantage for the hunt. Just like hunting horses.. just like hunting—

The black and cream wolf was closer to Midnight now. “Midnight! We should slow down.”

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