Posted by | Ultimus Pack Role Play |
![]() Polo (#96942) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-06-30 16:24:59 |
Silhouetted by the rising sun, a lonely line of shadows winds across the frozen terrain. Set in perhaps the most epic period of history, the survival of these wolves hangs by a single thread. A careless claw may topple them all. About 11,700 years ago, predators of unfathomable sizes ruled the earth. Here, our story begins. A solitary wolf pack, plagued by a mysterious disease, threatened by starvation, faced with the end of the Ice Age, and forced to fight, tooth and claw, against the earth's apex predator: man. Tensions run high, death rates higher, and desperate beasts are hunting the wolves. Neighboring packs have even resorted to cannibalism, something strictly against everything the Dire Wolves believe. In a time where kill or be killed is taken to the extreme, will you survive? RULES1. Absolutely no powerplaying (tactics exhibiting or intended to increase a person's power or influence), or godmodding (taking control of another's character during play). You will get one warning, then you will be kicked. It is never allowed to kill another's character either, and if you do so you will unceremoniously be removed. Please, for the love of cats, don't do this. 2. Please, please, please be kind to other players. You can act however you'd like towards their characters, but I will not tolerate fights among my roleplayers. Joining this makes you part of a family, and there is no fighting in this house! Put "skirt skirt" somewhere in your character sheet. 3 I will be using dice to determine the outcome of battles, mating, etc. I will be rolling a twenty sided die, and I will message you the outcome. The details of the fight, pregnancy, etc. is up to you, but please, respect the die. Respect it! 4. No Mary sues, the entire point of character creation is to create a realistic wolf, and real wolves have flaws! 5. This is a literate role play, 5+ sentences per post using correct grammar and punctuation. Thank you! 6. Perhaps the most important rule of all: enjoy yourself! If you have any problems or ideas, don't hesitate to let me know, I want everyone to enjoy this! 7. Headers: The order is: Name | Rank | Disease Status (infected, carrier, healthy) | and who you're talking to! The DiseaseThe Blue Death works by constricting the airway, cutting off air and making the gums, tongue, and flesh turn blue, and the eyes to bulge. Once the disease begins to progress, a wolf is dead by nightfall. However, many wolves can carry the disease, and infect others, without showing symptoms. Often, weakness caused by starvation, dehydration, or another, minor sickness can activate the disease, and spell the wolf's doom. A mother can also pass it through to her pups during gestation. It is spread by nasal or ocular discharge, saliva, urine, and feces. The Dire WolfThe dire wolf is the main wolf in this role play. Most exceed 36 inches in height, with thick, earth or snow colored coats. A black wolf is rare, but not unheard of. Due to the setting of this role play, your wolf will be extremely thin. They will also not know how the disease works, only the symptoms and outcome. When you create your character sheet, I will roll the dice to see if your wolf is a carrier, and I will message you the outcome. If your wolf dies, it is absolutely fine, if not encouraged, to make another character. Sign Up Sheets ![]() Edited on 30/06/18 @ 16:41:36 by Polopony (#96942) |
heyimnotshort (#90871)
Amazing View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-01 16:43:02 |
Midnight|Healer|Healthy|Mentions: Echeveria| Midnight heard Echeveria's voice echo in her head, almost as if she was far away, even though she was racing towards the humans. She skidded back, halting and making herself calm down. She needed to think about this carefully, she couldn't afford to lose this hunt, luckily, even due to her idiotic approach, the humans hadn't noticed her. She looked to Echeveria and back to the humans. "Spero said we should go with the smaller one, how are we going to hunt it down?" Midnight asked, slightly impatient, she hadn't had food in days and she could see her ribs poking painfully out of her thick black-white coat. Midnight put her focus all on Echeveria, as she couldn't afford to lose this. ![]() |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-01 17:00:44 |
Spero | Alpha Male | Carrier | Mentions: Echeveria and Midnight Without a second glance Spero bounded forward, snarling as loudly as he could. Instead of running, however, the humans only bunched together, forming a wall out of their three pointed sticks. With a short, sharp bark Spero indicated the unguarded backs of their prey, making brief eye contact with Midnight and Echeveria before he skidded to a stop and leaped away from a stick too close for comfort. All the while he continued his snarling, snapping at anything that came close, luring the two larger humans away from the small one. He hoped Kamara would follow soon, as two wolves would be able to accomplish this much better than one, and as a spear thrust past his face he snapped his jaws down on it, tugging violently. (The hunt is a success. Spero and Echeveria receive minor injuries, Kamara comes out unscathed, and Midnight has a major injury inflicted.) ![]() |
heyimnotshort (#90871)
Amazing View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-01 17:12:48 |
Midnight|Healer|Healthy|Mentions: Spero, Kamara, Echeveria| Midnight comes out of the hunt with a major injury inflicted on her, she yelps in pain softly each time she takes a step and curses herself for not doing better. The other wolves take the hunt back to camp and she calls to Spero after he's done. "Spero, can you help me with herbs please?" She needed someone to help bandage and soothe her wound, Echeveria and Kamara were occupied and Spero was the closest. She struggled to take any more steps towards her den and knew at the blood loss she would need to rest for days, which was detrimental to hunting and the pack's survival. ![]() |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-01 17:47:26 |
Spero | Alpha Male | Carrier | Mentions: Midnight His hunger sated for at least a small time, Spero was engrossed gnawing on a bone before his head jerked up at his name. He spotted Midnight, limping heavily, and it was mere moments before he was at her side, pressing his shoulder against hers for support. A spear had taken the top off his ear, and blood trailed lazily down his face, but his pack always came first. And Midnight's injury seemed especially nasty. "You did well." He rumbled, bearing her weight with no complaint. ![]() |
heyimnotshort (#90871)
Amazing View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-01 18:12:05 |
Midnight|Healer|Healthy|Mentions: Spero| Midnight looked at Spero and thanked him with gritted teeth for helping her get to her den. Midnight laid down onto her nest and asked Spero to help her. "I need the cobwebs first, to stop the bleeding." She pointed a paw painfully over to the collection of different leaves and herbs, then stopped to look at her wound. It was still bleeding, but not as much as when she first had gotten it. It needed to be stuffed, and cobwebs would do just that. She tried to touch the deep cut and see if it had broken a bone but yelped loudly when strong agonizing pain ripped through her. She wondered, how am I going to help the pack in this state? ![]() |
WubWubBub (#46785)
Kind View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-01 18:32:34 |
Kamara | Alpha female | Carrier | Mentions: Spero, Midnight, Malook Kamara listened to her mate give the hunting strategy, slowly nodding before directing her attention to the wolf whisking off ahead, holding back a bark that would have told the wolf to wait for her partner. With one last glance towards her young pup, she would race after Spero to assist in distracting the larger humans. Though instinct wanted her to attempt to kill the human, it would be too risky to attempt to bring him down, settling for nipping at his back legs and keeping away from his spear, forcing him in circles. A spear narrowly missed her cheek, dodging out of the way before sinking her teeth into the spear, yanking it and throwing him off balance. Before she could attempt to make a killing blow, the two humans ran off. Their hunt was successful. -- Kamara worriedly watched Spero as she ate, her eyes trained on the wound in his ear. He needed to get it looked at. She pushed to her paws, approaching her mate. Before she could scold him, he was rushing off to Midnight to help her. "Get your ear looked at!" She barked after him, tail raised and a soft growl escaping her to only show she was being serious. She grabbed her own portion of their kill and walked towards her young pup, Malook. She settled down in the snow beside him, gently nuzzling her snout against his cheek. "Surrounded by snow, yet somehow you still find a way to get yourself dirty." she mumbled softly, dragging her tongue across his forehead to settle the wild fur. ![]() |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-01 18:59:14 |
Spero | Alpha Male | Carrier | Mentions: Midnight, Kamara, Malook The male heard his mate's voice and a soft, inaudible sigh escaped his lips. He decided after Midnight was comfortable, he would spend the rest of the day with her. He hesitated just a moment before entering the den, greeted by the unfamiliar scents of herbs, but took a deep breath and followed Midnight in. At her instruction he picked the cobwebs up, trying his best not to get them tangled within his paws, and carefully handed them off. At her yelp he cringed, wanting to help. The feeling of uselessness overwhelmed him, but he swallowed it down like a mouthful of sour meat. Then, with a soft smile, he excused himself. "Do you need anything else? If not then I should be going, or I may not have a mate by the time the sun sets." A quiet laugh escaped his lips before he slipped out of the den and looked for his mate. ![]() |
cinno (#87927)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-02 00:07:25 |
Echeveria • Brave • Healthy • Mentions: Entire Pack [open] Echeveria let her tongue loll out as she slowed down, panting beside Midnight. The bitter breeze brushed against her fur, chilling her right down to the bone. “Let’s go in for the small one at the same time.” Echeveria raised her head, matching Midnight’s gaze with her own. The smokey coated she-wolf was just as determined as Midnight in this hunt. ——— Echeveria hung around, still at the back of the pack. Thankfully, the hunt was a success and she was licking a part of the carcass. With half-closed eyes, she watched Spero assist an injured Midnight across the camp, and then Kamara washing Malook. Echeveria herself had a minor injury as well— a few scratches from the sharp spears the men had held. It was really nothing though. Not as bad as Midnight’s. I wonder if this is the last meal I’ll have in a while.. The wolf peered down at the bone. Should I be savouring it? ![]() |
| N E P T U N E | (#127243)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-02 01:32:49 |
|Malook | Pup | Male | Healthy | Mentions: Karama and Spero | ![]() |
heyimnotshort (#90871)
Amazing View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-02 07:16:26 |
Midnight|Healer|Healthy| Mentions: Open Midnight laid in her den, the bleeding from her wound had stopped a while ago and she had gotten herself some Goldenrod to help with the pain and since she was out of poppy seeds and the flowers were dead, she would have to sleep without it. Midnight, however, couldn't sleep, her stomach was still growling and she couldn't get up to eat. She had been too busy dealing with her wound that she hadn't even had time to eat. Midnight struggled to stand but decided on walking on three legs to the kill. She tore off one of the last pieces of meat, laid down and started to eat. Her stomach wailing at the promise of food. It got her mind off her wound. Midnight spotted Spero looking for Kamara, who must've gone into the den or somewhere else around camp. He still had blood on his face, and his ear needed to be treated for infection. "Spero!" She called out, already finished with her meal, "Do you want me to treat your wound?" ![]() |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-02 08:39:42 |
Spero | Alpha Male |Carrier | Mentions: Midnight, Echeveri, Kamara, Malook and Aspen Spero trotted through the gathering of his pack, seeking his mate, when Midnight's voice wound into his thoughts. His head popped up and he met her gaze. He had noticed Echeveria had been injured as well, and as his gaze took her in it swung back to Midnight. "Treat Eche first!" He replied, then wagged his tail. "I'll be fine." With that he spotted Malook and Kamara, and when he arrived at her side he playfully nudged his pup. "Hello, love." He greeted his mate with an affectionate lick, then turned to the cub. "Hello Malook!" He barked, dropping into a playbow. "Where's your sister?" ![]() |
| N E P T U N E | (#127243)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-02 09:03:02 |
|Malook | Pup | Male | Healthy | Mentions: Karama and Spero | ![]() |
heyimnotshort (#90871)
Amazing View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-02 09:46:00 |
Midnight|Healer|Healthy| Mentions: Echeveria Midnight obeyed Spero's command and walked over the Echeveria, she had small cuts over her, but nothing a few bells of comfrey and dried oak leaves couldn't fix. Midnight looked at Echeveria and told her to come into her den. She needed to be treated immediately before infection set in if an infection was left untreated for too long it could kill the wolf, and in these conditions, it wasn't unheard of. Midnight walked into her den first and gathered the materials, the soft bells of the comfrey tickling her paws as she placed them in a pile to treat Echeveria. She also gathered thyme, great for healing anxiety, Echeveria didn't need this for her wound but in her state of mind, her nervousness could be fatal for the pack's survival. ![]() |
Shadow (#118163)
Fearsome View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-02 23:34:02 |
Aspen || Pup || Healthy || Mentions : none Aspen raced across the crass chasing after the tawny colored hare, her small grey paws moved quickly across the terrain as she grew closer to her prey. The small pup gave a yip and lowered her body getting her muscles in her hind legs ready before she pounced landing on the mammal, her tiny canines implanted into the Hare's neck and stayed there implanted into the animal until it stopped thrashing. Aspen lifted her head and gave a small howl before beginning to gnaw at the animal and open its flesh taking in her Juicy treasure. After a couple bites the pup lay beside her kill that was larger than her own size and yawned, "I wonder where Mother , Father and Malook are" She thought out loud raising to her paws and ;latched her teeth onto the mammals fluffy tail as she began to drag it home. Aspens Green eye's drifted to the bushes as she pulled and her ears flickered at the faint sound of heavy breathing, the pup gave a small whimper and tried frantically to drag her kill faster as her limbs began to burn. ![]() |
cinno (#87927)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-02 23:45:34 |
Echeveria • Brave • Healthy • Mentions: Midnight Echeveria slowly padded into the den, looking around and trying to take in the den’s appearance. Usually, the herbs would be plentiful and fresh but in these harsh conditions, the stocks seemed lower than ever. Echeveria whimpered slightly, wondering what that would mean for the pack. What happens if they run out of fresh herbs completely? She dragged her mind away from those possibilities with great difficulty. No, I don’t want to think about that. Instead, she focused on Midnight as the dark-furred healer gathered her herbs. Echeveria fluffed out her thick creamy and black coat, attempting to protect herself from the cold. It didn’t seem any warmer in the medicine den— actually, it might’ve been even colder. I hope we can catch more prey tomorrow or else we’d starve, Echeveria whispered to herself in her mind. ![]() Edited on 02/07/18 @ 23:48:39 by December (#87927) |