Posted by Ultimus Pack Role Play

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 16:24:59
Silhouetted by the rising sun, a lonely line of shadows winds across the frozen terrain. Set in perhaps the most epic period of history, the survival of these wolves hangs by a single thread. A careless claw may topple them all.

About 11,700 years ago, predators of unfathomable sizes ruled the earth. Here, our story begins. A solitary wolf pack, plagued by a mysterious disease, threatened by starvation, faced with the end of the Ice Age, and forced to fight, tooth and claw, against the earth's apex predator: man. Tensions run high, death rates higher, and desperate beasts are hunting the wolves. Neighboring packs have even resorted to cannibalism, something strictly against everything the Dire Wolves believe. In a time where kill or be killed is taken to the extreme, will you survive?


1. Absolutely no powerplaying (tactics exhibiting or intended to increase a person's power or influence), or godmodding (taking control of another's character during play). You will get one warning, then you will be kicked. It is never allowed to kill another's character either, and if you do so you will unceremoniously be removed. Please, for the love of cats, don't do this.
2. Please, please, please be kind to other players. You can act however you'd like towards their characters, but I will not tolerate fights among my roleplayers. Joining this makes you part of a family, and there is no fighting in this house! Put "skirt skirt" somewhere in your character sheet.
3 I will be using dice to determine the outcome of battles, mating, etc. I will be rolling a twenty sided die, and I will message you the outcome. The details of the fight, pregnancy, etc. is up to you, but please, respect the die. Respect it!
4. No Mary sues, the entire point of character creation is to create a realistic wolf, and real wolves have flaws!
5. This is a literate role play, 5+ sentences per post using correct grammar and punctuation. Thank you!
6. Perhaps the most important rule of all: enjoy yourself! If you have any problems or ideas, don't hesitate to let me know, I want everyone to enjoy this!
7. Headers: The order is: Name | Rank | Disease Status (infected, carrier, healthy) | and who you're talking to!

The Disease

The Blue Death works by constricting the airway, cutting off air and making the gums, tongue, and flesh turn blue, and the eyes to bulge. Once the disease begins to progress, a wolf is dead by nightfall. However, many wolves can carry the disease, and infect others, without showing symptoms. Often, weakness caused by starvation, dehydration, or another, minor sickness can activate the disease, and spell the wolf's doom. A mother can also pass it through to her pups during gestation. It is spread by nasal or ocular discharge, saliva, urine, and feces.

The Dire Wolf

The dire wolf is the main wolf in this role play. Most exceed 36 inches in height, with thick, earth or snow colored coats. A black wolf is rare, but not unheard of. Due to the setting of this role play, your wolf will be extremely thin. They will also not know how the disease works, only the symptoms and outcome. When you create your character sheet, I will roll the dice to see if your wolf is a carrier, and I will message you the outcome. If your wolf dies, it is absolutely fine, if not encouraged, to make another character.

Sign Up Sheets

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Edited on 30/06/18 @ 16:41:36 by Polopony (#96942)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 07:49:19
Spero | Alpha Male | Carrier | Mentions: Malook, Aspen

The big grey wolf happily engaged his son, letting a play growl gurgle in his throat as Malook leaped upon his head. Noticing the cub's momentary pause, Spero nudged him gently, then in a guttural growl, bellowed,

"It would take more than that to vanquish a mighty wolf such a me!"

He chuckled to himself, enjoying his acting, before Malook answered his question. At the same moment Spero sat straight up, looking desperately for his cub. There were things out there that would snap a puppy up in seconds, and Spero couldn't risk his pack's future. Assuming his playful demeanor again to keep Malook from worrying, he carefully batted his pup to his mate, and meeting her eye for just a second, barked,

"To prove yourself worthy of my quest, you must vanquish this mighty lion!"

Then he spun on his hind legs, and bolted off the way they had come, nose to the ground. He quickly picked up Aspen's scent, and just a minute later she came into sight. She dragged behind her the carcass of a hare, and for a moment pride warmed his heart, but that was before he spotted the shadow stalking her. By the way she moved, trying to run but hindered by the bulky hare, he knew she had noticed it too.


Then he was sprinting to her as quickly as he could go, and just as the Sabertooth showed itself, he pounced upon its back, seizing whatever he could in his teeth.

"Aspen!" He cried again, struggling to hold on. "Drop the hare! Get help! Follow my tracks!"

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heyimnotshort (#90871)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 10:18:42
Midnight|Healer|Healthy|Mentions: Echeveria, Kamara,

Midnight began to put herbs onto Echeveria with care, being careful not to hurt the wolf, once she was done, she heard a commotion outside. When Midnight went out of her den, she saw the Sabertooth on the hill. With her hurt leg, she couldn't run but howled for the two closest wolves.
"Echeveria! Kamara! There's a Sabertooth on the hill, I'll take care of the pups but you've got to help Spero!" MIdnight called for the pups, waiting for them to arrive and leading them to the back of Midnight's den, since her's was the deepest, even if the Sabertooth got to camp, it wouldn't be able to see her.

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| N E P T U N E | (#127243)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 10:30:49

|Malook | Pup | Male | Healthy | Mentions: Karama and Spero |

Malook laughed and stood back up from his playbow as Spero sat up straight, he whimpered softly and looked down, feeling guilty for not keeping an eye on Aspen, they were both playing in the snow but she must have run off and he didn't even notice she was gone until Spero said something. The pup looked back up at his father and barked playfully as he saw Spero's playful demeanour return. He gave a small growl as he was nudged to his mother, falling over his long legs. He rolled onto his back in front of her and placed his paws on her chin. He was calmer around Karama for some reason, he always had been.

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cinno (#87927)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 15:27:31
Echeveria • Brave • Healthy • Mentions: Midnight & That Sabertooth

Echeveria sat down, head held low, as Midnight applied the herbs. She continued examining the medicine den, noticing herbs she had seen before and herbs that were unfamiliar. I wonder what it’s like to be a healer, with an entire pack depending on you? Before becoming a brave, Echeveria had wanted to be a healer. Since the she-wolf was terrible at fighting (and hated hurting others even more), healing seemed to be a viable option. Perhaps it was lucky that she didn’t choose the fate of a healer though.. from looking at Midnight, she was ostracised for black magic.


Echeveria was awakened from her monologue by Midnight’s shouting. Can’t I even monologue in peace now? What’s happening? The smokey furred brave poked her head out the medicine den, and saw the sabertooth.

“Why? Oh, just why?” She whimpered, perhaps louder than before this time. Echeveria really did not want to pick a battle with a sabertooth now.

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Edited on 03/07/18 @ 15:29:58 by December (#87927)

| N E P T U N E | (#127243)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 15:41:53

| Solum | Brave/Beta | Male | | Mentions: Spero |

Solum had been walking for a few days after having a long rest, he needed to find something to eat. It also needed to be a meal in which he could actually catch without a pack which meant no humans, no large animals that could damage him. He needed to be safe. As the rather large wolf walked across the snowy terrain his ears perked up and caught the barks and yips of other wolves. He stopped walking and looked around only to start walking again as he caught sight of where it was coming from.

As he got closer he saw a male wolf trying to fight a sabertooth alone, not only that but the male looked rather familiar. This peaked his curiosity and he picked up his speed. Spero? The male thought as he grew closer, he could swear that male looked like his little brother.

With that thought he didn't waste any time. He picked up his speed and ran towards them, a loud growl emitting from his chest as he did. Solum only recognised Spero more and more the closer he got which made him more angry. Seeing as Spero was on the Saber's back Solum sunk his teeth in to one of its hind legs and yanked; causing his teeth to sink in further.

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cinno (#87927)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 15:51:04
Echeveria • Brave • Healthy • Mentions: Solum & Spero

Echeveria yelped as she watched a sudden stranger leap out of the bushes onto the sabertooth as well. Spero! What’s happening? Echeveria spent about 80% of her life being confused about something and this was no exception.

Realising that her alpha probably should not be alone with a random stranger and a sabertooth, Echeveria rushed forward to help and immediately regretted her decision. “I could’ve just let Kamara be the hero instead,” Echeveria muttered as she ran. Turning tail now was no option since she was already at the hill.

“Spero! Who’s that?” She shouted even though there was actually just a very slim chance that Spero might’ve known who the loner was. I should be helping right now.. Echeveria awkwardly lunged at the big cat, clawing at it’s side.. very.. weakly..

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 18:02:22
Spero | Alpha Male | Carrier | Mentions: Solum and Echeveria

As the massive cat leaped and bucked beneath him, Spero felt a hind foot slip on the sleek pelt, and as he scrambled to hold on he caught sight of a stranger. His fur bristled. Great. Another threat. As the cat snapped at his hind leg and Spero felt the several inch long fangs pierce his hind quarter he screamed, and slid off the cat. But Echeveria was there, as well as the stranger, and adrenaline coursed through Spero's veins. This time, he launched his attack for the face, dancing aside to narrowly avoid the thrashing cat. As he leaped to the right and put weight on his bad leg he crumpled, and gritted his teeth in pain. But the three wolves were enough. With a mighty leap the Saber Tooth fled, vanishing among the low growing shrubs. Spero sat back on his haunches for a moment, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply, trying to fight the pain. He knew the stranger needed to be addressed. Gritting his teeth, the grey wolf stood up, balancing on three legs while blood coursed down the fourth, tail and hackles raised.

"Thank you for the help, but who, exactly, are you?"

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Shadow (#118163)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 18:06:28

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Edited on 03/07/18 @ 18:21:43 by Shadow (#118163)

Shadow (#118163)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 18:07:18

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Edited on 03/07/18 @ 18:21:26 by Shadow (#118163)

heyimnotshort (#90871)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 18:18:15

Midnight protected the pups fiercely, making sure they weren't out of her sight. She couldn't fight anyways, but she would help. She saw the fight unfold and the Sabertooth run away, it was a victory, though she would be needed to help heal. Herbs were low and she desperately needed someone to pick herbs for her. She couldn't do it for herself, Midnight cursed herself for being injured, she had to be more careful. Once the fight was over, she let the pups go wander around camp and made them promise to be vigilant. The wolves were coming back, Midnight wondered what injuries she would have to treat. Midnight also wondered about having a helper, for the time being, she needed someone to help her while she was still injured, Midnight was healing nicely but would need help for the next few days.

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| N E P T U N E | (#127243)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 18:20:22

| Solum | Beta | Male | | Mentions: Spero and Echeveria |

Solum noticed the female join, tensing up slightly but as he saw her try and help he relaxed and turned to bite its upper leg, only for a kick to be landed into his chest, the claws digging in slightly. The white fur on his chest soon became red but Solum was focused on keeping his brother as safe as possible. Until the cat fled that was. Solum panted ad shook out his fur, spreading the blood slightly but he didn't care about that. It could easily be cleaned. However, it did cause him pain. He pushed that aside and turned to look at Spero, it definitely was him. Solum could never forget. He glanced at the female once more before speaking up. "I shouldn't have expected you to remember me, you were only a pup." he sighed softly, looking to his brothers leg an grimacing slightly. Solum sat himself down to seem less of a threat. Not that he was one. "oh how you have grown, brother." He chuckled, locking eyes with Spero.

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Shadow (#118163)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 18:27:31
Aspen || Pup || Healthy || Mentions : none

Aspen hid in the bushes watching as the Saber-tooth ran off, the pup scampered off swiftly towards her home but going a different route. "Its all my fault " she muttered as she came to a stop in the snow her small brown body shivered as snowflakes gently fell onto her thin puppy fur, Aspen lifted her head and eyed the forest with guilt seeping through her. The cold air whipped at her sharply making her flinch slightly and retreat into a bundle of fur in the back of one of the dens, her emerald eyes peeking out and looking at the white terrain. Her soft breath made clouds in the air as her breathing slightly slowed and her body numbed, the pup laid down her head before darkness overcame her.

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Edited on 03/07/18 @ 18:30:13 by Shadow (#118163)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 19:36:16
Spero | Alpha Male | Carrier | Mentions: Solum

When the wolf sat down Spero relaxed, but only slightly. He had heard the rumors from the north... of cannibalism... His eyes hardened as he forced the idea from his head. The wolf's first comment left Spero on a knife's edge of mystery. Only a pup? Remember him? He narrowed his eyes.


From a litter of eleven, a relation was very likely, but the rumors still put Spero on edge. His voice betrayed no emotion as he spoke.

"Prove it."

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| N E P T U N E | (#127243)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 19:52:05

| Solum | Beta | Male | | Mentions: Spero |

The male blinked a few times before letting out a small sigh. He didn't blame Spero for not believing him, things were at a rough time and everyone had to be careful. Especially as he had come in from the north. However, it disgusted him what other wolves did to each other. how can i prove it... he thought, staring into the snow for a few moments before looking back up at his brother. "Well..I wasn't in your litter but in your litter you were seventh of the eleven. I'm older by two years and when you turned two me and our other brother left to create our own packs." He said, not knowing much else he could say as he left so early and didn't see Spero grow up.

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cinno (#87927)

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Posted on
2018-07-03 23:36:00
Echeveria • Brave • Healthy • Mentions: Spero & Solum

Echeveria watched the sabertooth run off, leaving only dust and disrupted foliage in it’s wake. It came out of nowhere, so suddenly.. Echeveria redirected her attention to the stranger— and then to herself. She wasn’t wounded, as she only appeared later in the battle (right before it fled), but some of the herbs had fell off from her running around. Oof. Sorry, Midnight.

Then she turned back to the stranger. The stranger who claimed to be Spero’s brother. Spero and the mystery-wolf were turned to each other, showing no sign that they noticed Echeveria beside them. Well, almost no sign— the stranger had only spared her one glance before turning to his ‘brother’.

If I squint a little, they do look a bit alike, don’t they? Echeveria paused for a minute in her thinking to wonder whether she should ask for his name or not. I probably shouldn’t. Who knows who he is?

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