Posted by Dusk and Dawn: Roleplay board

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 14:38:31

 This is the Roleplay Board for Dusk and Dawn!
Current Weather- Dappled clouds, Warm.||Prey- Medium||Twoleg threat: Low||Overall danger: High


 Dawnclan Info!

Player Characters; Dawnclan
Ranked Cats
Dawnclan Leader: Gingerstar, (F, AGility) Razz
Dawnclan Deputy: Umbraclaw , F Katia Mentor to Foxpaw
Dawnclan Medicine Cat: Hornetpaw; (M, Strength) Vespertine
Dawnclan Medicine cat Apprentice: (reserved)>

Current Messenger: Lightsong (M, Agility) (NPC)

Scorchwing; F Ladyseer Mentor to: Flamepaw
Larkclaw: F Zesha Mentor to Cinderpaw
Cloudburst: (F, Agility) The-Grey-ace Queen
Ravenblaze, (M, Strength) Balder Previous Medicine-cat who renounced title
Shadewing, (M Strength) Dez Mentor to Willowpaw
Falconstrike,(M Strength) NPC Captured.
Swiftclaw F NPC Captured.
Turtlesplash, (F Strength) Vespertine Warrior, demoted to apprentice ranked tasks

Foxpaw; (F, Agility) Peachie Apprentice of Umbraclaw
Flamepaw; (F, Agility) Lightqueen Apprentice of Scorchwing, Messenger Apprentice
Cinderpaw F Ladyseer Apprentice of Larkclaw
Willowpaw (M, Strength) Razz Apprentice of Shadewing
Swallowpaw Limebird Apprentice of Gingerstar, possible temporary

Elders and Kits

Flamepaw, Foxpaw LightsongKin
Sunspots (deceased) Stoneclaw;(parents) Mintkit (sister)
Doegaze (mother) Amberpool;Dewmist(Deceased);Copperfang (Siblings)
Gingerstar's Kin
Embergaze, Icefang (parents)
Hornetpaw's Kin
Beestrike, Otterstripe (Parents)
Larkclaw Kin
Pinecloud (mother) Related to Beestrike (NPC) Hornetpaw (PC)
Cinderpaw's Kin

Other NPCs
Mousefur, Deceased, previous messenger
Badgertail, Elder Tom
Rabbitnose, Elder Tom

Dawnclan Territory:
Dawnclan's territory is lightly forested, with wider, slow rivers connecting to the two small central lakes. The terrain is moss covered and gently hilly. A sandy area on the edge of a shallow river is their training area, and to the south is the two-leg gathering place where small nests nestle between thin cut trees on the edge of a small lake, which merges into the two-leg town the more south one goes.
The camp is nestled in a dip in the land, with a series of rocks that make shelters for the Leader and Medicine cat dens, as well as the nursery. The rest of the nests are in old burrows, the edge of the camp sheltered with prickly brambles. It is spacious and open, with plenty of places to relax on moss covered stones or tussle in soft grass.
the territory is marked to the east and north by a large, uncrossable river. To the south by the two-leg camp ground, and to the east by their boundary with Duskclan, which is marked most notably by a large spread of rocks along a thin river that eventually turns into Duskclan terrain. It is a spot of much conflict.

 Duskclan Info!

Player Characters; Duskclan
Ranked Cats
Duskclan Leader: Blackstar; (M, Strength) Peachie
Duskclan Deputy: Owlfeather; (F, Strength) Lightqueen-
Duskclan Medicine Cat: Temporary: Frost (F, Agility) Peachie
Duskclan Medicine cat Apprentice: Mothpaw M NPC Captured.

Dustpelt; (M, Agility) Peachie Mentor to Harepaw
Weaselflight; (M, Agility) Razz
Redeye; (M, Agility) Vespertine Mentor to Vulturepaw
Wolfstorm (F, Strength) Dez Mentor to Springpaw
Sootwhisker: (M, Agility) Silentjay
Patch, (F Strength) Moemoe Rogue staying with Duskclan

Harepaw; F Ladyseer Apprentice to Dustpelt
Vulturepaw: (M, Strength) Grey-ace Apprentice to Redeye
Springpaw, F Sweet Nightmares Apprentice to Wolfstorm
Spiderpaw Vespertine Apprentice to Blackstar

Elders and Kits

NPCS (Cats Kin) Open for NPC use
Owlfeather kin:
Orion;Scorch- rogues
Harepaw kin
Cherrysong(deceased); Clovershine;Brambletail
Sootpaw kin
Blackstar Kin
Acornfall, Elder She-cat, Nightfall- Queen
Other NPCs
Adderflight (Missing, previous messenger)
Frogwhisper (Missing, Previous Medicine Cat)

Duskclan Territory:
Duskclan's territory lies to the east side of the territories, in thicker forest where mist lingers longer in the mornings, and navigation requires agility and precision. The rivers here are often thinner, but more wild with faster waters in many of the places. Their training area is a clear patch of forest where the ground is soft and a fallen log and tree stumps provide a boundary.
Their camp is nestled up, and along the side of a hill that inclines sharply, with pathways between and going up its walls. The dens nestle close together, with the Leaders den above inside a fallen tree root system, the medicine cat below in the same system. The dens are in a mixture of burrows and makeshift nests in the brush, some nests in the jagged hill walls. Outside the nests they have a spacious area for sharing tongues and meetings, protected by thick foliage and the numerous rocks.
Their territory is marked by a sheer cliff drop to the east, an uncross able river to the north, the two-legs to the south, and their border with Dawnclan.

Two-legs are in the territory!
Currently due to the nice weather, two-legs have been more prevalent than normal, walking along the paths that trace between both clans.
Though they often leave cats alone, the threat of dogs and scared prey is high.


Two-legs have taken a Duskclan cat.
Two-leg traps have been found in both clans.
A Dawnclan cat was killed by an unknown source.
A strange new scent has been found all over the territory, its source leading apparently south.
Ravenblaze has seen a Starclan sign in the clouds.
During a storm, Duskclan cats found three bodies, all deceased. Two Dawnclan, one Duskclan.
Dawnclan on the same patrol found a few pawprints, hard to identify but heading what looks like south.
Mothpaw, Ravenblaze, and Hornetpaw have seen signs in the clouds, cats fighting against an unknown darkness.
Two strangers have been found in the territory, one taken by the two-legs another who seems to be nesting near the Cavern on Dawnclan territory.

The traps are discovered to not be for the cats.

**Please make sure to put your clan in your header! **

Red X is where cats have been found, killed. Red dots are known traps. Yellow arrows are pawprint locations, and direction they lead.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 03/01/19 @ 20:43:34 by 🐀Peachy Possum🐀 (#121220)

Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 12:02:00

Sootpaw | Duskclan Apprentice | 13 moons | Small, gray tabby tom | Location: Duskclan camp | Mentions: Owlfeather(indirect)

The comforting scent of dried leaves made Sootpaw bury his face deeper into the warmth of his nest. He was just beginning to wake, but he wasn't quite ready to get up. Surely it was too early for his duties, anyway, he lazily thought... but just in case his internal timing was wrong, he slowly raised his head, his disheveled fur sticking out at odd angles. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, his blurred vision cleared as he looked around the apprentice den. With an uncomfortable chill, Sootpaw realized that he was the only one there. He quickly twisted around at the sound of Owlfeather arranging the patrols, and he jumped to his unsteady paws. He shouldn't still be sleeping! Why didn't anyone wake him?! No, of course no one would wake me up! Just leave me to sleep the day away! he thought to himself angrily as he shook out his fur. Sootpaw paused and took a deep breath. No, he shouldn't blame anyone else. He should know how to get up on his own by now.

Peeking out of the den, Sootpaw gazed around the camp nervously. Maybe no one had noticed that he was still in camp? He carefully padded out toward the fresh-kill pile. If he get's something small to eat, he might be able to go out for a quick hunt. At least he wouldn't have wasted the entire morning.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 12:26:42

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|Siamese She-Cat|Location: |Mention(s) Directly: Sootpaw|Mention(s) Indirectly: NPCs

Owlfeather's ear twitched, as she heard almost completely silent paw steps creeping by behind her. It had come from the apprentice den, it must be Sootpaw. Wrapping her tail around herself, the deputy watched the two patrols leaving. Clearing her throat, the siamese she-cat glanced towards the fresh-kill pile out of the corned of her eyes. "If you were hoping to sneak out without me noticing, you would've had to wake up earlier", Owlfeather said, there was no bite to her voice, instead she had a sly smile on her face.
The mentor turned her head and looked at the young gray tom neering the fresh-kill pile, nodding her head towards the well stocked pile she said, "Grab something to eat and then we'll head out." Owlfeather wanted to go out with the young tom, just to give a preliminary test. The she-cat wanted to make sure that Sootpaw was prepared, for his soon upcoming assessment.

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Edited on 13/08/18 @ 12:30:22 by {~LightQueen~}Dwarf King[WCU] (#59203)

Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 13:06:16

Sootpaw | Duskclan Apprentice | 13 moons | Small, gray tabby tom | Location: Duskclan camp | Mentions: Owlfeather(direct)

Sootpaw froze as Owlfeather spoke. "Uh, yeah. Okay." he said after a couple of embarrassed chest licks. He hurried the rest of the way to the fresh-kill pile and swiped up a plump vole. As Sootpaw munched quickly at the prey, he took a moment to actually take in the camp. It looked like just about everyone was out by now, and although the quiet made for a peaceful morning, he realized he preferred the bustle of busy warriors and talkative apprentices going about their duties. The camp just wasn't interesting unless there was some life in it.
Finishing up his quick meal, Sootpaw decided it might be a good idea to do just a little grooming before heading out. With a few swipes here and there, his fur was relatively neat, and Sootpaw trotted to his mentor's side, his previous embarrassment replaced with excitement. For him, it was always a bit exciting to leave the camp. Who knows what you would find?
"What's the plan for today?" he mewed energetically. In his mind, he wondered if they would come across any twolegs. Whenever there were any around, he seemed to be somewhere else (to his quiet disappointment), but he had heard that they were around a lot more often when it got to be this warm. Now, that would be exciting, although Sootpaw knew that he really shouldn't be hoping to see any in Duskclan territory.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 13:27:40

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|Siamese She-Cat|Location: |Mention(s) Directly: Sootpaw|Mention(s) Indirectly:

The deputy looked over, as her apprentice came bounding over to her side. "Today, we'll do both, hunting and some battle training", Owlfeather declared. Getting to her paws, the deputy headed across camp, expecting Sootpaw to follow her. Before reaching the camp entrance, the siamese she-cat paused for several heartbeats. Looking back over her shoulder, she nodded her head to Blackstar, just to make sure that he knew that she was heading out.
Turning back again, Owlfeather headed out of camp. Waiting for her apprentice to follow, Owlfeather planned out a route in her head. Since neither she, nor Sootpaw knew what the apprentices assessment would be about, she wanted to cover as much as she could. First they'd head towards the training hollow, normally she'd have Sootpaw practice fight with another apprentice, but maybe today Owlfeather would see how her apprentice would fare against a bigger cat. After words they'd head for the lake near Duskclan's camp, there the she-cat would have her apprentice hunt.

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Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 14:40:50

Sootpaw | Duskclan Apprentice | 13 moons | Small, gray tabby tom | Location: Duskclan camp | Mentions: Owlfeather(direct)

Sootpaw happily followed Owlfeather out of the camp, walking briskly to keep up with her long-legged stride. Earlier in his apprenticeship, the fact that he had to take about three pawsteps for just one of his mentor's in order not to lose her was incredibly annoying to the small tom, and it still was on occasion. However, he had gotten rather used to it for the most part. Besides, he was already in a fairly good mood, so walking a little faster than he'd like didn't seem worth complaining about. Not yet, anyway.
Sootpaw flicked his tail in thought as they left. Hunting was usually a simple enough feat (although he thought the complete opposite when he was younger), so he found that it could be a bit relaxing and enjoyable. Battle training, however, was a little different. Although he tended to get into fights more often than he probably should, in truth they made Sootpaw nervous. So much so that he would find himself throwing himself into them and fighting blindly, blanking on anything that he had been taught. This also happened during battle training from time to time, and he tried desperately to break the habit. Although Sootpaw may have improved, he was still worried that, someday, he'd blank during a serious confrontation.
Sootpaw shook away the unnecessary doubts and focused on keeping up with Owlfeather.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 20:35:44

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Training Valley|Mention(s) Directly: Sootpaw|Mention(s) Indirectly: None

Owlfeathers tail twitched, as Sootpaw came up next to her. Starting to head for the training valley again, she slowed a bit until her apprentice had drawn up next to her. "We'll be practicing your battle moves today", Owlfeather informed the young tom "And I will act as your opponent", the she-cat continued. After saying this, the siamese she-cat started to pick up her pace again. She wanted to reach the training grounds rather sooner than later, they had a lot to cover today.
Reaching the training valley, Owlfeather's paws sank into the soft dirt. Heading across the training grounds, the deputy then jumped onto one of the many tree stumps surrounding the area. Looking down at Sootpaw, the she-cat started to speak, "Now, I already said that I would be fighting you today, but there is a reason for this. You are coming to the end of your training, so this will be some extra practice for your upcoming assessment", Owlfeather informed Sootpaw. "Let's start. I'm going to close my eyes and count to ten, in that time you will hide. Your job is to defend your clan and drive the intruder, aka me, out. Do you understand so far?", Owlfeather asked. It more of a rhetorical question though, because she just kept on talking without waiting for Sootpaw to answer. "After I am done counting, I'm going to walk around the training valley and whenever you feel that you have the advantage, you attack. Of course our claws will be sheathed, but otherwise everything is allowed. Everyone, including me, believes that it is crucial to teach battle moves, but in the end, when you are in a real fight, you must trust your instinct". Owlfeather paused for several moments, just to make sure everything had sunken in.
Than, without another word, the she-cat closed her eyes. "One, Two,...(I'm lazy).....Ten!", opening her eyes again, the she-cat glanced around the training grounds. Sootpaw was nowhere in sight, good. Jumping off the tree stump, Owlfeather, with her hackles raised to appear more menacing, started to walk around the training valley.

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Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

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Posted on
2018-08-14 11:00:50

Sootpaw | Duskclan Apprentice | 13 moons | Small, gray tabby tom | Location: Training Valley | Mentions: Owlfeather(direct)

When Owlfeather had informed him that she would be his opponent for the day, Sootpaw immediately tried to protest... but was cut off by his mentor's sudden speed-up, and Sootpaw just had to focus on keeping up again.
At the training grounds, Sootpaw had listened carefully as Owlfeather explained how the training session would take place and why the practice was necessary. His nerves started to prickle his paws, but he had no time for that; Sootpaw had to find a place to hide!
As his mentor counted, Sootpaw took in a couple of options from where he stood before settling for a stump surrounded by a thin patch of brush. As he squeezed in, the thought that perhaps this spot was too obvious, considering most of the valley was clear and open, passed through his mind. He quickly squashed the thought down and brought his belly to the ground, tucking his tail close to him. It's not like this is the only place to hide, he assured himself, so just relax. Sootpaw knew this wasn't his first round of battle training, but it felt important, now more than ever.
As the she-cat finished counting, Sootpaw tried to remain as still as possible, peeking from behind the stump and through the brush. Visibility wasn't great, but he decided it was acceptable. He quietly waited for his mentor to appear within his line of sight. In his head, Sootpaw quickly went over a few tactics he had been taught more recently, and he reminded himself that, as Owlfeather had said, he must trust his instincts.
He decided that, when he saw her within a few tail-lengths, he would leap from his hiding place and attempt to pounce onto her back to start off, and hopefully, that'd be enough to knock her over despite his small size. However, Sootpaw considered the possibility that Owlfeather might turn to face him before he could get to her. If she saw Sootpaw going for a pounce, the chances of him getting the upper-paw were not as hopeful. He decided that, if this happened, he'd try just barrelling into her side; it's easier to change direction from the ground that from the air, after all. If all else fails, he'll let his instincts take the lead.
With this in mind, Sootpaw lay still and focused.

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Edited on 14/08/18 @ 16:00:48 by Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

Slytherin clean
fissure wine (#76271)

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Posted on
2018-08-14 14:09:47
Fernfoot|Duskclan|worrior|white tom|Location: Training Valley| mentions open Metions id: owlfeather, sootpaw

The Sun was blaring threw the opening to the warriors den as Fern had opened his eyes. It was later then he realised. Quickly he stood up stretching with a rather large yawn and shook out his off white pelt. Padding to the opening he of the den Fern stuck his head out. Immediatly blinking several time to adjust to the light. Seeing that most cat in the camp seem to be gone he made his way to the kill pile. As He sifted threw it looking for a bird of sorts he mutters " some chicken would be grand" craving the taste from when he was a steet cat. He could smell the two legs but the smell didnt bother him much like it seemed with the rest of the clan.

After fishing out a robin from the pile He picked it up by its wing and started off to the training ground. Its been 12 or so moons sence he has joined this clan but his fighting still wasn't the best so every morning he would go to the training grounds and watch as he ate his breakfast. Once Fern had found some nice lush grass to lay on in the shade he casted he gaze down at the mentor and apprenice. Owl feather and Soot paw. He watched as Owl spoke to soot, it was too quiet to under stand as he was far off but soon they started moving. Watching as sootpaw darted to hide behind the log and owl seem to be waiting for something as she walked in a circle. As he watched he started eating the bird that was in his paws.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-14 14:45:16

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Training valley|Mention(s) Directly: None|Mention(s) Indirectly: Fernfoot, Sootpaw

Owlfeather scand the clearing, the she-cat could not find the young tom. The mentor was pleased, now for the next step. The deputy continued her cercal of the training grounds, ready for Sootpaw to attack at any moment. Her pricked ears twitched, as she heard soft paw steps. They sounded too large for Sootpaw's steps. Looking up, the she-cat spotted Fernfoot. As she had looked up, Owlfeather had unknowingly stopped. Her pelt flattened a bit, as the she-cat looked off in the direction of the tom.

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2018-08-14 14:52:43

Weaselflight | DuskClan Warrior | 21 Moons | Tom | Camp | Dustpelt

Weaselflight's ear twitched nervously when Dustpelt butted his head against his shoulder. The smaller tom wobbled a little bit, his perch precarious but stable, and smiled weakly when the other tom finished talking. He was glad he hadn't gone plummeting into the water, despite the sunlight he knew he would have been cold for awhile. He had no meat on his bones to provide extra insulation. He followed his friend's gaze across the water to the strange floating contraptions that the humans used to float around on the lake. He might have known the word for them once, but if he had it had long fled his mind, never to return.

"G-Good idea," he stammered, turning and swiftly leaping from the log onto the stony shore. His hind leg splashed into the water, having jumped a bit too soon. The ginger and cream tom jumped, shaking his foot vigorously to try to clear the water from it, hopping up the shore on three legs. As soon as he cleared the water, he opened his mouth to speak.

A faint, haunting smell brushed along his scent glands, almost not there. He snapped his mouth shut in disgust, his face pinching in confusion. "W-what in StarClan's name is that smell?" he asked aloud, his eyebrows still furrowed in distaste. He looked to Dustpelt, not having noticed that his friend had caught the scent as well. "That's not something I know, have you smelled it before?" His voice grew a little stronger as he caught the smell again, no longer worried that he had imagined it.
Better safe than sorry

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Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

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Posted on
2018-08-14 15:54:17

Sootpaw | Duskclan Apprentice | 13 moons | Small, gray tabby tom | Location: Training Valley | Mentions: Owlfeather(direct)

From his hiding place, Sootpaw could just make out Owlfeather's form through the brush. His eyes narrowed in anticipation as she neared, but was surprised to see his mentor stop in her tracks. Had she picked up Sootpaw's scent and figured out where he was? He couldn't tell, but he was almost certain that she was turned away from him. Hm, perhaps something had distracted her? Either way, this could be his best chance at an opening. Owlfeather may not be as close as Sootpaw would like, but he didn't think that it would be impossible to rush in and have time to make a move. Alright, let's go for a pounce, Sootpaw silently told himself before darting out from the brush, trying to take large strides to cover just a little more ground. He then leaped into the air, legs extended but claws safely tucked away, and hoped with everything he had that his mentor would stand still
a little

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Edited on 14/08/18 @ 16:00:17 by Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-08-14 16:36:49

 Dustpelt|Warrior of Duskclan|Leggy Calico Tom|Location: Duskclan Territory|Mentions: Weaselflight, Harepaw, Redeye

Dustpelt had been about to spring back into the woods, when Weaselflight spoke. He gave the air a sniff again, having passed it off as nothing more than the weird scent on the air lately. This however, was different now that he focused. Closing his eyes to slits, his jaws parted, thoughtful.
"Maybe. It smells like.." He paused, then shook his head.
"I feel like I should know it, but I can't quite place it. Maybe something from two-legs?" He guessed, knowing that they were a constant for odd scents and situations. Even still, his pelt prickled. There was something under the scent he didn't quite like.
"What do you think? Time for some-" What it was time for however, Dustpelt never finished saying.
As the wind shifted again, but the scent however seemed to linger as if it belonged to something, thought faint on the grass overpowered by that of Duskclan cats and the woods itself. Overpowered especially by a new scent the downwind brought, the familiar notes of two cats in particular. Dustpelt twitched an ear as his attention shifted more towards the direction of their camp, rather than towards where the scent led.
"Company." He purred, noting by the closeness of the scent and the sounds of rustling leaves that two familiar shapes would have to emerge sooner or later.


 Even for: Sootpaw, Owlfeather, Fernfoot
Carried along on the wind, the sound of a two-leg, or perhaps more can be heard shouting. The scent hasn't come by since the valley is currently upwind. Its extremely rare to find two-legs traveling this close to the camp and training valley. Its difficult to tell how close they are, or if they're coming closer or further away.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-14 17:14:39

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Training Valley|Mention(s) Directly: Sootpaw|Mention(s) Indirectly:

Owlfeather's head snapped to her right, a dark gray blurr came flying towards her. The she-cat tryed ducking, too late. The apprentice landed on her, with the sudden extra weight on her Owlfeather's legs buckled. Before her belly hit the ground, the she-cat turned and fell on her back instead. Feeling Sootpaw dislodging from her back, the she-cat glanced up at him.
Despite herself, Owlfeather let out a slight purr. Her apprentice had done well, the she-cat shook her head, she needed to concentrate. Baring her fangs, the she-cat changed her purr to a growl. Lashing her long tail, Owlfeather started circling her apprentice. Darting to the right, Owlfeather struck out with her left paw. She was aiming her blow at Sootpaw's shoulder, giving the young tom chances to block and evade.

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Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

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Posted on
2018-08-14 17:44:14

Sootpaw | Duskclan Apprentice | 13 moons | Small, gray tabby tom | Location: Training Valley | Mentions: Owlfeather(direct)

Sootpaw nearly cheered for himself when he made contact and felt his mentor go down. However, he should've expected her to recover as quickly as she did. Back on the ground, Sootpaw lashed his tail as he watched Owlfeather get back on her paws and begin to circle him. As the other cat moved to strike, Sootpaw tensed in preparation...but hesitated.
He was fixed on a sound, an odd yowling of sorts, and became distracted. What in Blackstar's eye was that?! he wondered, his gaze momentarily drawn away from his opponent. That moment was all it took for his mentor to hit her mark, and the force of her experienced strike to his shoulder paired with his sudden distraction put Sootpaw on his side. He hissed in annoyance as he rolled onto his belly, his ears pinned back. Stupid sounds and their stupid timing! Sootpaw fumed silently as he crouched low to the ground before growling out, "What the heck is that, anyway?", indicating the cries that echoed into the valley. Whatever it was, Sootpaw was reared to give it a piece of his mind for making such a racket!

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Edited on 14/09/18 @ 18:07:19 by Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-14 18:16:20

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Training Valley|Mention(s) Directly: Sootpaw, Fernfoot|Mention(s) Indirectly: Two-legs

Owlfeather screwed her eyes shut, as her paw made contact. Seeing the apprentice fall over, the deputy paused. The she-cat had not realized that she had put too much power into her blow, Owlfeather had probably expected her apprentice to dodge her swipe. Stepping over to Sootpaw, the she-cat looked down at her apprentice. "Are you alright?", the she-sat asked.
Only then, did the she-cat also hear the sounds that had distracted the young tom. The deputy's fur stood on end and her claws dig into the sorf dirt, two-legs! Owlfeather thought, recognising the sound. Looking over her shoulder at Fernfoot, she lashed her tail at the tom. The sign for him to join her, as she waited for the other warrior to come down to them, the she-cat swiveled her ears around. She could not tell from which direction the noise was coming from, mouse dung!

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