Posted by Dusk and Dawn: Roleplay board

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 14:38:31

 This is the Roleplay Board for Dusk and Dawn!
Current Weather- Dappled clouds, Warm.||Prey- Medium||Twoleg threat: Low||Overall danger: High


 Dawnclan Info!

Player Characters; Dawnclan
Ranked Cats
Dawnclan Leader: Gingerstar, (F, AGility) Razz
Dawnclan Deputy: Umbraclaw , F Katia Mentor to Foxpaw
Dawnclan Medicine Cat: Hornetpaw; (M, Strength) Vespertine
Dawnclan Medicine cat Apprentice: (reserved)>

Current Messenger: Lightsong (M, Agility) (NPC)

Scorchwing; F Ladyseer Mentor to: Flamepaw
Larkclaw: F Zesha Mentor to Cinderpaw
Cloudburst: (F, Agility) The-Grey-ace Queen
Ravenblaze, (M, Strength) Balder Previous Medicine-cat who renounced title
Shadewing, (M Strength) Dez Mentor to Willowpaw
Falconstrike,(M Strength) NPC Captured.
Swiftclaw F NPC Captured.
Turtlesplash, (F Strength) Vespertine Warrior, demoted to apprentice ranked tasks

Foxpaw; (F, Agility) Peachie Apprentice of Umbraclaw
Flamepaw; (F, Agility) Lightqueen Apprentice of Scorchwing, Messenger Apprentice
Cinderpaw F Ladyseer Apprentice of Larkclaw
Willowpaw (M, Strength) Razz Apprentice of Shadewing
Swallowpaw Limebird Apprentice of Gingerstar, possible temporary

Elders and Kits

Flamepaw, Foxpaw LightsongKin
Sunspots (deceased) Stoneclaw;(parents) Mintkit (sister)
Doegaze (mother) Amberpool;Dewmist(Deceased);Copperfang (Siblings)
Gingerstar's Kin
Embergaze, Icefang (parents)
Hornetpaw's Kin
Beestrike, Otterstripe (Parents)
Larkclaw Kin
Pinecloud (mother) Related to Beestrike (NPC) Hornetpaw (PC)
Cinderpaw's Kin

Other NPCs
Mousefur, Deceased, previous messenger
Badgertail, Elder Tom
Rabbitnose, Elder Tom

Dawnclan Territory:
Dawnclan's territory is lightly forested, with wider, slow rivers connecting to the two small central lakes. The terrain is moss covered and gently hilly. A sandy area on the edge of a shallow river is their training area, and to the south is the two-leg gathering place where small nests nestle between thin cut trees on the edge of a small lake, which merges into the two-leg town the more south one goes.
The camp is nestled in a dip in the land, with a series of rocks that make shelters for the Leader and Medicine cat dens, as well as the nursery. The rest of the nests are in old burrows, the edge of the camp sheltered with prickly brambles. It is spacious and open, with plenty of places to relax on moss covered stones or tussle in soft grass.
the territory is marked to the east and north by a large, uncrossable river. To the south by the two-leg camp ground, and to the east by their boundary with Duskclan, which is marked most notably by a large spread of rocks along a thin river that eventually turns into Duskclan terrain. It is a spot of much conflict.

 Duskclan Info!

Player Characters; Duskclan
Ranked Cats
Duskclan Leader: Blackstar; (M, Strength) Peachie
Duskclan Deputy: Owlfeather; (F, Strength) Lightqueen-
Duskclan Medicine Cat: Temporary: Frost (F, Agility) Peachie
Duskclan Medicine cat Apprentice: Mothpaw M NPC Captured.

Dustpelt; (M, Agility) Peachie Mentor to Harepaw
Weaselflight; (M, Agility) Razz
Redeye; (M, Agility) Vespertine Mentor to Vulturepaw
Wolfstorm (F, Strength) Dez Mentor to Springpaw
Sootwhisker: (M, Agility) Silentjay
Patch, (F Strength) Moemoe Rogue staying with Duskclan

Harepaw; F Ladyseer Apprentice to Dustpelt
Vulturepaw: (M, Strength) Grey-ace Apprentice to Redeye
Springpaw, F Sweet Nightmares Apprentice to Wolfstorm
Spiderpaw Vespertine Apprentice to Blackstar

Elders and Kits

NPCS (Cats Kin) Open for NPC use
Owlfeather kin:
Orion;Scorch- rogues
Harepaw kin
Cherrysong(deceased); Clovershine;Brambletail
Sootpaw kin
Blackstar Kin
Acornfall, Elder She-cat, Nightfall- Queen
Other NPCs
Adderflight (Missing, previous messenger)
Frogwhisper (Missing, Previous Medicine Cat)

Duskclan Territory:
Duskclan's territory lies to the east side of the territories, in thicker forest where mist lingers longer in the mornings, and navigation requires agility and precision. The rivers here are often thinner, but more wild with faster waters in many of the places. Their training area is a clear patch of forest where the ground is soft and a fallen log and tree stumps provide a boundary.
Their camp is nestled up, and along the side of a hill that inclines sharply, with pathways between and going up its walls. The dens nestle close together, with the Leaders den above inside a fallen tree root system, the medicine cat below in the same system. The dens are in a mixture of burrows and makeshift nests in the brush, some nests in the jagged hill walls. Outside the nests they have a spacious area for sharing tongues and meetings, protected by thick foliage and the numerous rocks.
Their territory is marked by a sheer cliff drop to the east, an uncross able river to the north, the two-legs to the south, and their border with Dawnclan.

Two-legs are in the territory!
Currently due to the nice weather, two-legs have been more prevalent than normal, walking along the paths that trace between both clans.
Though they often leave cats alone, the threat of dogs and scared prey is high.


Two-legs have taken a Duskclan cat.
Two-leg traps have been found in both clans.
A Dawnclan cat was killed by an unknown source.
A strange new scent has been found all over the territory, its source leading apparently south.
Ravenblaze has seen a Starclan sign in the clouds.
During a storm, Duskclan cats found three bodies, all deceased. Two Dawnclan, one Duskclan.
Dawnclan on the same patrol found a few pawprints, hard to identify but heading what looks like south.
Mothpaw, Ravenblaze, and Hornetpaw have seen signs in the clouds, cats fighting against an unknown darkness.
Two strangers have been found in the territory, one taken by the two-legs another who seems to be nesting near the Cavern on Dawnclan territory.

The traps are discovered to not be for the cats.

**Please make sure to put your clan in your header! **

Red X is where cats have been found, killed. Red dots are known traps. Yellow arrows are pawprint locations, and direction they lead.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 03/01/19 @ 20:43:34 by 🐀Peachy Possum🐀 (#121220)

Slytherin clean
fissure wine (#76271)

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Posted on
2018-08-16 22:45:47
Fernfoot|Duskclan|worrior|white tom|Location: Training Valley| mentions open owlfeather, sootpaw

As they stood off the dog managed to pin him up against a bush, his eyes darted looking for a way to excape, but not finding one. Just as he was about to make a mad dash under the mutt. Owl had jumped on his back bitting its neck. "Thanks" he said as she bushed up against him with the dog staring at them. Just as a weird black stick poked into the bushes. At the sight of the stick he crouched down, just now realising he injured his front leg in the battle. Recalling the start of the battle he was bit but the adrenaline in his body numbed it until now.

He slightly backed further into the bush as he saw the twolegs head as he stuck out like a crow on snow. He laid their waiting for the twolegs and the dog to go.

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Katia (#134163)

True King
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Posted on
2018-08-17 00:06:14
Umbraclaw | DawnClan Deputy |19 Moons | Mollie | Camp | Gingerstar

Umbraclaw would receive permission from Gingerstar to go scout out the source of the smell by whatever means she wished. So the the deputy decided she would do by herself using her tree climbing abilities once she ate the last few bites of her meal. Then after disposing of the remains, she would excuse herself and head out of the camp.

Then once in the forest, she would start to track the source of the smell while still on the ground. While she did intend to ultimately scout from the treetops, the black cat had to get closer to the source first before she could select the appropriate tree to climb. As she tracked the scent, the deputy would sway her head back and forth in attempt to figure out from what direction the scent from coming from the strongest.

Once she the scent had grown strong enough, she would quickly select a broad tree that would give her a lot of prospective vantage points over a large area. Thence upon climbing her selected tree, she would examine the surrounding area.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 10:19:54


 Even for: Sootpaw, Owlfeather, Fernfoot

The dog, took a few steps back hearing the twolegs, but remained pointed in the cats direction. It paused slightly at the hissing of Owlfeather, but then resumed its barking.
"Cats! Found? Master, cats!" Between the growls and barking the words of the dog could just be made out.
Following the point, the two leg glanced down, one of the glistening sticks moving aside the foliage to see the pair. Yowling to its partner, it made a grab for Fernfoot with a gloved hand, while the other moved their stick forward, a thin loop on the end aimed towards Owlfeather.

(Choice here: Flee or fight. Choose wisely as the outcome will change depending on what you do. I'd you pick and need to know how to respond, pm me.)

 Even for: Umbraclaw

The sweet scent leads south towards the two-legs. Going this direction will also bring the scent of blood, which seems closer. Climbing a tree causes a loss in the scent, but from the vantage point you can see the briefest flash of movement far to the south before it vanished in the foliage. You could follow the blood scent or new scent upon climbing back down.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 10:36:42

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Territory|Mention(s) Directly: Fernfoot|Mention(s) Indirectly:

Owlfeather's mouth almost dropped open, her heart skipped a beat. The two legs! Owlfeather was rooted to the spot, would should they do? Her eyes widened in horror, as two leg grabbed for Ferfoot. The deputy was about to protect the tom by lashing out at the hand of the two leg, but before she could the other two leg reached for her with some kind or stick with a loop at its end. The she-cat recognised these thing, she had seen two legs run around with those thing when she had still been a roge. They needed to flee, get to safety and warn the clan.
Ducking herself to the ground, Owlfeather made herself small. As the two leg reaches farther for her, Owlfeather sprinted forward. Passing just under the sling, the she-cat jumped up and bit the two leg hard on its hand. Dropping to the ground, the she-cat turned tail and razed for the bush just behind her. Pushing her way through, the deputy paused on the other side. Where was Fernfoot? The she-cat thought, Owlfeather had been to busy dealing with her own two leg that she did not see what had happened to Fernfoot.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 10:41:37
 Dustpelt|Warrior of Duskclan|Leggy Calico Tom|Location: Duskclan Territory|Mentions:Weaselflight, Harepaw, Redeye

At Weaselflights words, Dustpelt purred with amusement. It was true, the young apprentice did have quite a fire, but that seemed to be the way of Dusk clan cats.
"Eh, long hauls are fun sometimes. He mused, taking a step back as the pair tore into the small clearing between the trees, looking rather out of breath. For a moment, he worried something was wrong but at Red eyes words, felt his body relax even if his hear continued to thrum.
"Oy, way to scare everything last piece of prey from here to the River stones!" He shook his head, but the blunt in his eye was anything but upset. He actually found the antics of Redeye more amusing than most would. Raising up on his hind legs he made to swat playfully at the other warrior, forgetting all pretense of the ideal 'warrior'.
"What are you to up to?" He inauired as he landded lightly back on his forelegs, this time rather curious. He wondered if the time has taken Harepaw out in his stead, and felt his fur warm slightly.
"Not chasing weird scents are you? That seems to be todays theme. his ear twitched in the direction the faint scent came from, glancing at Weaselflight, knowing the pair has been about to investigate.

 Foxpaw|Apprentice of Dawnclan|Small Ginger Tabby She-cat|Location: Clan Borders|Mentions: Open

Dangerous times. Foxpaw rolled her eyes at the words.
"Pfft. The only danger is from half witted dogs, and even more half witted cats across the river." With those words, she angled her trot towards the south, away from the camp now. The scent didn't seem to phase the she-cat, though her muzzle wrinkled slightly as they continued on their new path.
"I'm sure some twoleg dog just got a hold of a rabbit or something."
As those words escaped her lips, her paw stepped in something slick. Relaxing from her, nose in the air position Foxpaw blinked, momentarily caught off guard by what she saw.
a streak of crimson was across her pale fur, droplets Scattered across the ground and leaves, small tufts of brown fur blowing in the winds, caught in sticks and leaves.
"Like I said..probably just a rabbit." The confidence in her earlier voice wavered slightly, and Foxpaw did not continue forward to investigation. Something felt very, very wrong and though she would.never admit Iit, it caused her fur to prickle and her hackles to fluffy up slightly.

Event for Hornetpaw, Larkclaw,

Upon investigation, it is clear that the fur did not come from a rabbit, but instead from the Dawnclan messenger, Mousefur. There is an oddly unsettling, sweet smell mixed in the air, leading one way with the blood trail leading another.

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Edited on 17/08/18 @ 10:52:05 by Peachie 👌 [CloudedSunrise] (#121220)

Slytherin clean
fissure wine (#76271)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 11:28:11
Fernfoot|Duskclan|worrior|white tom|Location: Training Valley| mentions open owlfeather

Once the dog spoke up hissed at it about to smack at it once more. But as he was about to lung forward he noticed the loop on the stick, living half his life on the streets he recognized it at once having been nearly caught with in on many occasions.

As OwlFeather took off he tried to as well but with so many things happening at once he didn't see the hand above him. He yowled loudly as the gloved hand grabbed his pelt. His heart was pounding out of fear as he tried to pull away from the firm grip on his neck. Fern kept hissing and yowling as he they picked him up and suspended him in the air. He Lashed out swatting in the air trying to hit somthing in a frantic attempt to escape. But the two legs grip didnt waver an ounce.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 14:07:25

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Camp|Mention(s) Directly: Fernfoot|Mention(s) Indirectly: Sootpaw, blackstar

Owlfeath's blood froze, as she heard Fernfoot's desperate yowling. The deputy turned on the spot and was about to plunge back into the bush and save Fernfoot, but came to a sudden halt. What was she going to do? There was no way that she alone could take on two, two legs and a dog. Digging her claws in, the deputy stared at her paws. There was nothing she could do, "We will save you", Owlfeather silently promised Fernfoot. Turning, the she-cat ran back to camp. Her wound forgotten as she raced back to Duskclans camp, sh had failed, she had failed to protect her clanmate. What was Blackstar going to say?
As she drew closer to camp, the she-cat started to slow down. Her shoulder was killing her, the deputy's right shoulder was covered in a streak of blood. It looked like her wound had stopped bleeding, as least for the time, but every step sent a jolt of pain through her. As she walked closer to the camp entrance, the she-cats paw steps slowed. Her breathing was hard as she stepped into Duskclans camp, at first teh she-cats eyes searched for Sootpaw. Had her apprentice made it safely back to camp?

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Zesha [Side] (#17686)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-17 17:32:49

15 Moons || Female || DawnClan Warrior
Location: Outside Camp || Mentions: Hornetpaw, Foxpaw

Larkclaw stared at the blood that streaked across Foxpaw’s pelt now. So much of her wanted to believe that the apprentice was right, that it was a rabbit, but the tufts of fur she was beginning to notice on the ground didn’t look like rabbit fur. Even though unease surged through her bones, she glanced back at both Foxpaw and Hornetpaw and said, “I’ll lead. If it gets too dangerous, run back to camp, both of you. We’ll need more than three cats if things go wrong.”

The tabby she-cat crept forward, ears twitching at every sound. There was a trail of blood to follow now, and the scent would probably linger in her nose for weeks. But then the smell of the sweetness veered off in another direction. She hesitated only a moment; they needed to see the condition of the cat at the end of this blood. They could always double back later. Don’t be dead, she prayed.

By the time they saw Mousefur, her hair was on end. Words failed her. The usually quick-witted cat had nothing to say.

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Edited on 17/08/18 @ 17:35:20 by Zesha [Side] (#17686)

Katia (#134163)

True King
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Posted on
2018-08-18 00:02:47
Umbraclaw | DawnClan Deputy |19 Moons | Mollie | Forest | None

Umbraclaw would notice the scent of blood alongside the one she had been tracking. However this new blood scent seemed to be closer than the other scent. For now though she wanted to see what a good vantage point might offer her even if it meant temporarily losing the two scents.

So the black mollie would approach her chosen tree and quickly sharpen her claws on it in preparation for her climb. Once they were suitably sharp, she would start to climb it with a level of skill that could rival that of Duskclan. After climbing to a suitable branch, she would move onto it and take a look around at the ground below her.

She would quickly notice a flash of movement far south of her before it disappeared into the surrounding foliage. Unfortunately she hadn't been able discern anything about it, so she had no way of knowing if it had been something important or just a mere prey animal. It also didn't look like she was going to learn anything else by staying up here so it was time to climb back down. Some cats might think that climbing up was the hard part, but that just showed their ignorance. No climbing up was the easy part, it was coming back down that was the hard part because of their wrists. Unlike a squirrel, a cat couldn't rotate their wrists so they could climb down headfirst, instead a cat had to climb down backwards. It was a slow and cautious process where a mistake could lead to a dangerous fall. Which was exactly why climbing was a skill that she was going to be selective as to which of her apprentices she would teach it to.

Nonetheless she would make it back down without fuss and then would scent mark the tree so she could find this spot later. After that, she would start to track the closer blood scent.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-08-18 13:09:41

⇺ [ Hornetpaw ] ⇻
18 Moons |:| Male |:| DawnClan |:| Medicine Cat Apprentice
Location - Outside Camp |:| Mentions - Foxpaw, Larkclaw

Hornetpaw's pelt spiked with fear as they drew closer to whatever was causing the blood scent, Foxpaw treading through a small puddle of red splattered across the grass, accompanied by tufts of familiar brown fur, nearly plummeting him into a full blown panic attack. "M-Mousefur," he choked, certain this chaos was not the result of a dog or enemy warrior capturing a rabbit. This bloodied fur had been ripped from the body of their Clanmate in a terrible struggle, that much was clear to him.

"Don't be ridiculous! I would never leave you to perish. The Clan only needs one messenger. Foxpaw is fast and clever enough to fetch help alone if need be." He took a shaky breath, forcing himself to calm down as he trailed after Larkclaw, paws trembling as he moved to walk beside her. There was a momentary pause as the sickeningly sweet scent from before veered in the opposite direction, and it was here Hornetpaw took the lead, his pace increasing as Mousefur's blood trail grew stronger.

The thought of what he might find ahead terrified him, part of Hornetpaw wanted to turn and flee back to camp, but Mousefur needed him and his need to find him had grown fervent, his body buzzing with frantic energy as his tentative pace shifted into a trot, rushing to reach him.

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Edited on 20/08/18 @ 18:17:17 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2018-08-20 15:35:50

Scorchwing | Warrior of DawnClan | Long-Limbed White & Charcoal Female | Location: Training Beach | Mentions: Flamepaw [Direct]

Scorchwing nods thoughtfully as she listens to the fiery pelted apprentice, her tail calmly covering her paws. She noted how Flamepaw avoided her eyes with a slight smile, understanding the feeling of vulnerability. It wasn’t easy to admit weaknesses, physical or otherwise. With a soft chuckle at her scowl and a flick of her ears, she leaned forward, knocking her head against the smaller cat. “Wow do I have news for you, ‘paw,” she joked lightly, standing in a displaying manner. “Our pelts are quite alike, and the weight is part of my dislike for water. The best way to fight it is to maintain your balance and fight the weight. It’s a great way to gain muscle, which will help you later, no doubt!”

She flicked her tail and outstretched a paw in the direction of the beach before she began to strut towards the sandy floor. “Water has always been a weakness for me. While I can stay in it for a while, I always have a sense of panic that threatens to drag me under. It’s why I graduated late.” The intensity of her enthusiasm seemed to teeter before dropping off, her olive green orbs darting towards Flamepaw. “I hope to help you get rid of the panic and fear before it sinks its claws in too deep. I have no doubt you will succeed, Flamepaw. You seem to be very resilient.”

With a exuberant leap to reinstill her own free-spirited zeal, her paws were met with the grainy material and the sound of lapping water, no doubt affected by the gales that rushed across the body of water. “And the fish,” she recounted with a groan. “Those tricky, scaly dirt dwellers will be the death of us both, Flamepaw, but we can help each other, yeah?” With a teasing wink, she situated herself at the very edge of the water, the chilled liquid wallowing around her ankles. “Let’s get this horror show over with, shall we, minion?”


Harepaw | Apprentice of DuskClan | Small, Hickory & Cream Female | Location: DuskClan Territory | Mentions: Redeye, Dustpelt [Direct], Weaselflight [Indirect]

With a grumble, she casts him a look, narrowly missing a deteriorating stump she happened to pass. “I’m quite fast, thank you very much!” She protested, quickening her pace in an attempt to prove him wrong, despite her being quite literally on his tail. “And I know a lot of cats who don’t use their brains either! So…” She trailed off lamely, still pouting.

Despite his heckling and strange demeanor, she couldn’t help but find some humor in it. He spoke, moved, and looked so strange. It was almost as if he were carved from a different material than all the other cats she had ever met. Perhaps they could be friends, or something of the sort. While she didn’t have many strong relationships, she hoped that it would change as she gained rank and reputation. Cherrysong could no longer baby her or protect her from normal life situations, and she felt as if that would be freeing, instead it just made her fearful and cautious.

As they burst from the foliage, Harepaw nearly slipping on slick pebbles, Redeye immediately jumped into theatrics, leaving her to quickly straighten herself with eyes rolling at his passion. “Yes, thank you, Redeye,” she murmured awkwardly, giving her mousy brown pelt a few tidying licks before she lifted herself to a stiff position as she was greeted by Dustpelt and a quiet Weaselflight. “Well I was chasing yours. The dogs around here seemed more interested in me, so I got off track,” she grumbled reluctanctly, sulking at the appearance of her mentor. “Escaped the brainless beasts without a scratch, though.”

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Edited on 20/08/18 @ 15:36:45 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-08-20 16:03:49


 Foxpaw|Apprentice of Dawnclan|Small Ginger Tabby She-cat|Location: Clan Borders|Mentions: Hornetpaw, Larkclaw ,npc Mousefur
(note, slightly violent/signs of violence post)
Foxpaw shook her head, but said nothing as she followed the others. The trail was short, and as the other cats stopped, she did as well. Her sharp gaze widened slightly as she peered around the larger cats, exhaling in a quite 'oh' as she saw the scene before them.
Mousefur's body could be seen, half hidden by a clump of ferns but very clearly the pelt of their clanmate. Clumps of fur were missing from his pelt in signs of a clear struggle, and what looked like claw marks across much of his pelt, throat torn, stained crimson. Foxpaw shook her head, as if trying to clear it of water, moving forwards with the others to better see their fallen friend. As Foxpaw looked at the cat, she noticed something that cause her to jump slightly.
"Hornetpaw! His flank!"
It was faint, but there was the smallest stirring of the tom's sides, the shallowest of breaths. It seemed as if their pawsteps stirred the tom, and an eye opened in the faintest of flutters. His jaws just barely parted, as if to speak but only a faint wheeze came out, his body shuddering slightly. After a moment, claws dug into the earth and he tried again, this time the faintest of breaths emitting choked out words.
"Ca...t..Sur...prise.." His body shuddered again, and his eye flickered, making contact with the three, ending on Hornetpaws before closing with a sigh.
Foxpaw dug her claws into the earth, her hackles no longer contained but raised in fury and shock.
"What did he say? What, who did this?" She spoke to both the silent body, and the two cats who stood with her, looking disgusted.
"I don't know anything that could have caught Mousefur off guard, or outrun him for that matter." she hissed, scraping her claws over the earth.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-08-20 16:11:48


 Even for: Fernfoot

At the writhing and hissing, the two-leg seems to have some trouble keeping hold, but manages. The second pulls something from a backpack, and with some difficulty, wraps it around Fernfoot before taking to its partner, and heading towards the two-leg place, cat in hand. After some time, and having made it out of the forest territories and onto the Thunderpath almost no cats have crossed, Fernfoot gets placed within a carrier, and placed into a car to be driven a short distance into the two-leg place.
There, the carrier is put into a small room, with windows and screens and many two-leg objects and the carrier is opened, though a door is closed to keep Fernfoot separate from the inside of the two-leg nest, but still contained from the outside. A small dish of food and water is placed near the crate.

(Fernfoot is now in the two-leg place. Zero, you may make a starting post there and possibly find some new clues. )

 Even for: Umbraclaw

You notice the forest is oddly quiet on your travels. The sweet scent seems to mingle with the scent of blood for a while, and oddly the faintest tang of what could be Duskclan before it heads south.
As you travel, you come across the three cats, and the fallen Mousefur.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-08-20 18:11:59

 Blackstar|Leader of Duskclan|One eyed Black Tom|Location: Camp|Mentions: Owlfeather, Sootpaw

Even before Blackstar caught his deputies eyes, he knew something was wrong. Owlfeather had come tearing into the camp, along with the sharp tang of blood and fear. Instantly, the leader was on his paws, his claws digging into the earth as he bounded to meet the other cat. He didn't seen any of the others, but in the momentary chaos any cat could have gotten mixed up in the surprise.
"Owlfeather!" His eye scanned the injuries that stained her pelt, his hackles raising as his first thought came to mind.
"Are you ok? What happened, was it Dawnclan?" He growled the words in rapid succession. His first throught was naturally their opposing clan, knowing those cats had every reason to try and take a cheap shot at his warriors, ever since the previous spat over the rocks he knew they had been waiting for their moment. However, he couldn't scent Dawnclan on the air, and so he waited, if impatiently for whatever explanation would come. Beckoning with his tail, he directed Owlfeather to follow him, heading towards the odd cave like indent that made their medicine-cat den.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-20 18:29:16

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Camp|Mention(s) Directly: Blackstar, Fernfoot|Mention(s) Indirectly: Sootpaw

The deputy came to a halt in front of her leader, the she-cats sides heaved with strain. SHe had raced all the way here, from the lake side. "No... no... not Dawnclan", Owlfeather heaved out, seeing Blackstar's anger that it might have been the other clan. Still glancing around for her apprentice, the she-cat followed her leader. "It was.... it was two legs", Owlfeather reported, her body was now shaking from the stain that her muscles had gone through. As she walked closer to the medicine cat den, the she-cats shoulder started to hurt more.
Pausing just outside of the den, Owlfeather turned to Blackstar. "There were two, Two legs and a dog. They surprised us, the Two legs had some sort of weird sticks with ropes at the ends of it", Owlfeather said, Not able to walk another step, the she-cat sat down. Hanging her head, Owlfeather added, it a lower defeated voice, "They caught Fernfoot... I.... I could not save him." Out of the corner of her eyes, the she-cat glanced at Blackstar. What was he going to say?

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