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![]() Trash|G3Frail.Mot.El ys.| (#121220) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-06 14:38:31 |
Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 03/01/19 @ 20:43:34 by 🐀Peachy Possum🐀 (#121220) |
Katia (#134163)
True King View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-18 01:55:32 |
Umbraclaw|Deputy of Dawnclan|Black Mollie|Location: Camp|Mentions: Foxpaw and Turtlepaw(splash) As Umbraclaw lead Foxpaw and Turtlepaw to where she had last seen Gingerstar, the latter would ask about the clan had been dealing during the last fews moon. As such, Umbraclaw would offer a quick summary about their recent losses, the two leg traps that had been discovered and the dangerous feline like creature called a serval who referred to herself as "storm." She would also remind Turtlepaw that this was the very creature that Gingerstar had been talking about the night she had been welcomed back as an apprentice. Afterwards, she would mention. "I don't like these two legs being here, they could be laying down more traps as we speak. While we haven't lost a cat to them, Duskclan has and we can't afford to keep losing cats. As such be very careful as we travel since we don't want to get caught in a trap ourselves. " Shortly after this, the trio would arrive where Umbraclaw had last seen Gingerstar, but unfortunately, it would be too difficult to pick up her trail. So the deputy decided to do the next best thing and tail the two legs from a safe distance so they could see where they were going and possibly what they were up to. That way if they set up any traps, they would be able to warn the rest of the clan about them. The two legs they followed would soon come close to Duskclan territory and they would be able to see Owlfeather from across the small lake. As such, she would attempt to attract the other deputy's attention by meowing in a high pitch that the two legs didn't seem to be able to pick up. (Basically she's doing a "silent" meow".) ![]() |
Razz [Clean Sidereal Svelte] (#18166) Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-18 14:22:29 |
Storm that Hides the Stars | Serval NPC | ??? | Mollie | DuskClan Territory | Redeye ; Wolfstorm ; Sootwhisker Gingerstar | DawnClan Leader | 36 Moons | Mollie | Camp | Hornetpaw ; Lightsong ; Flamepaw ; Ravenblaze ; Blackstar Willowpaw | DawnClan Apprentice | 6 Moons | Tom | Territory | Shadewing ![]() |
Cspr (#2950)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-20 16:45:52 |
Lightsong // Warrior, Dawnclan // cream tabby and white tom // Location: Dawnclan camp // Mentions: Flamepaw, Gingerstar Lightsong knew he’d made a bad call when Umbraclaw stepped in and demanded Turtlepaw and his sister, Foxpaw. His pelt bristled slightly, unsettled, but knew this was probably normal. Turtlepaw was sort of an apprentice again and apprentices practice-fighting was common. Still he felt like perhaps him reaching out to Turtlepaw out of curiosity now meant Umbraclaw wanted to remind him that wasn’t acceptable. He knew it probably wasn’t like that; that it was paranoia. He still didn’t quite like it, but just hoped Turtlepaw was practiced enough still to not hurt Foxpaw by mistake. He did enough Hornetpaw and Ravenblaze’s company, but not like that. In the least, Foxpaw seemed calm enough about the sparring. He also noticed around the same time Hornetpaw was now being led away by Gingerstar, them now going on the herb search he had intended to go on. His ears pricked, curiosity about this also winning out over anxiety as the leader sidelined Ravenblaze from the quest. Then Hornetpaw suggested the border patrol, with Ravenblaze, also go searching for herbs. This would mean both medicine cats wouldn’t be around if Foxpaw was hurt. His ears flicked backward, frustrated, but he stayed quiet. Surely Umbraclaw would insure Foxpaw wouldn’t be hurt, right? Right. He barely noticed Turtlepaw’s farewell, instead watching his little sister as she left from view. Like Flamepaw, he silently considered the strangeness of a clan cat choosing to be a kittypet. All stories he heard of it--especially the butcher place--seemed horrible. He focused on his other sister as she spoke, another spark of curiosity filling him as she stumbled over her words telling Gingerstar about the comfrey. That was interesting. It was likely perhaps she just had some crush on a tomcat apprentice--did they have those? He never paid enough attention--but still. If she hadn’t been hunting, what had she been doing? Just running about to get that endless energy out of her paws? As is, he just followed along with the patrol at a slow lope, taking advantage of his long legs. He didn’t go beyond Gingerstar and Hornetpaw, but instead stayed near his sister. He stayed quiet until Gingerstar gave his sister permission to run ahead a bit with him. “Of course, I’d be glad to help,” he meowed, tail held high. He smirked a bit as Flamepaw, a gleam in his eye. “You know when it comes to running, I’m almost always going to say yes.” He knew she was better suited to be messenger, which is why he’d stepped down, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a similar need for speed at times. As Flamepaw launched herself ahead, he followed her, matching her pace until she stopped again. His calmer demeanor however was interrupted as Hornetpaw suddenly stumbled and fell, something the sometimes clumsy tom could relate to. He went over to the other tom’s side, concerned, and then focused on what he was saying. Smell what? He paused and took a few deep breaths, maw parking for fleming. Twolegs and with dogs? His pelt bristled and his ears swiveled around, listening. He also stepped between Flamepaw and the direction of the scent, his claws coming to dig at the dirt underneath him. Then Gingerstar decided they’d follow the scent, ignoring the hunt for herbs entirely, and he felt unsettled. He followed along with the patrol regardless, trying to keep Flamepaw between him and any potential danger. When they hit the twoleg bridge, he almost stopped, realizing he purposefully had tried to avoid this area since Sunspots had died. His mother hadn’t been there for him as much as she was for his sisters, but he still missed her. He saw the sadness on Flamepaw’s face and rubbed against her gently. He didn’t know what to say, but tried to provide some comfort. Then Lightsong spotted Blackstar and his unease got worse. Somehow he felt like Duskclan was responsible for these twolegs and dogs tramping around their territory, along their own paths, but he knew this was unreasonable. Just frustration that he couldn’t do anything to protect his clan besides follow a trail that would likely go over the border, useless to follow unless they argued with Blackstar to let perhaps Hornetpaw and Flamepaw to continue tracking. Which would mean he’d have to let his sister go into their rivals’ territory with a serval on the loose, and he was not at all pleased at the idea. Then, as if expected, Gingerstar made the call. Ravenblaze would be taking Flamepaw away from his protection to follow the trail. He knew he couldn’t argue, and Gingerstar took off before he could have even posed an argument. So he just growled in frustration and glanced at Flamepaw. “Be careful,” he told his little sister, and then he took off after Gingerstar to confront Blackstar. Despite usually enjoying the stretch and heat in his muscles while running, the stress of everything didn’t quite let him. He caught up to Gingerstar and kept pace with her. ![]() |
Trash|G3Frail.Mot.El ys.| (#121220) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-22 19:22:59 |
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Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-23 12:58:39 |
⇺ [ Hornetpaw ] ⇻ ![]() |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-24 15:42:51 |
Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|36 Moons Old|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Duskclan territory|Mention(s) Directly: Umbraclaw, Spiderpaw, Patch|Mention(s) Indirectly: Foxpaw, Turtlepaw Flamepaw|Dawnclan|Apprentice|13 Moons Old|Ginger She-Cat|Location: Territory|Mention(s) Directly: Hornetpaw, Lightsong, Gingerstar, Scorchwing, Ravenblaze|Mention(s) Indirectly: Blackstar ![]() Edited on 25/12/18 @ 22:19:49 by ⛄LightQueen🦌HoHoHo🎅 (#59203) |
Katia (#134163)
True King View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-27 01:34:31 |
Umbraclaw|Deputy of Dawnclan|Black Mollie|Location: Camp|Mentions: Foxpaw and Turtlepaw(splash), Owlfeather, Spiderpaw, After Umbraclaw finished filling Turtlepaw on what had been going on with Dawnclaw, the former warrior would respond by suggesting that the serval's presence was ultimately the fault of the twolegs. She also suggested that the twoleg's traps were meant for Storm and it was a theory that had some merit to it. Now as much as she detested kittypets, she was forced to conclude that Turtlepaw's time as a kittypet would be useful when it came to understanding and dealing with them. As such, she would reply with. "Twolegs are strange creatures and it would not surprise me to learn that the issues with this serval is ultimately their fault. If your theory is correct about trap, then getting her out of the territories will be a top priority in order to remove two threats at once." As for what Foxpaw said, she would answer back with. "Be that as it may Foxpaw, a threat is still a threat and thus should not be underestimated. Now while I agree that I much preferring having the two legs on Duskclan territory instead of ours, to say that it is entirely their problem is not completely true. After all, any new traps on their territory still poses a danger to our messenger. That and they could always end up wandering back into our territory again." Further discussion however would have to wait as the group would spot Owlfeather and her group across the lake. Seeing them, Umbraclaw decided that it would be best to speak to the other deputy regarding the twolegs and Storm. As such, the black molly let out a high pitched meow to attract the siamese's attention and after a bit of a wait, would be pleased to see Owlfeather approaching. She in turn would move her group close to the border, but made sure they stayed on their side of it. Once they were reasonable close enough to each other, Umbraclaw would greet the Duskclan deputy with. "Hello Owlfeather, I trust you have noticed our uninvited twoleg "guests". We have been tracking them which lead us here and I am concerned that they may be here to leave more traps. A theory has been raised that these traps may be intended for Storm, which if true will likely mean seeing even more of them in the future as long as she remains in the territories. I was hoping to ask you if you would be willing to share any news of newly discovered traps in your territory if we do the same. After all, we both have messengers and neither of us wants to lose one to a twoleg trap. On top of that, it may be necessary to work together to get this serval off of our territories for the sake of both clans." ![]() |
🌈 Lovers[Corrupted Murk]🌈 (#135106) ![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-27 16:00:23 |
☬ |Springpaw| Duskclan Apprentice| 8 Moons| Female| T-[D]Redeye, Vulturepaw, Frost[ID] Open| Mentor: Wolfstorm | Location: Duskclan Camp |Color Code=#0dbab1|☬ She looked up at her mentor and blackstar, with that she flicked her tail and nodded with annoyance. ” Yes of course, “ she meowed and padded back to camp with the others, when they had got back her paws ached she just wanted to sleep, she was bout to head to the apprentices den till Frost had called her name, ” Yes of course i’all do that, is there anything else you will need other than that, are you ok supplies wise as in cobwebs, and such” she layers down resting for a bit as she waited for a reply, she glanced over at vulterpaw who seemed to be a little joyed that his mentor is back. ” Hey vulterpaw, I’m glad that your mentor is back hopefully you’ll have good spirits now, he’ll be ok as well Frost is a good medicine cat” she purred to him as she looked down again and unsheathed her claws, she bit them to make sure they where nearly perfect and sharp. With a sneeze she got back up on her paws signing, she knew that today would end up being longer that normal. She knew to be a great warrior she must do what she’s told. She wondered if wolf would be ok with the serval though, she had gotton quite scared when it got up on her, fear leaked through her then, but she was thankful she was pulled out of there. She had never been showed such kindness before and that moment had joyed her little heart so finely. ![]() |
Dez (#66551)
Confused View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-12-29 00:22:33 |
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MoeMoe (#65000)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-01 13:03:07 |
![]() Edited on 01/01/19 @ 13:03:34 by MoeMoe (#65000) |
the-grey-ace (#38669)
![]() Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-01 18:39:18 |
((sorry for such a long wait, I just wasn't motivated and then the holidays just swept me away, but im back fr now haha)) Vulturepaw || 10moons || Male || Duskclan apprentice {Mentor - Redeye (missing)} || short dark brown/black tom with yellow eyes || deformed throat/trachea || Location {Duskclan Camp} || Mentions {directly- Hunting patrol, event} {indirectly-} Vulturepaw followed along with the cats to bring Redeye back to camp. He felt a bit awkward having to help get redeye away, as he clearly wanted to stay and help the large serval, but after a bit he seemed to give up his struggle. He felt a twinge in his heart having to leave the larger cat to her own devices, maybe they would help her get her kits, and maybe they ould all join our clan too. ((sorry if its short and weird, I still have some catching up to do. ![]() |
Trash|G3Frail.Mot.El ys.| (#121220) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-03 20:40:45 |
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🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-11 09:58:05 |
Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|36 Moons Old|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Nursery|Mention(s) Directly: Frost, All|Mention(s) Indirectly: Wolfstorm, Dustpelt Flamepaw|Dawnclan|Apprentice|13 Moons Old|Ginger She-Cat|Location: Camp - Apprentice Den|Mention(s) Directly: OPEN|Mention(s) Indirectly: Willowpaw, Foxpaw ![]() Edited on 11/01/19 @ 09:58:35 by ⛄LightQueen🦌HoHoHo🎅 (#59203) |
Razz [Clean Sidereal Svelte] (#18166) Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-11 23:28:22 |
Weaselflight | DuskClan Warrior | 21 Moons | Tom | Camp | Owlfeather ; Frost ![]() |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-12 08:50:26 |
Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|36 Moons Old|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Nursery|Mention(s) Directly: Weasleflight|Mention(s) Indirectly: Frost ![]() |