Posted by | POLAR | Literate Wolf RP (IC) | |||||
![]() daffydil ⋆ (#122151) Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 17:09:11 |
![]() Edited on 10/09/18 @ 16:16:10 by malinoi ⋆ (#122151) |
Kitty (#139161)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-02 21:45:52 |
§ SunChaser § Hunter § Location: Rimes Border / The Nether. § Mention's: open § The feeling of cold pulled through cream-ish fur, leaving the stalking canine to shudder out a quiet breath once more in stillness. Her frozen blue's narrowed upon the soft body of a hare and it's slow movement above the dense snow, her paw's slowly dipping through the white as her body tenses in the passing seconds, only moving her hind legs to prepare for the jump. Wasting time no longer, her paw's left from the cold for a split second, large fangs revealed in the air before snapping down on the fearful scent- the hare's body dove onward, and with no intentions of sulking in hurt thoughts SunChaser was quick to follow after. The hare's advantage in the white wonderland was something noticeable, but it's fear for life lead it to doom as the canine threw herself through the brush it'd turned around- her jaw's cutting off it's path in a flash. SunChaser laid within the snow, the slowly fading warmth of the creature and it's scent flooded her. And for a second she consider the fear it bared, though not for long as the curiosity peaked like an overflow in water- she'd never accounted the faded filling in the cold, only now did she, only now as she realized how close she was to the nether. Standing quickly, the canine edged forward, already spotting the burning grounds through the slim border. The nether was an odd thing, with it's temperature's that weren't killing but would sure leave one worn if enough time was spent upon the grounds. Though Sun wasn't considering the cons of anything, only her ideas of exploring lands beyond her reach, and it's as her paw lightly touches the dry grounds she sparks with a child-ish joy. The blue eyed she-wolf glanced back before she settled upon the cold grounds, her paw poking slightly at the dry grass- the hare's body had been settled after to the side, kept right at her side in case of pesk's. [ oof, that was more then I needed to write XD ] [ all y'all need to know is that she got a hare and is now studying the nether from the rimes border. ] ![]() Edited on 02/09/18 @ 22:13:52 by ❀ 𝙺𝚊𝚝 ❀ (#139161) |
father speghet #pasta4life (#17061) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-03 13:20:30 |
Kilmanjaro Alpha Forger "The Burning Wolf" she/her location: On her way to Forger camp mentions: Open A large heap of black fur shifted, shoulders coated in course fur decorated by crackles of red tensed. Rising to her paws, Kilmanjaro stared out accross the vast landscape. Of which was a blazing desert to many, but to her it was, her home. Soon she stopped staring, realizing whe was rather hungry, it was in order to send out a hunting patrol. As she thought of such she took in the scents around her, possibly a border patrol. She snarled at the thought, a frost heart, in HER desert. Eyes narrowing she padded threw the expanse her strides being large owed to her size. Above her two vultures circled, possibly smelling blood she had neglected to clean on her fur. The sun shone heavily, waves of heat making it seem as if the sky twitched. Kil took it all in as she moved firey eyes dancing between the sights. As she neared the top of a dun she halted, looking towards her camp then towards the nether. She shuddered, a rare sight, her gaze remained stalwhart and fierce soon her body language followed she turned back to the camp. It blended well with the rest of the desert lined with many sandstones and sparcely trees grew. Licking her nose she walked slowly into the camp her steps muffled by the sand shifting between her toes. ![]() |
♓ Keeekeeey ♓ (#64639)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-03 16:55:58 |
§ Loveletter § Healer § Location: Forger camp to The Neather. § Mention's: Kilmanjaro & SunChaser § Lazily, The black wolf opened her eyes, the heat of the day bearing down upon her. The dusty, dry camp the Forgers called home was a warm dusty yellow Letty had only associated with warm food before her time with the pack. She flicked her tail, trying to ward off some flies. They came back within the second she shooed them away, but she was much too tired to move again. Ah how she missed the rains. And the snow! Or just a day where the sun wasn't trying to kill you. Ah the days on my own She thought, smiling as she closed her eyes again. What a time. Scared, frightened and malnourished, yes, but never had she felt like her insides where melting. Grunting, Letty snapped at a fly that landed on her muzzle. It lazily buzzed away, earning a grunt from the healer. Darn fly. Lucky her they died quick. Their lives were meaningless and stupid, unlike her's. Or at least, her's now that the Forgers had accepted her. It was odd though, being the only wolf here without powers. She wondered if - on the weird miracle that she hoped would happen - she had pups if they would have any powers. She mulled on it for a while, studying the landscape, but before long, she spotted her leader, Kilimanjaro. A wave of panic rode through her. Would she be kicked out if Kil decided she wasn't worthy enough for the job of healer? Thinking quickly, the black canine lept to her feet and trotted over to met Kil, smirking at the buzzards following her leader. On the road, they used to be a bad sign. One of impending death and sickness, but here, they seemed to be Kil's personal pets. Somewhere deep inside, she wondered if they still were the messengers of death, but she ignored the aching. Hey ya Kil! Letty greeted, her tail giving a little wag. I was going to head out to the Nether to try and find some herbs, do you want to join me? Without really waiting for a reply - blame it on nerves or the newfound excitement in having something to do - Letty dipped her head in respect for her leader, and padded past her stumbling over sand dunes in a vague direction she hoped would lead to the Nether. The hot sand urged her forward - especially after it burned her pad a few times- and soon she found herself in the Nether. Delighting in the mild temperature - really anything was better than the weather at camp - the Healer began looking for anything of use - be it herb or spiderweb. She looked for a while, not noticing when the ground underpaw became more snowy. ![]() |
Kitty (#139161)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-03 17:26:48 |
§ SunChaser § Hunter § Location: Rimes Border / The Nether. § Mention's: Loveletter § It'd been peaceful, to say the least for the canine- others may have come to boredom soon after touching the odd grounds for some time, though for SunChaser she'd find something neat in anything- that didn't apply much to others though, including the forgers. Seconds past before the odd scent claimed her attention, and not any soon did it come to realization that the scent was hot and dull, sand like with hints of herbs- fire and smoke and anything else those forgers smelled like. The cream furred canine whipped her head around, standing quickly and fetching the kill she'd made to find the one barring the scent. With the hare's dead scent in front of her nose, she'd been a little mislead in the wonderland of white, though her mistake was soon fixed as she spotted the odd black pelt of either an animal, or the scent barring mouse brain who'd crossed borders- the latter was right. SunChaser had dropped the hare, her fur pricked as she dove forward in front of the coal colored wolf, another she-wolf by the scent. "What are doing here?" The word's came bluntly, boldly, and hinted with salt as she snarled them. "Do you have a death wish? Comin out here to get frost bite huh?" While speaking, Sun had edged forward, holding herself high- all in the hopes to push the other back to the nether, because lord knew if there was a dead forger in rimes land. [ ;w; Love why you in snow? That's baddd for forgers ] [ XD anyways Suns just trying to be nice / keep you alive ] ![]() |
father speghet #pasta4life (#17061) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-03 17:44:13 |
Kilmanjaro Alpha Forger "The Burning Wolf" she/her location: Edge of the Nether towards the Snow mentions: Loveletter Grunting, she acknowledged the healer, she had accepted Loveletter solely on her skill of healing. Had she not of had the skills, the non-forger blood she wolf would have had to be killed by Kilmanjaro's terms. Looking up, she was curious at what the healer had been looking at she realized it was the vultures that often followed her. As she looked down she realized the healer already was on her way into the Nether. Shaking her head, she charged after her, stopping for a moment as she entered the Nether. Taking a deep breath she halted, realizing that the she wolf had left the Nether territory. She bared her teeth, biting back a snarl as she howled to Loveletter, " Where are you going? " her eyes were fiery, her front paws burnt, she leaned forward aggressively her tail high in the air, slightly annoyed by the healers recklessness. ![]() |
♓ Keeekeeey ♓ (#64639)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-04 21:18:19 |
§ Loveletter § Healer § Location: The Neathe/Rime territory. § Mention's: Kilmanjaro & SunChaser § Love jumped at her leader's words - had the she-wolf already been behind Letty or was that a new thing? The tone and words came to her a few seconds after the realization that someone was there. To get herbs. Letty smiled, tipping her head. Had she said that already or had she forgotten to tell the leader? Either way, there wasn't anything worth hunting in the nether, nor in the sand dunes - which, now that she was thinking about it, the nether was quite cold? you can lower your tail, nothing is going too- Oh she shouldn't have spoken so soon. A new voice cut Letty's words off at the stems, shoving them back into her mouth. A rimer? Turning quickly, Love found no one. It was rather hard to see who was talking with all this snow. Oh! Snow! That's what it was cold! A smirk spread on the healers face as she licked the ground. Ahh, cold. How she missed it! It was odd though. How the land was so different and extreme...and why the packs that lived in those lands had to be as extreme as the weather. Why couldn't they just live together? Surely the Rimes pack had to get cold, and the Forgers pack often got too hot. Why couldn't they share? Anything to get out of the heat! Letty smiled at the unseen stranger, trying her best to look like she knew where they were. Perhaps if everyone got off on the right foot? Speaking of! I'm Loveletter of the Forgers. This is our esteemed leader, Kilimanjaro Letty jerked her head in the direction of the pack leader as she spoke her name. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking too? //lolol Love has a death wish XD She's also blind too, poor gal ![]() |
Kitty (#139161)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-05 18:45:06 |
§ SunChaser § Hunter § Location: Rimes Border / The Nether. § Mention's: Loveletter, Kilimanjaro § Sun's ear's turned back as she snarled once more, her bob tail wasn't much of a help in her `strong` pose. When the she-wolf had spoken on where the cream colored canine was, the Rimes hunter dropped her position of threatening and moved through the snow easily- considering that they hadn't gone too far from the nether it should've been light, though the Rimes wolf wouldn't know, or care, how deep it was. The bitter she-wolf leaned forward in Loveletters face, just enough so that her breath was an obvious cloud between them. "Listen here Love- and Kilimanjaro- I think it'd be best for you not to get frost bite and head home,,-" Her tone held a firmness to it, but in secret she held the urge not to say please at the end. "You both stand like elk's out here,, just don't have fur like em,,,you'll freeze soon,," She mumbled, looking over both forgers. [ oh no, love you blind soul XD ] ![]() |
father speghet #pasta4life (#17061) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-05 20:55:46 |
Kilmanjaro Alpha Forger "The Burning Wolf" she/her location: Edge of the Nether towards the Snow mentions: Loveletter Sunchaser Growing impatient with her healer, her eyes narrowed. Her face contorted into a furious glare, her pose remained rigid as she held her ground making out the Rime wolf in the snow as she backed up a few paces. Her tail was still held high offensively, her hackles raised slightly out of memory for the frost faces. "We don't need guidance from a frostheart." She uttered the words harshely, a burning hate hidden behind them. For she could have chosen worse words, but appreciated she had not attacked her healer yet. Eyeing the situation from afar, she could hear them but their voices muffled by the snow and wind. She twitched, irritated by the temperature, she turned longing to go back to the desert before remembering she had to get her healer out of there safely. ![]() |
Kitty (#139161)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-06 20:18:59 |
§ SunChaser § Hunter § Location: Rimes Border / The Nether. § Mention's: Loveletter, Kilimanjaro § SunChaser tensed, her body moving stiffly around the healer to meet the leader's burning gaze, her own blue's stared back with no snarl or snarky remark, only a nod of the head. "Understood, you've got ever right to deny anything I say." Sun spoke carefully, letting the cold air drift between them afterwards- though only for a split second before turning in the snow quickly and trotting through it with little to no problem. She pulled the hare's limp, and now cold, body from the ground she'd drop it from, setting it down once more to speak. "Herbs,, you may find some walking along the border." The words were no doubt muffled by snow, but still able to be heard- and maybe the warmth creeping into her voice was too. "I guess enjoy your day then. Oh, If we ever do meet again, the name's SunChaser.'' and as she dipped her head down to pick the hare up, she mumbled out `were not all cold here`- though deliberately she did it so they'd hopefully be unable to hear her words. And just like that, she was gone, trotting away through the snow, hare in jaws and a bubbling feeling appearing in her stomach- oh she'd be heading back to the borders sooner or later. ![]() |
father speghet #pasta4life (#17061) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 18:12:55 |
Kilmanjaro Alpha Forger "The Burning Wolf" she/her location: Edge of the Nether towards the Snow mentions: Loveletter Sunchaser She huffed, her hot breathe creating vapor as it touched the snowy edges of the border. Recoiling she shook her head as bits of snow flew towards her face. Not wanting to admit it, the snow stung her. It fizzed off as she grew even more impatient with the healers recklessness. "Are you satisfied now? You've always been so involved in the going ons in the frostfaces' place." She paused, her maw curling as she showed off large canines " Sometimes I wonder where your loyalty lies. " her words were sharp. The snow made it hard to distinguish, but the frost wolf had seemed to have left. She then waited patiently for her, oh so loyal, healer to return to herside so she could continue the quest of the volcano forsaken herb gathering. Her ears twitched impatiently as her tail fell to a more neutral stance, yet in Kilmanjaros case even in her neutral stance she looked savage and beastly. The burns on her front paws showed that even her skin was black, some guessed that she had not always been a black wolf but that she had been burnt; baptized by fire. Only she knew the truth, if she'd ever share it would be another thing. ![]() |
daffydil ⋆ (#122151)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 10:05:51 |
North Alphess of the Ice Wielders | Mentions Open Piercing, cobalt irises set their icy gaze on the scene portrayed ahead, harbored beyond the fronds of the thick vegetation provided by the nearness of the Nether, the herbage foreign amongst the realm of cold. Alabastrine fur intermingled with the white powder that was in a steady descent from the wintry firmament, and tainted the province in a permanent blanket of frost. Nearly impossible to distinguish aside from the environment- as if the hidden being itself was a part of it. The ashen furred canine had its head dipped, shoulders taut with tension and long tail tucked between the hind legs. A position of defense, prepared to strike when deemed necessary. Her lean body was petite, but it was lined with subtle flat, wiry muscles. Luminous eyes watched the scene unfold, taking heed as the canines of opposing lands retreated. She waited patiently in her concealed spot of observation until she was certain her healer was free of harm and the hot-headed mutts were far away from her territory, before retiring herself back into the dark abyss of the glacial forest. Despite her awkwardly tall legs, the leader moved gracefully as she trekked through the soft snow. Her fur ruffled softly as a breeze accompanied the falling drops of ice, invading her lands. The flakes clung to her same colored pelt and gradually melted, wetness pooling and nipping mercilessly at the skin beneath. But she welcomed the chill; invited it into her being, even. The cold would never bother her in the slightest- it was a part of her, a familiar feeling that comforted her. Her lithe frame reached the peak of high ground, taking her seat at the wonted crest and overlooking the activity that took place beneath. Her dark, frosty eyes advanced onwards, aware of the bypassers that were nearly invisible if one did not know where to look. The fur of the canines mirrored the vicinity of white, but she deftly observed their movements from a distance as they executed their duties within the lair encampment, calm and at peace in her quiet solitude. ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 10:52:23 |
Freya: 30 moons: guardian: Nether: mentions: Kiminjaro, Sunchaser, Loveletter The cold. That’s all Freya cold think. Normally, she wouldn’t care, but today felt especially cold and unforgiving and the Rime’s border. Her gaze fell intensely across the border, and she snorted. She turned her gaze towards Kiminjaro, Loveletter and Sunchaser. For some reason, EVERYONE was at the border today. Freya huffed. “What exactly are we doing here?” She snapped grumpily to Kiminjaro. She knew she would probably get yelled at for her normal personality, but she didn’t really care. She wanted to get back to the forge. Out of the cold. Really badly. (Kinda short- on my phone rn, will post a longer one later) ![]() |
Dez (#66551)
Confused View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-13 20:16:22 |
Sivrica | Male | Forgers Healer | 4 years old | Mentions: Open Siv had been lounging on one of the large, flat obsidian slabs near camp, soaking up the sun and enjoying the warmth on his back. He truly was a Forger through and through, right at home within the heat and ash of their homeland. He stretched out as the wind chose to carry some angry-sounding voices to his ears... Seems like his alpha had run across some Rime members in the Nether. Contrary to popular opinion within the pack, he didn't hate the Rimes, he just didn't understand how they could be so dumb! To prefer the biting ice and bitter cold over the warmth and passion of the sun and its fire, he wouldn't ever comprehend it, and he generally just steered clear of their lands. Still, the Nether was a place of good hunting and even better herb-finding. Eventually he'd need to go to gather up some of the nettles that grew closer to the Rime's land, but for the time being he wanted to steer clear of Kila... she seemed to be in quite a mood, and he knew better than to antagonize her. He jumped off his basking spot and shook out his fur, looking around. Most of the pack seemed to be away, either hunting or antagonizing eachother at the borders, so he figured that he'd need to find something to keep himself busy. Maybe he could go gather some cactus flowers for his stores before they withered off from the heat. They'd always been fantastic for treating infections and inflammation. ![]() |
Windsparkle (#16196)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-14 16:24:32 |
Kaeva The sun was harsh and blinding against the white snow that covered the forest along the Rimes territory. A white figure stood among the spotted greenery. Kaeva stood in the nether which had patches of plant life here and there. Still better than what we’ve got The Arctic wasn’t exactly the best environment for herbs to be growing. Still it felt uncomfortably hot. From what she had heard their hellhole got even hotter once a wolf crossed the nether. What wolf would live in that desert hell? The warmness of the sun pricked her fur as she hurried about to spot any available herbs. Hope I don’t encounter any of those Forgers here.. She wouldn’t be able to do much if she did come across them. After all her powers, she decided, were strictly for healing, no matter how dire the straits were. Not only that the if she approached too close to the Forgers territory she’d be outnumbered. ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-14 17:09:57 |
Freya: 30 moons: guardian: Nether: mentions: Kiminjaro, Kaeva The burly canine’s ears perked. what was that? She thought anxiously. Freya’s black tail scraped the ground as she sniffed the ground for scents. “I’ll be back late...” she muttered to Kiminjato. Her deep colored paws left faint marks on the earth as she continued following the sound. A familiar smell filled her nostrils. Rime! Freya carefully strode foward. A large bush- uncommon in these parts- meet her, secluding the clearing. The smell of the Rime’s Scent was overwhelming, so Freya decided she was close to the border. The muscular wolf would be ignoring all of her morals if she stepped into the clearing. but what if it’s a patrol? It could be trouble... argh Spirits! (?) Freya stepped into the clearing and saw a snowy white wolf picking at plants. “What are you doing here?” ![]() |